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Total Time: Approximately 45 minutes

Do not open the booklets until you are told to do so.
Follow all instructions carefully.
Answer all questions,

Name: _________ ( ) Total Marks:

Class: Primary 6 _________

Date: 18 August 2021

Parent's signature: ---------�
For each question from 16 to 20, choose the word(s) closest in meaning to the underlined
word(s). Shade your answer (1, 2, 3 or 4) on the Optical Answer Sheet. (5 marks)
During CircuitbBreaker ,Miss Moh Jin Yin, wanted to find a way to raise funds for those

idea to provide tuition in exchange for donations to charities. Miss Moh p ch d her idea to
several of her schoolmates and four girls agreed to join her.They put in motion "Project Circuit".

a website where students taking their A-Levels can register for free tuition lessons if they "pay

it forward" with a donation of at least $$20 to a charity. Miss Moh said that making a donation
is encouraged but will not be strictly enforced.This is because some students signing up could
(20) I
come from low-income families.
Adapted from:

16 (1) confined
(2) detained
(3) restricted
(4) imprisoned

17 (1) replacement
(2) alternative
(3) bargain
(4) return

18 {1) stated
(2) raised
(3) hinted
{4) promoted

19 (1) contribution
(2) subsidy
(3) wage
{4) fee

20 {1) sternly
(2) closely
(3) directly
(4) precisely

(Go·on to the next page}

Study this information from the TourPro website and then answer questions 21 to 28.

i About Us Day Tours Other Tours Reservations Contact Us

i Home> Day Tours> HaNest Town
Harvest Town Day Tour
Date: 13 December 2021
Time: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. ·,
I Pick-up and drop-off point: City Centre Bus Tenninal ����
Fee: $60 (aduJt) / $30 (child aged 10 and below)

Here's what you can look forward to!

.,..........•••• ••••....... ·•• & ••··· ........... , ••• liii ••••••

iVisit the local fruit farms 1

... , .............. , ........ , ... ,..ti .............................. a-·••··"'·· ..
�which grow over 20 different !Savour the taste of traditwnal �
hypes of fruits. Learn about i
l" ,. •• , "',.,.,. •"•••""•••,Hr••••••,■ 11•:
idishes prepared with local �
�Be wen taken : !unique farming techniques � �ingredients. You probably will �
!care of by an �and get a chance to sample ; �not be able to have them �
�experienced and! �some of the seasonal � �anywhere else! All meals and !
�approachable iproduce. Fresh fruit juice will � ! 2 refreshments for the day wm ]
!tour guide and � �also be served! 1 Ebe provided,so come with an �
�coach driver. i t............................................................................................; iempty stomach!
11••·· ......................................,.,.,: ............................................................. ..............................�..
iTravel in a clean i �vi;;·P�;·ity·;ii;;g�;-i;;�:;i�-i�--ihi�-i���-.--··1

......................................................... \,

land comfortable� �each with its own distinctive feature. While

�air-condttioned !
�you are sightseeing and shopping, your
hour coach. i j knowledgeable tour guide will keep you
jwell entertained with their rich history.
• I
-filJl••••• ....,.. ............................................................................... 1o .................................. ,.,.�•l

What a participant commented about the Harvest Town Day Tour:

"My husband and I took our parents and three children on tMs tour. The coach
driver, Mr Koh, and tour guide; Bridget, made us feel very safe, comfortable and
relaxed throughout the trip! Bridget knew a lot about all the places we visited! At.
first, I was afraid that my children would get tired of listening 1o all that
information. f felt extremely relieved when I realised that I was unduly worried!
Bridget was so humorous that all of us thoroughly enjoyed listening to her
commentaries! The meals were excellent and my children had fun trying all the
different types of fruits, some they had never seen before! We had a great timer

Mrs Jessica Tay

Prease note:
• Reservations must be made online.
• Payment must be made in cash or by credit card at the TourPro office.
• Travel documents must be emailed to
• Optional activities may be selected by logging in to your TourPro account.
• A minimum number of 20 participants is required for the tour to proceed,
• Payment made will be refunded in full should the tour be cancelled.
• Partial refunds will be granted for cancellations made at least 14 days
before the departure date.

Use the timefine below to keep track of important details!

25-31 Oct 1-14 Nov 15-30 Nov 1-13 Dec

For each question from 21 to 28, four options are given. One of them is the correct
answer. Make your choice (1, 2. 3 or 4} and shade your answer on the Optical Answer
Sheet. (8 marks)

21 Which of the following true of the Harvest Town Day Toyr?

(1) Only lunch and dinner will be served during the tour.
(2) The tour coach will depart from Harvest Town at 10 p.m.
(3) Participants should reach City Centre Bus Terminal by 6 a.m.
(4) AU school-going children can go for the tour at a reduced price.

22 Which of the following words is used to describe the fruits grown on the

(1) local
(2) fresh
(3) unique
(4) seasonal

23 According to the TourPro website. the tour guide can best present
information about the _________
(1) locations of the villages
(2} unique features of the villages
(3) rich history related to the villages
(4) products that are sold in the villages

24 Why are many exclamation marks used in Jessica's comments?

(1 ) to capture readers' attention

(2) to evoke a sense of curiosity for readers
(3) to make her comments seem more favourable
{4) to emphasise how enjoyable the experience was

25 Jessica mentioned that she·"wasunduly worried". She was afraid that her
children would _________

( 1) be bored listening to the tour guide

(2} feel exhausted visiting so many places
(3) be unwilling to try different types of fruits
( 4) not understand what the tour guide was saying



Total Time For Booklets A and 8: 1 hour 50 minutes

Do not open the booklets until you are tofd to do so.
Follow all instructions carefully.
Answer all questions.

Name: _________ ( ) Marks:

Class: Primary 6 ---�-----

Date: 19 August 2021 67

Parent's signature: _________

77 Based on lines 18-30, state whether each statement in the table below is true or Do no1write
in thi$ space.
false, then give. one reason why you think so. [3m]

True/False Reason
a) Gopa), Laura and
were frightened
. when they saw
someone· crouching
. Jn the distance.
b) Aisha was left to
take care ,rf herself
in the classroom.

c) Laura and Joe
agreed with what
Gopal had instructed
them to do.

78 From lines 25-.3.8, which lwo words show that Gopal was not overwhelmed by

panic when dealing with the stressful situation? [2m}

79 Explain what Ms Teo meant when she mentioned 'the school would get to the
root of the problem' .(line 41 ). [2m]

80 "Ms Teo shared how proud she was of ev�ryone" (line 42).

a) Why was Ms Teo proud of them? [1 m]

b) Which two qualities did the band members show that made Ms Teo proud
of them? [2m]

End or Paper
SCHOOL : Ai Tong Primary School
LEVEL : Primary 6
SUBJECT : English
TERM : 2021 Prelim

Booklet A

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

1 3 1 4 1 2 3 2 3 3

Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20

1 4 3 4 4 1 4 4 1 2

Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28

3 4 3 4 1 2 2 1

Booklet B

Q29 Q30 Q31 Q32 Q33 Q34 Q35 Q36 Q37 Q38


Q39 in Q43 enthusiastic Q47 explaining

Q40 historical Q44 exhibit Q48 recreational

Q41 inspired Q45 participate Q49 popularity

Q42 represents Q46 preferred Q50 into

Q51 attention Q56 After Q61 why

Q52 consisted Q57 for Q62 search

Q53 leave Q58 visit Q63 travelled

Q54 continued Q59 hurt Q64 led

Q55 while Q60 worth Q65 forced

Q66 On seeing the commotion, Joe separated the two boys quickly.
On seeing the commotion, Joe quickly separated the two boys.

Gail's happiness was evident to her classmates.

Approach the teacher over there should you need help.

The judges were turned off by the contestant's arrogance.

Page 1 of 2
Mrs Bala asked her daughter what gift she had chosen.

Laura thought would be extremely fun to spend extended time with her close friends, Gopal and Joe.

feeling under the weather

Q73 a) some hot drinks and biscuits

b) the campfire rehearsal
c)Aisha and several other bandmates having a stomach ache and suffering from diarrhoea.

The band perfected tha difficult piece after practising for a month.

2, 3, 1

a)Her stomach was in knots.
b)She was suffering from diarrhoea.

a)False / Gopal,Laura and Joe were concerned and they quickened their pace when they saw some one crouching
Q77 in the distance.
b) False / A junior was asked to take care of Aisha by Gopal in tha absence of Gopal, Laura and Joe.
C) True / Laura and Joe set off instantly to fulfil their tasks after Gopal and told them to do so.

Q78 a) decisively
Q79 She meant that tha school would figure out what had caused the case of mass food poisoning.

a)Every band member did everything they could to help in unrehearsed unison.
b)i) teamwork
ii) care

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