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Lesson: _______

Mr. Bretsch

Sum and Difference Formulas

sin (u + v) = sin u cos v + cos u sin v

sin (u – v) = sin u cos v – cos u sin v
cos (u + v) = cos u cos v – sin u sin v
cos (u – v) = cos u cos v + sin u sin v

Oooh! Those Ex1: (Each row choose 1 of the following)
look like F U N!
they do ! Find the exact value of:

a.) sin 105 = _______

b.) cos 15 = ________

c.) tan 75 = ________

Hint: Write this

angle in terms of
other angles that
we can work with.
Ex2: (#4) Find the exact value of:
Ex3: (#17) simplify: cos 25 cos 15 – sin 25 sin 15

Ex4: (#25) simplify:

Ex5: Verify (Prove) using the difference formula for cosine.

Ex5: Use TABLE and GRAPH to verify that y1 = y2 , then verify analytically.

Ex5: Solve over the domain [0, 2):

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