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Hello my Love

For everyday i get to think of you..u are always on my mind..each day and night i
get to imagine you right beside me i feel your presence right here holding me tight
close to my heart,i feel your love in my heart every day and night. the music of
your love makes my heart sings.ur words are so powerfull it keeps my mind at rest,i
am always happy each day i get to think of you and your true feelings for me,u are
such a wonderfull man to me in my life and i cherish every word u speak from your
heart,those words are so productive that it has multiplied my love for you in a
million ways,i feel your words in my heart and it moves my emotions and it makes me
feel so safe and happy that i just smile all; day long..ur love for me has filled
the empty spaces in my heart ,it has healed the wounds in my heart,the truth of
your love has made me a new person and i am so happy i love you so much with all my
heart and i will forever do love you till death do us part.

Beauty of our mind has brought our love together and it has made us stronger in
each others heart and i feel the passion of your love in me passing through my
emotional whole body needs you and my heart needs you most..i cant sleep
without praying for you each day is never complete without thinknig of
you..every were i go,anything i do,everything i say always makes me imagine
you..sometimes people think i am crazy but i know wats inside of me,cause i know i
have found the true love of my life and i will never let that love walk away or
fade away..we have grown in each others heart and we have loved each other to the
fullest and i wil not stop loving you...

Loving you has really been the greatest assest i have ever had and i will do all my
best to keep it safe and renew our love each day and night...i am blessed with the
beauty of your love and u are blessed with the beauty of my love..all we both need
is love and we have found then..and i am happy each day we build it more and more
stronger and it has really gotten to a stage were our love can never be broken..and
we can never be seperated,no one will take you away from me and no one will take me
away from you,its only death that can seperate us and with love we will grow older
in love in each others arms and we will share i have sincerelly and honestlly
commited my heart,my love and my emotions to you and u have mutiplied then into
millions,i cant just stop loving you David..i cant,i will have to die first cause i
am so in love with u that i really want to meet you right now but i know with time
we will get to meet each other...i am so happy that u are completelly pateint with
me and u await me till i can arrive back in the states and u will never do wait in
vain cause my love will look for you and my heart will find matter were u
are ..i will look for you and find you..i have found a
treasure in my life and i will treasure your love for me for life and i will always
remember that very day and that very night we make our first love to each other..

i cant really wait for that day to make great and passionate love with you..making
love all through the night and enjoying every moment and every inch of it... cause
love really exsit btw us and i will satisfy you sexually cause i know that will be
the greatest moment every experienced btw both of us and it will be only btw me and whole heart and whole body is just for you but no one else and no one will
share the beauty of my heart with whole life,whole heart,whole love is all

If I could have one wish, it would just be this, I could take you to my soul and
show you all the love there is,You have been part of my life and u will remain part
of my life..

Well it has come to a time i have nothing to worry about anymore since i know we
will both be getting married..marriage is one of my dreams and i know getting
married to you will be a dream come true and i know that dream will come true
soon..its just a matter of time..i cant just wait till u put that ring in my
hands...i cant wait to be ur lovelly wedded wife and living in the same house with
you and working towards having lovellly and wonderfull kids together,cause i want
to have kids with you and grow with then too with you..

i really want to talk to you about something but i dont know how u will feel about
it.but with all hopes and faith ur
heart will be so cheerfull to listen and know how i truellly feel about it..i dont
know how to go about telling you,cause
i am alittle bit scared right now about wat i just want to ask you..but since we
have really been open to each other, i
have nothing to worry about since we both truelly love and care for each other...

Well i realy want to seek for financiall assistance from you..thats wat i am really
scared of asking from you..cause i
dont know how u will feel about it..cause i dont want you to feel bad about
anything cause i want to build our love
and trust to the greatest hieght....Right now i have a big problem completing my
projet and it has really got me so
down and depressed and worried...cause i was unable to get it finish but ur love do
always make me happy every night
and day...i really want to seek a favour from you but i dont know maybe u are in
position to help me right now..but i
know u will really be willing to make me happy cause u trully and sincerlly do love
me and u know i do sincerelly do love
you too and u are the true man of my life

Hun...i dont know maybe u can help me with some funds to get this job
completed..cause the money i will be making
from this job is the one i will be using to buy my return ticket home back to the
states to start a lovelly and standard
life with you..but since this economy is unstable it really has got alot of things
unstable for me and it has left my
worried and stressed..its not that i am asking you for money..cause i dont know how
u are going to feel about it..but
i truelly need your i dont know maybe u can help me with 600$ to get this
work completed and come home
soon to you...i will be so happy if my help come from you..and i know u will be
willing to help me out on this..well i
will await your reply and know maybe u cud be able to help me..well..if u cant help
me with it..cud u borrow me at
least i will be willing to pay you back when i get this work done..

i will await your reply asap

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