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Writing 02/11

Cat linh
Task 1

The line graph gives information about the amount of Australian exports to Japan, China,
US and India between 1990 and 2012.

Overall, China and India experienced a rise with China having the most significant
increase while Japan and US witnessed a depletion in the percentage of Australian

Regarding China, it started with only about 3% before experiencing a considerable rise of
16% from 1990 to 2007 and ending with an exact 30% by 2012, making it the country
with the highest percentage. On the contrary, in Japan, the amount of Australian exports
was the lead in 1990, however, the percentage started to decrease sharply to the same as
that of China 17 years later and later fell down to about 18% in 2012.

In India, Australian exports were not in favor as they accounted for the least percentage in
1990, which was merely 1%, then there was a moderate increase to 7% followed by a
slight decrease to 6% in 2012. The US, in contrast, the number fluctuated from 13% to 7%
between 1990 and 2012.
Writing 02/11
Task 2

In today’s world, since many facilities such as health care or public transport, as well as
modern technology, have been developed, it lengthens people’s longevity by improving
the treatment method. Therefore, the presence of rapid growth of the population in many
cities is inevitable. Serious problems have arisen as a result of this, however, I believe that
there are possible solutions that should be taken into consideration to tackle those issues.

One of the first problems of this phenomenon is the deficiency of space for building
houses which then leads to a higher living cost. To illustrate, when there is not enough
accommodation due to the expansion of the population, the housing price accelerates and
not many can afford it. As a consequence, the rate of people living in slums, which is
ideal places for diseases to grow. In addition, the public facilities cannot deal with the
abundant amount of people which results in hospitals and subways being overloaded and
decreased in efficiency. On top of that, demands for jobs will increase leading to a high
unemployment rate and as a result, the percentage of crime commitment would gradually

To deal with those problems and maintain the living quality of residents, developing rural
areas can be a great solution. In other words, when the rural areas are modified, more
career opportunities along with new technology are provided, more people are likely to
move there resulting in a reduction in the population density. Moreover, the government
should enhance public facilities by allocating more budget to them through raising funds
and investments in public facilities since it can control and maintain the living standard of
the people. Building a satellite city and improving social welfare should also be taken into
consideration, a satellite city can be a good alternative to the existing city when it is
overloaded, and by raising social welfare, it can ensure the health and the people’s living

In conclusion, there are many detrimental consequences affecting the lives of the people,
however, the issues can be dealt with by many potential solutions.

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