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The English version is for information purposes

only, in the event of any discrepancy,
the Polish text will prevail.

These terms and conditions specify the rules and terms of use of the services provided by electronic means – via
the LUX MED Patient Portal – run by LUX MED Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office
in Warsaw, address: ul. Postępu 21C, 02-676 Warszawa, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the
District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th
Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No 0000265353, Tax ID No (NIP) 5272523080,
Statistical ID No (REGON) 140723603, share capital of PLN 676,123,500.00.

1. Mobile Application – an application which enables access to the Portal website on a mobile device;
2. Phone Line – the LUX MED Group phone line available at +48 22 33 22 888;
3. Consultation – medical consultation;
4. Account – a part of the Portal accessible exclusively to the User through access channels after logging in
using a Login and a password, through which the User can access the Services provided via the Portal;
there are two variants of the account: – Full Access Account; – Demo Account;
5. Login – a unique ID of the Portal user;
6. LUX MED – LUX MED Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Warsaw;
address: ul. Postępu 21C, 02-676 Warszawa, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District
Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register,
under KRS No 0000265353, Tax ID No (NIP) 5272523080, Statistical ID No (REGON) 140723603, share
capital of PLN 676,123,500.00, telephone number: (+48) 22 33 22 888;
7. Package — the User’s rights and entitlements resulting from a contract for a prepaid medical care package
concluded by and between LUX MED and a natural person, an organisational unit or an insurer, under
which medical services are provided to the User to the extent and on terms and conditions stipulated in
the contract;
8. LUX MED Centre – generally available medical centres of LUX MED;
9. Subcontractor Facility – an entity forming a part of the LUX MED Group;
10. Patient Portal / Portal – a LUX MED IT system available after logging in on the website or into a mobile application, via which the User can use the Electronic
Services provided therein;
11. SSL Protocol – secure protocol for the transmission of encrypted data stream
12. Terms and Conditions – these terms and conditions of provision of services by electronic means;
13. Registration – a task involving entry of correct data, including Personal Data necessary to create a User
Account on the Portal according to the procedure described in the chapter on General Terms and
Conditions for the Use of the Portal;
14. Appointment booking – booking of Consultations and examination dates;
15. GDPR – means the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April
2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free
movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
16. Regulation – means the Regulation of the Minister of Health and Social Policy of 30 May 1996 on medical
examinations of employees, the scope of preventive healthcare for employees and medical certificates
issued for the purposes set forth in the Labour Code (Journal of Laws of 1996, No 9, item 332, as
17. Occupational Medicine Referral – means a referral for Preventive Examinations in paper form issued by
the employer;
18. Electronic Service – a service provided electronically by LUX MED according to the terms and conditions
specified in the Terms and Conditions via the Portal;
19. User – a natural person who uses or intends to use the Electronic Services provided through the Portal,
who has full capacity to perform acts in law and is at least 18 years old;
20. Refund Application Form - an application referred to in the Refund Regulations available on the website:


1. Electronic Services are provided via the Portal using an ICT system which ensures the processing and
storage as well as sending and receiving of data via telecommunications networks according to the Act of
18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws 2019, item 123, as
2. Each User has a personal Account created, through which they can use the Portal.
3. To use the Electronic Services available through the Portal, the User each time logs into the Account with
the Login and password allotted to each Account in the manner described below.
4. To create the Account, the User must provide the following personal data: name and surname, sex, e-mail
address, contact phone number, Personal ID No (PESEL) or date of birth for persons under 6 months
(provided that the User has one).
5. The Account Login is determined by the User. The Login should consist of minimum 4 characters which
may include: letters, digits and special characters (@ - _ . ).
6. The Account password is alphanumeric and consists of at least 8 characters, including at least 1 digit or
special character, at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase letter. The User should keep the Account Login
and the password strictly confidential and not disclose them to any third parties. The User is obliged to
periodically change the password. It is recommended that the password be changed at intervals of at least
30 days.
7. Only the User knows the access password. The password can be changed by the Users logging into their
Account using their existing password or by sending a password reset request at, after prior entry of the login.
8. If no activity is made within 20 minutes after logging in, the User is automatically logged out of the Account.
9. If a wrong Login and/or password is entered three times, access to the Account shall be blocked. To
unblock the Account, the password must be re-set or the LUX MED Phone Line must be contacted.
10. If the password to the Account is disclosed to a third party, the password must be promptly reset after
logging into the Account or the LUX MED Phone Line must be notified, or the reception desk in a LUX
MED Centre must be approached with a request to block access to the Account.
11. To recover a lost password or to unblock access to the Account after it has been blocked (as described in
section 8), the LUX MED Phone Line must be contacted. After verification of the User, the Account will be
unblocked and the User will be able to select the following ways to reset the password:
a. an individual link to the website will be sent to the e-mail address assigned to the User’s Account,
through which a new password can be selected and subsequently utilised to continue using the
b. a temporary password will be sent to the phone number assigned to the User’s Account. After
logging into the Account, the User must promptly change the password. The provisions of sections
5 to 9 shall apply accordingly.
12. The User may approach the reception desk personnel in a LUX MED Centre or contact the LUX MED
Phone Line with a request for change of the e-mail address or the phone number assigned to the Account.
The User may change the e-mail address and the phone number independently after logging into the
Portal under the “Your Data” tag.
13. LUX MED ensures secure login to the Account only with the IT tools available at, additionally it is always necessary to check that the address in the
browser window is accurate, i.e.
14. No links sent via e-mail or applications not authorised by LUX MED must be used to log into the Account,
except as described in section 3 of the sub-chapter “Access to the Portal via Full Access Account”. LUX
MED advises against using such tools to access the Portal as they may constitute a phishing attempt to
extort the access password to the Account and consequently, make the User’s medical data accessible
to unauthorised parties.
15. The User using the mobile application has the option to change the method of logging into the application
to the biometric method, i.e. a scan of fingerprints or a facial scan, in accordance with the security features
of the device used.
16. LUX MED does not collect or store biometric data in the form of a fingerprints scan or a facial scan – this
information is stored only on the device used by the User and is not made available to LUX MED in any
17. The choice of the biometric login method allows access to data for all persons whose fingerprint is
configured on the device or a person whose face scan is configured on the device on which the application
is installed. This means that any person whose fingerprint has been entered into the memory of the device
on which the application is installed may have access to the full content of the User’s Account, including
all personal data of the User contained therein, including information about medical services received or
arranged and about the results of the User’s tests and examinations.
18. Before changing the method of logging into the application to the biometric method, the User receives a
message reminding them of the risks referred to in section 6 above and must confirm that they are aware
of them and choose this method of logging. Failure to confirm risk awareness or failure to consent to
choosing the login method using biometrics makes it impossible to change the login method to the
biometric method.
19. If the User selects the method of logging into the application with the use of biometrics, the User is
responsible for allowing third parties to access their Account in the application by configuring fingerprints
of other persons on the device, or by installing the application on the device on which the fingerprints of
other persons have already been configured. LUX MED does not collect the indicated category of personal

1. User registration is free.
2. The User can register by filling out the registration form available at
3. A Full Access Account can be created in three ways:
a) by jointly meeting the following conditions:
• the User’s identity must be verified by a reception desk employee in a LUX MED Centre
or in selected Subcontractor Facilities against an identity document and a form with the
User’s details must be completed;
• the User must read the Terms and Conditions and make a written statement of their
b) by jointly meeting the following conditions:
• a Demo Account must be created in advance;
• the User must notify their intention to verify their identity remotely, in particular by sending
a notification to the following e-mail address:, or by contacting
Lux Med call center;
• the LUX MED employee must contact the User via remote communication channels to
verify the User’s identity;
c) by jointly meeting the following conditions:
• a Demo Account must be created in advance;
• the User’s identity must be verified using the myID service, i.e. a system enabling
authorisation of the User’s data based on banking authentication mechanisms provided
by Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa S.A., ul. rtm. Witolda Pileckiego 65, 02-781 Warszawa,
entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of
Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under number

If the User selected identity verification using the myID service, the User will be redirected to an external
website of the myID service. Verification of the User’s identity shall be carried out in accordance with the
rules in force at the identity provider in the myID service. Subsequently, the data downloaded from the
myID service are compared with the data provided in the prepaid medical care package. During the
identity verification process, the User needs to consent to the transfer of the User's data via electronic
banking. If the User’s identity is verified through myID, the User’s personal data shall be entrusted by LUX
MED to Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa S.A.

The above option to create a Full Access Account is available only to persons who have a Personal ID
No (PESEL) and a bank account in one of the banks with which the myID service cooperates. The above
Account authentication method is complementary to the other two methods indicated in items a) and b)
above. LUX MED does not guarantee the possibility of creating an Account using the above procedure.
If it is impossible to verify the User’s identity by using the myID service, the other User authentication
methods made available should be used.

31. If, in the course of the procedure described in the third indent of section 3(b), there is insufficient
verification data or if verification of the User’s identity fails or if an employee of LUX MED has doubts as
to the User’s identity, the User – in order to complete the creation of a Full Access Account – will be asked
to visit LUX MED Centre or a selected Subcontractor Facility in order for the employee of the reception
desk to verify the User’s identity.

32. If a Full Access Account is created, despite the completion of the procedure described in section 3(b),
upon the first visit of the User at the LUX MED Centre or at the Subcontractor Facility, the User may be
asked by the reception desk employee to confirm that the User has a Full Access Account and to verify
their identity.

4. To create a Demo Account, all of the following steps must be taken:

a) the User must create an Account independently at;
b) the User must read the Terms and Conditions and accept the terms and conditions online after
logging in.
5. Before the first logging into the Account, a personal link to the Account activation website is sent to the
User to the e-mail address provided in the form. After clicking on the link and entering the Portal, the User
sets the personal password to access the Account.
6. A guardian of a minor having legal custody over the minor may create a Full Access Account for such
minor. For this purpose, the minor’s guardian should use one of the methods of creating a Full Access
Account described in section 3 above. When creating a Full Access Account, the minor’s guardian will be
asked to verify both their identity and their rights to exercise care over the minor. Upon creating a Full
Access Account, the minor User’s rights arising from these Terms and Conditions shall be exercised on
the minor User’s behalf by the guardian.
7. The User may, at any time, resign from their Account without stating any reasons. To do so, the User
needs to submit an explicit request for Account removal to LUX MED, using the following e-mail address: or by mail to the address of LUX MED.


1. LUX MED provides the following Electronic Services through the Full Access Account via the Patient
- to all Users:
a) viewing the list of Consultations and examinations, including diagnostic tests and
examinations planned for and provided to the User in LUX MED Centres;
b) Appointment booking and cancellation of appointments and examinations in LUX
MED Centres, both those provided as part of and outside the Package;
c) viewing personal data and the possibility to change the phone number, e-mail
address and address for correspondence;
d) viewing and downloading results of the User’s laboratory and diagnostic tests and
examinations performed in LUX MED Centres and in selected Subcontractor
Facilities. LUX MED Group reserves the right to limit the view of selected laboratory
tests results available exclusively in hard copy or test results for which the
subsequent version was sent by the laboratory. The above test results may only be
collected from the LUX MED Centre where the tests were performed;
e) viewing comments to the laboratory tests performed – but only those available
through the Patient Portal. Please be informed that the test results are commented
on by a referring doctor (or another doctor if the referring doctor is absent) within up
to 10 days of making the test results available on the Patient Portal. Such comments
shall be exclusively in Polish;
f) viewing the issued and valid referrals;
g) viewing the standby duty services rendered by LUX MED Centres;
h) viewing LUX MED Centres, including their respective working hours, telephone and
address details, and the range of their appointments and examinations;
i) access to document forms, including those that need to be filled in prior to diagnostic
tests and examinations;
j) verification of the possibility to carry out Preventive Examinations on the basis of
Occupational Medicine Referral or Occupational Medicine e-Referral;
k) after the positive verification referred to in item j) above, the possibility of booking and
cancelling Appointments for Preventive Examinations;

- exclusively for Users with a Package:

a) the possibility to request a prescription;
b) “Ask Your Doctor” – the possibility to ask the doctor a question about details of the
last medical consultation;
c) the possibility to chat with a doctor, a nurse or an obstetrician after prior reading and
accepting of the separate terms and conditions of this type of electronic services that
are available on the Patient Portal sub-page dedicated to the electronic services;
d) the possibility of submitting a Refund Application Form.
2. LUX MED provides the following Electronic Services through the Demo Account via the Patient Portal:
- to all Users:
a) Appointment booking and cancellation of 5 dates of Consultations or examinations in
LUX MED Centres, both those provided as part of and outside the Package;
b) viewing the list of Consultations and examinations booked via the Patient Portal;
c) viewing the doctors’ working schedule in LUX MED Centres;
d) viewing LUX MED Centres, including their respective working hours, telephone and
address details, and the range of services provided;
e) viewing the standby duty services rendered by LUX MED Centres;
f) access to document forms; and
g) verification of the possibility to carry out Preventive Examinations on the basis of
Occupational Medicine Referral or Occupational Medicine E-Referral;
h) after the positive verification referred to in item g) above, the possibility of booking and
cancelling Appointments for Preventive Examinations;
- exclusively for Users with a Package:
a) Appointment booking and cancellation of Consultations and examinations dates in
LUX MED Centres;
b) viewing Subcontractor Facilities, including their respective working hours, telephone
and address details, and the range of services provided.
3. Appointment booking in the Patient Portal using a Full Access Account and a Demo Account is subject to
the following restrictions:
a) LUX MED reserves the right to decide which Consultations and examinations may be
booked via the Patient Portal;
b) no more than one Consultation or examination of the same type can be booked;
c) Appointment booking is possible up to 365 days in advance.
4. The prices displayed in the Patient Portal at the time of Appointment booking outside the Package are not
a trade offer within the meaning of Article 66(1) of the Civil Code. Appointment booking outside the
Package via the Patient Portal is not tantamount to conclusion of an agreement. The price stated at
Appointment booking is the price following from the Consultations and examinations price list as at the
Appointment booking date. The price for Consultation or examination in a LUX MED Centre shall be
consistent with the prices specified in the Consultations and examinations price list in the LUX MED
Centre, effective on the day of the Consultation or examination.
5. If Consultations or examinations were booked as part of the Package or taking the Package into account,
Package loss or change may be the basis for charging the User with the full costs of the Consultations or
examinations in the LUX MED Centre, in accordance with the Consultations and examinations price list in
the LUX MED Centre effective on the day of the Consultation or examination.


1. The User may ask a question to the doctor with whom they had an appointment. LUX MED determines a
time limit after the service enabling to ask a question; information about the possible time limit for asking
a question is visible in the Portal.
2. The doctor can be asked questions exclusively about the previous appointment with the Patient. As part
of that service, it is not possible to ask questions which go beyond the scope of the appointment with the
doctor in question.
3. LUX MED reserves the right to select doctors who can be asked questions as well as the Consultations
to which these questions may refer. If a Patient attempts to ask a question concerning a Consultation to a
doctor who does not support the Ask Your Doctor functionality, the system will automatically notify the
Patient that the question cannot be asked.
4. The question asked under this service may concern only medical issues relating to the instructions given
by the doctor.
5. The “Ask your doctor” functionality does not include the following:
a) contacting a doctor if any sudden disturbing signs and symptoms occur – in such a case please
contact our Medical Consultant via the LUX MED Phone Line;
b) requests for referrals or prescriptions;
c) booking an appointment;
d) lodging a complaint;
e) answering third party questions;
f) supporting questions in a language other than Polish.
6. Upon asking a question, the expected response time will be displayed. The response time depends on
the doctor’s schedule.
7. Once a response is given by the doctor, the User will be able to read it in the Portal. At the same time, a
text message informing about the available response will be sent to the User, provided that they have
provided a mobile phone number for contact.
8. Up to 5 questions may be asked and up to 5 answers may be received for one Consultation, and the
automatic answers referred to in section 9 below shall be included in the above limit.
9. LUX MED reserves the right to answer questions automatically via the Portal by displaying a relevant
message should a given question refer to issues not covered by the “Ask Your Doctor” functionality and/or
when the information (question) received does not require an answer by a doctor.
10. In the case of an unscheduled absence of any given doctor, LUX MED reserves the right to cancel the
question he/she was asked. The user will be notified about this fact by changing the question status to
“question cancelled”. At the same time, a text message informing thereof will be sent to the User, provided
that they have provided a mobile phone number for contact.
11. If the User's question contains offensive content, the question may remain unanswered.


1. The User may use the Electronic Services assigned to their Account via the Portal 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week.
2. To use the Portal, a device with access to the Internet is required, featuring a web browser (recommended:
Mozilla Firefox at least rel. 24.0, Opera 10 or above, Google Chrome 28.0 or above, or MS Internet
Explorer 8.0 or above) which supports cookies and JavaScript. Other Internet browsers are acceptable,
provided they are fully compatible with the aforementioned versions.
3. Additionally, LUX MED provides access to the LUX MED Patient Portal application available for
downloading free of charge in iOS and Android store. The use of mobile applications is possible with
portable devices featuring Android 6 or above and iOS 14 or above.
4. For safe and secure use of the Portal, it is recommended that the device used by the User feature in
particular: an antivirus system with the latest version of virus definitions and updates; an effective firewall;
all available operating system and Internet browser security updates installed; cookies and JavaScript
support enabled in the browser; software for reading PDF files.
1. LUX MED is the controller of personal data of Users which are processed in order to enable the creation
of an Account and to use the functionalities of the Portal indicated in these Terms and Conditions in
accordance with Article 4(7) of the GDPR.
2. In all matters related to the processing of personal data, the User may contact the Data Protection Officer,
Ms Katarzyna Pisarzewska, by writing to:
3. The provision of data by the User, the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, the creation of an
Account in the Portal and the use of its functionalities is completely free of charge and voluntary. The
provision of data referred to in item 4 is necessary for the creation of an Account in the Portal.
4. In order to create an Account, the User is obliged to provide their full name, sex, telephone number and
e-mail address, as well as to confirm the Personal ID No (PESEL) or date of birth in the case of a child
younger than 6 months. As part of using the functionalities of the Portal, LUX MED will also process User
data falling within the special category of data within the scope concerning medical condition (including
results of tests and examinations, referrals, booked appointments) and within the scope of consents for
marketing purposes granted, as well as, if applicable, the data indicated in item 5 of this chapter. If the
User submits Refund Application Form via the Portal, LUX MED will also process User’s personal data
indicated on the Refund Application Form (if the Patient who applies for a Refund is less than 18 years of
age - also personal data of the Patient). Scope of the personal data is based on the Refund Application
Form and it includes: name, surname, PESEL number, date of birth, address of residence, phone number,
e-mail address, bank account number. Personal data processed within the Portal as a result of submission
of the Refund Application Form will also include special categories of personal data (data regarding health)
of the claimant (i.a. type and number of the received healthcare services covered on the Refund
Application Form).
5. In addition, the User can manage or withdraw the consents for marketing purposes granted to LUX MED
through the Account (“Your consents” tab). After creating an Account in the Portal, the User can complete
their personal data with citizenship, residence address and correspondence address by entering the
“personal data” tab which also enables updating them.
6. Personal data of Users are processed in order to enable them to use the Portal’s functionalities (Article
6(1)(a) and Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR) as well as to verify their identity through providers of electronic
banking services and for the purposes of performing services and rights as a Patient of LUX MED.
Sometimes, when providing services through the Portal, LUX MED may create medical records. If you
have given us your consent to receive marketing communications or to have your data processed for
marketing purposes, LUX MED Group companies, i.e. companies which are affiliated, either
organisationally or through capital, with LUX MED, are your data controllers. A complete list of the
companies and their registration details are available at the website of LUX MED and in the registered
place of business of each of the companies and at our medical centres. As a data controller which is a
business, LUX MED has the right to pursue claims for its business activity and therefore, process the data
for this purpose (Article 6(1)(b) and Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, as the legitimate interest of the controller,
which is pursuing our claims and protecting our rights). As a business, we also keep accounting books
and we have tax obligations; e.g. we issue invoices for the services we render, which may involve the
need to process your personal data.
7. We care about the confidentiality of User data; therefore, due to the need for appropriate organisation,
e.g. in terms of IT infrastructure or in current matters concerning our business, as well as the exercise of
User rights, personal data may be transferred to the following categories of recipients:
• service providers supplying LUX MED with technical and organisational solutions that enable it to
manage the organisation (in particular ICT service providers, courier and postal companies),
• providers of legal and advisory services and services supporting LUX MED in pursuing due claims
(in particular law firms, debt collection companies),
• providers of services that support LUX MED in areas of marketing (advertising agencies,
companies providing SMS and e-mail communication),
• other healthcare providers cooperating with LUX MED to ensure continuity of treatment and
availability of healthcare.
8. If the User exercises the possibility of identity verification through electronic banking, the User shall
provide their personal data on their own directly to the provider of electronic banking services which
processes them as a separate controller of personal data, in accordance with the rules adopted in its
9. As LUX MED uses the services of other providers, e.g. as regards ICT support, User personal data may
be transferred outside the European Union. LUX MED assures Users that in such an event, the data will
be transferred on the basis of a relevant legal grounds, e.g. an agreement between LUX MED and the
receiving entity containing standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission or on
the basis of a decision of the European Commission stating the appropriate degree of personal data
11. Personal data of Users shall be processed for the duration of an Account in the Portal and then for a
period resulting from pursuing possible claims that arise from conducting business activity under the
provisions of the Civil Code. If you as a User are a Patient of LUX MED and we have created your medical
records, we have an obligation to store them for at least 20 years from the date of the last entry. All data
processed for accounting and tax purposes are processed by LUX MED for five years from the end of the
calendar year in which the tax obligation arose. If consent for marketing purposes has been given, until it
is withdrawn. After the expiry of these periods, the data are deleted or anonymised. The User shall also
have the right to delete the Account created in the Portal. LUX MED gives every User the right to access
their data, rectify them, request their erasure or restriction of their processing. In addition, as a User you
may exercise the right to object to the processing of your personal data by LUX MED, and the right to have
your data transferred to another data controller. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact
the Data Protection Officer or contact us via the Phone Line of LUX MED, the website, or visit us at any
of our own centres.
12. Please also be advised that each User may file a complaint with the authority supervising the observance
of personal data protection regulations.

1. Complaints regarding the Services provided via the Portal may be submitted:
a) by post to: LUX MED sp. z o.o.; Departament Obsługi Użytkownika Dział Zarządzania
Reklamacjami; ul. Postępu 21c; 02-676 Warszawa;
b) by e-mail to:
2. Complaints regarding the functionality of the Portal shall be processed within 5 business days, while
complaints regarding other issues, including medical issues, shall be processed within 14 days from the
submission date.


1. With respect to the services provided by electronic means via the Portal, these Terms and Conditions shall
be the terms and conditions referred to in Article 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services
by electronic means (Journal of Laws 2019, item 123, as amended).
2. The agreement for provision of services by electronic means through the Portal is concluded between
LUX MED and the User upon the User’s first logging to the Portal using the Account.
3. The User may terminate the agreement for the provision of services by electronic means via the Portal,
without identifying any reasons, by sending the relevant written statement to the address of a LUX MED
Centre. Upon termination of the agreement, the Portal can no longer be used. The letter of termination
should include the name, surname and Login used by the User to log into the Portal.
4. LUX MED may terminate the agreement for the provision of services by electronic means via the Portal
upon 30 days’ notice by sending the relevant statement to the User by e-mail and to the User’s mailing
address assigned to the Account.

1. The User is required to use the Portal in a manner consistent with the laws and regulations applicable in
the Republic of Poland as well as these Terms and Conditions. Furthermore, the User shall not submit
content prohibited by generally applicable provisions of law.
2. LUX MED shall not be liable for the effects of services provided by LUX MED to the User through electronic
means, if the User causes the service to be provided in a manner contrary to the applicable laws or the
provisions of the Terms and Conditions.
3. When using the Portal through a Mobile Device, the User is obligated to use the Mobile application from
a reliable source only (only from Google Play or App Store).
4. LUX MED shall be entitled to disable access to the Portal for security reasons, e.g. in case of identifying
that the Mobile Application has been used in a manner contrary to these Terms and Conditions.
5. In the event of loss or suspected loss of sole control or theft of login data, the Mobile Application User is
obliged to immediately contact LUX MED in order to disable access to the Portal.
6. If a Mobile Device gets lost, the User is obliged to immediately contact the Phone Line to disable access
to the Portal.
7. LUX MED prohibits the use of the Portal through applications from suppliers other than LUX MED – links
to download the Mobile Application are available at
mobilne.html and
8. Access to the Portal may be disabled by LUX MED on the basis of system data analysis in the event of:
a) the risk of malicious software capturing the User's access data;
b) the use of the User’s access details by software intended for, among other things, automatic logging
in with a high frequency, sending a large number of queries to the server;
c) the use of the systems in a manner contrary to the applicable laws;
d) carrying out activities which may compromise the security of the system and the data processed
9. In matters not governed by the Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Civil Code as well as other
provisions of law applicable within the territory of the Republic of Poland shall apply.
10. If the Consumer wishes to pursue amicable resolution of disputes concerning online purchases, they can
submit a complaint via the EU ODR platform, available at:
11. Court disputes are resolved by the competent common court specified according to the provisions of the
Act of 17 November 1964 – Code of Civil Procedure (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1460, as amended).
12. If an increased traffic on the Account is observed, which might be caused by unauthorised access to the
Portal and its use for purposes other than specified in the Terms and Conditions, LUX MED reserves the
right to suspend access to the Portal temporarily until the irregularity is clarified. LUX MED shall notify the
User of this fact using the e-mail address provided by the User.
13. Users may access the Terms and Conditions free of charge at any time by following the link available on
the home page of the Portal. The Terms and Conditions may be printed out.
14. LUX MED reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions in the case of changes in the provisions
of law which directly affect the content of these Terms and Conditions or in the case of specific obligations
being imposed on LUX MED by state authorities, change of LUX MED data, as well as in order to improve
the operation of the User Portal and User services, improve User privacy protection and prevent fraud.
The amendments shall enter into force within 14 days of notification of the User of changes and making
the amended Terms and Conditions available to them, in particular through their publication at and by sending them to the User’s e-mail address associated with the
Account. With respect to Users having an active Account, the new wording of the Terms and Conditions
shall become binding for the User upon fulfilment of the requirements referred to in Article 384 1 of the Act
of 23 April 1964 – Civil Code (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1145, as amended).
15. The exclusive rights to the content made available within the Portal, in particular the copyright in
photographs, trademarks of LUX MED, get-up constituting a part thereof, software and rights in databases
are subject to legal protection and vested in LUX MED or entities with whom LUX MED has entered into
relevant agreements.
16. Copying or any other forms of using any elements of the Portal without prior consent of LUX MED is

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