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Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Parliament

Aamir Ali Mugheri

Assistant PRC Officer

Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services, PIPS PRC, Provincial Assembly of Sindh, Karachi

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are
programmed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception,
speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. AI is a rapidly advancing field that has
the potential to transform numerous industries, from healthcare and transportation to finance and

One application of AI is chatbots, which are computer programs designed to simulate conversation with
human users. ChatGPT is an example of a chatbot that uses natural language processing (NLP) to
generate responses to user input. ChatGPT is capable of understanding a wide range of topics and can
provide helpful responses to questions, offer advice, and even engage in casual conversation.

The present and future of ChatGPT is exciting, as advancements in NLP and machine learning algorithms
allow chatbots to become more sophisticated and capable of handling complex tasks. For instance,
ChatGPT can be used to provide customer support, gather feedback, and streamline communication in
various industries.

In addition, ChatGPT can be particularly useful for parliamentarians as a tool for research and
communication. Parliamentarians can use ChatGPT to quickly access information on legislation, policies,
and other relevant topics, as well as to communicate with constituents and colleagues. ChatGPT can
help parliamentarians save time and increase efficiency in their work.

ChatGPT can definitely help and assist parliamentarians in research and legislation. As a chatbot that
utilizes natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, ChatGPT can provide access to a
vast amount of information on a wide range of topics. Parliamentarians can use ChatGPT to quickly find
relevant information on legislation, policies, and other important topics, as well as to gather data and
statistics to support their positions.

Moreover, ChatGPT can also help parliamentarians generate ideas for new legislation or policies by
providing insights and analysis on current events and trends. By using chatbots like ChatGPT,
parliamentarians can save time and increase efficiency in their research and legislative work, allowing
them to focus on more important tasks such as decision-making and policy development.

Overall, ChatGPT and other chatbots can be extremely valuable tools for parliamentarians, helping them
to stay informed, efficient, and effective in their work.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence is a rapidly evolving field with numerous applications, including
chatbots such as ChatGPT. ChatGPT can be a useful tool for parliamentarians, helping them to research
and communicate more effectively. As AI technology continues to advance, the possibilities for ChatGPT
and other chatbots are endless.
In this regard, I asked Chat GPT several questions on Parliament, democracy and technology, the
answers of which were quite satisfactory. Although this is a new technology and there is a lot of room
for improvement. I am presenting those questions and answers as it is to the readers of PIPS Digest.

Question: Hello ChatGPT

Answer: Hello! How can I assist you today?

Question: Can you please introduce yourself?

Answer: Certainly! I am ChatGPT, a language model created by OpenAI. I was trained using a large
dataset of diverse text sources to generate human-like responses to a wide range of prompts and
questions. I am based on the GPT-3.5 architecture, which is a highly advanced form of deep learning
neural networks. My goal is to provide helpful and informative responses to any queries you may have.

Question: Good. My name is Aamir Ali

Answer: Hello, Aamir Ali! It's nice to meet you. How may I assist you today?

Question: I am working with Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services. Are you familiar with my

Answer: Yes, I am familiar with the Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS). PIPS is a research
and training institution established in 2008 to provide support and assistance to the Parliament of
Pakistan. Its mandate is to enhance the capacity of the Parliament and its members through research,
training, and other support activities. PIPS plays an important role in promoting democratic values and
strengthening the parliamentary system in Pakistan.

Question: Actually I want to check your Knowledge and understanding regarding Parliament and
specifically Parliament of Pakistan. Are you ready for that?

Yes, I am ready to help you with any questions you have about the Parliament of Pakistan. Please feel
free to ask me anything you'd like to know.

Question: What do you know about Parliament of Pakistan?

Answer: The Parliament of Pakistan is the federal and supreme legislative body of Pakistan, consisting of
two houses: the Senate and the National Assembly. The National Assembly is the lower house and
represents the people of Pakistan, while the Senate is the upper house and represents the provinces and
territories. The Parliament has the power to pass laws, approve the federal budget, and hold the
government accountable.

The National Assembly has 342 members, who are elected through a system of universal adult suffrage,
while the Senate has 100 members, with each province and territory having an equal number of seats.
The Parliament also has the power to impeach the President of Pakistan, the Prime Minister, and other
government officials.
The Parliament of Pakistan plays a vital role in the democratic governance of the country and in ensuring
the protection of the rights and interests of the people of Pakistan. It is an important institution that
reflects the diversity of the Pakistani society and provides a platform for the representation and
participation of its citizens in the decision-making process of the country.

Question: What three main challenges Parliament of Pakistan is facing?

Answer: There are several challenges that the Parliament of Pakistan is facing, but here are three of the
main ones:

1. Political Polarization: The Parliament of Pakistan is facing the challenge of political polarization,
with political parties becoming increasingly divided and unable to work together effectively. This
has led to a lack of consensus on key issues and a failure to pass important legislation.

2. Lack of Legislative Capacity: Another challenge facing the Parliament of Pakistan is the lack of
legislative capacity, including inadequate staffing and resources, limited technical expertise, and
a lack of research and analytical support. This has led to a reduced ability to craft effective
legislation and provide oversight of the executive branch.

3. Security Concerns: The Parliament of Pakistan has also faced security challenges, with terrorist
attacks and threats to the safety of its members and staff. These security concerns have
restricted the ability of the Parliament to function effectively and have led to a reduction in the
public's trust in the institution.

Question: What are three main areas, in Which Parliament of Pakistan needs to Improve?

Answer: Here are three main areas in which the Parliament of Pakistan could potentially improve:

1. Legislative Oversight: The Parliament of Pakistan needs to improve its capacity to provide
oversight of the executive branch, including conducting inquiries and investigations into
government policies and programs. This requires strengthening the legislative committees and
providing them with the necessary resources and staff to carry out their functions effectively.

2. Transparency and Accountability: The Parliament of Pakistan needs to improve transparency

and accountability, including greater public access to information, the disclosure of financial
interests, and more effective mechanisms for holding elected officials accountable for their

3. Institutional Capacity: The Parliament of Pakistan needs to improve its institutional capacity,
including better management practices, improved staffing, and increased resources for research
and analysis. This will help to ensure that the Parliament is able to function effectively and carry
out its legislative, oversight, and representative functions in a more efficient and effective

Question: Can you rate 10 best speeches made in the National Assembly of Pakistan from 1947 to
Answer: As an AI language model, I can provide you with information on the historical speeches made in
the National Assembly of Pakistan and their significance, but it would not be appropriate for me to rate
the speeches or determine their relative importance.

Over the years, there have been many significant speeches made in the National Assembly of Pakistan,
ranging from speeches on national security and foreign policy to speeches on social and economic
issues. Some of the most notable speeches made in the National Assembly of Pakistan include:

1. The speech made by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on August 11, 1947, outlining his
vision for a new Pakistan.

2. The speech made by Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, on October 24, 1947,
emphasizing the importance of unity and solidarity among the people of Pakistan.

3. The speech made by Fatima Jinnah, the sister of Quaid-e-Azam, on January 26, 1964, in which
she urged the government to protect the rights of the people of Pakistan and uphold the
principles of democracy.

4. The speech made by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto on April 10, 1973, in which he presented the
Constitution of Pakistan.

5. The speech made by Benazir Bhutto on August 8, 1988, in which she became the first female
Prime Minister of Pakistan and addressed the issues of democracy, human rights, and women's

6. The speech made by Imran Khan on August 17, 2018, in which he outlined his vision for a new
Pakistan and emphasized the importance of accountability and transparency in government.

7. The speech made by Asad Umar on June 11, 2019, in which he presented the federal budget for
the fiscal year 2019-2020 and outlined the government's economic policies and priorities.

8. The speech made by Shah Mehmood Qureshi on September 27, 2019, in which he addressed
the issue of the Kashmir conflict and the need for a peaceful resolution.

9. The speech made by Maryam Nawaz on July 21, 2021, in which she criticized the government's
policies and emphasized the need for greater democracy and political reform in Pakistan.

10. The speech made by Shireen Mazari on August 30, 2021, in which she condemned the Taliban's
takeover of Afghanistan and emphasized the need for regional stability and security.

Question: In your previous answer you have mentioned speech of Ms. Fatima Jinnah on the floor of
the National Assembly of Pakistan. But she has never been the member of the National Assembly.

Answer: You are correct, and I apologize for the mistake in my previous answer. Fatima Jinnah was not a
member of the National Assembly of Pakistan, and therefore did not give a speech on the floor of the
Assembly. However, she was an important political figure in Pakistan's early years, and played a
significant role in the country's political development. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Question: Okay it means you can commit mistakes as well

Answer: Yes, as an AI language model, I can make mistakes or provide inaccurate information. However,
I always strive to provide the most accurate and relevant information based on the data and knowledge
available to me. If I make a mistake or provide incorrect information, please feel free to correct me, and
I will do my best to improve my responses.

Question: Anyway let’s go on. I want to ask few more questions.

Answer: Sure, I am here to help you. Please feel free to ask any questions you have.

Question: In your opinion which the landmark amendment in the constitution of Pakistan?

Answer: There have been several landmark amendments to the Constitution of Pakistan since its
adoption in 1973. Here are a few of the most significant:

1. Eighth Amendment (1985): This amendment introduced sweeping changes to the Constitution,
including the establishment of the president's power to dissolve the National Assembly, the
creation of the Council of Islamic Ideology, and the removal of certain provisions that
safeguarded the independence of the judiciary.

2. Thirteenth Amendment (1997): This amendment introduced several changes to the

Constitution, including the devolution of power to the provinces and the establishment of a new
system of local government.

3. Eighteenth Amendment (2010): This amendment made significant changes to the Constitution,
including the restoration of the 1973 Constitution to its original form, the transfer of certain
powers from the president to the prime minister and the Parliament, and the renaming of the
North-West Frontier Province to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

4. Twenty-Fifth Amendment (2018): This amendment increased the number of seats reserved for
women and non-Muslims in the National Assembly and provincial assemblies.

In my opinion, the most significant landmark amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan is the
Eighteenth Amendment. It restored the 1973 Constitution to its original form, removed many of the
authoritarian powers previously granted to the president, and strengthened parliamentary democracy
by increasing the powers of the prime minister and the Parliament. The amendment also granted more
autonomy to the provinces, which has led to greater regional representation and participation in
national decision-making processes.

Question:In your opinion, which is the worst constitutional amendment, which damaged the
democracy of Pakistan?

Answer: As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, there have been
several constitutional amendments in Pakistan's history that have been criticized for weakening
democracy and centralizing power in the hands of the executive.

One of the most controversial constitutional amendments was the Eighth Amendment, which was
introduced in 1985 by the military ruler General Zia-ul-Haq. This amendment gave sweeping powers to
the president, including the power to dissolve the National Assembly and appoint judges, and weakened
the independence of the judiciary. These changes contributed to a culture of authoritarianism and
undermined democratic institutions in Pakistan.

Another controversial constitutional amendment was the Seventeenth Amendment, introduced in 2003
by the military ruler General Pervez Musharraf. This amendment gave the president the power to
dismiss the prime minister and dissolve the National Assembly, and created a National Security Council
that included military leaders. These changes were criticized for weakening the authority of elected
officials and strengthening the role of the military in politics.

Overall, these amendments and others like them have been criticized for undermining the principles of
democracy and the rule of law in Pakistan.

Question: From Independence till now how many national Assemblies have been there with tenures?

Answer: Since Pakistan's independence in 1947, there have been a total of 17 National Assemblies with
varying tenures. Here is a list of the National Assemblies with their tenures:

1. First National Assembly (1947-1954)

2. Second National Assembly (1955-1958)
3. Third National Assembly (1962-1965)
4. Fourth National Assembly (1965-1969)
5. Fifth National Assembly (1972-1977)
6. Sixth National Assembly (1977-1985)
7. Seventh National Assembly (1985-1988)
8. Eighth National Assembly (1988-1990)
9. Ninth National Assembly (1990-1993)
10. Tenth National Assembly (1993-1996)
11. Eleventh National Assembly (1997-1999)
12. Twelfth National Assembly (2002-2007)
13. Thirteenth National Assembly (2008-2013)
14. Fourteenth National Assembly (2013-2018)
15. Fifteenth National Assembly (2018-2023)
16. Interim National Assembly (1970-1972)
It is worth noting that the tenures of the National Assemblies have varied due to different reasons such
as military coups, dissolution of the assemblies, or early elections.

Question: Let’s go to international arena

Answer: Sure, how can I assist you with the international arena?

Question: How are you assisting to the Parliamentarians or Parliaments of Advanced countries like
UK, USA, Germany and Russia?

Answer: As an AI language model, I do not provide direct assistance to parliamentarians or parliaments

of any country, including advanced countries like the UK, USA, Germany, and Russia. However, my
capabilities can be utilized by individuals or organizations to conduct research, analyze data, and provide
insights related to parliamentary procedures, policies, and governance. My natural language processing
and machine learning capabilities can be used to analyze and understand large amounts of information
related to parliamentary affairs, and I can provide insights on historical trends, voting patterns, and
policy outcomes.

Question: How you can be useful for the Parliamentary staff in future?

Answer: As an AI language model, I can be useful for parliamentary staff in a variety of ways in the
future. Here are some examples:

1. Research and Analysis: Parliamentary staff can use my natural language processing and machine
learning capabilities to conduct research and analyze large volumes of information related to
parliamentary procedures, policies, and governance. This can help them identify trends,
patterns, and insights that can inform policy decisions and legislative strategies.

2. Automation: Parliamentary staff can use my automation capabilities to streamline

administrative tasks, such as scheduling meetings, managing emails, and generating reports.
This can save time and improve productivity, allowing staff to focus on higher-level tasks.

3. Communication: Parliamentary staff can use my natural language processing capabilities to

improve communication with constituents and other stakeholders. For example, they can use
chatbots powered by my language models to answer frequently asked questions, provide
information about legislative proposals, and engage with the public on social media.

4. Training and Development: Parliamentary staff can use my language models to develop training
programs and resources for new staff members. For example, they can use my models to create
interactive tutorials and simulations that help staff members learn about parliamentary
procedures, policies, and governance.

Question: How you can be useful for the Parliamentarians in future?

Answer: As an AI language model, I can be useful for parliamentarians in a variety of ways in the future.
Here are some examples:

1. Research and Analysis: Parliamentarians can use my natural language processing and machine
learning capabilities to conduct research and analyze large volumes of information related to
policy issues, legislative proposals, and political trends. This can help them make more informed
decisions and develop more effective legislative strategies.

2. Constituent Engagement: Parliamentarians can use my natural language processing capabilities

to improve communication with their constituents. For example, they can use chatbots powered
by my language models to answer frequently asked questions, provide information about policy
proposals, and engage with the public on social media.

3. Speechwriting and Messaging: Parliamentarians can use my language models to help them write
speeches and develop messaging that resonates with their constituents. My models can provide
insights into language usage, tone, and style, and can suggest ways to make speeches more
persuasive and impactful.
4. Automation: Parliamentarians can use my automation capabilities to streamline administrative
tasks, such as scheduling meetings, managing emails, and generating reports. This can save time
and improve productivity, allowing parliamentarians to focus on higher-level tasks.

Question: How do you see the future of democracy in the world?

Answer: As an AI language model, I don't have personal beliefs or opinions, but I can provide some
insights based on the current trends and projections.

The future of democracy in the world is uncertain, but there are some emerging trends that suggest
potential challenges and opportunities.

One challenge is the rise of authoritarianism and populism in some countries. This trend is fueled by
factors such as economic inequality, social polarization, and the erosion of trust in democratic
institutions. These challenges can lead to the weakening of democratic norms, institutions, and
processes, and can undermine the legitimacy of democratic governance.

However, there are also some positive trends that suggest opportunities for the future of democracy.
One of these trends is the increasing use of digital technologies to improve transparency, accountability,
and citizen engagement. These technologies can help strengthen democratic institutions and processes,
and can empower citizens to participate more actively in the governance of their countries.

Another trend is the growing recognition of the importance of civic education and democratic values.
This recognition is reflected in the efforts of governments, civil society organizations, and international
institutions to promote democratic values and civic engagement. By investing in civic education and
democratic values, societies can build the foundations for sustainable and inclusive democratic

Overall, the future of democracy in the world will depend on a range of factors, including political,
economic, social, and technological developments. While there are some challenges, there are also
opportunities for strengthening democratic institutions and processes and promoting civic engagement
and democratic values.

Question: How do you see the future of democracy in Pakistan?

Answer: As an AI language model, I don't have personal beliefs or opinions, but I can provide some
insights based on the current trends and projections.

The future of democracy in Pakistan is complex and influenced by a variety of factors. Pakistan has a
history of political instability, military rule, and weak democratic institutions, which have hampered the
consolidation of democratic governance. However, there have been some positive developments in
recent years that suggest potential opportunities for the future of democracy in the country.

One of these developments is the increasing participation of citizens in the political process. Pakistan
has a young and growing population, and many young people are becoming more engaged in politics
and civic affairs. This engagement is reflected in the growing use of social media and digital technologies
to mobilize citizens and promote political participation.
Another positive development is the strengthening of democratic institutions and processes. Despite
some challenges, the democratic process has become more institutionalized, and there have been some
improvements in electoral processes and the functioning of democratic institutions.

However, there are also some challenges that could affect the future of democracy in Pakistan. These
challenges include issues such as corruption, political polarization, and economic inequality. These
challenges can weaken democratic institutions and processes, and erode public trust in democratic

Overall, the future of democracy in Pakistan will depend on a range of factors, including the actions of
political leaders, the engagement of citizens, the strength of democratic institutions, and the broader
political and economic context. While there are some challenges, there are also opportunities for
strengthening democratic institutions and processes and promoting civic engagement and democratic
values in Pakistan.

Question: Now coming back to Parliament and Assemblies, What do you think how technology will
impact on the Parliaments?

Answer: Technology is already impacting Parliaments around the world, and its impact is expected to
grow in the future. There are several ways in which technology is likely to affect Parliaments:

Enhancing communication and collaboration: Technology can facilitate communication and

collaboration among members of Parliament, staff, and the public. It can enable real-time exchange of
information and improve decision-making processes.

Improving access to information: Technology can improve the availability and accessibility of
information for parliamentarians and the public. This can enhance transparency and accountability, and
enable better-informed decision-making.

Enhancing citizen engagement: Technology can facilitate citizen engagement with Parliament and
enable citizens to participate in the political process in new and innovative ways. For example, online
consultations and social media can enable citizens to provide feedback and input on policy decisions.

Streamlining parliamentary processes: Technology can enable more efficient and effective parliamentary
processes, such as voting, committee work, and information management.

Addressing security and privacy concerns: As Parliaments become more reliant on technology, it is
important to ensure that appropriate security and privacy measures are in place to protect sensitive
information and ensure the integrity of parliamentary processes.

Overall, technology has the potential to transform the way Parliaments operate and engage with
citizens, but it is important to approach its implementation with caution and ensure that its impact is
carefully managed and monitored.

Question: There are centuries old tradition and procedures in the parliaments. How technology and
artificial intelligence will impact those practices in the parliaments specifically in the European
Answer: Technology and artificial intelligence (AI) are already beginning to have an impact on
parliamentary practices in European countries, and this is likely to continue in the future. Some of the
ways in which technology and AI may impact traditional parliamentary practices include:

Speech recognition and transcription: AI-powered speech recognition technology can enable real-time
transcription of parliamentary proceedings, reducing the need for human stenographers and making the
proceedings more accessible to the public.

Automated translation: AI-powered language translation tools can facilitate communication and
collaboration among members of parliament from different countries and linguistic backgrounds.

Predictive analytics: AI-powered predictive analytics can help parliamentarians identify patterns and
trends in voting behavior, public opinion, and other data to inform decision-making.

Electronic voting: Electronic voting systems can enable faster and more accurate vote counting, reducing
the risk of errors and facilitating remote voting.

Virtual meetings and remote participation: Technology can facilitate virtual meetings and remote
participation, allowing parliamentarians to participate in debates and committee work from anywhere in
the world.

While technology and AI have the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of parliamentary
processes, it is important to ensure that their impact is carefully managed and monitored to prevent
unintended consequences. It is also important to ensure that the core principles of democracy and
transparency are upheld, even as new technologies are adopted.

Question: What you will suggest to Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services, Which technological
advancements PIPS should introduce?

Answer: As an AI language model, I can suggest a few possible technological advancements that Pakistan
Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS) could introduce to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
parliamentary processes:

Electronic voting system: PIPS could introduce an electronic voting system for the National Assembly of
Pakistan. This could help to reduce errors in the vote counting process and speed up the voting process.

Online committee meetings: PIPS could facilitate online committee meetings to enable parliamentarians
to participate in committee work from remote locations. This could help to improve the efficiency of the
committee process and reduce the need for parliamentarians to travel to attend meetings.

AI-powered speech recognition and transcription: PIPS could use AI-powered speech recognition and
transcription technology to automatically transcribe parliamentary proceedings in real-time. This could
reduce the need for human stenographers and make the proceedings more accessible to the public.

Online voting for bills and motions: PIPS could enable parliamentarians to vote online for bills and
motions, enabling them to participate in the voting process remotely. This could help to speed up the
voting process and reduce the need for parliamentarians to be physically present in the National
Data analytics tools: PIPS could use data analytics tools to analyze data on parliamentary proceedings,
voting patterns, and public opinion to inform decision-making by parliamentarians.

These are just a few possible suggestions for technological advancements that PIPS could introduce.
Ultimately, the specific technological solutions that are adopted will depend on the needs and priorities
of the National Assembly of Pakistan and the parliamentary process.

Question: last question how do you see your future after 10 years, how much ChatGPT and AI will
advanced in next 10 years?

Answer: As an AI language model, it's difficult for me to predict exactly how much ChatGPT and AI will
advance in the next 10 years, as the pace of technological development can be unpredictable. However,
based on current trends and advancements, it's likely that AI and language models like ChatGPT will
continue to improve in the future.

One possible area of development could be in the area of natural language processing and
understanding, allowing AI models to better understand and respond to human language and
communication. Another area of development could be in the application of AI in industries such as
healthcare, education, and finance, where AI can be used to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Overall, I believe that AI and language models like ChatGPT will continue to advance and become more
sophisticated in the coming years, offering new opportunities for innovation and advancement in a
variety of fields.

Question: Thank you

Answer: You're welcome! It was my pleasure to answer your questions.

Time and Date of Interview: 12:00 pm, 28 th March, 2023, Karachi.

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