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Augmented reality in dermatology: Are

we ready for AR?
Priyank Sharma, MD, Ruth Ann Vleugels, MD, MPH, and Vinod E. Nambudiri, MD, MBA
Boston, Massachusetts

Augmented reality (AR) refers to a group of technologies that capture, analyze, and superimpose digital
information onto the real world. This information gives health care providers unique and useful
perspectives that can enhance patient care. AR has been utilized in selected scenarios in health care for
several decades, notably laparoscopic surgery and vein finding. In recent years, improved wireless
technologies, computing power, and analytics are leading to rapid growth in the AR industry. Novel health
careespecific use cases are rapidly being introduced with the potential to widely affect clinical care,
particularly in dermatology because of the visual nature of the field. In this article, we define AR, profile
clinical and educational uses of AR in dermatology, and discuss key policy considerations for the safe and
appropriate use of this emerging technology. ( J Am Acad Dermatol 2019;81:1216-22.)

Key words: augmented reality; dermatology; digital imaging; health policy; innovation; lesion measure-
ment; lesion tracking; patient education; technology; virtual reality.

A ugmented reality (AR) represents an discuss key policy considerations to ensure safe
emerging technology that integrates digital and reliable use of this powerful advancement for
information into real-world experiences, our field.
differing from virtual reality, where the real world is
entirely replaced by a digital representation.1 AR A BRIEF HISTORY OF AR TECHNOLOGY
became widely discussed in mainstream media in AR is broadly defined as ‘‘a live direct or indirect
2016, when the global mobile game Pok emon Go view of a real-world environment augmented by
gathered almost 45 million users within months of its computer-generated sensory input.’’6 The first AR
release and continues to expand with uses in the fast- system was created in 1968 as a head-mounted
growing social media networks Snapchat and display and was only able to superimpose simple
Instagram.2-4 wireframe drawings onto real-time video images.7
In clinical medicine, AR is most frequently used to Since that time, the technology has rapidly evolved
overlay digital information or representations onto as a result of improved data processing, increased
existing visual platforms, such as headsets or data transfer speeds, the ubiquity of camera-enabled
Smartphone screens, although auditory, haptic, and Smartphones, and growing software developer
other sensations can also be enhanced.5 interest.7
Dermatology is poised to be one of the first fields AR was first described clinically in 1995 by
broadly affected by AR because of the visual nature surgeons who visualized patient anatomy in real
of the field, the visual focus of AR, the myriad visual time during tumor resections by attaching trackers to
manifestations of skin disease, and the multitude of surgical instruments and a headset worn during the
AR uses in procedural and cosmetic domains. procedure.8 In 2013, the concept of AR in clinical
This article aims to provide an overview of AR care was popularized by Google Glass (Google Inc,
technology, showcase current and near-term AR- Mountain View, CA), an optical head-mounted
enabled tools pertinent to dermatologists, and display designed in the shape of eyeglasses, giving

From the Department of Dermatology, Brigham and Women’s Correspondence to: Vinod E. Nambudiri, MD, MBA, Department of
Hospital, Boston. Dermatology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 221 Longwood
Funding sources: None. Ave, Boston, MA 02115. E-mail:
Conflicts of interest: None disclosed. Published online July 12, 2019.
Accepted for publication July 2, 2019. 0190-9622/$36.00
Reprints not available from the authors. Ó 2019 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.

J AM ACAD DERMATOL Sharma, Vleugels, and Nambudiri 1217

rise to multiple studies exploring clinical utility.9-11 be applied in the near term, and future areas where
More recently, the AccuVein near-infrared vein AR could potentially benefit dermatology.
finder was launched, showcasing a nonheadset use
of AR, and clinical education uses are being dis- Procedure planning and real-time assistance
cussed in medical literature.9,12 Over time, the term In procedural planning, AR is typically used to
AR has been increasingly referenced in the medical create 3-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of anat-
literature (Fig 1), signifying the increasing influence omy from existing medical images, helping to
ofdand interest indAR in optimize surgical ap-
clinical medicine. proaches and to virtually
CAPSULE SUMMARY explore target areas, particu-
larly for complex proced-
Augmented reality technologies ures.25,26 In 2017, the first
TO DERMATOLOGY integrate digital information into real total-face transplantation
The global health care AR
world experiences. This article identifies was successfully performed
market size is expected to
applications of augmented reality utilizing AR. Before the oper-
quadruple from 2020 to
technologies in dermatology. ation, the patient and donor
2025,13 and given the visual
Augmented reality has multifaceted computed tomography scans
focus of most health d

potential to effect dermatologists’ were transformed into 3D

careerelated AR uses, der-
abilities to deliver care by enhancing digital anatomic models to
matologists are likely to see
visual diagnosis and aiding in procedural assist with surgical approach
more AR use cases, posing
planning. However, dermatologists planning.27 During the pro-
both opportunities and chal-
should recognize that policy questions cedure, these digital models
lenges. While AR has the po-
remain about new technology adoption. were superimposed into a
tential to enhance
headset used by the surgeons
dermatologists’ abilities to di-
to provide real-time visuali-
agnose and manage cuta-
zation of subsurface anat-
neous disease, incorrect use
omy, thus delivering surgical guidance.27
or overzealous early adoption could ultimately hind-
In dermatology, AR’s use for preprocedure plan-
er clinical care. Furthermore, application of medical
ning has been described in the literature for Mohs
technologies that can distort reality might have the
surgery with the Google Glass technology.28 Google
potential to exacerbate mental health conditions
Glass has not become widespread,29 but other head-
with cutaneous implications, such as body dysmor-
mounted AR devices, such as EchoPixel (EchoPixel,
phic disorder and Munchausen syndrome.14
Santa Clara, CA), are emerging for the same
Accordingly, as AR becomes more widespread in
uses.19 Generally, augmented preprocedure plan-
clinical and nonclinical settings, it will be important
ning in dermatology is useful for clinical scenarios
for dermatologists to be familiar with the technol-
requiring resections in cosmetically sensitive areas,
ogy’s strengths and weaknesses to ensure its appro-
such as the face. As AR technology advances and
priate use and to manage patient questions and
further incorporates haptic feedback, dermatologic
concerns. Additionally, it is broadly important for
surgeons and trainees could practice procedures
dermatologists to understand new technologies, to
before actual operations, exploring multiple resec-
appreciate where they are appropriate to be used in
tion and closure scenarios for an individual lesion
clinical care, and to engage in the societal narrative
and further enhancing the preprocedure planning
around the implications of these advances on
dermatology, as has recently been discussed in the
There are 2 general methods by which AR en-
use of artificial intelligence in dermatology.15,16
hances real-time procedures. The first is by digitally
projecting useful data in the user’s field of view,
CURRENT AND NEAR-TERM USES OF AR IN typically using a head-mounted device. One example
DERMATOLOGY of this is a surgeon wearing HoloLens goggles
AR is currently being deployed across a spectrum (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA) during a
of clinical scenarios within dermatology. These uses procedure that enables him or her to see patient vital
can be broadly categorized into procedure planning signs without turning away from the operating field.20
and real-time assistance, lesion measurement and The second method involves AR providing novel
tracking, and clinical and patient education (Table information to assist in procedures. A widely used
I).17-24 The following section discusses the current example is laparoscopy, where a camera attached to a
state of these use cases, where the technology might scope enables the surgeon to visualize and navigate a
1218 Sharma, Vleugels, and Nambudiri J AM ACAD DERMATOL

Abbreviations used:
3D: 3-dimensional
AR: augmented reality
FDA: Food and Drug Administration

patient’s internal structures. Recent advances in

computational power and mobile technologies have
resulted in other visualizations that were previously
impossible. For example, during a face transplanta-
tion performed in 2017, surgeons used the Microsoft
HoloLens device to create holographic 3D projections
of the patient’s anatomy, enabling visualization of
blood vessels deep in the skull and guiding the next
steps of the procedure.27 In these cases, information
that would otherwise be unavailable to the user is
now readily accessible. Fig 1. Number of new articles indexed on PubMed with
AR’s greatest impact on dermatology may be on ‘‘augmented reality’’ per year.
real-time bedside procedures, such as vein finding,
ultrasound, and endoscopy, performed in settings clinical decision-making and outcomes by creating
more similar to a dermatologists’ practice, where accurate, quantifiable records of lesion progression
there are fewer resources than there are in formal over time. These efforts could be further enhanced by
operating rooms.1,31 AR can also assist nonspecialist using other emerging technologies, such as block-
providers with procedures typically performed by chain, which could make image sharing easier and
dermatologists, thereby improving access to care more secure by creating a shared, interoperable
and presenting an opportunity for additional database with computational algorithms to ensure
dermatologist-led education. permanent and chronologic record keeping with
cryptographically secure access to images.33
Lesion measurement and tracking AR can give dermatologists more confidence in
Measuring the size and progression of skin lesions measurements made by patients, other providers,
has multiple implications within dermatology, and staff, providing more substance for discussion of
including determining diagnoses, identifying treat- diagnoses and treatments and enabling dermatolo-
ments, counseling patients on prognosis, and accu- gists to more confidently delegate this important
rately billing encounters.32 Dermatologists report task. A rich, standardized AR-driven data set would
that they typically perform lesion measurements facilitate the performance of clinical research that
themselves rather than delegating this task to staff, was previously impossible, furthering dermatolo-
suggesting the importance of accurately and pre- gists’ knowledge of skin disease.
cisely performing these measurements.32 Near-term advances in lesion tracking could pro-
Lesion measurement and tracking programs were vide novel clinical information and enable new
among the first uses of AR in dermatology and can be therapeutic possibilities. Studies using parents’ mo-
intended for patient or clinician use. These programs bile photos of infantile hemangiomas to identify the
range from freestanding mobile applications (eg, highest velocities of lesion progression demonstrate a
LesionMeter)17 providing lesion measurement stan- sophisticated example of lesion tracking with thera-
dardization in real time with a reference object, such peutic implications that could be greatly facilitated by
as a credit card, to web-based platforms fully auto- the use of AR technologies.34 Accurate 3D lesion
mating lesion identification and highlighting poten- measurement, compared with current 2-dimensional
tially suspicious areas for in-depth examination (eg, measurements, and incorporation of additional sen-
DermEngine).18 Initially, such applications used AR to sors, such as infrared or ultrasound, into measure-
measure lesions after an image was recorded, but ments are currently in development and hold further
real-time digital measurements are now available as a clinical potential.35 In plastic surgery, AR devices like
result of enhanced data processing. the Vectra 3D system are being used for accurate 3D
AR lesion tracking has the potential to substantially tissue volume assessment, tracking outcomes of
alter dermatology by standardizing how cutaneous lymphedema treatments, and facial
lesions are measured. Standardization can improve reconstruction.36,37
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Sharma, Vleugels, and Nambudiri 1219

Table I. Categories and examples of AR

AR use category Category description Software example and target user Reference
Lesion measurement Programs digitally measure Lesion Meter, a Smartphone Lesion Meter17
the size and other qualities application to measure skin
of lesions and may include lesions over time. Target
clinical decision support. users: patients
Lesion tracking Programs measure the size DermEngine’s full body DermEngine18
and other qualities of imaging feature, a mobile
lesions and may include or web-based image
clinical decision support. recognition program for
identifying and tracking
clinically relevant lesions.
Target users:
Procedure planning Programs enhance surgical EchoPixel, a medical EchoPixel19
planning by creating rich visualization software
3D representations of company undergoing
patient anatomy. clinical trials for procedural
planning software use.
Target users: physicians
Real-time procedure Programs 1) superimpose Microsoft HoloLens, a headset Microsoft Hololens20
assistance digital information onto a display that superimposes
patient through a headset digital information onto the
or other devices or 2) create users field of view, has
digital information displays been demonstrated to
with more robust accomplish both real-time
information than standard procedure assistance tasks.
monitors. Target users: physicians
performing procedures
Clinical education Programs create rich, mARble, for medical student Noll C, H€aussermann B, von
interactive clinical education, a dermatology- Jan U, Raap U, Albrecht UV.
education experiences specific application with mobile Augmented Reality
through 3D visualizations digital skin lesions in Dermatology. Biomed
of disease, often superimposed on healthy Tech. 2014;59(S1): 1216-
superimposed on healthy individuals. A wound care 1220. https://doi:10.1515/
individuals in unexpected simulation for nursing bmt-2014-4552; Jorge NR
ways, simulating real-life students found enhanced et al21
disease identification and performance on wound
management similar to diagnostic parameters in
medical standardized the group that utilized AR.
patients. Target users: health care
Patient education Programs in this category can Clinical medicine application: SpellboundAR,22
enhance patient education SpellboundAR, a platform HiMirror,23 and Samsung’s
across a range of topics, for creating AR patient Lumini device24
including disease education experiences that
screening, self-care, disease can be viewed through
management, explaining mobile devices, tailored to
imaging or other different clinical needs (eg,
procedures, possible a simulation of sites and
treatment outcomes, and sounds of being in an MRI).
any other existing patient Dermatology applications:
education efforts. Currently focus primarily on
skincare and cosmetics,
such as HiMirror and
Samsung’s Lumini. Target
users: patients

3D, 3-Dimensional; AR, augmented reality; mARble, mobile Augmented Reality blended learning environment; MRI, magnetic resonance
1220 Sharma, Vleugels, and Nambudiri J AM ACAD DERMATOL

experience, and long-term advances can incorporate

tactile experiences enabling trainees to palpate
digitally simulated raised or bumpy surfaces.
Many AR tools currently exist to improve existing
patient education efforts, including tools explaining
disease screening, self-care, disease management,
and what upcoming imaging or procedures entail,
such as SpellboundAR (SpellBound, Ann Arbor, MI),
a platform for health professionals to create mobile
AR experiences for any patient education
endeavor.22 In dermatology, AR patient education
has largely been driven by cosmetic-focused prod-
ucts, often with AR-enabled skincare devices to help
patients identify the potential impact of elective
treatments and nonmedical skincare. Examples
include HiMirror (Hi Mirror Enterprise, Taipei,
Taiwan),23 a small mirror that identifies skin areas
with potential for cosmetic enhancement, and
Samsung’s Lumini device (Ridgefield Park, NJ)24
with similar features linked to a Smartphone appli-
Fig 2. Example of use of augmented reality. Augmented cation, demonstrating the ability of AR to enter the
reality can create digital lesions, such as a simulated skin patient-as-consumer dermatology landscape.
lesion appearing on an individual’s hand, for clinician and Ultimately, AR could help patients triage straight-
patient education purposes. forward skin conditions and identify areas of
cosmetic improvement in relatively simple cases,
while leaving complex management to dermatolo-
Clinical and patient education gists. However, caution should be taken with direct-
In clinical education, AR can provide rich, dy- to-patient AR programs claiming to educate patients
namic learning experiences to help dermatology on skin health, given their potential to offer diag-
trainees understand medical complexity. AR is ideal nostic recommendations on the basis of data that is
for dermatology education because visual informa- not yet validated, which could potentially result in
tion is highly relevant to the diagnosis and manage- patient harm. Likewise, a company’s motivation for
ment of cutaneous conditions. Educational profit or desire to promote specific products could
applications could be particularly helpful for ex- be reflected in the cosmetic recommendations AR
panding the breadth of basic dermatology training to devices are programmed to generate, potentially
physicians in other fields given the high variation in leading to overutilization and creating a new domain
the quality and quantity of dermatology educational of technology-driven dermatoethical challenges.40
offerings across residency programs.38 Specific po- AR has the potential to improve patient outcomes
tential applications of AR in dermatologic education and quality of life, but it will be important for
include simulations for lesion identification and dermatologists to utilize their expertise to evaluate
management (Fig 2), excisions, cosmetic proced- these tools and ensure their validity as safeguards of
ures, and Mohs micrographic surgery. the specialty for both our peers and our patients and
In a recent study of AR in dermatology education, to ensure these products do not give patients unre-
medical students who utilized a mobile AR platform alistic outcome expectations.
to simulate lesions on healthy skin were found to
have better long-term knowledge retention.39 AR has KEY POLICY CONSIDERATIONS FOR AR
also demonstrated efficacy in teaching nonphysician AR is likely to further permeate into dermatology
trainees; in a 2019 study, nursing student perfor- as a clinical and educational tool, as widespread
mance in wound diagnostic parameters was adoption of the technology grows, driven by the
improved by training with a virtual simulator that greater availability of data, advanced data analysis
included AR compared with a simulator that did techniques, and growing Smartphone usage.41 As
not.21 Near-term advances might allow AR to simu- with any emerging technology, important policy
late lesion growth and show digital responses to considerations should be addressed before wide-
treatments, where incorrect choices show lesion spread use to ensure patient safety and avoid
growth, possibly providing a richer learning negative impacts on the field.
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Sharma, Vleugels, and Nambudiri 1221

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