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The diagram shows the design of a modern landfill for household

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main
features and make comparisons where relevant.

The diagram shows the life cycle of a modern landfill used for the
disposal of household waste. There are three main stages in the life of a
landfill; the construction, the use of, and the closure.
Firstly, a giant hole is dug in the earth above a bed of natural rock.
Once the hole has been dug, it is then lined with a thick layer of clay,
followed by a layer of synthetic material which helps to stop toxic waste
substances from leaching into the surrounding earth. Drainage pipes and a
drainage tank are also installed in order to remove the toxic waste liquids
from the bottom of the landfill.
Once the landfill has been built, it is ready to be filled with
household waste. During the usage stage of the landfill, waste liquids will
sink to the bottom where they will be held in the drainage tank and
removed via the drainage pipes in order to minimise a build-up of gas.
Once the landfill is full, it is covered with a thick layer of clay. As the
waste degrades over time, waste gases are emitted from the landfill.
Highlight vocabulary:
1. Life cycle: The series of stages through which something (in this
case, a landfill) passes during its existence.
2. Landfill: A designated area where waste materials are buried in
layers of earth for disposal.
3. Disposal: The action of getting rid of something, in this context,
household waste.
4. Construction: The process of building or creating something, such
as the landfill in this case.
5. Closure: The final stage of a landfill's life cycle, involving its
termination and proper sealing.
6. Bed of natural rock: A layer of solid, naturally occurring rock
beneath the landfill.
7. Synthetic material: Man-made substances that do not occur
naturally, used here to prevent toxic waste from spreading.
8. Leaching: The process of a liquid, in this case, toxic waste
substances, being washed out from a material by the action of
another liquid passing through it.
9. Drainage pipes: Pipes used to remove liquids, in this context, to
eliminate toxic waste liquids from the landfill.
10. Drainage tank: A container designed to collect and hold liquid
waste for proper disposal.
11. Usage stage: The period during which the landfill is actively
receiving waste and being utilized.
12. Build-up of gas: Accumulation of gases, often related to the
decomposition of waste materials in the landfill.
13. Degrades: The process of breaking down or decomposing over
14. Emitted: Released or discharged, in this context, waste gases being
released from the landfill.
Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks Fill in the blanks with the appropriate advanced words from the
1. The __________ of a product includes its creation, usage, and eventual termination phases.
2. Proper waste __________ is crucial to ensure environmental sustainability.
3. The __________ of the new building was completed ahead of schedule.
4. The landfill was constructed above a __________, providing a stable foundation.
5. The __________ of synthetic materials in landfills prevents harmful substances from
6. Heavy rainfall can result in __________ of pollutants into groundwater.
7. The __________ system efficiently collects liquid waste from the factory floor.
8. During the __________ of the software, user feedback is crucial for improvement.
9. The __________ in the landfill can lead to pressure and potential explosions.
10. As organic matter __________, it releases gases that contribute to air pollution.
11. The factory __________ a significant amount of pollutants into the nearby river.
12. The old building underwent __________, and a modern structure now stands in its place.

Exercise 2: Sentence Completion Complete each sentence using one of the advanced words:
1. The __________ of a product involves its design, manufacturing, and distribution phases.
2. Proper __________ of hazardous chemicals is essential to protect the environment.
3. The __________ of the bridge was completed six months ahead of schedule.
4. Engineers ensured that the building's foundation was situated on a stable __________.
5. The __________ materials used in the construction industry have revolutionized building
6. Heavy rainfall can result in the __________ of pollutants from the soil into nearby water
7. The __________ system in the factory effectively removes excess water and waste liquids.
8. During the __________ of the new software, user feedback played a crucial role in
9. The __________ of gas in the mine posed a serious safety concern for the workers.
10. As the organic matter __________, it emits various gases that contribute to the greenhouse
11. The industrial plant was found to __________ harmful chemicals into the air, leading to
12. The __________ of the old factory marked the end of an era for the local community.

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