GST 106 Review Answers

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GST 106 (Questions And Answers)

Q. What are the pronouns for 1st person, 2nd, 3rd singular in Arabic

Ans. 1st (‫)أنا‬, 2nd (‫)أنت‬, 3rd (Male ‫( )هو‬Female ‫)هي‬

Learn the numbers from 1 to 20

Q. What is " come " in Arabic ( ans: tahal )

Ans. (‫)تعال‬

Q. What is Monday in Arabic ____________

Ans. ‫يوم اثنين‬

Q. Are you from Kano ? (change to Arabic) ____________

Ans. ‫أأنت من كانو؟‬

Q. Faculty of Art and Islamic Studies in Arabic is ___________

Ans: ‫كلية اآلداب والدراسات اإلسالمية‬

Q. What is " anan is a UG-1- student "

Ans: ‫واحد‬

Q. What does ‫خمسة‬mean in English _________

Ans: 5

‫ستة‬- what does it mean in English

Ans: 6

‫سبعة‬- what does it mean in English _________

Ans: 7

- what does this mean in English ‫الجمعة‬

Ans: Friday

‫ السبت‬meaning in English

And: Saturday

‫ الثالثاء‬- what is the meaning of it __________

Ans: Tuesday
What is Vice Chancellor in Arabic


Third person doer

Ans: ‫فاعل‬

____________ : ‫رئيس‬

Ans: Director or Proprietor

________________ ‫راس‬

Ans: Head

What is the meaning in English : ‫العين‬

Ans: Eye

‫ األذن‬- meaning in English is ___________ Ans: 👂 Ear

‫ الشفاء‬- what is the meaning in English language _________

Ans: Cure/Medicine

The 7th , 8th and 11th month of the Arabic calendar are

Ans: ___‫ رجب_____ شعبان‬and ___‫ذوالقعدة‬

What is " Neck " in Arabic ___________

Ans: ‫عنق‬

What is the meaning in English

Ans: A man

‫ شعبان‬- ______________

Ans: 8th Month

‫______________ ذو القعدة‬

Ans: 11th Month

What is Office in Arabic _

Ans: ‫مكتب‬

Library is called __________ in Arabic

Ans: ‫مكتبة‬

‫ عنق‬is called ________ in English

Ans: Neck

Fifteen in Arabic Numbering is _________

Ans: ‫حمسة عشر‬

In English ‫ خمسة& عشر‬is what _

Ans: Fifteen

‫ التمريض‬- [ nursing ]

[ ‫ يوم السبت‬is A. Sunday B. Saturday ✅

]..‫الف‬.... A. 100 B. 1000 ✅ C. 10. [

‫ زمالء‬........ A. Friend B. Colleagues ✅

‫ طفل‬A. Diflu✅ B. Diflun C. Deflen

The *head* of a faculty A. ‫ ✅ عميد‬B. ....

‫ أسنان‬A. Athnan B. Asnan✅ C. Usmãn

Two plus two is *four* A. ‫ ✅ أربعة‬B. ‫ثالث‬

The first person plural use... A. ‫ أنا‬B. ‫ ✅ نحن‬C. ‫هو‬

1000 - [ ‫ألف‬

: 100-‫مائة‬. [

: 10-[ ‫عشرة‬

: Eleven is A. ‫ ✅ إحدي عشر‬B. ‫أربعة عشر‬

Translate ‫ أنا بخير‬A. I am fine ✅ B. I am walking C. I am a good one

: 1-‫واحد‬ Is [ 1)

‫أنا أمشي‬ [ - I am walking

: ‫أنا بخير‬. [ - I am fine

‫أنا واحد جيد‬- I am a good one. [

________________ ‫أمين المكتبة‬

Ans: Librarian

‫______________ عميد‬

Ans: Dean

‫___________ التمريض‬
Ans: Nursing

‫_ رئيس القسم‬

Ans: Head of Department

‫_ وزارة البيئة‬

Ans: Ministry of Environment

‫_ وزارة التربية والتعليم‬

Ans: Ministry of Education

"I am from Kano " to Arabic is _

Ans: (‫)أنا من كانو‬

Arabic of VC is ______________

Ans: ‫رئيس‬/‫مدير‬/‫عميد‬

Name of " bursar " in Arabic ___________

Ans: ‫أمين الصندوق‬

The meaning of "How are you?" in Arabic is ___________

Ans: ‫كيف أنت؟‬

Good morning in Arabic is __________

Ans: ‫صباح الخير‬

Good afternoon in Arabic is _________

Ans: ‫مساء الخير‬

Good evening in Arabic is ____________

Ans: ‫مساء الخير‬

"Nursing" in Arabic is called ___________

Ans: ‫التمريد‬

: ‫وزارة البيئة‬

Ans: Ministry of Environment.

Where are you coming from in Arabic _____________

Ans: ‫من أمين أنت؟‬

" Am a good boy " in Arabic is ___________

Ans: ‫أنا غالب حسن‬

*Where are you coming from ______________

Ans: ‫من أمين أنت؟‬

come in Arabic is _

Ans: ‫تعال‬

________________ ‫الجمعة‬

‫________________ السبت‬

Tuesday in Arabic _____________

‫_________________ الثالثاء‬

: ‫_ تسعة‬

Ans: Nine

The first person plural use... A. ‫ أنا‬B. ‫ ✅ نحن‬C. ‫هو‬

: ‫ يوم السبت‬A. Sunday B. Saturday ✅ C..... Is .

Eleven is A. ‫ ✅ إحدي عشر‬B. ‫أربعة عشر‬

Translate ‫ أنا بخير‬A. I am fine ✅ B. I am walking C. I am a good one

‫ أنا واحد جيد‬- I am a good one meaning in Arabic [

‫امين الصندوق‬ [ - bursary meaning in Arabic is

‫ الحدد‬countings. [

‫ عميد الجامعة‬VC in Arabic is what = [

What does this mean in English: ‫___________ التمريض‬

‫ العدد‬meaning is ___________

Ans: Counting

Faculty of veterinary medicine in Arabic is _________________

Ans: ‫كلية الطب البيطري‬

Door in Arabic is ________________

Ans: ‫باب‬

 Library is ‫ مكتة‬،‫ مكتب‬or‫مكاتبة‬

‫ طالب(__ انا‬or ‫)طالبان‬

Ninth month in Arabic is __________

Ans: Ramadan

The Month just before Ramadan is ___________

Ans: Sha’ban

Arabic word of " education " is ___________

Ans: ‫التعليم‬

.Arabic translation of Dean is _

Ans: ‫عميد‬

Write Question to this Answer: I am Ahmad? In Arabic _____________________

Ans: ‫ماسمك‬

Arabic 2nd person dual pronoun is ____________

" Attimsahau " in Arabic word u will now translate it to ____________

Ans: ‫أنتما‬

Ramadan in Arabic is __________

Ans: ‫رمضان‬

Sha'ban in Arabic written form is _

Ans: ‫شعبان‬

. Attimsahu

Ans: ‫التمساح‬

_______________. ‫رمضان‬

Ans: The 9 month of the islamic calender

What is "sabhatu" in Arabic Form ____________

Ans: ‫سبعة‬

six in Arabic form is _____________

Ans: ‫ستة‬

" faculty officer" in Arabic is _

Ans: ‫ضابط الكلية‬

"modinatu " in Arabic form is ________

Ans: ‫مدينة‬

" Are you a student " in Arabic form is ____________

Ans: ‫أأنت طالب‬

Mass communication in Arabic

Ans: ‫الصرير‬

‫______ الثنى عشر‬

Ans: Twelve

‫ كلية القانون‬. (A) faculty of agriculture (b) faculty of science (c) faculty of art

. ‫( ______ هو‬a) ‫( الطالب‬b) ‫طالبن‬

What is Clinic in Arabic _________

Ans: ‫ المستوصف‬/‫طب سريري‬

Aliyu Plays football , what is the statement in Arabic.

Ans: ‫لعب علي بالكرة القدم‬

. 2nd person singular masculine pronoun (a) ‫( انت‬b) ‫( انت‬F) (c) ‫انتما‬

. Write the word "shayyaratun " in Arabic _______

Ans: ‫سيارة‬

Transliteration of ‫_________________ إمام‬

Ans: Imaam

Transliteration of ‫_ ولد‬

Ans: Waladu or waladun(if it has double domma)

Arabic of pharmacy _____________

Ans: ‫صيدلية‬

Third person plural _____________

Ans: Masculine (‫ )هم‬Feminine (‫)هن‬

Arabic of ‫العمىد‬. Is ______________

Arabic of " Dean of student affair " Can be written as _______________

Translation of ‫كيلية العلوم‬. _

Ans: Faculty of Sciences

" He is a basketball player " in Arabic form is _________

Ans: ‫هو العب كرة السلة‬

Note: Basketball means (‫)كرة السلة‬

Window can be written in Arabic form as _

Ans: ‫شباك‬/‫نافذة‬

1000 in Arabic form is __________ ‫الف‬

Faculty of Management science. ____________________

‫كلية اإلدارية‬

The month after muharram is _______________

Ans: Sofar (‫)صفر‬

Meaning of ‫نافدة‬. _______________

Ans: Window

Express Adduniya in Arabic _

Ans: ‫الدنيا‬

‫ يوم االثنين‬- ______________

Ans: Monday

‫______________ يوم ثالثة‬

Ans: Tuesday

‫_____________ يوم االربعه‬

Ans: Wednesday

Kashafa in Arabic form is ________

Ans: ‫كشف‬

Meaning of ‫___________ ِرج ٌل‬

Ans : Leg

What is Pharmacy in Arabic form

Ans: ‫صيدلية‬

3rd person Dual is _______

Ans: ‫هما‬

Librarian in Arabic form is _

Ans: ‫أمين المكتبة‬

FIRST person feminine is _

Ans: ‫أنا‬
Dean innovation and research ___________

Ans: ‫عميد التجديد والبحث‬

Q. He is a Undergraduate Student : _

Ans: ‫هو طالب المرحلة الجامعية األولى‬

Q. He's a UG 1 student in Arabic is ____________

Ans: ‫واحد‬

Friends A ‫ اصدقاء‬B ‫ اخواة‬C ‫طبيب‬

Transliteration of 'Amam' ___________

Ans: Front

Engineer in Arabic ___________

Ans: ‫مهندس‬

Medical doctor in Arabic _________

Ans: ‫طبيب‬

3rd person plural(masculine) __________

Ans: ‫هم‬

Doctor mean A ‫ طبيب‬B ‫ دكتور‬C ‫مريض‬

: 3rd person plural masculine pronoun A ‫ هم‬B ‫ هن‬C ‫هو‬

‫( انت‬anti) ______ ‫ مدرسة‬B ‫ مدرس‬C ‫مدر سا ة‬

: ‫ ________ انا‬A ‫ طالب‬B ‫ طالب‬C ‫طالبان‬

.Vice chancellor A. ‫ مدير الجامعة‬B.‫ امير الجامعة‬C.&‫صاحب الجامعة‬

.Tuesday [ ‫يوم اإلثنين‬

.‫ ___ هن‬A.‫ صاءمون‬B.‫ صاءمة‬C.‫صائمات‬

.‫ المستشفى‬Hospital

What is " European Language" in Arabic ________

Ans: ‫أوروبا‬

- ّ‫ أنتن‬.. A.‫ مجتهدة‬B.‫ مجتهد‬C.‫مجتهدات‬

-What is the reply to ‫ مساء& الخير؟‬A.‫مساء النور‬B .... C ....

Third person dual is ... A.‫ أنتم‬B.‫ هو‬C.‫هما‬

‫ إسمي أحمد‬is a reply to which question? A. ‫ ما اسمك؟‬B. ‫ كيف أنت؟‬C

The Medical doctor is ... A. ‫ الطبيب‬B. ‫الدكتور‬C. ‫المعلم‬

‫ انتم‬... A. ‫ معلمون‬B. ‫ معلم‬C. ‫معلمات‬

-‫ زمالء‬means.... A. Colleagues B. Colleague C. Friend

. ‫______أنتما‬

‫ مسلمات‬.‫ا‬
‫ مسلمين‬.‫ب‬

‫ مسلمون‬.‫ج‬.

. ‫_____ هم‬

‫ الحميدون‬.‫ا‬
‫ الحميدان‬.‫ب‬

‫ الدني "ثالثة" أيام‬.٣ ?which number is underlined

Ans: Three

Which number is underlined? ‫شهر "ثالثون" يوم‬

Ans: Thirty

Translate the underlined word to Arabic : We fast in the "month" of Ramadan

Ans: ‫شهر‬

. 3rd person masculine plural pronoun _______

Ans: ‫هو‬

. First person plural pronoun _

Ans: ‫نحن‬

. ‫____ أنتما‬

‫ طالبان‬Answer

&‫ جامعة‬A. Jãmi'ah B. Jami'ah C. Jami'a.

. ‫ أسنان‬A. Asnãn B. Adhnãn

The Pronoun .....‫ أنت‬A. First Person Singular B. Third Person Singular C. Second Person Masculine

Door in Arabic is A. ‫ الباب‬B. ‫ البيت‬C.

"Librarian" in Arabic is A. ‫ أمين المكتبة‬B. ‫ رب الكتب‬C.

‫ *سافرت إلى الغوس *يوم الجمعة‬A. Friday B. Sunday C. Monday

‫ *فرائض الصالة *خمسة& عشر‬A. Sixteen B. Twenty C. Fifteen

‫ هو العب كرة السلة‬A. He is a player B. He is a basketball player. C. He is a football player

‫ ________هما‬A. ‫ مؤمنون‬B. ‫ مؤمنان‬C. ‫مؤمنات‬

The pronoun for Third Person Singular Feminine is... A. ‫ هم‬B. ‫ هي‬C.

Shamsun in Arabic A. ‫ سمس‬B. ‫ سمش‬C. ‫شمس‬

Sayyaratun in Arabic is A. ‫ سيارتن‬B. ‫سيارة‬

What is the question to "‫ "ٱسمي أحمد‬A. ‫ من أنت‬B. ‫ما ٱسمك‬

Pharmacy in Arabic is A. ‫ الصيدلية‬B.

Examination officer A. ‫ ضابط االمتحانات‬B. ‫ ضابط الكلية‬C.

I am from Kano A. ‫ أنا إلى كنو‬B. ‫ أنا من كنو‬C. ‫أنا في كنو‬

The word "‫ "زمالء‬means A. Colleagues B. Colleague C. Friend

The Pronoun for Second Person Plural Masculine is ____ A. ‫ أنتن‬B. ‫ أنتم‬C.

: ‫ كلية الطب البيطري‬The correct translation is a faculty of agriculture B. Faculty of veterinary medicine C.
Faculty of education

After ‫ محرم‬is A. ‫ رابي اول‬B. ‫ رابي ثاني‬C. ‫صفر‬

the respond to ‫ مساء الخير‬A. ‫ مساء النر‬B. ‫ مساء& البركة‬C. ‫هذا مساء‬

‫ بني االسالم عل خمس‬. is underline A. 3 B. 4 C. 5

Aliyu is a football player’ the translation is

A. ‫العب علي‬

B. ‫العب علي القرة السلة‬

C. ‫العب علي القرة القدم‬

‫ …… ملء بطن‬. was underline

A. Head B stomach C. Shoulder

" Attimsahau " in Arabic word transliteration._

Ans: ‫التمساح‬


A. ‫مجتهد‬
B. ‫مجتهدة‬
C. ‫مجتهدان‬
Deputy Vice chancellor on Innovation and research

A. ‫نائب المدير الجامعة بالحديد والبعث‬

B. ‫رئيس‬
C. ‫عميد‬

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