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Waste Management 104 (2020) 9–19

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Sustainability evaluation of concretes with mixed recycled aggregate

based on holistic approach: Technical, economic and environmental
Isabel Martínez-Lage a,⇑, Pablo Vázquez-Burgo a, Mirian Velay-Lizancos b
Grupo de Construcción, Centro de Innovación Tecnológica en Edificación e Ingeniería Civil (CITEEC), E.T.S. Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. Universidade da Coruña,
Campus de Elviña, s/n, 15071 A Coruña, Spain
Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This research combines technical, economic and environmental analysis of the use of recycled aggregates
Received 2 October 2019 from construction and demolition wastes in concrete production. Firstly, an experimental campaign to
Revised 8 December 2019 evaluate the effect of recycled aggregate on mechanical properties was developed. The mixture designs
Accepted 29 December 2019
studied were: a reference concrete (without recycled aggregate), two concretes with 20% and 100%
replacement of coarse natural aggregate by recycled concrete aggregate; and three concretes with 20,
50 and 100% replacement of coarse natural aggregate by mixed recycled aggregate. To analyze their tech-
nical feasibility, these concretes were made in the laboratory and in a concrete plant. The economic via-
Recycled aggregate
Mechanical properties
bility was also studied indicating the additional costs incurred due to the utilization of recycled aggregate
Sustainable construction in different economic scenarios. Finally, the differences in environmental impacts were analyzed for each
Economic viability concrete. For this purpose, energy consumption, global warming, eutrophication, acidification, photo-
Environmental impact chemical ozone creation, waste generation, and abiotic depletion were accounted. 20% replacement of
recycled concrete aggregates does not cause practically variations in the cost or the environmental loads,
only a reduction of waste generation and abiotic depletion of 8% and 10.6% respectively. In contrast, the
use of 100% replacement by mixed aggregates may increase the global warming indicator an 11% when
double transport distance is assumed. But in exchange, the waste generation decreases 35% and the abi-
otic depletion 50%. Aggregate transport distance is a key factor that will determine the cost, energy con-
sumption, and global warming of the mixed recycled aggregate.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2. Materials and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1. Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2. Concrete mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3. Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3. Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.1. Technical viability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2. Economic viability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3. Environmental assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Declaration of Competing Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Appendix A. Supplementary material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (I. Martínez-Lage).
0956-053X/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
10 I. Martínez-Lage et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 9–19

1. Introduction before using in concrete production to prevent recycled aggregates

from absorbing more water during mixing (Sánchez de Juan, 2010;
The construction and demolition waste (CDW) represents an Cabral et al, 2010; Correia et al, 2006; García-González et al, 2014;
important percentage of the total wastes generated. A good example González-Corominas and Etxeberría, 2014). Khalaf (2006) sub-
to illustrate is the data from the ‘‘Advancing Sustainable Materials merges aggregate in a bucket of water for a period of 30 min. After
Management: 2015 Fact Sheet” by U.S. Environmental Protection submersion, aggregate was towel-dried to remove any excess water
Agency (EPA): In 2015 over 500 million tons of construction and on the surface of the material to get the aggregate in a saturated-
demolition debris were generated in United States, which repre- surface dried condition before mixing. However, these methods of
sents twice the total municipal solid waste generated in the same aggregate preparation are not feasible on an industrial scale.
period of time (EPA, 2015). Sustainable Materials Management To simplify the process for possible industrial applications many
(SMM) is currently promoted by many agencies and countries authors consider that rather than introducing the aggregate in a
and, since the CDW is an important part of the total waste, sustain- saturated-surface dried condition, it is easier and cheaper to add
able CDW management is one of the keys to achieve an SMM. One the amount of water in the mixer corresponding to the theoretically
example of normative towards a more sustainable waste manage- absorbed water by recycled aggregates. There is no consensus
ment and SMM is the Directive 2008/98/EC of the European regarding the amount of additional water that should be introduced
Parliament and of the Council on waste (2008), it indicates that into the mixer, but most authors decided to assume that the recy-
the first objective of any waste policy should be to minimize the cled aggregate will absorb water until achieving a total moisture
negative effects of the generation and management of waste on between 70% and 100% of the water absorption. Some authors
human health and the environment. It also indicates that the Mem- defended that during the mixing process, recycled aggregate will
ber States shall take the necessary measures designed to achieve by not have enough time to absorb their total water absorption due
2020 the preparation for re-use, recycling, and other material recov- to their very high absorption (in some cases higher than 7%). Based
ery, including backfilling operations that use waste as a substitute of on that, they just took into account a percentage of the water
other materials, of non-hazardous construction and demolition absorption to calculate the amount of water that needs to be com-
waste, shall be increased to a minimum of 70% by weight. EPA also pensated due to the initial moisture condition of the aggregates.
identifies certain CDW as potential options to replace natural mate- For example, Martínez-Lage et al. (2012) chooses to introduce
rials in new building constructions, avoiding mining and processing the total amount of water that can absorb recycled aggregates
of natural materials (EPA, 2019). The use of recycled aggregate from (adding the 100% of the water absorption) and even with this
CDW as partial or total substitution of natural aggregate in concrete approach they observed that the consistency decreases when the
production is an example of a potential application to increase the replacing percentage of natural aggregates by recycled aggregates
sustainability of our construction materials and to achieve the goals is increased. Mas and Cladera (2009) carried out water absorption
of the Directive 2008/98/EC and EPA. tests at 10, 20 and 30 min making sure that most of the water was
Recycled aggregate produced from CDW recycling plants can be absorbed during the first 10 min and that the recycled aggregates
classified into two groups (Alaejos Gutiérrez, 2008): Recycled con- were capable of absorbing 85% of its total absorption capacity dur-
crete aggregates (aggregates from the waste concrete crushing), ing the mixing process. However, in a later work (Mas et al, 2012)
and mixed recycled aggregates (aggregates from recycling ceramic extra water added was 80% of the absorption capacity, but they
and concrete waste). The production output of mixed recycled added more plasticizing admixture when increasing the amount
aggregates (MRA) is significantly greater than the production output of recycled aggregate. Others decided that the amount of water
of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) according to GEAR (2012). For added was 90% of the absorption capacity because it was the water
example, 70% of the aggregates obtained from recycling plants in that recycled aggregates absorbed during the first 5 min (Fonseca
Spain consist of MRA, and only 30% consist of RCA (GEAR, 2012). et al., 2011; Medina et al., 2014). Alaejos et al. (2011) decided to
But, on the other hand, the negative effect of recycled aggre- use recycled aggregates and introduce the same amount of water
gates on the mechanical properties of concrete is higher when in all the batches, water/cement ratio effective was calculated
using MRA than when using RCA (Pacheco-Torgal et al., 2013. assuming that aggregates absorb 70% of the absorption capacity.
Replacing 50% of natural aggregate by MRA produces a decrease Whereas the use of recycled aggregates to produce new con-
in compressive strength between a 7% and 20% according to previ- crete will reduce the amount of CDW in landfills and it also will
ous literature (Rodríguez-Robles et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2011; reduce mining (EPA, 2019), many other factors should be taken
Martínez-Lage et al., 2012) whereas 100% MRA replacement pro- into account to evaluate the sustainability of concrete when using
duces a decrease in compressive strength between 10% and 45% recycled aggregate from CDW. Changes in transportation due to
(Chen et al. 2003, Debieb and Kenai, 2008, Martínez-Lage et al., the geographical distribution of aggregate plants, policies, effect
2012 y López-Uceda et al., 2016). However, the reduction of com- of recycled aggregates on the performance of concrete that can
pressive strength also depends on the quality of recycled aggregate may changes in the mixture design to achieve given specifications
and the additives added (Wang et al., 2013; Xie et al., 2018). are some examples of factors that should not be overlooked. The
As suggested by the majority of researchers, the main problem economic viability is also a factor that affects the advance of the
found when using MRA is its high absorption. Recycled aggregates concrete production towards a more sustainable industry.
have a much higher absorption than natural coarse aggregates. In There are some studies about the effect of some of these factors.
the case of MRA, the absorption is even much higher than the For example, Duran et al. (2006) propose a model for assessing the
absorption of RCA. For that reason, obtaining the effective ratio economic viability of construction and demolition waste recycling,
water/cement, i.e., the total amount of water which reacts with analyzing the difference in costs when natural aggregates or recy-
cement divided by the amount of cement is not trivial. Since the cled aggregates are used. (Ghisellini et al., 2018), conduct an envi-
absorption is very high, the approach of adding the water absorption ronmental analysis and an analysis of economic costs and benefits
to correct the total amount of water could result into an increase of for CDW recycling based on previous literature. Rodríguez et al.
the total effective water/cement ratio if aggregates do not have (2015) analyze the management of the CDW in the Spanish case,
enough time to absorb all theoretical water absorption before this describing the processes and features of 49 plants. In the guide
water starts to react with cement. Some researchers consider suit- GEAR (2012), many of the characteristics of the Spanish CDW
able using a pre-saturation method of the recycled aggregates plants are also collected.
I. Martínez-Lage et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 9–19 11

Few studies have been found referred to the differences in the 0/4 mm [FA], (iii) two fractions of granitic natural aggregates: med-
environmental impact when using recycled aggregate instead of ium 4/12 mm [NA1] and coarse 12/24 mm [NA2], (iv) two fractions
natural aggregate for the production of concrete. The most signifi- of recycled concrete aggregates: medium 4/12 mm [RCA1] and
cant are: a multi-criteria analysis to decide the optimum substitu- coarse 12/24 mm [RCA2], (v) two fractions of mixed recycled
tion following environmental and economic criteria applied to aggregate: medium 4/12 mm [MRA1] and coarse 12/24 mm
Serbia (Tösic et al., 2015); a study that shows a possible methodol- [MRA2], (vi) CHRYSOPLAST 795 plasticizer based on hydro-
ogy but does not provide specific data in any geographical area carboxylic compounds and CHRYSOFLUID OPT.70 superplasticizer
(Wijayasundara et al., 2015); and other that studies a region in based on polycarboxylates. The particle size distribution of both
Paris (Fraj and Idir, 2017), concluding that the transport parameter natural and recycled aggregates is shown in the supplementary
is very important environmentally. Besides, there are some studies material (Fig. S.1).
on life cycle assessment of recycled concrete aggregate in which The recycled aggregates used in this study were obtained from a
the production and transport costs, environmental benefits and construction and demolition waste recycling plant named
CO2 emissions are analyzed (Mah et al, 2018; Arzúa et al., 2019; RECINOR (Spain). There is no information about the wastes used
Wijayasundara et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019). to produce these recycled aggregates since these plant process
Technical, economic and environmental factors are linked. For wastes from different sources. The only information on the source
that reason, a holistic approach to evaluate the sustainability and of the wastes is that the RCA1 and RCA2 are from wastes from con-
viability of recycled materials is needed. Based on that, this crete elements while RMA1 and RMA2 are from a mixed source of
research combines technical, economic and environmental analysis different construction materials, including (but not limited to) con-
of the use of both MRA and RCA from CDW in concrete production. crete, bricks, and tiles. The classification of the components was
In this research paper, the environmental impact of production conducted according to European Standard EN 933-11 (2009).
of plain concrete versus production of concrete with two different Recycled aggregates RCA1 and RCA2 are of high quality because
recycled aggregates (mixed recycled aggregate and concrete recy- Rc (% concrete and mortar) + Ru (% natural aggregate) is higher
cled aggregates) is studied. For this purpose, energy consumption, than 97%. Indeed, they are concrete recycled aggregates. For
global warming, eutrophication, acidification, photochemical MRA1 and MRA2, the amount of Rc (% concrete and mortar) + Ru
ozone creation, waste generation, and abiotic depletion indicators (% natural aggregate) + Rb (% ceramic) is over 97%, therefore the
are accounted. Taking into account that recycled aggregates affects mixed recycled aggregates have good quality as it contains very
the compressive strength of concrete, which is one of the key few contaminants. However, the amount of clay masonry units is
properties of this material, this study considers that this effect sufficiently large to not classify these aggregates as recycled con-
needs to be accounted for on the environmental impact, by com- crete aggregates and have to be classified as mixed recycled
paring concretes with the same compressive strength. It means aggregates.
that changes in the mixture design to produce recycled concrete The particle densities and water absorption were obtained using
(concrete with total or partial replacement of natural aggregate the European Standard EN 1097-6 (2001). Whereas the natural
by recycled aggregate) as strong as plain concrete are taken into aggregate showed an absorption lower than 0.6%, the recycled con-
account in the environmental analysis to do a fair comparison. crete aggregates exhibited a 5.98% (RCA1) and 5.03% (RCA2) and the
To determine the potential modifications needed to achieve the mixed recycled aggregates showed a very high absorption (8.79% for
same compressive strength on concretes with recycled aggregate, MRA1 and 7.59% for MRA2). The oven-dried particle density for NA1
an experimental campaign to evaluate the effect of the recycled and NA2 was 2620 and 2600 kg/m3 respectively, and their saturated
aggregates on several properties of concretes was developed before surface-dried particle density was 2640 kg/m3 in both cases. In the
analyzing the environmental impact of different concretes. This case of recycled aggregates, their oven-dried particle densities were
experimental campaign included laboratory tests and tests in a lower than natural aggregates with values of 2290 kg/m3 (RCA1),
ready-mix concrete plant. It also allowed us to analyze the differ- 2340 kg/m3 (RCA2), 2340 kg/m3 (MRA1) and 2120 kg/m3 (MRA2).
ences between them to evaluate potential dispersions and techni- The same trend was observed on saturated surface-dried particle
cal viability on the field. The main objective of these experiments is density with values of 2420 kg/m3 (RCA1), 2450 kg/m3 (RCA2),
to evaluate the potential changes in mixture design needed to 2460 kg/m3 (MRA1) and 2280 kg/m3 (MRA2).
obtain the same compressive strength in concrete without and
with recycled aggregates. Based on that, the comparison between 2.2. Concrete mixtures
the environmental impact of a concrete with recycled aggregates
vs the plain concrete, for a given compressive strength, is possible. The mixture design of reference concrete of this research (C-0)
Besides, the economic viability is also studied indicating the is a standard mixture design from a concrete plant (Table 1).
changes in costs incurred due to the utilization of recycled aggre- According to the nomenclature of Eurocode 2 (EC-2, 2013), this ref-
gate in different economic scenarios. Cost is always a factor in pro- erence concrete, is a concrete with strength class C30/37 (compres-
duction, and it should not be overlooked. To increase the sive characteristic strength of 30 MPa tested in cylindrical
production of cleaner construction materials, research that combi- samples), consistency class C2 (concrete slump test between 50
nes technical, environmental and cost analysis is much needed. It and 90 mm) and for a durability class XA1 (low aggressive chemi-
also can contribute to have a better understanding of how the envi- cal environment). Moreover, 5 additional concretes will be made
ronmental policies and waste treatment policies can help towards using recycled aggregate. Two of them (C-20-C and C-100-C) with
a cleaner production. And this is the main objective of this 20% and 100% replacement, respectively, of NA1 and NA2 by RCA1
research, which provides a holistic analysis taking into account and RCA2 and three of them (C-20-M, C-50-M, and C-100-M) with
technical, environmental, cost analysis and links. 20%, 50%, and 100% replacement, respectively, of NA1 and NA2 by
MRA1 and MRA2.
2. Materials and methods Using the materials and the mixture design provided by the
concrete plant, an initial batch mix of conventional concrete was
2.1. Materials made in the laboratory. The laboratory tests showed a characteris-
tic compressive strength of 44 MPa and a slump of 7 cm. The w/c
The materials used in this research are: (i) Ordinary Portland ratio used in the concrete was 0.50. This is the maximum value
cement CEM II/A-M(V-L) 42.5, (ii) quartzite fine natural aggregate allowed by the EC-2 for the exposure class XA1. Concerning the
12 I. Martínez-Lage et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 9–19

Table 1
Recipes for concrete mixtures (per m3 of concrete).

Component (kg/m3) C-0 C-20-C C-100-C C-20-M C-50-M C-100-M

Cement 347 340 327 338 332 321
FA 933 934 928 922 907 869
NA1 149 118 0 123 82 0
NA2 774 606 0 596 354 0
RCA1 0 29 146 0 0 0
RCA2 0 152 692 0 0 0
MRA1 0 0 0 31 82 182
MRA2 0 0 0 149 354 645
Water 174 180 208 184 200 226
CHRYSOPLAST 795 3.47 3.40 3.27 3.38 3.32 3.21
CHRYSOFLUID OPT.70 3.47 3.40 4.91 3.38 4.32 5.13

amount of mixing water, to obtain the same effective water/ each material according to the mixture designs was automatically
cement ratio as conventional concrete, the mixing water was obtained; the batch mixes yielded a volume of 2 m3. After the con-
adjusted assuming that both natural and recycled aggregates crete was mixed, it was unloaded into a conventional concrete
absorb 100% of the absorption capacity. To do that, the moisture truck (total of 4 batches per truck). Transportation to the site
condition of the aggregates was calculated by taking a sample for required 15–20 min. The concrete was placed by direct chute dis-
each aggregate and batch to test the actual moisture content of charge from the truck mixer. Two trucks were checked for each
the aggregates before mixing. Then the mixing water was adjusted mixture proportion. The same tests that were previously con-
in order to compensate the excess or need of water of the ducted in the laboratory were performed: slump test, compressive
aggregates. strength test at 7 and 28 days, secant modulus of elasticity in com-
With respect to consistency, the literature (Debieb and Kenai, pression and depth of penetration of water under pressure tests.
2008; Martínez-Lage et al, 2012; Bravo et al, 2015; Cachim, For every studied concrete, three cylinder samples were tested at
2009; Khalaf, 2006; Agrela et al, 2011; Matias et al., 2013) indicates each testing age and for each of the listed properties. Then, the
that, for the same effective water/cement ratio, the slump value average of the three samples was calculated.
decreased as the quantity of recycled aggregates increased. To
guarantee the required slump value, two options could be
employed: an increase in the water/cement ratio or an increase 3. Results and discussion
in the amount of additive. The first option involved an additional
reduction in the strength and the durability of the concrete so it 3.1. Technical viability
was rejected and the second option was adopted. No changes on
the additive content were needed for concretes C-20-C and Table 2 shows the results of the average compressive strength
C-20-M to obtain the required consistency. However, for C-100-C, test at 7 and 28 days, the average modulus of elasticity test at
C-50-M, and C-100-M, it was necessary to increase the amount 28 days, concrete slump test, characteristic compressive strength
of superplasticizer. and maximum depth of penetration of water under pressure test
Therefore, the mixtures were conceived based on conventional of both, concrete produced in the lab and concrete produced in
concrete, with different percentage replacements by weight of the plant.
natural aggregate by recycled aggregate. Taking into account the According to Table 2, for concretes made in the laboratory, it
different densities, the mixture designs were adjusted. Table 1 lists was observed that all concretes have the required consistency;
the amounts each material needed to produce 1 m3 of concrete. the characteristic compressive strength of concretes exceed the
strength required by the project (30 MPa); the maximum depth
2.3. Methods of the water penetration under pressure of concretes is less than
the allowable value for the exposure class Qa (50 mm). Class Qa
To characterize the concrete and confirm the necessary require- exposure is defined in the EHE-08 (EHE, 2008) as aggressive chem-
ments, the following tests were performed for each concrete: (i) ical exposure, low level of chemical attack for concrete elements
slump test according to European Standard EN 12350-2 (2009a), placed in environments with a content of chemical substances that
(ii) compressive strength test of cylindrical specimens with dimen- can alter the concrete at low speed. An example of this low level of
sions of 150  300 mm at 7 and 28 days according to European chemical attack is the exposure of concrete to water with a PH
Standard EN 12390-3 (2009b) using an Ibertest compression between 6.5 and 5.5. The loss of compressive strength is linear
machine for concrete with a maximum load 3000 kN , (iii) secant with the substitution percentage, with a loss of 15% for concrete
modulus of elasticity in compression of cylindrical specimens with C-100-C and a loss of 25% for concrete C-100-M, which corrobo-
dimensions of 150  300 mm at 28 days according to the European rates the results of previous studies (Debieb and Kenai, 2008;
Standard EN 12390-13 (2013) with 3 cycles of loading and unload- Sánchez de Juan, 2010; Martínez-Lage et al, 2012; Bravo et al.,
ing in the elastic range using a MTS System Corporation compres- 2015); the ratio compressive strength at 7 days to compressive
sion machine with maximum load 5000 kN and extensometers and strength at 28 days for all concretes is in the range between 0.8
gauges to monitor the displacement, and (iv) depth of penetration and 0.9, regardless the substitution percentage; the reduction in
of water under pressure into cylindrical specimens with dimen- the elastic modulus is also linear with respect to the substitution
sions of 150  300 mm following the European Standard EN percentage. For 100% substitution, the loss is 7% when using RCA
12390-8 (2009c). and 22% for MRA, which is a slightly smaller value than the value
The recycled concrete was also fabricated in a ready mixed con- obtained in other studies (Chen et al, 2003; Sánchez de Juan,
crete plant. The material was poured in the feed hopper using a 2010; Martínez-Lage et al, 2012; Bravo et al., 2015). The dispersion
wheel loader and unloaded to the assigned hopper by a conveyor in the compressive strength and the modulus of elasticity is rela-
belt and the mixer using another conveyor belt. The amount of tively small, it is lower than 9% in all cases and it is not correlated
I. Martínez-Lage et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 9–19 13

Table 2
Properties of concretes (in average).

Property C-0 C-20-C C-100-C C-20-M C-50-M C-100-M

Compressive strength 7 days (MPa) 43.2 41.0 40.9 41.3 39.5 36.6
Compressive strength 28 days (MPa) 52.0 50.8 45.1 50.0 45.9 41.0
Variation of compressive strength (%) 2.3 13.6 4.4 12.2 24.0
Secant modulus of elasticity (MPa) 26,250 26,000 24,250 25,000 23,250 20,500
Variation of modulus of elasticity (%) 1.0 7.6 4.8 11.4 21.9
Abrams0 slump (mm) 70 50 70 60 70 60
Characteristic compressive strength (MPa) 44 43 37 42 38 33
Maximum depth of penetration of water under pressure (mm) 17 19 19 16 14
Ready mix plant
Compressive strength 7 days (MPa) 38.8 36.8 35.4 37.4 34.5 33.1
Compressive strength 28 days (MPa) 46.8 44.6 42.5 42.0 39.9 37.9
Variation of compressive strength (%) 4.7 9.6 11.3 16.4 22.3
Secant modulus of elasticity (MPa) 25,000 24,750 22,500 24,875 23,750 23,500
Variation of modulus of elasticity (%) 1.0 10.0 0.5 5.0 6.0
Abrams0 slump (mm) 100 100 160 105 95 100
Characteristic compressive strength (MPa) 39 37 35 34 32 30
Maximum depth of penetration of water under pressure (mm) 30 25 30 27 30

with the replacement ratio and regarding the modulus of elasticity, 3.2. Economic viability
note that the empirical formula in the guidelines (EC-2, 2013;
Model Code, 2010) provides much higher values than the values Having examined the technical feasibility of using recycled
obtained in the tests; thus, the values should be reduced using a aggregates, RCA and MRA, in plain concrete to analyze the eco-
coefficient that is similar to the coefficient indicated for the differ- nomic viability is considered to be appropriate because if the use
ent natural aggregates. of these aggregates is not economically viable, their use in place-
And for concretes made in ready mix plant, it was observed ment in situ will be smaller unless there is a regulation requiring
that the compressive strength of concretes mixed in the plant is their use. There are studies published in which economic instru-
lower than the compressive strength of the same concretes mixed ments were analyzed to promote friendly construction practices
in the lab. This fact is observed for all concrete mixtures studied. among contractors (Yuan et al., 2011). In Spain, construction com-
The variations comparing the results obtained in the plant and panies believe that the current legal framework is not sufficiently
lab are between 7% and 16%. The amount of materials used and adapted to companies of all sizes, it represents an extra cost and
the storage system for aggregates in the laboratory are very differ- is difficult to apply, as they would support a combined system of
ent from those used in the concrete plant. These differences affect bonuses and penalties (Gangolells et al., 2014).
the homogeneity of the moisture and the accuracy of the measures According to Duran et al. (2006), some factors must be studied
of the average aggregate moisture. In the laboratory, aggregates to analyze economic feasibility of using recycled aggregates: (1)
are stored in closed bags of 20 kg–30 kg under homogeneous Decision of where to dispose of the construction and demolition
moisture conditions. In the concrete plant, aggregates are stored waste: recycling center or landfill site, (2) Decision of which aggre-
in stockpiles. The moisture was measured in both cases using gate to use: natural o recycled aggregates, (3) Imposition of taxes:
the same procedure. However, it is clear that in the plant, the for landfilling and for the usage of raw materials and (4) Use of
homogeneity of the moisture in the aggregates will not be compa- subsidies on the use of a recycling center.
rable with the homogeneity of the moisture of the aggregates Of the four above factors, it is only going to discuss the second
stored in bags. This difference may change the effective w/c ratio one because the other three depend on the policies on recycling to
in the concrete plants, and it may be the source of the differences adopt each of the countries.
in compressive strength observed on samples made in the con- Duran et al. (2006) suggest that to encourage the use of recycled
crete plant in comparison with the samples made in the labora- aggregates instead of natural aggregates should be met:
tory. No trend according to type or substitution percentage of
recycled aggregate was found in the variation of these values. In Q p þ T q > Eru þ RC p þ T ru
any case, characteristic strength for all concretes is higher than
the required one. where Qp is the price per ton of newly quarried product at quarry
Also, it was observed that the dispersion in the compressive gate; Tq the cost per ton of transport from quarry to site; Eru any
strength and the modulus of elasticity is higher in plant than in extra costs per ton created by using the recycled product; RCp the
the laboratory and it is not correlated with the replacement ratio price per ton of recycled product at the recycling center and Tru
or the type of aggregate just like in the laboratory; the secant mod- the cost per ton of transport from recycling center to site. Also, they
ulus of elasticity in compression obtained for the different con- consider Eru is not relevant if recycled aggregates have the same
cretes fabricated in the plant were similar to the modulus characteristics as primary aggregates.
obtained for the concrete fabricated in the laboratory; the penetra- The authors of this paper consider Eru is relevant as the charac-
tion depth of water under pressure for the concrete fabricated in teristics of recycled aggregates are generally not the same as those
the plant is greater than the penetration depth of the concrete fab- of natural aggregates and therefore the properties of the recycled
ricated in the laboratory but remains lower than the allowable concrete are not the same that those of conventional concrete.
penetration depth for exposure class Qa (maximum of 50 mm Thus, to obtain the same compressive strength concretes with
and average of 30 mm) and the values obtained from the concrete recycled aggregates must contain more cement than conventional
slump test in the plant are higher than the values obtained in the concretes and to achieve the same consistency more additive needs
laboratory but they continue to fulfill the required class (permissi- to be added.
ble tolerance ± 20 mm), except concrete C-100-C, in which less To have a more general economic study, rather than considering
additive should be added. the amount of cement included in Table 1, the cement needed to
14 I. Martínez-Lage et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 9–19

have the same compressive strength than the reference concrete ready-mix concrete plant that acquires the aggregates from aggre-
will be considered. Using the La Peña dosage method, that relates gate producers.
the relationship water/cement with the compressive strength, If we consider the fact that cement represents 50% of the con-
the quantities to be considered by m3 of concrete are 347, 365, crete cost, additive around 10%, coarse aggregates a 7% and their
348, 365 and 385 kg for concretes C-20-C, C-100-C, C-20-M, C- transport a 5%, it can be concluded that replacing 20% of NA by
50-M, and C-100-M, respectively. This means than an increase of RCA or MRA affects the cost less than 1% to obtain a concrete with
the cement content (by weight) for the same compressive strength the same compressing strength in any of the options. For options 1
would be 0% for C-20-C, 5.2% for C-100-C, 0.3% for C-20-M, 5.3% for and 2, the additional cost of using 100% of recycled concrete aggre-
C-50-M and 11.1% for C-100-M. gate will be lower than 4%. The percentage of additional cost of
It was necessary to increase the amount of additive for C-50-C, using 50% of mixed recycled aggregate is lower than 2%, and for
C-50-M, and C-100-M to obtain the same slump. The increase C-100-M will be lower than 7%. For option 3, the additional cost
needed was 18% (by the weigh) for C-50-C, 10% for C-50-M, and will be lower than 9%, 6% and 12% for C-100-C, C-50-M, and C-
20% for C-100-M. 100-M, respectively. Finally, for option 4, the additional cost will
As for the difference in price per ton of recycled aggregate and be lower than 7%, 4.5% and 9% for C-100-C, C-50-M, and C-100-
natural aggregate, it certainly depends largely on the area in which M, respectively.
the work settles, as the cost of natural aggregate varies greatly In Table 3, a particular case is included with real data from
from one area to another. In some areas, the price of natural aggre- Spain. It can be observed that the additional cost for option 4 with
gates is approximately equal to the price of recycled aggregates, concretes C-20-C and C-20-M is lower than 1%, for concrete C-100-
but normally (at least in Spain) recycled aggregates are cheaper. C is 6.8%, for C-50-M is 4.1% and for C-100-M is 8.3%.
For example, in Spain, the cost of a tone of natural aggregate is It follows from the above that the use of recycled aggregates
between 5€ and 7.5 €. For the same country, the cost of a tone of instead of using natural aggregates may represent an increase in
recycled concrete aggregate is between 3€ and 6 € while the cost the cost and therefore the government should take the necessary
for recycled mixed aggregate is the range of 2–5 €/ton. measures to solve this problem.
The last parameter to be analyzed is transportation. It is consid-
ered that the cost per ton of transport is the same for both types of 3.3. Environmental assessment
aggregates but instead, the amount of kilometers depends on the
location of the quarry and the recycling center (GEAR, 2012; The objective of this section is to compare the environmental
Rodríguez et al, 2015; Zhang et al., 2019). In the case that the impact on the utilization of the 6 concretes studied. According to
aggregate is collected, the distance between the recycling plant the International Standard ISO 14044 and the European EN ISO
and the site is more than double the distance between the quarry 14044 (2006) of Environmental Management, one of the tech-
and the site, but probably in other cases, this extra cost will not be niques to analyze the environmental impact of the manufactured
so large. products is through the analysis of the life cycle. The life cycle of
Considering that, in other areas, the price of the recycled aggre- a concrete element is indicated in Fig. 1.
gates or the distance to the recycling plant could be similar to the To perform the life cycle analysis, the following assumptions
natural aggregates, the following scenarios were considered. and conditions have been adopted. First of all, for all the concretes,
Option 1: Considering changes due to the mix composition, the volume of concrete transported and the construction phases,
mainly the amount of cement and additive. No difference in the service and demolition of the element is the same. Then, they will
transport distance for natural and recycled aggregate. not be necessary to be considered to make a comparison. Secondly,
Option 2: Considering changes due to the mix composition and the comparison of the environmental impact and cost of the differ-
taking into account the price difference between natural and recy- ent concretes is made based on one cubic meter of concrete with
cled aggregates. the same characteristic compressive strength; the functional unit
Option 3: Considering changes due to the mix composition and of this analysis is defined as one cubic meter of concrete with a
the transport differences between natural and recycled aggregates. given compressive strength equal to the compressive strength of
Option 4: Considering changes due to the mix composition, the reference concrete. Therefore, in function of the effect of recycled
price difference, and the transport difference. aggregates on the compressive strength of concrete, adjustments
Option 5: Considering changes due to the mix composition, in on the cement content are assumed. The main goal in this section
case that the recycled aggregates are produced with a mobile is comparing the effect of different percentages of RCA and RMA on
crusher located in the waste generation point and using a mobile the environmental impact of concretes. The differences in the addi-
concrete plant in the same location (transport distance of recycled tive content are very small between different studied recipes,
aggregates equal to zero). therefore in this analysis, it was assumed that the environmental
Option 6: Considering changes due to the mix composition and impact of the additives will be negligible in comparison to the
price difference of different type of aggregates, in case that the effect of RCA or RMA on the environmental impact of studied con-
recycled aggregates are produced with a mobile crusher located cretes. Therefore, it is assumed that the small variations on the
in the waste generation point and using a mobile concrete plant additive content between the studied recipes will not change the
in the same location (transport distance of recycled aggregates trend of the overall effect of the recycled aggregates on the envi-
equal to zero). ronmental impact of the studied concretes. Finally, based on that,
Options 5 and 6 are the options that correspond to the most it was assumed that the emissions due to the water and the addi-
advantageous case scenario for using recycled aggregate in terms tives are negligible compared with cement, aggregates production
of economic cost and environmental impact. In these two options, and transport, and concrete manufacturing.
the transport distance of recycled aggregate is zero, since these The processes required for the production of recycled concrete
options consider the possibility of having the source of the waste aggregates (RCA) are transported to the recycling plant, visual
of demolitions in the same location of the concrete plant and inspection, screening, crushing, magnetic separation, flotation
crusher (for example, using mobile crushers and mobile plants). separation, and washing. For the production of mixed recycled
For that reason, options 5 and 6 are just applicable for a very speci- aggregates (MRA), in addition to the previous processes, a pre-
fic case scenario, and options from 1 to 4 are more general and separation must be done (separation of voluminous materials)
applicable for the general case of using recycled aggregates in a and triage (manual triage).
I. Martínez-Lage et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 9–19 15

Table 3
Total costs and additional costs.

C-0 C-20-C C-100-C C-20-M C-50-M C-100-M

Cement 41.67 41.67 43.81 41.78 43.86 46.26
FA 11.66 11.68 11.60 11.53 11.34 10.86
NA 11.07 8.69 8.62 5.23
NCA Option 1 2.17 10.06
NCA Option 2 1.81 8.38
NCA Option 3 3.25 15.09
NCA Option 4 2.89 13.41
NCA Option 5 1.08 5.03
NCA Option 6 0.72 3.35
MRA Option 1 2.16 5.23 9.92
MRA Option 2 1.71 4.14 7.86
MRA Option 3 3.23 7.85 14.89
MRA Option 4 2.78 6.76 12.82
MRA Option 5 1.08 2.62 4.96
MRA Option 6 0.63 1.53 2.89
Additive and water 7.74 7.59 9.13 7.55 8.53 9.31
Concrete production 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00
Total cost (€)
Option 1 86.14 85.80 88.60 85.64 88.18 90.36
Option 2 86.14 85.44 86.93 85.19 87.10 88.29
Option 3 86.14 86.88 93.63 86.72 90.80 95.32
Option 4 86.14 86.52 91.96 86.27 89.71 93.25
Option 5 86.14 84.71 83.57 84.56 85.57 85.40
Option 6 86.14 84.35 81.90 84.11 84.48 83.33
Additional cost (%)
Option 1 – 2.9 – 2.4 4.9
Option 2 – 0.9 – 1.1 2.5
Option 3 0.9 8.7 0.7 5.4 10.7
Option 4 0.4 6.8 0.1 4.1 8.3
Option 5 – – – – –
Option 6 – – – – –

Fig. 1. Life cycle inventory diagram of concrete element/specimen/structure.

Emissions to air and energy consumption for cement produc- Within the six options proposed for the economic viability, in
tion, crushed stone production, recycled concrete aggregates pro- this case, we only have three different options because the cost
duction, concrete production and transport in heavy trucks were of the aggregate does not influence the environmental impact.
taken from (Tösic et al., 2015). For mixed recycled aggregates, pre- If the values in Table 4 are multiplied by the necessary quanti-
vious values were increased with the emissions and consumption ties to produce a cubic meter of concrete and by the kilometers in
from the separation of voluminous materials and manual triage. the case of transport, the values for each impact category are
With the previous data, the values corresponding to the differ- obtained for the fabrication of a cubic meter of each concrete
ent impact categories were calculated for each of the processes (Table 5). Fig. 2 shows in an illustrative way the results of the life
(IHOBE, 2009; Catalana, 2011; Española, 2016; Antón Vallejo, cycle analysis of concrete with different percentages of MRA in
2004) (see Table 4): energy consumption (MJ), global warming (g comparison to the reference concrete (without recycled aggre-
CO2 eq.), eutrophication (g PO3
4 eq.), acidification (g SO2 eq.), pho- gates) if scenario of option 4 is assumed. The results of each impact
tochemical ozone creation (g C2H4 eq.), waste generation, abiotic indicator for concretes with MRA were divided by the correspond-
depletion (mineral resource depletion). ing results for the reference concrete (C-0) to normalize the data.
16 I. Martínez-Lage et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 9–19

Table 4
Environmental impact categories for process.

Process Energy Global Eutrophication Acidification Photochemical Waste Abiotic

consumption warming ozone creation generation depletion
(MJ) (g CO2 eq) (g PO-3
4 eq) (g SO2 eq) (g C2H4 eq) (kg) (kg)
Cement production (per kg) 3.9854 881.987 0.2965 5.584 0.0579
Cement transport 1.5409 114.286 0.1288 1.009 0.1045
(per kmkg)
FA production 0.0219 2.108 0.0030 0.021 0.0005 1
(per kg)
FA transport 1.5409 114.286 0.1288 1.009 0.1045
(per kmkg)
NA production 0.0219 2.108 0.0030 0.021 0.0005 1
(per kg)
NA transport 1.5409 114.286 0.1288 1.009 0.1045
(per kmkg)
RCA production 0.0490 4.036 0.0051 0.038 0.0025 1
(per kg)
RCA transport 1.5409 114.286 0.1288 1.009 0.1045
(per kmkg)
MRA production 0.0518 4.262 0.0054 0.040 0.0027 1
(per kg)
MRA transport 1.5409 114.286 0.1288 1.009 0.1045
(per kmkg)
Concrete production (per m3) 20.0689 6529.676 2.4428 7.479 0.3509 Density

Table 5
Environmental impact categories per m3 of concrete.

Concrete Energy consumption Global warming Eutrophication Acidification Photochemical ozone creation Waste generation Abiotic depletion
(MJ) (kg CO2 eq) (kg PO3
4 eq) (kg SO2 eq) (kg C2H4 eq) (kg) (kg)
Option 1 or 2
C-0 1517.78 322.125 0.1171 2.034 0.0264 2383 1855
C-20-C 1521.86 322.405 0.1174 2.036 0.0267 2193 1659
C-100-C 1607.76 339.148 0.1237 2.144 0.0289 1509 928
C-20-M 1525.22 323.215 0.1176 2.041 0.0267 2179 1641
C-50-M 1600.38 338.896 0.1232 2.141 0.0282 1916 1343
C-100-M 1688.27 357.070 0.1297 2.257 0.0301 1489 869
Option 3 or 4
C-0 1517.78 322.125 0.1171 2.034 0.0264 2383 1855
C-20-C 1526.49 322.613 0.1179 2.038 0.0271 2193 1659
C-100-C 1633.60 341.065 0.1259 2.161 0.0307 1509 928
C-20-M 1530.75 323.626 0.1181 2.045 0.0271 2179 1641
C-50-M 1613.81 339.892 0.1243 2.150 0.0292 1916 1343
C-100-M 1713.76 358.960 0.1318 2.274 0.0318 1489 869
Option 5 or 6
C-0 1517.78 322.125 0.1171 2.034 0.0264 2383 1855
C-20-C 1516.29 321.992 0.1169 2.032 0.0263 2193 1659
C-100-C 1581.92 337.232 0.1216 2.127 0.0272 1509 928
C-20-M 1519.68 322.805 0.1172 2.037 0.0264 2179 1641
C-50-M 1586.94 337.900 0.1221 2.132 0.0273 1916 1343
C-100-M 1662.79 355.180 0.1275 2.241 0.0284 1489 869

Fig. 2 shows that by using concrete with MRA the abiotic depletion
and the waste generation will be lower than using concrete with
natural aggregate. However, other impact categories will be nega-
tively affected, but not in a high degree.
Table 6 shows the variations of each environmental indicator
taking as reference the conventional concrete without recycled
aggregates. Note that the increase of the energy consumption, glo-
bal warming, eutrophication, and acidification, for C-20-C and C-
20-M is lower than 1% in either of the two options. For the same
indicators, the variation is between 5% and 6% for C-100-C and C-
50-M if the transport distance is the same, and up to 2% more if
the distance is doubled; for C-100-M between 10.5 and 11.5% for
the same transport distance and up to 2% more if the distance is
The increase in the photochemical ozone creation is more sig-
nificant, although not so much for C-20-C and C-20-M which is
Fig. 2. Life cycle results for concretes MRA normalized by the results of reference higher than the conventional concrete but remains lower than
concrete assuming double transport distance for MRA. 3%. However, for the other 3 concretes is more important: for C-
I. Martínez-Lage et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 9–19 17

Table 6
Variation of the impact indicators due to the use of recycled aggregates taking as reference the conventional concrete (no recycled aggregates).

Concrete Energy consumption Global warming Eutrophication Acidification Photochemical ozone creation Waste generation Abiotic depletion
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Option 1 or 2
C-20-C 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 1.2 8.0 10.6
C-100-C 5.9 5.3 5.6 5.4 9.6 36.7 50.0
C-20-M 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.4 1.3 8.5 11.5
C-50-M 5.4 5.2 5.2 5.3 7.0 19.6 27.6
C-100-M 11.2 10.8 10.7 11.0 14.0 37.5 53.1
Option 3 or 4
C-20-C 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.3 2.6 8.0 10.6
C-100-C 7.6 5.9 7.5 6.3 16.2 36.7 50.0
C-20-M 0.9 0.5 0.8 0.5 2.8 8.5 11.5
C-50-M 6.3 5.5 6.1 5.7 10.5 19.6 27.6
C-100-M 12.9 11.4 12.5 11.8 20.5 37.5 53.1
Option 5 or 6
C-20-C 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.2 8.0 10.6
C-100-C 4.2 4.7 3.8 4.6 3.0 36.7 50.0
C-20-M 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.1 8.5 11.5
C-50-M 4.6 4.9 4.2 4.9 3.6 19.6 27.6
C-100-M 9.6 10.3 8.9 10.2 7.4 37.5 53.1

50-M, there is an increase of 7% for the same transport distance of concretes. Besides, the potential non-homogeneous moisture of
and increases up to 10.5% when the distance is doubled; for C- the different aggregates stored in the plant may cause variations
100-C is close to 10% for the same distance and a bit more than on the real percentages of natural and recycled aggregates on
16% for the other option; and for C-100-M, the increase is 14% concretes produced in the concrete plant. These can be some rea-
for the same distance and 20.5% if the distance is doubled. sons why the mixtures that combine a high percentage of recy-
On the contrary, as expected, the waste generation and the abi- cled aggregate (50%) and a high percentage of natural aggregate
otic depletion decrease, for the case of C-20-C and C-20-M around (50%) showed greater differences between laboratory and plant
8% and 11%, respectively; for C-50-M a 20% and 27%; and for C- samples than concretes that contain natural aggregate only or
100-C and C-100-M more than 35% and 50%, respectively. recycled aggregate only.
These issues can be avoided in the laboratory since with a small
4. Conclusions amount of materials it is very easy to have a homogeneous mois-
ture in the aggregates. But in a real scale of concrete production,
The compressive strength of the concrete with mixed recycled they may be a problem.
aggregates produced in the plant is lower than the compressive Nevertheless, it is also important to note that the differences
strength of the same concrete mixed in the laboratory, with max- between the compressive strength of laboratory samples and con-
imum variations observed for concretes with MRA equal to 16%, crete plant samples is lower than 20% (maximum of 16% in con-
and 12.2% in concretes with RCA. However, the variations cretes with MRA and 12.2% with RCA). Taking into account that,
between ready-mix concrete plant results and laboratory results even the compressive strength of two samples from the same
do not increase with the percentage of substitution of recycled batch of the same concrete, can have a dispersion of 13%, without
aggregates. In fact, concretes with 100% replacement of recycled rejecting the concrete batch (EHE-08, Art. 36.3.2), the effect of the
aggregates (MRA or RCA) showed less variation between their recycled aggregates on the compressive strength of concrete (equal
results in laboratory and plant than concretes with partial to 13% for two samples and 20% of dispersion between 3 samples)
replacements. could be considered not very high.
Note that, even using the same concrete recipes and the same Compressive strength decreases linearly with increasing substi-
procedure to calculate the moisture of the aggregates, there are tution percentage of natural aggregates by mixed recycled aggre-
differences between the results in the laboratory and concrete gates, both for laboratory and plant concretes. It is recommended
plant. Several factors can be controlled easily in the laboratory to adopt a value of the loss of compressive strength for a 100%
but not in the concrete plant. Potential factors that may increase MRA substitution between 15 and 20%. The secant modulus of elas-
the difference between the laboratory results and the results from ticity for concrete made with recycled aggregates mixed decreases
the concrete plant are: (i) Difficulty to determine with good accu- linearly with increasing substitution percentage of natural aggre-
racy the moisture content of the aggregates in the concrete plant gates by mixed recycled aggregates. In the studied cases, the loss
since the homogeneity of the moisture in the aggregates of a modulus for concrete with 100% MRA substitution is between 16
given batch is not warranted due to two main reasons: aggregate and 22%.
stored in stockpiles and huge amount of aggregates used in each It was observed that the use of recycled aggregates decreases
batch. (ii) Total amount of material mixed in each batch and the the concrete compressive strength (as it was also stated in previ-
mixer machine itself. (iii) In the case of concretes with a high per- ous literature). Therefore, to achieve the same compressive
centage of both natural and recycled aggregate, the differences strength, concrete with recycled aggregate would require more
between the concrete plant and the laboratory results are even cement per cubic meter of concrete, and/or the use of admixtures,
higher; recycled and natural aggregates have very different for example, water reducers. This fact will affect the environmental
absorptions and they may have different initial moisture condi- and economic analysis.
tions. The non-homogeneous moisture content of the aggregates The differences in cost caused by using recycled aggregates
stored in the plant may affect in different degree the accuracy instead of natural aggregates depends on many factors, and one
on the measurements of the average moisture in the plant. It of the key factors is the location. It has been estimated for the
would also affect the w/c ratio and differences on the paste/ag- specific case of Galicia (Spain). In this case, it may represent an
gregate ratio. It may lead to important changes in the consistency increase of 11% for a 100% replacement with mixed recycled aggre-
18 I. Martínez-Lage et al. / Waste Management 104 (2020) 9–19

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