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Science, Technology
and Engineering

Grade Level: Grade 7 (Advanced Subject)

Subject: Computer Science I

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
 Demonstrate skills in illustrating the capabilities and the
limitations of computer tools.
- Define computer
Week 1-2/ - Identify the types of computers
1st Q - Identify the parts of a computer
a. hardware
b. software
c. peopleware
 Manifest ability to demonstrate the functionality of an
operating system and its file management system
Week 3 - 4/ - Discuss the purpose of operating systems
1st Q - Use commands in a given operating system
- Illustrate the systems of file management
- Illustrate how data is stored on storage media
 Demonstrate skills in preventing viruses and other malicious
code that effects computers
Week 5 - 6/ - Describe a computer virus
1st Q - Determine some virus symptoms
- Differentiate and give examples of viruses
- Familiarize with the use of anti-virus software
Week 1-3/  Demonstrate skills in using word processing software to
2nd Q compose effective and well-organized documents
- Identify the parts of MS Word work area
- Create a word document
- Edit a word document

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
- Format a document
- Insert pictures in a document
- Insert tables in a document
- Insert ordered lists in a document
- Insert bulleted lists in a document
- Merge word documents
- Print word document
- Create bibliography, citation and references in APA, MLA
and Chicago format using MS Word Reference feature.
- Insert Table of Contents and footnote using MS Word
Reference feature.
 Demonstrate skills in using spreadsheets managing software
towards collating meaningful spreadsheets.
- Identify the parts of MS Excel work area
Week 4 - 7/ - Arrange and manage data in a spreadsheet
2nd Q - Use formulas in a spreadsheet
- Apply basic functions in spreadsheet
- Create graphs
- Perform statistical analysis using MS Excel Data Analysis tab
Week 1-3/  Demonstrate skills in using MS publisher in creating informative
3rd Q publications.
- Use MS Publisher software in making publications
- Create different publications namely
 Invitation
 Certificate
 Signs
 Flyer
 Brochure
 Program

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
 Newsletter
- Edit a publication
- Format a publication
- Print publication
- Layout investigatory project poster/display following
science fair standards.

 Demonstrate skills in using MS PowerPoint in creating slide

- Identify the parts of MS PowerPoint work area
- Create a presentation using Template, Auto content wizard
and Blank presentation
Week 4 - 6/
- Save a presentation using different file types
3rd Q
- Add graphics and sound in a slide
- Insert custom animation in slide
- Create interactive elements in a slide show
- Create sample investigatory project presentations using
MS Powerpoint.
 Manifest ability to illustrate the basics of computer networks
and internet use.
- Illustrate the elements of a computer network
- Identify the hardware needed for computer
Week 1-3/ communication
4th Q - Identify the different methods of computer communication
- Illustrate the different services used on the internet
- Apply proper internet ethics
- Demonstrate skills in doing online literature searching
- Use proper methods of citing information on the internet

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
 Demonstrate skills in making entertaining and informative web
pages using HTML.
- Identify the different types of browsers
- Identify different types of web pages
- Use simple text editor to create web page by means of
Week 4 - 5/ HTML tags
4th Q - Edit text editor
- Format HTML files
- Add text animations in web page
- Insert pictures in web page
- Create hyperlinks
- Insert elements in a web page

Grade Level: Grade 8 (Advanced Subject)

Subject: Computer Science 2

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
 Explore and examine the basic concepts and underlying
principles of Photo Editing specifically using the Adobe
- Expain basic concepts in Photo Editing
- Discuss the relevance of the course
Week 1/ - Explore the following photoshop guided tour
1st Q Meeting the Application Frame
Working with Panels
The Power of Undo
Tweaking Photoshop’s Preference
Working with Presets
Week 2-3/  Create and save new documents files in Adobe Photoshop
1st Q - Execute Opening, Viewing and Saving of Files by
Creating a new document
Saving files
Opening Existing Documents
Changing Views
Arranging open images
Guides, Grids and Rulers
 Manipulate layers in Adobe Photoshop
-Create and use the following types of Layers
Layers Basic
Managing Layers
Layer Blending

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
Layer Mask
Using Smart Objects
Layer Styles
 Edit images using selection in Adobe Photoshop
- Demonstrate the following skills in selection
Selecting Basics
Selecting by Shape
Selecting by Color
Selecting Irregular Areas
Modifying Selections

Week 4-5/  Enhance and edit colors with channels

1st Q -Controlling colors with channels
How Color Works
The Color Panels
The Alpha Channel
Basic Channel Stunts
 Transform images using crop, resize and rotate tools
-Demonstrate cropping, resizing and rotating as follows
Cropping Images
Resizing Images
Content-Aware Scaling
Rotating and Distorting
 Combine and blend images to enhance image quality
-Demonstrate combiing images as follows
Cut it out
Pasting into a Selection
Fading Images Together
Layer Blend Modes

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
Auto-Blending Layer
Week 6/  Manipulate and enhance photos by draining,changing, changing
1st Q and adding color
-Demonstrate and use Draining, Changing and Adding Color
 Manipulate and manage image color to correct unnecessary color
Quick Fixer-Uppers
Correcting Imagesin Camera Raw
Using Levels
Working with cuves
Creating high Dynamic Range Images
Making Color Pop
Rescuing the Unfixable
Week 1-2/  Ehance image quality by repairing flaws and imperfection
2nd Q -Execute Changing Reality: Removing and Repositioning as
The Brush, Fill and Patch Tools
Zapping Shines and Shadows
Whitening Teeth
Super Slimmers
Skin Softeners
Show-Stopping Eyes
Other Creative Madness

Week 3-4/  Customize the image property with the art of sharpening
2nd Q Basic Sharpening
Advance Sharpening Techniques
Sharpening Camera Raw

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
 Create an artistic image through painting in Photoshop
The Color Theory
Selecting a Color Scheme
Choosing Individual Colors
Introducing the Brush Tolols
Customizing Brushes

Week 5-7/  Create a format text using photoshop

2nd Q -Create artistic tex by Typography 101
- Creating and editing text
-Formatting text
-Create Special Text Effects
 Explore the filter
-Use filters in an image
 Prepare aand format file ready for printing.
-Execute the following printing
The WYSIWYG Printing
Resizing and Formatting Files
Printing on an Inkjet Printer
Printing on a commercial Offset Press
 Print Multiple Images
Create a scientific imaging or prepare a digital images of
specimens for measurement, especially for separating relevant
features from background detail.
(Scientific imaging with Photoshop is the authoritative guide to the
use of Photoshop in Scientific Research, with special emphasis on
the ethical ramifications of the use of image-enhancement to
extract data from digital images).
Week 1/  Explore and manipulate the Adobe Premiere Workspace

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
3rd Q -Familiarize with Adobe Premiere
Workflow and Workspace
Adobe Bride
Week 2/  Manage media file from Capturing, Digitizing and importing
3rd Q -Demonstrate capturing, digitizing, and importing as follows
Collecting Assets
Device Cntrol
Capturing and Digitizing
Batch Capturing
Importing Files
Week 3-4/  Move around the workspace area
3rd Q -Manage and view aspects by means of:
Customizing the Project Panel
Organizing Assets
Working with Assets
Source and Program Monitors
Playing Assets
Week 5-7/  Edit video file with proper sequence and trim.
3rd Q Editing overview
Working in the timeline panel
Working with tracks
Trimming clips
Assembling a sequence
Changing clips attributes
Working and reaaranging clips in a sequence
Previewing a sequence
 Use transition in to enhance video presentation with the

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
following transitions
Transition overview
Adding transitions
Fine-tuning transitions
Customizable transitions
Week 1-2/  Insert audio file and apply effects in video presentation as
4th Q follows:
Working with audio
Recording audio
Adjusting volume levels
Appying effects to audio
Editing audio
 Add test objects to enhance video objects
-Use the titler
Creating titles
Using title templates
Adding test to titles
Formatting text
Adding with text and images
Working with the objects in the title
Rolling and crawling titles
Week 3-5/  Use and explore animation that increase the appeal of the video
4th Q through:
Animating effects
Activating, selecting, adding and setting keyframes
Adjusting and customizing effects
 Export video outputs as follows
Exporting basics
Exporting to videotape

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
Exporting to files
 Produce DVD files
Create a Video Essay. (environment-related, scientific research,
lab experiments)
Create a Video file

Prepared by:

Education Program Supervisor I

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