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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Domingo Yu Chu National High School

Quarter I
Week 2


Learning Objective: Gathers Statistical Data

Key Concept

When you decide to conduct original research, the data you gather can be quantitative or

qualitative. Generally, you collect quantitative data through sample surveys, experiments and
observational studies. You obtain qualitative data through focus groups, in-depth interviews and case


Data are units of information, often numeric, recorded and used for the
purpose of analysis. These data can be gathered using the tool called statistical
instruments in the following method:
A. Survey – is a data collection method where you select a sample of respondents
from a large population in order to gather information about that population.
These are Example of survey method:
a. Interview Method – is done when a person asks information from
another person.
b. Questionnaire method – is done using printed questions regarding a
certain matter.
B. Observation – In observation, the person who gathers data is called
investigator while the person/object being observed is called the subject.

C. Experimentation – This is used by physicists and behavioural scientists in
collecting data.
D. Registration- This refers to continuous, permanent, compulsory recording
of the occurrence of vital events together with certain identifying or
descriptive characteristics concerning them.
-It is a method of utilizing the existing data or fact or
information, which is kept systematized by the office concerned such as
registration of births, death, motor vehicles, and marriages and licenses
because these are being enforced by certain laws.

Activity 1
Directions: Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the Correct Answer on the space
provided before each number.Determine the specific data collection method fit for
what is/are being required by the following statements below:
_________1. Determine if people who take Vitamin C everyday are less likely to get
A. Experiment B. Interview C. Observation D. Registration E. Survey
_________2. Is eating Bitter Fruit (Ampalaya) leaves effective in preventing blood sugar?
A. Experiment B. Interview C. Observation D. Registration E. Survey
_________3. What type of cell phone does this Grad 7 generation would like to buy?
A.Experiment B. Interview C. Observation D. Registration E. Survey
_________4. Are the students using calculator got better grades than those who are
A.Experiment B. Interview C. Observation D. Registration E. Survey
_________5. Estimate the number of Grade 7 learners who prefer the on-line Distance
learning and Modular Distance Learning.
A.Experiment B. Interview C. Observation D. Registration E. Survey

1. Estimate the number of items in the population.
2. Assess resources such as time and money factors which are available to
pursue the research.
3. Determine the sample size needed in the study using the Slovin’s formula:
n= N
1 + Ne²
Where: n = sample size
N = population
e= margin of error
4. Pick the sample by using the appropriate sampling technique.
5. Prepare the questions to be asked in the interview or in the questionnaire.

1. Probability Sampling – All members of the population have equal chances of
being chosen as part of the sample.

a. Random Sampling – Members of your sample are selected through
b. Systematic Sampling – Members of your population are written in a list
systematically with corresponding numbers.
- the process of selecting the sample when units are
obtained by drawing every nth element of the
nth = total number of elements in the population
n = desired sample size
nth = N
c. Stratified Sampling – Members of your population are grouped. You can
choose equal number of respondents in each group, or in proportion to the
number of elements in each group.
d. Cluster Sampling – Members of your population are grouped. Selections
of all respondents are in groups. You can choose all the respondents in
your selected groups.

2. Non-Probability Sampling- All members of the population do not have equal

chances of being chosen as part of the sample.
a. Convenience Sampling- Samples are selected because of their immediate
b. Purposive Sampling – Samples are determined by the researcher base on
the purpose of the study.
c. Quota Sampling – Samples are selected to achieve the needed number of
participants in the study.
d. Snowball Sampling – Samples are selected based on the recommendation
of other members in the sample.

Exercise 2:

III. Methods of Data Gathering

A. Direct Method- includes observation and interview where you get the
information firsthand.
B. Indirect Method – includes ways in which you can obtain the needed data
without your actual presence.

Exercises 3:

IV. Classification of Data

Qualitative Data
 Categories that show classifications or attributes
 Gender, Marital Status, Grade Level, Senior High Track/Strand

Quantitative Data
 Numbers or values that represent counts or measures.
 Weight, number of siblings, hours spent in studying

1. NOMINAL DATA -when numerical values or symbols are used to classify an object,
person or characteristics to identify groups to which various objects, persons, or
characteristics belong. They are used merely for classification or identification
purposes. It is Characterized by the data consists of names or categories only
- the data cannot be arranged in ordering scheme.
Ex. Civil status gender religion nationality Color of the skin
2. ORDINAL DATA -this is a level of measurement which contains the properties of
the nominal level, but also gives arrangement of members of particular grouped in
order, rank or ordered in some low to high manner. Inequalities of properties between
data values cannot be determined.

Ex.1. Types of questions given in a quiz bee contest
-easy -average -difficult
beauty contest
-winner -first runner up -second runner up
3. INTERVAL DATA--contains the properties of the ordinal level but the distances
between any two numbers on the scale are of known sizes. The number zero does not
imply the absence of the characteristic under consideration.
ex. 11:00 O’CLOCK
4.RATIO DATA- this refers to a property defined by an operation which permits
making of statements of equality of ratios in addition to statements of sameness, of
differences, greater than or less than, and equality or inequality of differences. It
contains the properties of the interval level but it has a true zero point, that is the
number zero indicates the absence of the characteristic under consideration.
strongest level of measurement
ex. Height in meter, feet
weight in kg, pounds

Exercises 4. Determine what type of data are the following; cluster them by writing
each one of them inside the circles below:

100 lbs. Male Female 1st year 6 inches

100 degree Celsius 5 years old 45 Php 100


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Domingo Yu Chu National High School

Activity 1
A.Experiment B. Interview C. Observation D. Registration E. Survey

Activity 2.

Directions: Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the Correct Answer on the space
provided before each number.
Determine the primary sampling technique fit for what is/are being required by the
following statements below:
_________1. Determine if people who take Vitamin C everyday are less likely to get
A. Probability Sampling B. Restricted Sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. None
_________2. Is eating Bitter Fruit (Ampalaya) leaves effective in preventing blood sugar?
A. Probability Sampling B. Restricted Sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. None
_________3. What type of cell phone does this Grade 7 generation would like to buy?
A. Probability Sampling B. Restricted Sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. None
_________4. Are the students using calculator got better grades than those who are
A. Probability Sampling B. Restricted Sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. None
_________5. Estimate the number of Grade 7 learners who prefer the on-line Distance
learning and Modular Distance Learning.
A. Probability Sampling B. Restricted Sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. None
_________6. How many parents or guardians of |grade 7 learners of this school year
2020-2021 are working in public or private agencies?
A. Probability Sampling B. Restricted Sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. None
_________7. How many from the ushers and usherettes in the party are very welcoming
and smiling while the guests are approaching the reception hall?
A. Probability Sampling B. Restricted Sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. None
_________8. How fast does the counter crew serve the ordered meal of the tree
consecutive costumers?
A. Probability Sampling B. Restricted Sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. None
_________9. Is the stoplight in the city helpful to all concerned?
A. Probability Sampling B. Restricted Sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. None
________10. What is the average grade of the Grade 7 learners in Mathematics school
year 2019-2020?
A. Probability Sampling B. Restricted Sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. None

Directions: Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the Correct Answer on the space
provided before each number.
Determine the specific data collection method fit for what is/are being required by the
following statements below:
_________1. How many parents or guardians of |grade 7 learners of this school year
2020-2021 are working in public or private agencies?
A.Experiment B. Interview C. Observation D. Registration E. Survey
_________2. How many from the ushers and usherettes in the party are very welcoming
and smiling while the guests are approaching the reception hall?
A. Experiment B. Interview C. Observation D. Registration E. Survey

_________3. How fast does the counter crew serve the ordered meal of the tree
consecutive costumers?
A. Experiment B. Interview C. Observation D. Registration E. Survey
_________4. Is the stoplight in the city helpful to all concerned?
A.Experiment B. Interview C. Observation D. Registration E. Survey
________5. What is the average grade of the Grade 7 learners in Mathematics school
year 2022-2023?
A.Experiment B. Interview C. Observation D. Registration E. Survey

Let’s Reflect!
1. In the previous lesson, based on the problem/s you cited, what method of data
collection will you use? Explain.

Answer Key

Activity 1 Activity 2
1. A 1. B
2. A 2. B
3. E 3. A
4. E 4. B
5. E 5. A
6. D 6. B
7. C 7. B
8. C 8. B
9. B 9. C
10. D 10. A


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