CO Breath Test in The Differential Diagnosis

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J. Breath Res. 16 (2022) 026007


Journal of Breath Research


Levitt’s CO breath test in the differential diagnosis of chronic

isolated hyperbilirubinemia
6 November 2021 Ling-Ling Kang1, Ze-Lin Liu2, Quan-Sheng Han3, Yuan-Wu Chen4, Ling-Wen Liu5, Xian-Hui Xie5,
REVISED Jun-Feng Luo5, Yong-Qiang Ji5, Guo-Liang Zhu5, Yong-Jian Ma5, Kun-Mei Ji6 and Hou-De Zhang1,∗
28 January 2022
Department of Gastroenterology, Nanshan Hospital, Guangdong Medical University, Shenzhen 518052, People’s Republic of China
23 February 2022 Department of Hematology, Nanshan Hospital, Guangdong Medical University, Shenzhen 518052, People’s Republic of China
Shenzhen Zhonghe Headway Bio-Sci & TechCo. Ltd, Shenzhen 518052, People’s Republic of China
15 March 2022
Health Center, Nanshan Hospital, Guangdong Medical University, Shenzhen 518052, People’s Republic of China
Institute of Breath Test Research, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, People’s Republic of China
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Basic Medical Science, Laboratory Department of South China Hospital,
Original content from Health Science Center, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, People’s Republic of China
this work may be used ∗
under the terms of the Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
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Attribution 4.0 licence.
Any further distribution Keywords: isolated hyperbilirubinemia, Gilbert syndrome, hemolysis, Levitt’s CO breath test, RBC lifespan
of this work must
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the author(s) and the title
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citation and DOI.
A key component of the differential diagnosis of isolated hyperbilirubinemia (HB) is
distinguishing between hemolytic and non-hemolytic types. Routine hemolysis screening markers
have unsatisfactory sensitivity and specificity. Erythrocyte (RBC) lifespan shortening, the gold
standard marker of hemolysis, is seldomly measured due to the cumbersome and protracted nature
of standard methods. A new Levitt’s CO breath test method may enable simple, rapid RBC lifespan
measurement. In this pilot prospective diagnostic study, Levitt’s CO breath test was evaluated to
discriminate hemolytic from non-hemolytic HB in adults. One hundred and thirty eligible
non-smoking adult patients who were aged 18 or older, referred for chronic (>6 months) isolated
HB or had a known diagnosis of isolated HB of a rare cause, were recruited, including 77 with
non-hemolytic HB and 53 with hemolytic HB. ROC curve analysis was applied to determine the
optimal cutoff for discriminating between hemolytic and non-hemolytic HB, and the performance
was calculated. Results showed that the mean RBC lifespan in non-hemolytic HB (93 ± 26 d) was
reduced (p = 0.001 vs. normal reference value of 126 d), but longer than that in hemolytic HB
(36 ± 17 d; p = 0.001). RBC lifespans did not differ significantly between 26 patients with simple
hemolytic HB (32 ± 14 d) and 27 patients with a Gilbert syndrome comorbidity (40 ± 18 d). ROC
curve analysis revealed an optimal lifespan cutoff for discriminating between hemolytic and
non-hemolytic HB of 60 d (AUC = 0.982), with a diagnostic accuracy of 95.4%, 94.3% sensitivity
and 96.1% specificity respectively. These results indicate that Levitt’s CO breath test seems to be
very sensitive and specific for detecting hemolysis in adult patients with chronic isolated HB, and
could enable simple, rapid, and reliable differential diagnosis of isolated HB. A large-scale
validation study of the method is warranted.

HB hyperbilirubinemia CBC complete blood count
ROC Receiver operating characteristic LDH lactate dehydrogenase
AUC area under the curve RBC Erythrocyte
UGT1A1 uridine diphosphate G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
glucuronosyltransferase family 1 CI confidence interval
member A1 ROC receiver operating characteristic

© 2022 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd

J. Breath Res. 16 (2022) 026007 L-L Kang et al

1. Introduction into circulation from bone marrow. Typically, healthy

adults have an average RBC lifespan of 120 d [6, 7].
Isolated hyperbilirubinemia (HB) is a common clin- An abnormally short RBC lifespan is the fundamental
ical laboratory finding of elevated serum bilirubin characteristic of hemolysis. Therefore, RBC lifespan
levels in the context of apparently normal global liver measurement should give a more accurate diagnosis
function and normal levels of biochemical markers of of hemolysis than indirect hemolytic marker assays
hepatocellular injury and cholestasis [1]. Three basic [8]. However, RBC lifespan measurement is seldomly
mechanisms have been found to result in isolated conducted due to the cumbersome and protracted
HB. The first is increased bilirubin production, which nature of classical labelling methods (e.g.51 Cr and
is seen in various hemolytic diseases and in indi- N-glycine), which can take several weeks, or even
viduals with hematopoiesis (hemolysis in situ). The months.
second mechanism is decreased hepatocellular uptake Based on the knowledge that exhaled endogen-
and conjugation of unconjugated bilirubin, which is ous CO comes primarily from degraded hemoglobin
seen mainly in Gilbert syndrome and Crigler–Najjar following RBC destruction, established mainly by
syndrome. Both of these syndromes are caused by Rurnal et al [9–12], and thus the notion that mean
dysfunctional hepatic uridine diphosphate glucuro- RBC lifespan can be estimated based on endogenous
nosyltransferase family 1 member A1 (UGT1A1), CO production rate, Levitt’s team [13, 14] developed
due to mutations affecting the gene UGT1A1. The a simple, rapid CO breath test to determinate RBC
third mechanism is decreased hepatocellular secre- lifespan. Our previous study confirmed that Levitt’s
tion of conjugated bilirubin, which occurs in Dubin– CO breath test gives similar results to those obtained
Johnson syndrome, a rare condition, as well as in the with classical labelling methods [15]. The aim of this
even more rare Rotor syndrome. pilot prospective diagnostic study was to evaluate
Clinically, the evaluation of a patient with isol- Levitt’s CO breath test to discriminate hemolytic from
ated HB is quite different from that of a patient non-hemolytic HB in adults.
who presents with elevated bilirubin associated with
elevated liver enzyme levels, with the latter suggest- 2. Patients and methods
ing either a cholestatic or hepatocellular process [2].
Traditionally, the first step in the evaluation of a 2.1. Study design and participants
patient presenting with isolated HB is to fractionate This pilot prospective diagnostic study was under-
a sample of bilirubin from the patient to determine taken at Nanshan Hospital, Guangdong Medical Uni-
if the patient’s bilirubin is conjugated or unconjug- versity in Shenzhen, China. We recruited newly
ated. In the latter case, the second step is to dif- referred patients with isolated HB. We also conduc-
ferentiate between a hemolytic and non-hemolytic ted a search of medical record archives to find patients
origin. Based on these findings, the type of isol- with rare causes of HB and invited them to par-
ated HB can then be classified (i.e. (un)conjugated, ticipate in the study. The inclusion criteria were:
(non-)hemolytic) [2]. being ⩾18 years old; having had a disease course of
Direct bilirubin levels measured by the commonly >6 months; and having a confirmed cause of HB. The
employed diazo reaction method often overestim- exclusion criteria were: severe chronic cardiopulmon-
ates the actual conjugated bilirubin level, especially ary disease; acute disease or emergent medical needs;
in hemolytic samples, resulting in potential misclas- a blood transfusion within 3 weeks of the study; and
sification of isolated HB cases [2–4]. However, isol- active smoking, severe passive smoking, or other sim-
ated conjugated HB is extremely rare (i.e. principally ilar air contamination exposure within 24 h before the
consisting of patients with Dubin–Johnson syndrome test; inability to complete sampling; and unwilling-
and Rotor syndrome). Thus, in the vast majority of ness to sign the informed consent.
isolated HB cases, unconjugated HB is observed [5], The diagnostic criteria of isolated HB was that a
making reliable differentiation between HB of hemo- general liver function test shows an isolated elevation
lytic versus non-hemolytic origin a key diagnostic of the serum total bilirubin level ⩾ 21.0 µmol L −1
objective. Current hemolytic marker-based clinical (diazo reaction method) concomitant with normal
tests—such as a complete blood count (CBC), retic- serum albumin, normal levels of biochemical mark-
ulocyte count, peripheral blood smear, and lactate ers of hepatocellular injury (alanine transaminase and
dehydrogenase (LDH) assay, as well as assessments aspartate transaminase), and cholestasis (gamma-
of serum haptoglobin and plasma free hemoglobin— glutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase activit-
are far from satisfactory with respect to sensitivity and ies). Etiological diagnosis was based on comprehens-
specificity. Many patients do not have a clear HD clas- ive clinical and laboratory evaluation.
sification diagnosis even after the numerous etiolo- All patients underwent a panel of routine laborat-
gical tests. ory examinations, encompassing genetic tests, hemo-
Erythrocyte (RBC) lifespan refers to the aver- lysis screening tests, and biochemical tests. First,
age period that RBCs survive after being released Sanger sequencing of UGT1A1 was conducted to

J. Breath Res. 16 (2022) 026007 L-L Kang et al

identify genetic causes of HB, namely Gilbert syn- We conducted the breath test with an automated
drome and Crigler–Najjar syndrome (Beijing Gen- instrument, namely the ELS Tester (Seekya Biotec.
omics Institute, Beijing, China). Second, to screen Co., Ltd, Shenzhen, China). The test involved three
for hemolysis, hemolytic markers were assessed steps. (1) For breath sample collection, in the morn-
with a CBC, reticulocyte count, peripheral blood ing (8:00–11:30) without a fasting requirement, each
smear, LDH assay, and routine chemical urinalysis. subject inhaled deeply, held their breath for 10 s, and
Third, two hemolytic etiology diagnostic tests were then exhaled into a tri-channel collection system that
performed, including glucose-6-phosphate dehydro- discards the first 300 ml, presumed to be dead space
genase (G6PD) activity measurement for detection of air, and then directs subsequent alveolar air into a foil
G6PD deficiency and Coomb’s test for the diagnosis bag (700 ml). If needed, the procedure was repeated
of autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Other hemolytic until the collected air sample reached the collection
etiology tests were carried out according to specific bag capacity. The filled bag was detached and sealed.
case indications. For example, hemoglobin electro- An atmospheric sample was collected just after breath
phoresis was conducted for definitive diagnosis of sampling. Alveolar air and atmospheric samples were
thalassemia, flow cytometry of blood CD55/CD59 stored at room temperature and analyzed within 2 d
RBCs was conducted for definitive diagnosis of par- of collection. (2) To measure hemoglobin concentra-
oxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, and we meas- tion, a CBC was carried out on the breath sampling
ured serum levels of foliate (a.k.a. vitamin B9), vit- day. (3) Finally, for RBC lifespan determination, an
amin B12 (a.k.a. cobalamin), and homocysteine to automated ELS tester was used to measure endo-
diagnose megaloblastic anemia. Patients with clin- genous alveolar CO concentration by nondispersive
ical and/or laboratory evidence of hemolysis that infrared spectroscopy of the paired alveolar and envir-
remained unexplained after these diagnostic investig- onmental air samples. The ELS tester used these data,
ations were submitted to diagnostic next-generation together with an inputted hemoglobin concentration
sequencing with a commercial HO-41 sequencing value, to calculate RBC lifespan according to Levitt’s
panel (MyGenotics, Beijing, China) that covered 208 formula (above). Briefly, for step 3, the alveolar and
genes linked to hereditary erythroid related diseases. environmental air sample bags were connected to
Those patients who had no history or signs inlet ports and each patient’s hemoglobin concentra-
of hemolysis, were negative for hemolytic mark- tion datum was inputted; then, automatic measure-
ers, had normal G6PD activity, and had a negative ment by the ELS TESTER was initiated by pushing
Coomb’s test result formed the non-hemolytic HB the start button on the machine, which reported each
cohort. Those for whom a definitive hemolytic cause participant’s RBC lifespan within 15 min.
was established were included in the hemolytic HB Previously, we showed that the mean normal RBC
cohort, regardless of other associated diseases. lifespan determined Levitt’s CO breath test was 126 d
Nanshan Hospital Ethics Committee approved (range, 75–177 d), a value similar to that obtained by
the study protocol. Written informed consent was the standard biotin-labelling technique (mean, 115 d;
obtained from all study participants. This trial is range, 70–140 d) [7, 15].
registered with number, CHiC-
TRDDD17011592. 2.3. Outcomes
The primary outcome of this study was the accuracy
2.2. Levitt’s CO breath test of Levitt’s CO breath test for detecting hemolysis in
The principle of Levitt’s CO breath test is that endo- adults with chronic isolated HB.
genous CO in the breath originates mainly (∼70%)
from heme oxidation during hemoglobin degrad- 2.4. Statistics
ation following RBC rupture, such that the total Power analysis indicated that we would need a sample
capacity of CO from hemoglobin divided by the size of 70 to achieve a power of ⩾90%and thus show
CO quantity released per day equates to mean RBC a diagnostic accuracy of ⩾90% (lower level of two-
lifespan [10]. Given that the lungs mediate the only sided 95% confidence interval (CI)) to discriminate
mechanism available to the body for CO excre- between patients with hemolytic HB from those with
tion and the fact that alveolar ventilation volume non-hemolytic HB. Normally distributed data are
(mL min−1 ) is roughly equal to total blood volume reported as means with standard deviations. Abnor-
(mL), Levitt’s team [13, 14] deduced that RBC mally distributed data are reported as medians with
lifespan can be calculated from exhaled endogen- inter-quartile ranges. Enumeration data are expressed
ous alveolar CO concentration (ppm) and peripheral as percentages.
blood hemoglobin concentration (g mL−1 ) according Student’s t-test and Wilcoxon rank-sum test or
to the following formula: chi-square tests were applied to analyze differences
in measurement data and enumerated data, respect-
RBC survival (d)
ively. For hemolytic HB diagnosis, we used receiver
= (1380) × ([hemoglobin]) / operating characteristic (ROC) curves to establish
endogenous alveolar CO concentration. an optimal discrimination value. Diagnosis accuracy

J. Breath Res. 16 (2022) 026007 L-L Kang et al

rate was calculated as the number of correctly dia- thalassemia with G6PD deficiency, megaloblastic
gnosed cases divided by the total number of HB cases. anemia with G6PD deficiency, and thalassemia with
All data analyses were conducted in SPSS for Win- hereditary spherocytosis.
dows, version 22 (IBM, Chicago, IL), with a signific- The demographic characteristics, clinical charac-
ance criterion of p < 0.05. teristics, and laboratory data of the enrolled patients
are in summarized in table 1. The non-hemolytic HB
3. Results and hemolytic HB groups were similar with respect to
gender and age. Splenomegaly was detected in hemo-
3.1. Patient characteristics lytic HB patients. While there was no difference in
Patients were recruited from 1 May 2018 to 1 Novem- total serum bilirubin level or direct bilirubin frac-
ber 2020. Non-hemolytic HB patients were gathered tion between the two groups, other laboratory signs of
quickly owing to the relatively high prevalence of hemolysis were found only in patients with hemolytic
Gilbert syndrome in the population. Recruitment HB. In the hemolytic group, patients with comorbid
of patients with hemolytic HB, which is already hemolysis and Gilbert syndrome had higher bilirubin
relatively rare, was quite slow and further slowed levels but fewer severe hemoglobin reductions than
by the discovery that some patients with hemo- patients with simple hemolysis.
lytic HB had a comorbidity of Gilbert syndrome.
To ensure there were enough cases of simple isol- 3.2. RBC lifespans
ated hemolytic HB in the sample, we determined The RBC lifespans obtained for each of the 130 sub-
to enlarge the sample size by 50% to 105%. Ulti- jects are shown in figure 1. The mean RBC lifespan of
mately, 137 patients were recruited, including 128 the 77 patients with non-hemolytic HB was 93 ± 26 d,
newly referred patients and 2 with rare diagnoses, which was significantly shorter than the normal mean
including 1 patient with Crigler-Najjar syndrome reference value (126 d; t = −11.254, p = 0.001), but
type II and 1 patient with Dubin-Johnson syndrome. much longer than that of the 53 patients with hemo-
The patient with Dubin-Johnson syndrome was the lytic HB (36 ± 17 d; t = 14.2, p = 0.001). RBC lifespan
only patient in this study suffering from conjugated did not differ significantly between the 26 patients
HB (serum bilirubin 70.5 mmol L−1 , direct biliru- with simple hemolytic HB and the 27 patients with
bin 44.9 mmol L−1 ). Seven patients were excluded comorbid hemolysis and Gilbert syndrome (32 ± 14 d
because of cigarette smoking (N = 3), polycythemia vs. 40 ± 18 d; t = − 1.983, p = 0.053).
with unexplained HB (N = 3 cases), and pregnancy
with unexplained mildly elevated reticulocyte count 3.3. Diagnostic performance
(N = 1). Therefore, 130 patients were eligible and All 53 (100%) patients with hemolytic HB and 21/77
enrolled into the study. The de-identified, indi- (27.3%) patients with non-hemolytic HB had RBC
vidual participant-level data that underlie the res- lifespans below normal range (lower limit of normal
ults reported in this article are freely accessible at by Levitt’s breath test = 75 d). ROC analysis indic- ated that a cutoff RBC lifespan of 60 d was optimal
0209. for group separation (figure 2). With this, we reached
The 130 eligible patients included 77 with non- an accuracy of 95.4% (95%CI 90.0–98.1) with 94.3%
hemolytic HB (75 with Gilbert syndrome, 1 with sensitivity (95%CI 84.0–98.7) and 96.1% specificity
Crigler-Najjar syndrome type II, and 1 with Dubin- (95%CI 88.7–99.1). The area under for the ROC
Johnson syndrome). The remaining 53 patients were curve (AUC) was 0.982 (95%CI 0.965–0.999).
diagnosed with hemolytic HB (26 with simple hemo-
lysis and 27 with hemolysis and Gilbert syndrome). 4. Discussion
Of the 26 patients with simple hemolysis; 9 had
thalassemia; 7 had megaloblastic anemia; 2 had Of 130 eligible adult patients with chronic isolated
hypersplenism of liver cirrhosis; 2 had autoim- HB enrolled over a 2 year period, only one patient
mune hemolytic anemia; and 1 had each of the (0.08%), who was found by a medical record search,
following: hereditary non-spherical polycythemia, had conjugated HB (table 1), confirming that the
primary myelofibrosis, hemophagocytic syndrome, vast majority of cases of isolated HB are unconjug-
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, Tha with ated, and thus that the key objective of differential
megaloblastic anemia, and Tha with G6PD defi- diagnosis for isolated HB is to determine whether
ciency. Of the 27 patients who had hemolysis there is hemolysis. Levitt’s CO breath test was con-
coexisting with Gilbert syndrome, 8 had heredit- firmed to have very high sensitivity for detection
ary spherocytosis; 7 had a G6PD deficiency; 5 had of hemolysis, even mild hemolysis, in adult patients
thalassemia; and 1 had each of the following: megalo- with chronic isolated HB. Using an RBC lifespan
blastic anemia, Evans syndrome, cardiac mechanical cutoffof 60 d, the diagnostic performance of the
valve induced hemolysis, drug-induced hemolysis, breath test for hemolytic HB was excellent with

J. Breath Res. 16 (2022) 026007 L-L Kang et al

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of patients with isolated hyperbilirubinemia (HB).

Hemolytic HB (N = 53)
Characteristic HB (N = 77) Simple (n = 26) +GS (n = 27) Total (n = 53)

Age, years 29.0 (26.0, 37.5) 35.0 (23.0, 50.8) 29.0 (25.0, 42.0) 33.0 (25.0, 46.5)
Male 57 (74.0%) 12 (46.2%) 23 (85.2%) 35 (66.0%)
Female 20 (26.0%) 14 (53.8%) 4 (14.8%) 18 (34.0%)
∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗
Splenomegaly 0 14 (51%) 7 (27%) 21 (40%)
Serum bilirubin

TBil, µmol L−1 40.8 (39.0, 49.5) 37.0 (29.2, 45.2) 53.9 /# (33.3,78.8) 41.0 (30.5, 59.8)
DBil, µmol L−1 10.8 (8.4, 12.9) 11.2 (8.58, 14.2) 9.0 (7.7, 11.8) 9.7 (8.2, 12.9)

IBil, µmol L−1 28.1 (20.4, 35.8) 24.7 (14.9, 32.3) 45.1 (23.1, 69.1) /## 29.2 (19.5, 52.7)
∗∗ ∗∗
UGT1A1 mutation 76 (98.7%)a 0 27 (100%)## 27 (50.9%)
∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗
LDH > 250 IU/L 0 13 (56.5%) 7 (25.9%) /## 20 (43.4%)
∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗
Hemoglobin, g/dl 15.4 (14.5, 16.2) 7.3 (6.6, 9.2) 13.3 (10.8, 15.0) /## 9.5 (7.1, 13.5)
∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗
Anemia 0 25 (94.3%) 16 (59.3%) /## 41 (77.4%)
∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗
<80, fL 0 10 (38.5%) 5 (18.5%) 15 (28.3%)
∗∗ ∗∗
>100, fL. 0 10 (38.5%) 1 (0.4%) ## 11 (20.8%)
∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗
Reticulocytes > 2.0% 0 12 (42.6) 20 (74.1%) /# 32 (60.4%)
∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗
Abnor blood smear 0 18 (69.2%) 11 (40.7%) 29 (54.7%)
Hemoglobinuria 0 1 (3.8%) 0 1 (1.9%)
Hemosiderinuria 0 1 (3.8%) 0 1 (1.9%)
Coomb’s test + 0 2 (7.7%) 1 (3.7%) 3 (5.7%)
∗∗ ∗∗
G6PD deficiency 0 0 7 (25.9%) /# 7 (13.2%)
Data are reported as mean (SD), median (IQR) or n (%); a the single negative patient had Dubin-Johnson syndrome; ∗ p < 0.05,
∗∗ p < 0.01 vs. non-hemolytic; # p < 0.05, ## p < 0.01 vs. simple hemolysis; GS, Gilbert syndrome; TBil, total bilirubin; DBil, direct

bilirubin; IBil, indirect bilirubin; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase Hb, hemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; Abnor, abnormal;
G6PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

94.3% sensitivity and 96.1% specificity (figure 2). RBC re-transfusion measurement techniques sug-
However, among patients with hemolytic HB, the gested that some 30% ∼ 80% of people with Gil-
test could not distinguish between simple hemolytic bert syndrome have mild hemolysis indicated by a
HB and hemolysis coexisting with Gilbert syndrome slightly shortened RBC lifespan [16–19]. Therefore,
(figure 1). in addition to being a bilirubin conjugating disorder,
Gilbert syndrome is a well-known phenotypic- bilirubin overproduction with mild hemolysis can be
ally heterogenous hereditary condition characterized considered a diagnostic marker of Gilbert syndrome
by mild, chronic unconjugated HB in the absence [17, 19, 20]. Consistent with these previous reports,
of liver disease or overt hemolysis. Reported incid- our non-hemolytic group, which consisted mostly
ence rates for Gilbert syndrome range from 6% to of patients with Gilbert syndrome, had a slightly
12% [2]. The pathogenesis of Gilbert syndrome has reduced mean RBC lifespan (92 d vs. normal mean
been linked to congenital mutations in UGT1A1 and of 126 d). Indeed 38% of the patients in the non-
consequent disruption of UGT1A1, the enzyme that hemolytic group had an RBC lifespan shorter than
conjugates glucuronic acid to bilirubin in hepato- 75 d, which is the lower limit of the normal range.
cytes and then converts it into an excretable molecule. With respect to diagnosis, the present results suggest
Traditionally, unconjugated HB resulting from Gil- strongly that simple rapid Levitt’s CO breath testing
bert syndrome has been attributed completely to would be as sensitive as classical standard labelling
this non-hemolytic mechanism because commonly methods for detecting hemolysis in the context of
used clinical biomarkers of hemolysis (e.g. serum isolated HB.
LDH, haptoglobin, and reticulocyte count) are not We found that if 75 d, the lower limit of the nor-
found in patients with Gilbert syndrome. However, mal RBC lifespan range, were used as the cutoff-
several early studies employing classical 51 Cr-labeled for hemolytic HB diagnosis, we would reach 100%

J. Breath Res. 16 (2022) 026007 L-L Kang et al

Figure 1. Scatter plot of RBC lifespan data observed in 130 adults with chronic isolated HB. CN2, Crigler-Najjar syndrome type
II; DJS, Dubin-Johnson syndrome; GS, Gilbert syndrome.

Figure 2. ROC curve for differentiation between patients with hemolytic HB and patients with non-hemolytic HB.

J. Breath Res. 16 (2022) 026007 L-L Kang et al

diagnostic sensitivity, but with a false positive rate as isolated HB. RBC lifespan measurements with this
high as 27.3%. The high false positive rate was appar- method can discriminate between patients with non-
ently the consequence of mild hemolysis in Gilbert hemolytic HB and patients with hemolytic HB with
syndrome being detected. Thus, the adjusted cutoffis high diagnostic accuracy. Thus, Levitt’s CO breath
critical for differential diagnosis of isolated HB. Based test represents a new simple and rapid diagnostic
on our ROC analysis, we recommend an optimal RBC approach to differentiating among different chronic
lifespan cutoff of 60 d to maximize both sensitivity isolated HB pathologies. The validity demonstrated
and specificity. here should be confirmed in a large-scale valida-
Generally, Gilbert syndrome coexisting with tion study. Finally, it should be noted that because
hemolytic disease is considered to be uncommon, smokers absorb large amounts of CO from tobacco
albeit with isolated single case reports [21–25]. We smoke, this breath test may not be appropriate for
were surprised to find that more than half of our smoking patients, at least not with the presently used
enrolled patients with hemolytic HB (37/53) had formula for calculating RBC lifespan.
Gilbert syndrome, indicating that this phenomenon
maybe much more common than is appreciated. Per-
Data availability statement
haps many such cases have been missed due to a lack
of awareness and available techniques. The preval- All authors had access to the study data and reviewed
ence of Gilbert syndrome in the general population, and approved the final manuscript.
at 6% ∼ 12%, indicates that a similar prevalence The data that support the findings of this study
may be found among hemolytic patients by chance. are openly available at the following URL/DOI:
Thus, the incidence of Gilbert syndrome among
our sample of hemolytic HB patients far exceed- 0209).
ing this range is noteworthy. Here, we were able to
find undiagnosed Gilbert syndrome in a large num-
ber of patients because all of the participants in our Author contributions
study underwent Sanger sequencing of UGT1A1 and
detailed hemolysis tests. Although RBC lifespan data Hou-De Zhang and Ling-Ling Kang designed the
were not useful for distinguishing between patients study, developed the study protocol, recruited sub-
with simple hemolytic HB and those with comorbid jects, collected breath samples, analyzed the data, and
hemolysis and Gilbert syndrome, it is evident from wrote the manuscript. Ze-Lin Liu edited the protocol,
our baseline clinical characteristic data (table 1) that supervised all experimental steps, and contributed
the latter patient subgroup tended to have higher to hemolysis diagnoses. Quan-Sheng Han, Yuan-Wu
hemoglobin and bilirubin levels than patients with Chen, Ling-Wen Liu and Xian-Hui Xie contributed
simple hemolytic HB, consistent with previous single to subject enrollment and data collection. Jun-Feng
case reports [21–25]. Thus, discordance between sig- Luo was responsible to breath samples measurement.
nificant unconjugated HB and less severe hemolysis Yong-Qiang Ji and Guo-Liang Zhu contributed to
may be a valuable clue that a patient may have hemo- the statistical analysis and mapping. Yong-Jian Ma
lytic disease comorbid with Gilbert syndrome. Fur- and Kun-Mei Ji analyzed the data and revised the
ther studies are needed to clarify the clinical signific- manuscript.
ance of this pattern of findings.
Our study had several limitations. First, we did Conflict of interest
not enroll patients with drug-induced non-hemolytic
HB, a condition that needs to be considered in Hou-De Zhang, Yong-Qiang Ji, Guo-Liang Zhu, and
the differential diagnosis of isolated HB. Second, Yong-Jian Ma were members of research and devel-
although non-hemolytic HB was diagnosed accord- opment team of the ELS TESTER. The other authors
ing to an established clinical rubric, it is possible that have no competing interests to declare.
a few patients might have been misclassified. Third,
because the study was initially designed as a proof-of-
concept study, the number of patients was not large Clinical trial registration
enough to be divided into a development set and
This trial is registered with num-
a validation set, especially for patients with simple
ber, CHiCTRDDD17011592.
hemolytic HB. Therefore, further prospective testing
of the recommended optimal cutoff value’s perform-
ance should be done. Patient consent statement
In summary, the present results show that Levitt’s
CO breath test is a highly sensitive method for Written informed consent was obtained from all
detecting hemolysis in adult patients with chronic study participants.

J. Breath Res. 16 (2022) 026007 L-L Kang et al

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