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Alimannao Hills, Penablanca, Cagayan


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for GEC10 : Philippine Literature
Second Semester, Fiscal Year 2021-2022

Presented by:
Abdullah Racman
Ivy Ann Nicole Leaño
Arvil Justine Santos
Students, BSMLS II

Presented to:

Ericson R. Mallari, LPT


26 February 2022
Alimannao Hills, Penablanca, Cagayan

I. Introduction
Mariang Makiling has often appeared as an old woman begging for food
from hunters. She does this to test their kindness to those in need. People who
refuse to help her are chased away from the forest with the sound of howling
monsters hiding in the shadows of the woods.

II. Discussion
 What is the theme of the Legend of Maria Makiling?
"Marias’s love, kindness, and generosity" Because Maria Makiling is
helpful to everyone.

 What is the legend of Maria Makiling all about?

It's all about maria who is kind, generous. Then she fell in love with
a mortal which Maria later found out that he already had a mortal wife.

 What is the audience of The Legend of Maria Makiling?

Maria makiling is suitable to any age, but preferably to young ones
to shape their minds and instill good lessons.

 Is Maria Makiling a rejected lover?

In many legends, Maria Makiling is cast as a rejected lover.
However, Maria was shocked to discover that her lover was being
unfaithful and had married a mortal woman.

 What was the conflict in the legend of Maria Makiling?

When the time of warfare came unmarried young men in perfect
health were recruited, and the young farmer’s mother made an arranged
marriage for her son, so that the boy will stay safely in the village.

 What kind of story is Maria Makiling?

Mariang makiling is a legend that tells many lessons to the readers.
It embodies simple plot, but has so much to offer in the minds of the

 In what ways Maria Makiling help people?

Mariang Makiling is also known to have a good heart. She would
appear as a young girl to help old women gather firewood. She would
Alimannao Hills, Penablanca, Cagayan

then slip gold nuggets, coins, and jewels into their bundles of wood. She
would also invite tired hunters to her home where she will serve them a
warm meal and cold drinks.

 Why did Maria Makiling disappear?

Many blame Mariang Makiling’s disappearance from the forest on
the people who do not return her generosity. Others say that the cutting
of trees and excessive hunting of wild animals have greatly disappointed
Mariang Makiling that she refuses to come out anymore.

 What is the climax of the story of Maria Makiling?

The climax of the story of Maria Makiling is when she fell in love
with a human. She secretly hid their relationship with her parents. And as
a result, she couldn’t meet the man she truly loved. Her father decided
that the gods couldn’t live with ordinary people.

 Who is the character of Maria Makiling?

Maria Makiling – the main character and protagonist of the story.
She was a beautiful and helpful diwata who lived in a mountain of Laguna.
She was always wooed by many suitors. Juan – a hard working farmer
and the one who Maria secretly likes.

III. Conclusion
We learned from the "Legend of Maria Makiling" that we must be able to
take rejection. Because Captain Lara and Joselito couldn't accept failure in love,
they were blinded by wrath and mislead by their emotions, so they did the wrong
thing and framed Jose for the reason that Maria Makiling chose Jose over them.
Maria Makiling exacted vengeance on the two after learning of their deeds, and
they were punished.
We must keep in mind that whatever we do has an aftereffect. Our
actions and decisions will have an impact based on how awful or excellent they
are. I believe in the law of karma, which states that anything you do will return
back to you.
Alimannao Hills, Penablanca, Cagayan

(Teacher guide ,2010) Telling Tales from Southeast Asia and


Joe Ford (2021, February 19). What is the story of Maria Makiling all about?

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