In The Last Section

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In the last section, we learned how to add long strings of numbers using the properties of

addition. Similarly, it is sometimes necessary to multiply long strings of numbers without a

calculator; this task is made easier by learning some of the properties of multiplication.

Multiplication and addition have some similar properties. Like addition, multiplication has a
Commutative Property and an Associative Property.

Commutative Property
The commutative property for multiplication states that for any numbers a and b, the following is
always true:
a×b = b×a
For example, 3×4 = 4×3. We can see that this is true because 3×4 = 12 and 4×3 = 12, so 3×4 =
4×3. Just as in addition, we can multiply a long string of numbers in any order. This can make
multiplication without a calculator easier. For example:

4×6×5 = 4×5×6 = 20×6 = 120

Associative Property
The associative property for multiplication states that for any numbers a, b, and c, the following
is always true:
(a×b)×c = a×(b×c)
For example, (2×5)×6 = 2×(5×6). We can see that this is true because (2×5)×6 = 10×6 = 60,
and 2×(5×6) = 2×30 = 60. Thus, (2×5)×6 = 2×(5×6)
Identity Property
Multiplication also has its own Identity Property. This property states that when any number is
multiplied by 1, it does not change its identity. For any number a, the following is always true:

1×a =a  

For example, 45×1 = 45. 1×123 = 123.

We can remember these three properties of multiplication just as we can remember the
corresponding properties of addition. With the Commutative Property of Multiplication, when
only multiplication is involved, numbers can move ("commute") to anywhere in the expression.
With the Associative Property of Multiplication, any numbers that are being multiplied together
can "associate" with each other. Also, multiplying by 1 does not change the Identity of a number.

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