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The Nature of Methamphetamine -Meth is a highly addictive stimulant drug that can be administered through snorting, smoking, oral consumption and intravenous injection. -The drug attacks the nervous system and produces a highly euphoric feeling that suppresses the appetite and causes sleeplessness. -Meth is also connected to aggressive behavior, prolonged depression, withdrawal, anxiety, paranoia, heart failure, seizures, physical disfigurement and even death. -Forty percent of crimes in Orange County associated with meth were assaults. The Proximity of Methamphetamine Nationwide -Nationwide, methamphetamine is the most popular drug. -Domestic production has decreased due to regulation of over the counter chemicals used to make meth. California -Meth is the most popular drug in California. -Meth accounts for 40 percent of drug treatment admissions.


Orange County -Orange County residence are eight times more likely to use meth within the last month than the rest of the United States. -In Orange County, there is one meth lab every 24 square miles. North Orange County/Fullerton -Santa Ana, Fullerton and Westminster accounted for 65 percent of all methamphetamine treatment admissions in the county.

Strengths: -Methamphetamine is a prominent problem in Orange County that demands attention. -The destructive nature of methamphetamine provides strong motivation for friends and family members of methamphetamine users to intervene in their lives. Weakness: -The severe addiction of methamphetamine leaves the user with a one track mind focused solely on methamphetamine. This will be a problem in trying to target the user informing them to seek help. Opportunities: -There are a number of other methamphetamine campaigns that are bringing awareness providing an opportunity and bring it to a local level. -Alarming research revealing high methamphetamine concentration in our community will create a sense of urgency to our campaign. Threats: -Methamphetamine is a taboo issue which may encounter resistance from our target public. -The knowledge of treatment and rehabilitation is severely lacking in the minds of the target public. -more-

Public: 1. 2. We will be targeting meth users through their family and friends that are enabling the destructive addiction of meth to occur. We will also be targeting the media in order to spread our message to the public at large.

Important Segment: 1. 2. The point of gaining the enablers attention is to use their influential power over the user in assisting him or her in any way to find rehabilitation. The media will play an important role in communicating to the public our ideas and strategies for this campaign.

Profile: 1. 2. The enablers are any where from conservative to liberal and stretch across all categories of demographics and psychographics. The media the campaign is targeting is on the liberal side of the spectrum.

Priority: 1. 2. The enablers gain high priority in influencing the meth users. The media also gains a high priority in the communication between the campaign and the enablers.


The National Drug Intelligence Center provides us with a National Drug Threat Assessment for the United States. Regulation of chemicals used to make methamphetamine have declined domestic methamphetamine production greatly. Mexico has become the leading provider of methamphetamine to the United States. Mexico distributes a higher concentrated form of methamphetamine, called ice, which is typically smoked. Laboratory seizures have decreased dramatically from 8,460 in 2001 to 2,159 in 2006. The California department of Alcohol and Drug Program provides us with research regarding treatment for methamphetamine in the fiscal year 2006-2007. Methamphetamine accounts for 40.0 percent of all California Drug treatment admissions. Chronic use causes malnutrition, paranoia, confusion, anxiety, sleeplessness, aggressiveness, heart failure, and death. In the 2006-2007 year 75,000 admissions to California publicly monitored treatment centers reported meth as their primary drug of choice. For the same year 18,521 admissions reported meth as their secondary drug of choice. Women represent 44 percent of treatment admissions. Of those women, 49 percent are age 26 or younger and 51 percent are pregnant. Parents in treatment represent 35.4 percent of the users. Forty-nine percent of those parents have children under the age of 18. Someone other than a court referred only 19 percent of treatment admissions. -more-

-Employment: 60.0 percent not employed, 16.0 percent not looking for work. -Education: 41.0 percent have gained a high school degree or higher. -Legal: 72.5 percent of users in treatment had criminal justice involvement. -Family: 42,000 treatment admissions for methamphetamine had children under the age of 18. -Court Ordered into treatment 65 percent. -Treatment success rate: 40 percent The Orange County Health Needs Assessment (OCHNA) has researched the current situation of methamphetamine in the Orange County area. On average, in California meth labs are uncovered every 166 square miles, while in Orange County, labs have been discovered every 24 square miles. Methamphetamine is reported in one of every ten crime filings. Crimes filed in connection to methamphetamine (45 percent) were assaults. Twenty-four percent of serious crimes associated with methamphetamine were burglary. From 2000-2006 crime filings including methamphetamine increased 10.5 percent. From 2000-2006 there were 3,000 assaults/ burglaries and 12 homicides along with 396 deaths associated with methamphetamine. Due to the prevalence of the drug in Orange County, residents are eight times more likely to have used methamphetamine in the last month than residents outside of Orange County.

There are more people in treatment for methamphetamine (37.9 percent) than any other drug. Alcohol (29.9percent), heroin (14.5 percent), marijuana (10.0 percent) and cocaine (7.5 percent). The following statistics show a strong association between unemployment and methamphetamine use; 60 percent of users are unemployed and 42 percent of users are not currently looking for work.


Within the Fullerton Orange County area methamphetamine is an epidemic with many problems associated to addressing this serious health issue. Great difficulties lie in communicating to an actual meth user the need to stop their abuse. For this reason it is imperative that people close to meth users reach out and help the people they know who are ensnared by this horrible addiction.

Methamphetamine addiction is a severe health concern within the city of Fullerton, Orange County, the state of California, and throughout the United States. Locally, however, there is a disproportionate concentration of meth use within Orange County. The city of Fullerton in particular is one of several cities within the west-central region of the county that is inundated by this growing societal issue. The Orange County region has seen meth users become a serious problem as statistics consistently show that these individuals participate in violent crimes, tend to remain unemployed, and eventually find themselves caught within the criminal justice system. For users the problems related to methamphetamine use and seeking treatment are tied to both the destructive physiological effects of the drug and its highly addictive nature. In many cases, meth is so addictive that a user cannot stop their downward spiral. In the face of these challenges it is necessary for others to intervene in a meth users harmful behavior. -more-

This intervention can stop the addiction driven cycle of abuse, addiction, crime, incarceration and potentially save a friend or loved one from dying. The most significant problem concerning the use of methamphetamine in the Fullerton and larger Orange County community is the fact that people do not intervene in meth users dire situation, even if that meth user is someone close to them, like a friend or loved one. This inaction demonstrates that they do not see the eventual destruction caused by meth. By not taking action, this public- those close to meth users- actually enables the destructive cycle to perpetuate unchecked. To these people, our campaign would like to ask, Whats your excuse for not saving their life? KEY POINTS The prominence of methamphetamine in Orange County is great, a person in Orange County is eight times more likely to use methamphetamine in the last month than the rest of the United States. Methamphetamine use leads to severe consequences and even casual meth use is the first step in a very destructive cycle. People close to meth users need to feel a sense of responsibility to intervene in this cycle because users often cannot escape their addiction on their own. Effective resources are available to aid those who want to save the lives of some one they know who is suffering from meth addiction. For more information on methamphetamine and where you can find treatment centers in your area, visit our website at


Knowledge goals: To make the community of Fullerton and Orange County aware of methamphetamines harmful effects, its addictive nature, and the availability of treatment within their community. Attitude goals: To direct the Fullerton and Orange County attitude towards a sense of responsibility for enabling a meth users addiction to destroy their lives. Behavior goals: To motivate people close to meth users to intervene and stop the progression of a downward spiral.

Knowledge: -To make 1,000 people within Fullerton and Orange County aware of the destructive and addictive nature of meth, its prominence in their community and the availability of treatment. Attitude: -To instill in 1,000 people the responsibility to help save the lives of meth users and expose them to the idea of being an enabler as it relates to our campaign. -more-

Behavioral Objectives: -To get 1,000 people to reach out and intervene in a meth users addiction, or seek further information through our campaign.

Knowledge: -We are going to use fear as a strategy to show that even the smallest meth use leads to incarceration, severe addiction, and even death. Attitude: -We will use guilt associated with the term enabler to create a sense of responsibility in our target public to intervene in a meth users life. Behavioral: -We will affect our targets behavioral outcomes by using the health campaign model. Health Campagin Model -Our campaign must demonstrate that there are severe consequences associated with meth use. -We must also demonstrate that any meth use leaves one vulnerable and susceptible to the downward spiraling negative effects of methamphetamine use. -To be effective, our campaign will provide the specific recomandation that loved ones refer the meth user they know to treatment. -To evoke efficacy into our target public about their ability to help a meth user in need. -more-

Brochure 8.5X11 High gloss Trifold 4 colors both sides 5,000 $463.61 $0.092 each Posters 11X17 High gloss 1,000 $270.40 $0.31 each Flyers 5.5X8.5 High gloss 5,000 $163.33 $0.03 each Banner 36X72 Vinyl 5 $540.50 $126.00


Mints 25,000 $2,250.00 $0.09 each Coasters 110 pt Round 4 25,000 $4,250.00 $0.17 each Standard pens 4,000 $1,920.00 $0.45 each T-shirt 300 $1,254.00 $4.18 each Keychain flashlights 2,100 $1,848.00 $0.88 each Post-it 1,000 $430.00 $0.43 each


Frisbee 250 $330.00 $1.32 each Cases of water bottles 50 cases/ 24 bottles in each case $249.50 $0.21 each Bus benches 10 benches 3 months $3,750.00 total $1,250.00 per month $125 each Gas station adds 100 adds 50 stations 3 moths $140.00 per adds $14,000 total Bus tail adds 3 months $1345.00 Billboard 10 per month 2,500 per month 75,000 total -more-

Bar Package: -Coasters -Posters -Mints -T-Shirts Liquor Store Package: -Posters -Flyers -Pens Clinics/Rehabilitation Facilities - Brochures - Pens - Posters Events # 1 and 2 (Concert in the Park) - T-shirts - Posters - Brochures - Flyers - Key Chains - Frisbees Events # 3 and 4 (CSUF outreach event) - Posters - Post-it Note pads - Pens - Mints - Key Chains Catering $3,000 -more-


This campaign will use media to target a broad range of publics within Fullerton and the Orange County area. Efforts will be focused on the average age 18-28. 1.Newspapers: Presenting newsworthy information to local newspapers regarding our campaign will be essential in achieving publicity. This media will be utilized for the awareness portion of our campaign. The following factors can be used to present our information: a. b. c. d. Proximity- Fullerton, Orange County Impact/Consequence- Highlight impact on community and individuals Prominence- Highlight scope of problem Emotional Appeal Soft News Stories

Potential Media Outlets -Fullerton News Tribune -OC Register -Daily Titan (CSUF) -Panther Newspaper (Chapman University)


2.Magazines: To gain publicity through magazines it will be essential to tie into the theme of each magazine, and focus on the particular audience of its readership. This outlet will provide more targeted opportunities to appeal to attitude changes in our audience. We can seek specific publics within our community, some of which include: -Chicano Rap Magazine, Buena Park -Awareness Magazine, Anaheim -OC Weekly -Nascar SuperTruck Magazine, Anaheim -Orange Magazine, Fullerton 3.Television: Our media strategy regarding television is to focus on local channels/ programming and provide these media outlets with compelling video installments; sound bytes, potential paid advertising, and staged press release events. We will present newsworthy aspects of our campaign such as proximity, impact, prominence, and an appeal to emotion. Potential placement candidates include: - KDOC Real Orange - Time Warner Cable, local advertising - All Local News programming, KCLA, FOX, etc.


4.Radio: This branch of our campaign will emphasize appeal to emotion, especially fear and guilt and feature our slogan, Whats Your Excuse? Some potential outlets include: - KCRW - Titan Radio - KJAZZ


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: AUGUST 4, 2008 8:00 AM TO: LARRY WELBORN Meth Abuse, Whats Your Excuse? California State University Fullerton 800 N. State College Blvd. Fullerton, CA 92831-3599 Tiffany Gooden (213) 503-0434 (213) 353-0434

The time has come for the residents of Fullerton and Orange County to stop making excuses, and realize that meth has a good chance of destroying the lives of someone they know or love. Throughout California, research has shown that meth accounts for 40 percent of all drug treatment admissions, and more specifically, residents in Orange County are eight times more likely to have used meth in the last month. The launch of the Meth Abuse, Whats Your Excuse? campaign is the latest local attempt in educating the Fullerton and Orange County area on the destruction that meth is causing within their community. People do not realize that by not intervening in a meth users addiction, they are enabling them to continue on their downward spiral. Now is the time to educate people on the destructive reality of meth, foster a sense of social responsibility to aid those addicted and finally to provide useful resources to the loved ones of meth users. -more-

On August 4,2008 the Meth Abuse Whats Your Excuse? campaign will launch its efforts throughout the area of Fullerton and Orange County. The following events will be utilized to promote the goals of this intervention campaign. - Concert in the park featuring the music stylings of Soul Papa, a local band in the Fullerton area. This event will be hosted on separate dates, August 2, 2008 and August 20, 2008.It will also include food and beverage and giveaways. -Cal State Fullerton Whats Your Excuse? outreach event on campus. This will be hosted on two separate dates, September 18, 2008 and October 11, 2008. This event will feature food and beverage and guest speakers. For more information, please refer to the campaign website, or contact Tiffany Gooden.



Q: What is the Meth Abuse, Whats Your Excuse? Campaign? A: The meth intervention campaign of 2008 is a campaign designed around significantly increasing the awareness of the meth problem that lies within the Fullerton and Orange County area. We are trying to do our part for the Orange County area by launching and supporting a meth intervention campaign that hopefully will reach a large audience. Our campaign hopes to create a network of support for those in need whether it is a user or an enabler. Q: How long is this campaign? A: This campaign is designed to last three months. It is scheduled for launch July 28th, 2008. It is a three-part plan that is expected to execute each of the campaigns goals. Q: What are you trying to accomplish with this campaign? A: There are multiple goals associated with this campaign. These goals include: 1. Trying to do our part for the members of Orange County who may not be aware of the prominence as well as the effects of meth. 2.The campaign hopes to reach those who are close in any way to meth users by informing them of how their loved ones are in extreme danger, and how to watch for signs leading to the destructive path of addiction. The campaign is hoping to promote the idea that family and close friends of meth users encourage their loved ones on the path to rehabilitation by creating a sense of responsibility to the addict. Options for rehab are available and should be utilized before the addict is lost to incarceration or worse, death.


3.The campaign is hoping to shape the community of Orange County into changing their attitude on meth; this includes those who are currently using meth as well as those holding a sense of accountability to helping loved ones in need. With the right information available, we can change the attitude of enablers that hopefully will lead to behavioral changes. Q: How do you plan on reaching your goals? A: The first part of reaching our goal is spreading knowledge about the drug. Providing information on meth and the harm it causes is vital. Second, reaching the loved ones who have lost someone to meth will be put into action by providing the tools for necessary rehabilitation. Information on facilities and programs will be in circulation, and hopefully through our campaign this resource will be effective. Lastly through our events and promotions, the campaign hopes to shape attitudes on meth. This includes the addict himself or herself taking the correct steps into seeking treatment, and their loved ones realizing the fact that without their help, support and intervention, there is very little hope. Q: Where is more information available? A: The website for this campaign is On the website one can find a variety of information regarding awareness of meth such as statistics and facts. There is also a portion dedicated to actual need for responsibility that loved ones of meth users need to take regarding the struggle meth causes. Lastly, there is an array of information on various resources loved ones can utilize in hopes of making a change.


Press Release Script

Date: August 4, 2008 Location: Fullerton Court House Speaker: Jonathan Barba Introduction: Good afternoon and welcome to our press release announcing the launch of our new campaign for meth abuse intervention. Our campaign is called Meth Abuse, Whats Your Excuse. This is a unique intervention campaign seeking to involve loved ones and friends of meth users in encouraging treatment and escaping the grip of this horrible drug. Our press conference today will focus on three main issues. First we look at the dangers and risks of meth use in our community, second we will address why friends and loved ones of meth users should feel responsibility in helping those under the grip of meth addiction, and finally we will explore the availability of treatment options and the ability of non users to save the life of someone in need. Methamphetamine is a horrible and addictive drug that leads a person down the path to ruin. In light of these facts, we would like to stress that family and friends have a social responsibility to help save the lives of people struggling with meth addiction. In short, whats your excuse for not saving the life of someone you care about? There really is not one. Key points: In order to understand the problem of meth abuse in the Fullerton/ Orange County area, it is important to understand that this is both a widespread problem and one with a high concentration in our community. Last year over 75,000 people in publicly funded California treatment centers reported meth as their primary drug of choice, and in Orange County people are eight times more likely to have used meth in the last month then anywhere else in the nation. -more-

Meth is the leading drug among almost all demographics in our com munity, and has greatlysurpassed marijuana and cocaine as the prominent drug problem of our time. The prominence of this drug is disconcerting. Research has revealed that not only does meth use have horrible physical effects on an individual, it is also the beginning of a destructive path of behavior. There are strong links between meth use and the criminal justice system. Sixty percent of meth users in California treatment centers are also concurrently under the jurisdiction of our criminal justice system. Meth use has also been associated with unemployment, violent crimes, and death. In order to stop these tragic sequences of events it is crucial that someone intervenes in meth users destructive addiction. The addictive nature of methamphetamine is the engine driving a users downward spiral. Meth is so addictive that many users cannot escape the grasp of the drug alone. Due to this fact, friends, family members, and loved ones must feel a sense of responsibility in helping the meth user they know escape the influence of their addiction. Our campaign, Meth Abuse, Whats Your Excuse, would like to impart on the family and friends of meth users that if they do not reach out and intervene in a drug users life, they are actually enabling this downward spiral of meth addiction. Our slogan Whats Your Excuse is designed to highlight the fact that there is no reason why someone should not help a person who is helpless and on a path to severe consequences, even death. The ultimate goal of our campaign is to get friends and family members of meth users to intervene in their drug habit. After showing the horrible affects of meth use, and how helpless an individual can be to escape addiction to this drug, our campaign will provide resources so individuals feel enabled to make a difference in a meth users life. -more-

Our campaign will include printed materials distributed to local organizations, live awareness events throughout Fullerton, and media targeting strategies. For more information regarding our campaign please contact our offices at (714) 656-7628, or visit our website at Questions: At this time I will take any questions that you may have.


August 11, 2008 WHAT: Concert in the park and community outreach promoting meth abuse awareness. WHO: Successful recovered meth addicts associated with St. Jude Neighborhood Health Center will come to share their stories and the band Soul Papa will be playing for entertainment. WHEN: August 16, 2008 September 6, 2008 12:00pm WHERE: Richman Park 298 West Elm Avenue Fullerton, California PARKING: Parking will be available for all press members on the Southeast side of the park. Parking is free. BACKGROUND: Methamphetamine is a severe problem in the Fullerton, Orange County area. By hosting this event we are hoping to bring awareness to the community and provide steps people can take in stopping this wide spread epidemic. -more-

NEWS INTEREST: Users from the community will share their stories communicating the harmful effects methamphetamine has on the body, and the im pact it poses on our community. PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES: Media will have opportunities to take pictures and interview former users. FOR NFORMATION: Melanie Getman Jonathan Barba Tiffany Gooden


July 31, 2008 WHAT: Press release announcing, Meth Abuse, Whats Your Excuse? 2008 Intervention Campaign. Meth Abuse, Whats your excuse? 2008 Campaign. August 2, 2008 8:00 a.m. North Justice Center 1275 N Berkeley Ave Fullerton, CA 92832 Lot A is available for all press parking free of charge.




BACKGROUND: Meth Abuse, Whats Your Excuse? campaign focuses on three main issues that include dangers of meth use in our community, the responsibility to friends and loved ones to help meth users escape their addiction, the availability of treatment options and the ability of non users to save the life a friend in need.


NEWS INTEREST: Our campaign will shed light on the harmful effects of methamphetamine in the community and the severity of the issue at hand. PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES: Members of Meth Abuse, Whats Your Excuse? campaign will be available for interviews and picture opportunities. INFORMATION: Melanie Getman Jonathan Barba Tiffany Gooden


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