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Course: - Bachelor of Technology
Branch: - Information Technology
Year: - 4th
Semester: - 7th
Group name: - Core Three
Paper code: - PR791




MANSI SINHA 430419020032
SRIJA SAHA 430419020065
SAMPAD MONDAL 430419010059

Rental house management system

A Dissertation Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Bachelor of
Technology (B. TECH), 7th Semester in Information Technology

The project entitled Rental house management system has been carried out by
ourselves in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in
Information Technology at Narula Institute of Technology, Agrapara, Kolkata under
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology during the academic year
While developing this project no unfair means or illegal copies of software etc. have
been used and neither any part of this project nor any documentation have been
submitted elsewhere or copied as far in our knowledge.
University Roll No.: 430419020032
University Registration No.: -000520(2019-2020)

University Roll No.: 430419020065
University Registration No.: 003225-(2019-2020)

University Roll No.: 430119010059
University Registration No.: -001047(2019-2020)


This is to certify that the project entitled Rental house management system has been
carried out by Mansi Sinha, Srija Saha, Sampad Mandal, under my supervision in
partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Technology (B.TECH) in
Information Technology at Narula Institute of Technology, Agarpara affiliated to
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology during the academic year
It is understood that by this approval the undersigned do not necessarily endorse any
of the statements made or opinion expressed therein but approves it only for the
purpose for which it is submitted. Submitted By:


University Roll No.: 430419020032
University Registration No.: 000520-(2019-2020)


University Roll No.: 430419020065
University Registration No.: 003225-(2019-2020)


University Roll No.: 430119010059
University Registration No.: -001047-(2019-2020)


We would like to express our profound gratitude to Mrs. Suchismita Maiti HOD of
our department, and our professor for their contributions to the completion of our
project House Rental Management System.
We would like to express our special thanks to our mentors for his/her time and
efforts they provided throughout the year. Their useful advice and suggestions were
helpful to us during the project’s completion. In this aspect, we are eternally grateful
to them.
We would like to acknowledge that this project was completed entirely by us and
not by someone else.

Contents Page No

1. Abstracts 1

2. Introduction 2

3. Statement of the problem 3

4. Project Objectives 4

4.1 Problem definition

5. Background of the study 5

5.1 Technology used in the project

6. Available Features 6

6.1 Search Rental Property

7. Admin Panel 7

7.1 Database Design

8. Use case diagram 8

8.1 DFD context level

9. Zero Level Data Flow Diagram (0 Level DFD) Of 9

Rental House Management System description

10. Zero Level DFD 10

11. First Level Data Flow Diagram (1st Level DFD) Of 11

Rental House Management System description

12. First Level DFD 12

13. Second Level Data Flow Diagram (2nd Level DFD) Of 13

Rental House Management System description

14. Second Level DFD 14

15. Entity relationship diagram 15

16. Website Interface 16

16.1 contact page

16.2 Login page

17. Admin panel 17

17.1 Manager’s list of payments

18. Project Scheduling 18

18.1 Milestones and Timelines

19. Gantt Chart 19

19.1 PERT Chart

20. Future Scope 20

20.1 Disadvantages

21. Conclusion 21

22. References 22


Science and Technology has changed this world into a small, secure, and easy
to manage every activity of the individual and organization. Everything is
more secure, easy to use and easily accessible in this modern world. Thus, the
use of house rental system is needed to manage, search, and book the housing
system easily. In order to give easy access to find the houses as per the users
need, the web application has been developed in this documentation. And it
includes all the detail information about the project respectively.


Rental house management has turned out to be critical figure current society
subsequently the need a rental house administration system. This section will
give a short comprehension about foundation of study, meaning of the venture
issue explanation, its destinations, scopes, extend support, dangers, extend
deliverables and venture spending plan and calendar. The system displays all
the properties with their respective details. In addition, the system allows
managing customers’ records. Evidently, this project only contains an admin,
customer panel with a client-side interaction. In an overview of this web
application, a customer can simply register their own account to start in. In
short, the system requires a number of property details. It includes owner
details, room details, pricing details, images, and more. Here, the user can
register their room as well as apartment details. However, the admin can also
make changes to each and every customer’s property details.

Statement of the problem:-

Throughout the years landlords/property managers have had an issue in keeping up

and dealing with their clients and their own particular records. Administration has
turned out to be troublesome considering issues that include:
i. Data Growth: Data increase day to day. Putting away and keeping up all
information physically is extremely troublesome
ii. Lack of electronic System: Currently most landlords/property managers
utilize the manual system in recording and keeping up their property and
client’s information
iii. Data security is not guaranteed: In a manual manner, information is recorded
on books/papers which may effectively get harmed prompting loss of
information. iv.
iv. There is no database to store data: Potential of information misfortune or harm
is high since information is put away on substantial documents. Absence of
these urgent necessities makes administration of the occupants and houses
extremely troublesome as approximately inhabitants may wind up not paying

Project Objectives
The following are the project objectives: To build up a rental house administration
system that permits the client to see customers‟ information and houses record, see
the description of the house and book the house if they enjoyed it. Also, the
administrator will have the capacity to deal with the houses (include, refresh and
erase), deal with the appointments and clients as well.

The main deliverables of this project will be the complete software system and the
software engineering document that include:
i. Software Requirement and Specification
ii. Software Design Document
iii. Final working web application for house rental framework

Problem definition
The rental housing came into play due to the seriousness of housing problems. Not
most people can afford building houses due to several factors such as poor income
hence there was a need for the rental houses. Outlines four sources of demand for
the rental housing needs:

▪ Graduates: They require rental housing since they are from different levels of
schooling and hence entering the labor market for the first time.
▪ Transfers: For several reasons, some people may have to relocate from their
previous settlements to different of urban areas. This may be due to reasons
like work transfer, promotion or social reasons such as marriage.
▪ Rural-Urban migration
▪ Expatriate population.

Background of the study
Housing has a focal significance to personal satisfaction with extensive financial,
social, cultural, and individual significance. Housing assumes a tremendous part in
rejuvenating monetary development in any nation, with safe house being among key
markers of improvement.
Housing as a basic human right demands that urban dwellers should have access to
a decent housing, defined as one that provides a foundation for rather than being a
barrier to good physical and mental health, personal development, and fulfillment of
life objectives.
The concentration of this exploration venture is essentially overseeing lodging for
low pay, medium and high wages families or what is normally known as moderate
lodging. “Affordable‟ is a term used to depict individuals‟ ability to pay for specific
items or administrations since their wage is sufficient to do as such. Although the
term “affordable housing‟ is frequently connected to rental lodging; that is inside
the monetary methods for those in the lower pay scopes of a topographical range,
the idea is pertinent to both center and high salary people. Most families lease houses
in view of their salary and family circumstances; lamentably, there may not be
sufficient great quality rental lodging for these families.

Technology used in the project


Available Features:
• Customer Panel
• Admin Panel
• Client-Side
• List Rental Property
• Search Actions
• Manage Complaints
• Manage Property Details

Search Rental Property

Likewise, this particular section goes out for the best thing about the system. Here,
the user can search for rental properties using different keywords. Also, the user can
search using apartment name, amount, locations, and more. Meanwhile, the system
filters out all the available results and displays each to the user. In fact, this whole
section falls upon the client-side. The search result includes the property details like
owner details, occupancy status, contact information, image, and more. Here, this
particular field plays an important role for the users to find their best property for
rental use. The user can look upon a number of search results with an image
attachment of each. With it, the system automatically displays the rental and selling
amount of each.

Admin Panel
On the other hand, an admin has full control over the system. He/she can manage
properties, customers, complaints. Nevertheless, the admin can proceed with the
modification side of each listed property. Here, an admin can easily change the
occupancy status of each. Also, the system allows adding room details for admin.
Else, all other records overviews can be seen from the administrative dashboard. In
fact, the admin can list out additional complaints about each rental property. With
such management, the system generates overall property records for each. Even
though this system limits excessive features to the users, still this system can be very
convenient to the users around.

Last but not least, a clean and simple dashboard is presented with various color
combinations for a greater user experience while using this Simple House Rental
System Project in PHP MySQL. For its UI elements, a free open-source CSS
framework; Bootstrap is on board with some Vanilla CSS too. Presenting a new
Online House Rental System Project in PHP MySQL which includes an admin,
customer panel that contains all the essential features to follow up, and a
knowledgeable resource for learning purposes.

Database Design
The general subject behind a database is to deal with data as an incorporated entirety.
A database is a gathering of interrelated information put away with least repetition
to serve the clients rapidly and adequately. In the wake of planning information and
Tables utilized
The expert must focus on database plan or how information ought to be composed
around client prerequisite. The general goal is to make data get to, simple, brisk and
adaptable for different clients.

Use case diagram

DFD context level

Rental House Management System Data flow diagram is often used as a preliminary
step to create an overview of the Property without going into great de- tall, which
can later be elaborated it normally consists of overall application dataflow and
processes of the Property process. It contains all the user- flow and their entities such
all the flow of Property, Buyers, Sellers, Property Type, Approvals, Registrations,
Cost. All of the below diagrams have been used for the visualization of data
processing and structured design of the Property process and working flow.
Zero Level Data Flow Diagram (0 Level DFD) Of
Rental House Management System:

This is the Zero Level DFD of Rental House Management System, where we have
elaborated the high-level process of Property. It is a basic overview of the whole
Property Management System or process being analyzed or modeled. It is designed
to be an at-a-glance view of Approvals Registrations and Cost showing the system
as a single high-level process, with its relationship to external entities of Property
Buyers and Sellers. It should be easily understood by a wide audience. Including
Property Sellers and Approvals In zero level DFD of Rental House Management
System, we have described the high-level flow of the Property system

High Level Entities and process flow of Rental House Management System.

• Managing all the House

• Managing all the Buyers
• Managing all the Sellers
• Managing all the House Type
• Managing all the Approvals
• Managing all the Registrations
• Managing all the Cost

Zero Level DFD

Rental house

Registration Buyers Management


Rental House
Sellers Management

Rental House Type


ZERO LEVEL DFD :. Rental House Management System

First Level Data Flow Diagram (1st Level DFD) Of
Rental House Management System:

First Level DFD (1st Level) of Property Management System shows how the system
is divided into sub-systems (processes), each of which deals with one or more of the
data flows to or from an external agent, and which together provide all of the
functionality of the Property Management System as a whole. It also identifies
internal data stores of Cost, Registrations, Approvals, Property Type, Sellers that
must be present for the Property system to do its job, and shows the flow of data
between the various parts of Property, Sellers, Registrations, Cost, Approvals of the
system. DFD Level 1 provides a more detailed breakout of pieces of the 1st level
DFD. You will highlight the main functionalities of Property.

Main entities and output of First Level DFD (1st Level DFD):
• Processing Property records and generate report of all House
• Processing Buyers records and generate report of all Buyers
• Processing Sellers records and generate report of all Sellers
• Processing Property Type records and generate report of all house Type
• Processing Approvals records and generate report of all Approvals
• Processing Registrations records and generate report of all Registrations
• Processing Cost records and generate report of all Cost.

First Level DFD of Rental House Management System

Generate House
House Management Report

Generate Buyers
Buyers Management Report

Generate Sellers
Sellers Management Report
Rental House

House Type Generate House Type

Management Report

Approval Check Approvals

Management Details

Generate Registration

Second Level Data Flow Diagram (2nd
Level DFD) Of Rental House
Management System:

DFD Level 2 then goes one step deeper into parts of Level 1 of Rental House. It may
require more functionalities of House to reach the necessary level of detail about the
House functioning. First Level DFD (1st Level) of Rental House Management
System shows how the system is divided into sub-systems (processes). The 2nd
Level DFD contains more details of Cost, Registrations, Approvals, House Type,
Sellers, Buyers, Property.

Low level functionalities of Rental House Management System

• Admin logins to the system and manage all the functionalities of Rental
House Management System
• Admin can add, edit, delete and view the records of House, Sellers,
Approvals, Cost Admin can manage all the details of Buyers, House Type,
• Admin can also generate reports of House, Buyers, Sellers, House Type,
Approvals, Registrations
• Admin can search the details of Buyers, Approvals, Registrations
• Admin can apply different level of filters on report of House, House Type,
Approvals Admin can track the detailed information of Buyers, Sellers, House
Type, Approvals

Second Level DFD of Rental House Management system

Admin Login to
system Check
Role of
Manage House Details

password Manage Buyers Details
Manage Sellers Details
Manage House Type
email to
Manage Approvals Details

Manage Registration

Manage Role of Users Manage User Permission Manage Cost Report

Manage system Admins

Entity relationship diagram

Website Interface

contact page

Login page

Admin panel

Manager’s list of payments

Project Scheduling
Scheduling in project management is the listing of activities, deliverables, and
milestones within a project. A schedule also usually includes a planned start and
finish date, duration, and resources assigned to each activity. This project has been
scheduled using visual aids such as gnatt chart and PERT chart which help view its
progress very closely starting from the very base to the top most layer of this

Milestones and Timelines

Gantt Chart

PERT Chart

Future Scope
Few factors bring an urge for online rental management. These are:
a) It is not easy to “build” millions of new houses congested households.
b) If the aim is to build millions of new housing units, clearly, lands is scarce.
Rental housing can be a significant proportion of housing supply. Rental yields (rent
as a share of property price) are the returns a property owner can get on her
investment and hence play an important part in deciding the economic viability of
investing in rental housing. Rental yields in India are typically very low.

Major issue with a poorly designed rental house management system, is that while
our website may be promising, it could take a lot of man-hours to train staff on how
to use it. With the high turnover in hospitality, training expenses can build up fast.
On the other hand, a good system will be so easy to use it’ll require virtually no staff


Effectively resolving the apartment issues is important to the buyer's long-term

future, the Home Rental Project will be an important tool for creating rental housing
stability by helping tenants speak with greater credibility through initiating and
documenting communications and building productive relationships with sellers.
Home Rental project provides buyers of specific housing associations and social
sellers with a simple way to report and arrange repairs to properties. Finally, the
goal of the project is to create a better relationship between tenants and a sellers
which can be achieved through this project.

[1] Ambrose, P. and Barlow, J. (1987), Housing Provision and House Building in
Western Europe: Increasing Expenditure, Declining Output, Housing Markets and
Policies under Fiscal Austerity, London, Greenwood Press.
[2] Cooper, M. (1998), Ideas to develop a literature review, vol. 3, page, 39.
[3] Erguden, S. (2001), Low-cost housing policies and constraints in developing
countries, International conference on spatial development for sustainable
development, Nairobi.
[4] Golland, A. (1996), Housing supply, profite and housing production: The case
of the United Kingdom, Netherlands and Germany, Journal of Housing and the Built
Environment, vol.11, no1.


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