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Respected Academic Director, teachers, parents and my fellow
Guardians, a very warm welcome and a hearty good morning to each
one of you.
George Herbert once said, “Prayer should be the key of the day and the
lock of the night.”
I now request everyone to close your eyes and evoke the blessings of the
Almighty, as we listen to the school prayer being led by Ruqayya,
Satmaya, Souparnika and Anaya.

Prayer song: Ruqayya,Souparnika, Satmaya and Anaya

Pledge is a way to show your love and respect towards the nation. I now
call upon Sath Kisan to guide us to take the pledge.
Sath Kisan:
I request everyone to kindly stand in attention and put forward your
right hand in position for the pledge.
Kindly repeat after me.
India is my country.
All Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall respect my parents, teachers, and all elders and treat everyone
with courtesy.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.
In their well-being, and prosperity alone, lies my happiness.
Jai Hind.

Thankyou Sath Kisan!
Every morning brings us new thoughts, new words, new strength
and endless possibilities; so to enlighten us and brighten our
morning, here comes Ayesha with the Thought for the Day.


Bryant McGill once said, “An intelligent person is never afraid or

ashamed to find errors in their understanding of things.”

Thank you Ayesha!
I now call forward Noya to explain to us the meaning of today’s thought
for the day.

No person is perfect and sometimes,we have problems or issues in our
understanding of other things or situations. We should never feel
ashamed about it. However, an intelligent person works to improve his
understanding to become a good and wise person. 
Thank you Noya!
News informs us about the happenings in the panoramic world around
us. I now call forward Souparnika and Amina to brief us on the new
Souparnika : News
Amina: Sports News

Thank you Souparnika and Amina for the latest updates.
I now request Ms. Vincy Shony, our Academic Director to kindly say a
few words.
(Vincy ma’am’s address)

We have come to the end of today’s assembly.
We will disperse with the National Anthem. I now request all of you to
kindly stand in attention for the National Anthem.

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