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DVD 02

1. Match the following words with their definitions.

Storytelling ⃝ ⃝ Reach the age when you are legally an adult

Fill a void ⃝ ⃝ Understand something, especially something difficult

Be aware ⃝ ⃝ Writing or relating stories

Come of age ⃝ ⃝ Accept something enthusiastically

Embrace ⃝ ⃝ Which you are born with, or which is present naturally

Fast track ⃝ ⃝ Replace someone or something that is missing

⃝ Make it easier for something to happen or for someone to achieve

Translate ⃝
something more quickly than usual

Grasp ⃝ ⃝ Succeed in controlling or dealing with something

Innate ⃝ ⃝ Know that something exists

Overcome ⃝ ⃝ Change words in a different language

2. Say what La Borinqueña represents for Puerto Rico. Spot elements in her looks and behaviour showing this
character is truly Puerto Rican.

He created La Borinqueña as faithful as possible to Puerto Ricans and she would make them more
visible, maybe become a role model.
“A protagonist that talks like us, eats like us, dances like us… has the same cultural references as us…It
was missing.”
Accepter également :
“It's a story of a young woman coming of age, coming into her own… embracing our heritage for the
very first time; and through that we see her enjoying her music, her food, her family, her studies”.
“embracing that innate power within us: our heritage, our identity”.

3. Spot elements showing how La Borinqueña is connected to her time (2 items minimum).
- Debt crisis, environmental issues, dances, eats like any other Puerto Rican.
- He created it as faithful as possible to Puerto Ricans and she would make them more visible, maybe
become a role model.

4. Explain those two sentences.

- “She's not being translated”.
He doesn’t want to lose the essence of his protagonist. Her identity is at stake. His mission is to fill the
void and not assimilate her and lose her specificities. He draws a parallel between his comic book and
Puerto Rico.

- “And from that, we will overcome and we will find a better day for all of us.”
He didn’t build his project against WASP Americans, he wants it to be achieved all together to move
forward together.

Axe 1 Séquence 1 Identities and exchanges 1/2 © Éditions Hatier, 2020

5. In groups: Imagine your own story with La Borinqueña as your heroine. Write a short plot and storyboard (4 to
6 frames maximum). Use as many means as you wish (drawing, printing, collage, stills…).

Réponse libre de l’élève.

Axe 1 Séquence 1 Identities and exchanges 2/2 © Éditions Hatier, 2020

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