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We the former students of Accra Academy sharing a common bond through secondary education
and aware that in unity we shall be in a better position to assist one another and contribute to
growth, development and progress of the School in various ways, do hereby agree to form
ourselves into an Association.


1.1 The Association shall be called “ACCRA ACADEMY OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION”.
The abbreviation of the name shall be “AAOBA” and Old Boys may be referred to as


2.1 The main objective for the formation of “ACCRA ACADEMY OLD BOYS’
ASSOCIATION” is to provide a forum to bring all old students of Accra Academy
together to fraternize as one family while seeking ways to develop the school to maintain
its status as one of the best senior high schools in Ghana;

2.2 To serve as a social and professional network forum for all old students of the school;

2.3 To facilitate the organization of Year Groups and Chapters around the world, and to
promote the welfare of members;

2.4 To organize lectures, symposia, picnics, and other activities aimed at building a
strong bond and educating members; and

2.5 To promote and maintain an active link with Accra Academy.


3.1 The Association shall be composed of past students and such Year Groups and Chapters
as shall be formed.

3.2 The Association shall have its headquarters in Accra.


4.1 An induction ceremony shall be conducted annually by the Executive Council in the last
term of the final academic year for final year students who have completed their
respective courses and are about to pass out of the school.
4.2 All old students/Year Groups shall register with the Secretariat.
4.3 Any person who spent at least one academic year at the Accra Academy as a student shall
be deemed as an Old Boy.
4.4 A member shall be known as Bleoobi.
4.5 A Bleoobi shall on completion of the relevant formalities be inducted into the
4.6 A member is first and foremost a member in his/her individual capacity through his/her
Year Group.
4.7 It is acknowledged that membership is therefore on an individual basis, and as such, each
has individual rights and responsibilities as a member of the Association.
4.8 Each member shall therefore relate to the Association as an individual but through his/her
Year Group.
4.9 Membership of Accra Academy Old Boys’ Association shall consist of all Affiliated
Year Groups and Chapters.
4.10 The Association may confer Honorary membership on persons and these shall be
approved by the Executive Council on the recommendations of the Executive Committee.


5.1 The Executive Council shall have the power to apportion levies, dues and other
contributions from members and Year Groups to finance the activities of the Association.
PROVIDED HOWEVER that Year Groups that attain FORTY YEARS after

graduation from the School shall be exempted from the payment of all
mandatory levies imposed by the Association except for voluntary contributions.

5.2 The Executive Committee in proposing levies and other payments for the
consideration and approval of the Executive Council shall take into consideration
the peculiar situations of pensioneers, retirees, and young workers and provide a
flexible levying scheme that accommodates all.

5.3 The Council shall establish and maintain a fund under its management and control into
which shall be paid all moneys received by the Council by way of grants-in-aid, fees,
subscriptions and contributions from every source and out of which shall be met all
expenses and liabilities incurred by the Council in carrying out its functions;

5.4 The Council shall cause roper books of account to be kept and prepare an income and
expenditure account, balance sheet and statement of cash flow to cover the period from
1st January to 31st December each year;

5.5 A bank account shall be opened by the Executive Council at a bank duly registered in
the Republic of Ghana and a branch decided upon by the Executive Council, and all
monies accruing to the Association shall be paid into the Account(s).
5.6 The Executive Committee shall be the trustees to the Account(s) and signatories to the
Accounts shall be in two categories: Category A – President and Vice-President;
Category B – General Secretary and Treasurer. Cheques will have to be signed by a
trustee from Category A, and a trustee from Category B.
5.7 The Executive Committee shall seek approval from the Executive Council for the
opening of any additional accounts as and when necessary.
5.8 The Executive Committee shall invest the finances in any venture recommended to and
approved by the Executive Council.



6.1 All Members/Affiliated Year Groups shall have the right to full participation in the
decision making process of the AAOBA and to all information needed for the exercise of
that right.
6.2 All members/Affiliated Year Groups shall be free to express themselves in respect of the
activities of the Association and active discussion of the Association’s affairs shall be
encouraged and protected within AAOBA.
6.3 All Members /Affiliated Year Groups may request the assistance of AAOBA in the
settlement of disputes, implementation of school projects and any matter in which the
assistance of AAOBA may be required.
6.4 All Members/ Affiliated Year Groups shall have the right to fair and democratic elections
at all levels of AAOBA and as provided for in the constitution.
6.5 All Members/Affiliated Year Groups shall have equal rights to nominate candidates for
elections as officers subject to the provision of this constitution.
6.6 All Members/Affiliated Year Groups shall have the right to full and clear accounting of
AAOBA funds.
6.7 All members shall accept the authority of the Association and its governing bodies and
implement the decisions of AAOBA and its governing bodies.
6.8 All members shall accept the authority of AAOBA in settling disputes


The Governing structure of AAOBA shall be made up of the following bodies:
7.1 Congress
7.2 The Executive Council
7.3 The Executive Committee
7.4 Year Groups
7.5 Chapters
7.6 The Secretariat


8.1 Authority of Congress

Congress shall be the highest decision making body of the association and shall be
held once every two years.

8.2 Business of the Congress

The business of the Congress shall be as follows:

a) To receive the report of the Executive Council on the activities of the Association during
the preceding two-year period;
b) Receive the audited accounts;
c) Proposals for the amendment of the constitution;
d) Elect officers for the ensuing period i.e. President; Vice President; General Secretary;
Assistant General Secretary; Treasurer and the Organizing Secretary.
e) Policies and resolutions submitted by Executive Council;
f) Confirm/appoint auditors.
g) Any other business.
8.3 Extra - Ordinary General Meeting

a) An Extraordinary General Meeting can be convened at the request of two-thirds

(2/3) of paid-up year groups of the Association.

b) A requisition for an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be made in writing to

the Executive Council, stating the nature of business to be discussed.

c) The Requisitionists shall provide sufficient reasons for the meeting and submit to
the Executive Council the proposed Agenda for the meeting.
8.4 Delegates to Congress

Delegates to Congress shall consist of

a) Five (5) representatives each from paid-up Year Groups.

b) Two (2) representatives from each of the registered Chapters;
c) The members of the Executive Committee.
d) Observers.

8.5 Voting at the Congress
a) All accredited delegates as indicated shall have the right to vote at the Congress.

b) A member present at a Congress shall have one vote and shall be by show of hands or
secret ballot as the case may be.

8.6 Electoral Committee

There will be a 3-member Electoral Committee appointed by the Executive Council for the
purposes of conducting elections at the Congress.

1. Elections
a. All officers of the Association unless otherwise provided for by this constitution,
shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting convened for that purpose.
b. There shall be an Electoral Committee appointed by the Executive Council.
c. The Electoral Committee shall:
i. Receive nominations duly signed by a Year Group nominating the
candidate and another Year Group seconding the nomination.
ii. Examine and ensure that none of the nomination so submitted was altered
or tampered with.
iii. Report on all the nominations whether properly filed or not in accordance
with the constitution to the Annual General meeting.
iv. Collate and publish the nominations of candidates for election one (1)
month prior to the Annual General Meeting where the elections shall be
v. Decide on all matters of security which are relevant to the proper and
orderly conduct of the elections.
vi. Make appropriate recommendations to the General Meeting.

d. Voting shall be by secret ballot.

8.7 Quorum at the Congress

The quorum for Congress shall be formed by at least 20 accredited delegates present on
condition that adequate notice is given for the convening of the said meeting.


9.1 Authority

The Executive Council shall be the second highest decision making body of the Association.

9.2 Meetings of the Executive Council

a) Meetings shall be convened for the purposes of conducting the affairs of the
Association in between meetings of the Congress.
b) It shall meet once every quarter to discuss issues referred to it by the Congress,
submitted to it by the Year Groups or the Executive committee.
c) The Executive Council shall elect from among its members persons to
occupy the positions of Chairman and Secretary respectively
d) It is hereby provided that no person who is a member of the Executive
Committee shall be qualified to be elected to the position of Chairman or
Secretary of the Executive Council.

e) Any matter that is reserved for the attention or action of the Executive
Council under this Constitution shall be submitted to the Chairman of the
Executive Council.

9.3 Composition of the Executive Council

The group shall have an Executive Council and whose membership shall be as follows:

a) Members of the Executive Committee.

b) Presidents, secretaries and treasurers of the respective year groups and
chapters or their duly appointed representatives.

c) Head of the Secretariat shall be an ex officio member.

9.4 Meetings
a) The Executive Council shall meet at least once every three months.
b) The last meeting shall be an Annual General Meeting.


The Executive Council shall undertake the following:

a) Consider reports received from the Executive Committee

b) Review developments in the relations between the affiliated Year Groups and refer
unresolved disputes among the affiliated Year Groups to Congress.
c) Confirm the appointment of the Head of Secretariat on the recommendations of the
Executive Committee.
d) Consider annual audited Financial Reports of AAOBA
e) Adopt annual plans and programmes that will facilitate the work of AAOBA
f) Take any action consistent with the aims and objects of AAOBA
g) The Council shall maintain and publish the Register of the members of AAOBA;
h) Promote and organize social functions and educational programmes for members of
i) Perform any other function that will secure the well-being and advancement of the
School and members and the object of AAOBA.
j) Decisions of Council are binding on all members of the AAOBA.
k) Approve budgetary proposals of AAOBA
l) Appoint any of its members or Committees or any other Committee of AAOBA to
enter into any transactions to execute contracts in the name of AAOBA.
m) Convene Congress whenever necessary.
n) Consider report on activities of AAOBA for consideration by the Congress.
o) Encourage and promote the establishment of Regional Associations.
p) Appoint ad hoc Council to deal with particular issues as and when they arise.
q) Appoint trustees to manage the Bleoo Legacy Fund Initiative (BLFI).
r) Appoint representatives of AAOBA unto the Governing Board of the School
s) Establish Ethics, Finance, and Legal committees, as well as other committees
t) Establish Specialized Departments to assist the Head of Secretariat in the performance
of his/her duties.

u) Confirm the appointment of the Head of Secretariat on the recommendations of the
Executive Committee.
v) Consider annual audited Financial Reports of AAOBA
w) Adopt annual plans and programmes that will facilitate the work of AAOBA

9.6 Appointment to the Governing Board

a) The Executive Council shall appoint from amongst its members persons with
the requisite integrity, experience, and qualification to represent AAOBA on the
Governing Board of the School.
b) The President of AAOBA and any other Bleoobi approved by the Executive
Council shall be the representatives of AAOBA on the Governing Board of the
c) Where the term of the President of AAOBA expires at a time that his tenor on
the Governing Board has not lapsed, the Association shall notify the Governing
Board and submit the name of the president-elect who shall take his seat upon
his induction. Provided however, that the incumbent president shall only
vacate his seat on the Governing Board upon the induction of the new
9.7 Voting rights

Only elected members of the Executive Council shall have voting rights


10.1 Composition:
The executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers of AAOBA namely:
a) The President
b) The Vice- President
c) The General Secretary
d) The Deputy General Secretary
e) Treasurer
f) Organizing Secretary
10.2 Eligibility
Any member of a paid-up Year Group who is endorsed by the executives of the Year Group will
be eligible to context any executive committee position.

10.3 Duties of Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall meet once every month and shall have the following duties:
a) Put together programmes for the implementation of decisions of the Executive Council.
b) Consider reports from the General Secretary
c) Generally, assess and review the day-to-day administration of AAOBA
d) Provided herein that Every communication by the Executive Committee to
members, or on any matter that concerns the Association should be by the
Association’s official means of communication, official letterheads and official
electronic mail addresses.
10.4 Voting Rights
All members of the Executive Committee shall have voting rights at its meetings.
10.5 Term of Office
a) The officers of the AAOBA shall be elected at a session of the Congress and shall serve a
term of two (2) years unless otherwise provided for in this Constitution and shall be
eligible for re-election.
b) The officers of AAOBA shall not be eligible to hold offices for more than two terms in
the same position.


a) AAOBA shall foster the formation of strong Year Groups and Chapters;
b) The Year Groups shall be determined according to the year in which a particular
group of students completed the school.
c) In the case of students under the old school programme, it shall be determined
by the year in which the group completed the General Certificate Examinations,
Ordinary Level (‘O’ Level)
d) For students under the current school programme, it shall be determined by the
year in which group completed the Senior High School
e) A group of not less than 15 Members who propose to constitute themselves into a Year
Group as set out in the constitution shall write to notify the Executive Council for

submission to the Congress who shall consider and approve on the recommendation of
the Executive Council.
f) The Chapters shall be made up of old students residing in a particular Region who wish to
come together to foster the aims of the association under that umbrella;
g) Regional Branches and Year Groups shall have the same status;
h) Year Groups may exist within AAOBA and any of its Branches
i) No member shall belong to more than one Year Group.
j) Each Branch, Chapter and Year Group may, subject to the approval of the Council, make
and adopt rules of its activities not inconsistent with the constitution of the association.
k) Each Regional Branch or Year Group shall submit annual reports, including financial
statements to the Council.

a) There shall be a National Secretariat for AAOBA referred to as the “Secretariat”.

b) The Secretariat shall be located at the school.
c) The Secretariat is the registered and administrative office of AAOBA.
d) The Secretariat shall maintain a roll of all categories of members and their addresses
e) The Council may appoint an Executive Secretary and any other officers and employees as
it may consider necessary to manage the Secretariat and programmes of the AAOBA.
13.1 The President

a) The President of AAOBA shall perform the following duties:

b) Preside over meetings of all governing bodies of the AAOBA
c) Ensure observance of the Constitution and decisions of the governing bodies of AAOBA.
d) In conjunction with other authorized persons sign all cheques and other documents on
behalf of AAOBA
e) Act as the official representative of the AAOBA where required.
f) Serve as ex-officio member of the Finance Committee of AAOBA
g) Perform any other duties that may be assigned to him by the Executive Council or the

13.2 The Vice President
a) The Vice President of AAOBA shall perform the following duties:
b) Assist the President in the performance of all duties.
c) Perform the duties of the President whenever the President is absent.
d) In conjunction with other authorized persons sign all cheques and other documents on
behalf of AAOBA.
e) Perform any other duties that may be assigned him from time to time.

13.3 The General Secretary

a) The General Secretary shall perform the following duties:
b) Act as the overall supervisor of the Secretariat of AAOBA
c) Manage the staff of AAOBA secretariat
d) Act as advisor to all the affiliated Year Groups
e) Sign cheques and documents of the AAOBA in conjunction with other authorized
f) He shall be responsible for handling all correspondence of AAOBA
g) He shall be responsible for the taking of minutes of the Home Comings and executive
meetings of AAOBA
h) In consultation with the President, he shall convene meetings of the Executive Committee
and any other meeting as may be directed by the President.
i) He shall execute the decisions and mandate of AAOBA
j) He shall assist the President to prepare a report of the Association to be presented at the
Annual Congress of AAOBA annually
k) He shall maintain an accurate record and copy of relevant completed records of each
Year Group.
l) He shall be one of the three (3) signatories to the bank accounts of AAOBA.
m) He shall act as rapporteur at all sessions of the Congress.

13.4 The Deputy General Secretary

a) He shall assist the Secretary in the execution of his duties
b) He shall perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Executive Committee.

c) In the absence of the Secretary, he shall perform the duties of the Secretary.

13.5 The Treasurer

a) He shall be responsible for the keeping of financial records and other assets belonging to
b) He shall be responsible for preparing, overseeing and maintaining the operating budget of
c) He shall be responsible for the physical collection of monies for the association and keep
an imprest to be agreed upon by the Executive Council.
d) He shall issue receipts to cover monies collected and deposit the funds at the Bank.
e) Shall effect all financial transactions on behalf of AAOBA as directed by the executive
f) He shall keep bookkeeping records of all expenditures and deposits
g) He shall present comprehensive monthly, quarterly, semi-annual financial reports to the
Executive committee and the Congress.
h) He shall render such reports to the Executive Council at any meeting as may be required
of him.
i) At the end of the year he will present the annual accounts.
13.6 Organizing Secretary
He shall ensure the proper execution of all activities of the group
A member of the executive committee shall be removed from office if he/she found in
accordance with the provisions of this article;
14.1 To have acted in
a) willful violation of his oath of office
b) willful violation of any other provisions of this Constitution
14.2 To have conducted himself in a manner which brings or is likely to bring his office into
disrepute, ridicule or contempt.
14.3 To be incapable of performing the functions of his office by reason of infirmity of body
or mind.
14.4 For the purposes of the removal from office of an executive member,

a) A notice in writing signed by not less than one-third of all the members of the Executive
Council, and stating that the conduct or the physical or mental capacity of the executive
member be investigated on any of the grounds specified in 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3.
b) On receipt of the notice, the President or any executive member who is not the subject
matter of the investigation shall place the notice before a plenary session of the executive
council within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice.
c) The executive council shall constitute a 5-member committee of the Council to
investigate the allegations and submit its recommendation to the Executive Council who
shall make a decision at a meeting of the Executive Council.
d) The executive member so affected by the decision of the Council may appeal to Congress
whose decision shall be final.
The Executive Committee shall formulate for the consideration and approval of the
Executive Council a comprehensive Media Platform Policy to guide the behaviour of
members on social media platforms.


a) The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting once in every year.
b) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the first quarter of every year to
consider reports of operational activities, the audited accounts of the past year, as
well as the programme of activities for the year in which the Annual General
Meeting was held.
c) The Annual General Meeting shall be open to all Bleoobii and shall be a forum
for information, discussion and approval of the items discussed at the Annual
General Meeting.
a) There shall be established under this Constitution an Audit Committee to be
composed of such Bleoobii with the requisite qualification, skill and experience.
b) There shall be established under this Constitution an Audit Committee to be
composed of such Bleoobii with the requisite qualification, skill and experience.
c) The Executive Committee shall put together a committee of three (3) Bleoobii,
who are Chartered Accountants of repute and appreciable experience to serve as
the Audit Committee of the Association.

d) The Audit Committee shall be responsible for auditing the Financial Statements
of the Association and presenting its report to the Association at the appropriate
e) Members of the Audit Committee shall serve for a term of three (3) years after
which they shall retire.
f) A person who serves as a member of the Audit Committee shall not be qualified
for appointment after retirement until after a period of three (3) years have
g) The Executive Committee with the approval of the Executive Council reserves
the right to fill any vacancy that may occur on the Audit Committee.
a) There shall be appointed by the Executive Committee a lawyer with appreciable
experience as Honorary Legal Adviser.
b) The Honorary Legal Adviser shall serve as the Adviser to the Association on all
matters of a legal nature.
c) The Executive Committee shall work closely with the Honorary Legal Adviser
and shall take guidance on the interpretation and implementation of the
Constitution as well as activities of the Association.
d) The Honorary Legal Adviser when appointed shall serve for a period of three (3)
years and shall be eligible for appointment for a further term of three (3) years
after expiration of the initial term.
e) The Executive Committee shall not more than three months after the role of
Honorary Legal Adviser becomes vacant, appoint a replacement with the
approval of the Executive Council.
f) The Executive Council may by a majority vote, and on justifiable basis remove an
Honorary Legal Adviser from his role upon the petition of the Executive
It is hereby provided that where in any particular year, a Year Group is tasked with the
responsibility of organising the School’s speech and prize-giving day, that Year Group
shall be exempted from paying their levy for that particular year.
The Association shall extend basic protocol arrangements at the funeral of deceased
members which shall consist of an official representation at the funeral, draping of the
casket with the Association’s flag during the funeral ceremony, and a tribute from the
Year Group of the deceased.

a) Any provision of this Constitution may be amended or repealed if such an amendment or
repeal is provided for in the Agenda of the Congress circulated to all the affiliated Year
Groups together with the notice convening the Congress and provided that two-thirds
(2/3) of members present and entitled to vote accept the amendment or repeal.
b) Any proposals for amendment or repeal of any Article of this Constitution shall be made
only by the Affiliated Year Groups.
Every Officer of AAOBA upon taking office shall solemnly pledge and swear to live up to the
aims and aspirations of the Association and never under any circumstance divulge any official
secrets of the Association to non-members, betray a colleague, become disloyal to the
Association or use the influence of the Association for a selfish or personal interest and for
23.1 The AAOBA may be dissolved only when all the affiliated Year Groups by resolution at a
Congress specifically convened for the purpose of the dissolution of the AAOB adopt such
23.2 All assets of the Association shall revert to the school on the dissolution of the Association.


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