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Mark was a 10 years old sweet but naughty boy who lived with his mom-dad and a younger sister named
Catherine who was 4 years old. Both, Mark and Catherine liked to play outside, in the garden with small
insects. Their favourite insect was beetle but they never saw it. One fine evening, when Mark and
Catherine were playing catch the ball in a park, which was a few miles away fro their house, Catherine,
went inside a bush to find the ball which mark accidentally threw their. Mark said, "Catherine! Wait!
Lemme go and get it, you be here!" but Catherine did not listen to her brother and started searching for
the ball. Their, inside the bush, was a giant bee hive to which a lot of bees were sticked. Catherine did not
notice the bee hive and went near it as she saw that the baal was lying near it. When Catherine was going
to pick up the ball, accidentally, she fell onto the bee hive and all the bees, that were stick to it started
flying here and there and all of them immediately attacked on Catherine. They bit her everywhere - on her
face, legs, arms, stomach and even on her eyes. Catherine started shouting and crying, she shouted,
"Mark! Mark!" Mark was standing a bit far from the bush. As soon as he heard his sister shouting and
calling, him he ran towards the bush and saw that Catherine was crying and lying there. She was not
conscious. Mark could not understand what to do as Catherine's body was all swelled up and even her
eyes were swollen. Mark called for help. He shouted, "Someone please help my sister. She has lost
consciousness She is all swollen up. Please help us!" Some people, who were there in the park, gathered
near the bush and asked mark, "What happened boy?" Mark replied, "I don't know. I was standing a bit
for from the bush. I heard my sister shouting and crying so I run towards her and I saw that she was lying
unconscious and her body was swollen." All the people started looking there and they could already guess
that why this happened. They said, "This happened because of the bees, your sister might have fallen on
the bee hive and all the bees would have starting stinging her." After all this happened, a lady, who was
standing next to Mark, asked Mark about his parents' phone number. Mark told her the phone number and
she immediately dialled it and informed Mark's and Catherine's parents about what had happened. In no
time, we parents arrived in the park and Mark's father put Catherine in the car and took her to the nearest
hospital. The doctors examined Catherine and said, "Bees have stung her in an horrible manner. She
needs immediate treatment. If we will not treat her immediately, she can also lose her eyesight because of
the bee sting on her eyes. Mark was very frightened. He could not see his sister in that condition. He was
also full of anger. He was angry on the bees. He said, "I wish the Bees never existed. They stung my sister
so badly." After a few days, Catherine recovered but Mark's wish was also fullfilled. Mark was a very
kind boy. He used to help everyone in the best manner he could and because of this, a fairy named the
wish-full-filling fairy had decided that whenever, Mark will make a wish she would fulfill it and that day
the wish that Mark had made which was, "I wish the Bees never existed." became true. Gradually the bees
started vanishing from the planet. The people could not noticed that the bees were disappearing but one
day, when on a news channel, people saw that there is lack of honey and apiculture in the country,
everyone started wandering about the reason behind it. All the researchers of all the countries started
researching about honey and apiculture and in no time, everyone could realise that there is no honey and
no apiculture because there are no bees! The bees have vanished. No one could understand the reason
behind the vanishing of the bees but when this news was seen on international news channels, it became a
huge problem. The bees are one of the most major means of pollination. Bees are responsible for the
growth of new plants and trees. Bees are responsible for the production of honey. Apiculture was
impossible without the presence of bees. Slowly, a fall in the growth of new plants and trees was also
observed by the scientists and researchers. Mark and his family were also among all those people who
were not able to identify the reason behind the vanishing of the bees. Mark could not remember that he
made a wish in which he wanted that the bees should never exist. But as said, "God has the Supreme
Power. He knows what is good and what is bad." Proving this fact true, after a few days when all the
people were disturbed because of the vanishing of the bees, an American family who lived near the
forests was doing camping in the wild. Their tent was situated just next to a cave. The American family
decided to invade the cave. The next day, the family went inside the cave. A child, who was with the
American family, moved a rock by mistake with his leg. As soon as he moved the rock, he saw a narrow
canal that was passing through that cave. He was also aware of the disappearing of the bees. He thought
why not check inside this canal. He thought, "There might be some bees hiding here!" He tried to put his
hand inside the canal and Eureka! There were 4 bees which were flying inside that canal. They bit on his
hand and he shouted, "Ouch!" The family came near him and asked, "What happened? Why did you
shout? Is there something inside this canal? He replied, "Ithink there are some bees inside. I think
something has bit my hand." As soon as the family heard of this, they became very excited and positive
vies started coming out from them. They immediately rang up to the National Bees Research Counter
which was made when the bees the disappeared, in order to find out some bees if we they were hidden
somewhere. The NBRC immediately went to that cave and got all those four bees out. The four bees were
sent to a huge Insect Care Center where they were kept and were fed. Their breeding took place under the
supervision of great scientists. When the scientist realised that now the number of bees have increased,
they opened the box in which the bees were kept and the bees flew out and soon everything became
normal. The world was again a great place with the bees. That is why it is said, "Whatever you do, take a
note of it!"
- Simran Rana

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