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Environmental Engineering MCQs

1. Which gas is the most abundant component of

Earth's atmosphere?
a) Oxygen (O2) b) Nitrogen (N2) c) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
d) Argon (Ar) Answer: b) Nitrogen (N2)
Environmental Engineering MCQs
2. The concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) in ambient
air is typically measured in:
a) Parts per billion (ppb) b) Parts per million (ppm) c)
Micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m³) d) Milligrams per
liter (mg/L) Answer: b) Parts per million (ppm)
Environmental Engineering MCQs
• 3. Which analytical method is commonly
used to measure the concentration of
particulate matter (PM) in air?
• a) Gravimetric analysis b) Gas chromatography
c) Titration d) Spectrophotometry Answer: a)
Gravimetric analysis
Environmental Engineering MCQs
4. The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a numerical scale
used to communicate the:
a) Concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the
air b) Concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in
the air c) Overall air quality and potential health
effects d) Predicted weather conditions Answer:
c) Overall air quality and potential health effects
Environmental Engineering MCQs
5. The process of determining the
concentration of volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) in air using a heated probe is called:
a) Gas chromatography b) Spectrophotometry
c) Titration d) Gravimetric analysis Answer: a)
Gas chromatography
Environmental Engineering MCQs
6. The Clean Air Act in the United States
regulates the emission of:
a) Greenhouse gases b) Particulate matter (PM)
c) Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) d) All of
the above Answer: d) All of the above
Environmental Engineering MCQs
7. Which gas is responsible for the greenhouse
effect and contributes to global warming?
a) Carbon monoxide (CO) b) Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
c) Methane (CH4) d) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Answer: c) Methane (CH4)
Environmental Engineering MCQs
8. The method for measuring ozone (O3)
concentration in air is based on:
a) Gravimetric analysis b) Gas chromatography
c) Titration d) Spectrophotometry Answer: d)
Environmental Engineering MCQs
9. The emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2) from
industrial processes and power plants is
commonly controlled by using:
a) Particulate matter (PM) filters b) Scrubbers c)
Catalytic converters d) Electrostatic
precipitators Answer: b) Scrubbers
Environmental Engineering MCQs
10. The method for measuring nitrogen dioxide
(NO2) concentration in air is based on:
a) Gravimetric analysis b) Gas chromatography
c) Titration d) Chemiluminescence Answer: d)
Environmental Engineering MCQs
11. The emission of volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) from industrial processes and
vehicular exhaust is a precursor to the
formation of:
a) Acid rain b) Ground-level ozone c)
Greenhouse gases d) Particulate matter (PM)
Answer: b) Ground-level ozone
Environmental Engineering MCQs
12. The concentration of particulate matter (PM)
in air is often categorized based on its:
a) Color b) Size c) Smell d) Density Answer: b)
Environmental Engineering MCQs
13. Which method is commonly used to
measure the concentration of carbon dioxide
(CO2) in air?
a) Gas chromatography b) Spectrophotometry c)
Titration d) Infrared gas analyzer Answer: d)
Infrared gas analyzer
Environmental Engineering MCQs
14. The "Photochemical Smog" is a type of air
pollution caused by the reaction of sunlight
a) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) b) Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
c) Carbon monoxide (CO) d) Methane (CH4)
Answer: b) Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
Environmental Engineering MCQs
15. The method for measuring sulfur dioxide
(SO2) concentration in air is based on:
a) Gravimetric analysis b) Gas chromatography
c) Titration d) Ultraviolet fluorescence
Answer: d) Ultraviolet fluorescence
Environmental Engineering MCQs
16. Which pollutant is a common component of
vehicle exhaust and can lead to respiratory
problems and reduced visibility?
a) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) b) Particulate matter
(PM) c) Carbon monoxide (CO) d) Nitrogen
dioxide (NO2) Answer: c) Carbon monoxide
Environmental Engineering MCQs
17. The term "PM10" refers to particulate
matter with a diameter of:
a) 1 micrometer or less b) 10 micrometers or
less c) 100 micrometers or less d) 1000
micrometers or less Answer: b) 10
micrometers or less
Environmental Engineering MCQs
18. The method for measuring lead (Pb)
concentration in air is based on:
a) Gravimetric analysis b) Gas chromatography
c) Titration d) Atomic absorption
spectroscopy Answer: d) Atomic absorption
Environmental Engineering MCQs
19. The concentration of ozone (O3) is often
measured in:
a) Parts per million (ppm) b) Parts per billion
(ppb) c) Micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m³)
d) Milligrams per liter (mg/L) Answer: b) Parts
per billion (ppb)
Environmental Engineering MCQs
20. The primary source of nitrogen oxides
(NOx) in urban areas is:
a) Industrial emissions b) Deforestation c)
Volcanic eruptions d) Vehicle emissions
Answer: d) Vehicle emissions

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