DTE Booklist Secondary (2023-2024)

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Antigua State College Department of Teacher Education




JBTE/COM 100 English for Communication I Simmons-MacDonald, H., Fields, L. & Roberts, P. (1997). Writing
in English: A coursebook for Caribbean Students. Ian Randle.

JBTE/PSY 201 Adolescent Development and Any Psychology text by any author with text name: Educational
Learning Psychology (Woolfolk/Slavin, etc.)
(edition 2009 – present)

Berk, L A. (2008). Infants, children and adolescents (6th, ed,)


Biehlier, R. F. & Snowman, J. (2006). Psychology applied to

teaching. Houghton Mifflin Company
JBTE/EDSC 101/201 Introduction to Social & Haralambos, M. & Holborn M.(2004). Sociology: Themes and
Cultural Foundations of Education perspectives (6th ed.). Collins.
JBTE/EDET 101/201 Seminar Series in Smaldino, S.E., Lowther, D.L., & Russell, J. D. (2008).
Technology in Education (Not for Credit) Instructional technology and media for learning (9th ed.).
Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
JBTE/ENG201 Teaching Language in the O’Grady, W. et al. (2001). Contemporary linguistics. (4th ed.)
Caribbean Context Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Van de Walle, J. A. (2007). Elementary and middle school
JBTE/MAT201 Issues in Teaching and mathematics: Teaching developmentally (6th ed.). Pearson
Learning Mathematics at the Secondary Level Education.
JBTE/BUS200 Principles of Business Calhoun, C. (1995). Managing the learning process in
Instruction I Business Education. Colonial Press.
Teaching methods and techniques in Business Education in
the secondary system: Self-learning activity Units in Business
Education – Unit One. Cave Hill, Barbados: The University
of the West Indies OECS/EDF/UWI/ TLIU Tertiary
Education Programme.
JBTE/GEO201 Planning and Teaching Lambert D. & and Balderstone, D. (2002). Learning to teach
Geography in Secondary School Geography in the secondary school. Routledge/Falmer.
JBTE/SS201 Introduction to Social Studies Griffith, A.& Barth, J., 2006. Social Studies Curriculum and
Education Methods for the Caribbean. UWI Press.
JBTE/SC201 Secondary Science and Chiappetta, E. L and Koballa, T. R. (2006). Science
Technology Teaching I instruction in the middle and secondary schools -
Developing fundamental knowledge and skills for teaching.
(6th ed.). Pearson – Merrill Prentice Hall
JBTE/FL201 An Introduction to Issues, Brown, H. Douglas. (2004). Language assessment: Principles
Approaches and Methods in the and classroom practice. Pearson Education, ESL.
Teaching/Learning of Foreign Languages
JBTE/HI201 The Nature and Purpose of History Furay, Conal and Salevouris, Michel J. The methods and skills
of History: A practical guide ( Harlan Davidson, 2000).
Hayden, T, Arthur, J and Hunt, H. (2001). Learning to teach
History in the secondary school. (Routledge/Falmer).
JBTE/GEO201 The Nature of Geography Lambert D. & and Balderstone, D. (2002). Learning to Teach
Geography in the secondary school. Routledge/Falmer.
Smith, M. (2002). Teaching Geography in secondary schools:
A Reader. Journal of Geography. Routledge.

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