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Cultural and Linguistic Communication


Marius Narcis MANOLIU1

Prof. “Modern Languages Institute” of Apollonia” University of Iasi, PhD Candidate, ”Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava

Corresponding author:

Abstract communication process. On the linguistic level

The academic teaching and learning involves the the communication takes place through speech
transmission of information from the teacher, as a / writing acts that make up the discourse. To
transmitter,to the students, the recipients of the message, achieve communication as amount of owned and
and in this process training them, shaping their intellect.
When Jackbson described the function of language, starting transferred/conveyed information, the speaker
from the realities of the linguistic communication, he builds his discourse where the word materializes
introduced the concepts of destinator (the teacher in the and / or updates its significance / significances
teaching activities), recipient /destinatar (the student),
through meanings. In the process of
message (the information/knowledge), all within a context
and using code . The understanding, the interpretation of communication the linguistic sign highlights its
the information sent to students as recipients, its decoding, ability to designate, to represent a meaning, but
involves explaining the meanings contained in the message, also, in such similar communicative circumstances,
which rests upon the destinator who, in his didactic
discourse, “translates”, explains, creates representations
the word can acquire new meanings.
leading to the understanding of concepts, to their The didactic discourse has as its main function
acquisition. the transfer of knowledge using all kinds of signs
Keywords: didactic discourse, discourse procedures, - the sign used as a symbol, the sign as a means
knowledge, communication, locutor, interlocutor.
of coding in different languages , the translation
The didactic discourse is the result of all the - transposition or transcoding. The educational
processes for the exchange of information and language is a specific form of the natural
meanings between teachers and students who are in language, that is, as stated by C. Salavastru, “a
an educational situation. (C. Stan, The Didactic system of linguistic or nonlinguistic signs that in the
Communication Pedagogy, 2010). event of a communication relationship causes
The knowledge transfer, their significance/ personality changes within the receiver (cognitive,
meaning by establishing relationships between atitudional, affective action)” (Salavastru C., 1995).
linguistic signs and the content of a sign given It highlights the intentionality of the act of
by the language, takes place through the teacher’s teaching as communication as well as the
discourse in the classroom, the didactic/ influence of the act of education of the human
educational discourse. We observe at this point spirit exerts on the receiver, in our case, the
that the language aim is its possibility to give student. C. Salavastru, starting from Morris’
information about the world we live in and then natural language discursive specializations
convey it –( the cognitive function, linked to the analyzes the educational language from three
attainment of knowledge, but also to the points of view: designating – informative; estimative
refererential one regarding the relations between – evaluative; prescriptive – incitive.
words and their referents) – the denominated/ The conclusion that arises is that the
named objects leading to the acquisition of educational language has three chacateristics/
knowledge. We also observe that the transfer / functions: to designate, referring/sending to a
exchange of information between the speaker referent, to estimate, the assessment, evaluation
(locutor)who utters a statement for another and adaptation, and finally to incite a reaction. If
speaker / listener (interlocutor) who is required we consider that language is discourse, in this
to react implicitly or explicitly takes place in the case the educational language is the didactic

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discourse through the conveyed educational recognizing the patterns which organize it: the
contents, by the pursued outcomes of teaching, exploration of contents, often implicit, which these
through its systematic and organized character, these forms carry, keep to the semiotics of cultures
by its subordination in relation to a set of and ideologies (Greimas, 1979). Identifying the
pedagogical rules and principles and the specific elements of structure and their analysis as well
institutional and organizational aspects of as of the peculiar didactic contents are primary
teacher-student relationship, then we can not fail objectives in identifying the specific of didactic
to see the relevance of the analysis made by V. communication in defining and characterizing
Dospinescu discussing the semiotic openings in the didactic discourse.
the analysis of the didactic discourse: The didactic discourse can be analysed as a
To the functions of representation and structure of signs, of construction elements, of entities
communication, inseparable from the natural that can stand for some realities, refer to certain
language, there correspond verbal operations that realities or represent themselves (C. Cucos, 1996, p.
leave clues on the discursive surface, clues that 130) The didactic discourse should be considered
indicate, for any discourse (literary text, scientific and a special discourse, an educational discourse,
technical document, conversation) three major verbal which has as final goal the transfer and reception
operations in constructing the discourse objects ( of knowledge, a set of processes through which an
things, beings, events): 1. of designation or referencing exchange of information and meanings between
(common, proper nouns, their grammatical subtitutes teachers and students takes place, who are in a certain
2. of characterization (adjectives, adverbs, syntagmatic educational situation ( I.Albulescu, The Pragmatics
equivalent units), 3. of predication, operations of Teaching 2006: p. 6). One can notice the
simultaneously in interaction with the enunciation association between the didactic discourse as
operations {......} the operations of interpretation, pragmatic unity manifested in the educational
interactive updating semio-cognitive processes of context and statement as a result of enunciation.
knowledge shared by the protagonists of The didactic communication is a special genre of
communication. (V. Dospinescu, p. 48). The analyst discourse where the argumentation and demonstration
also points out that these operations influence as acts of explanation and persuasion, gradually
the interpretation and even determine “ways of update, completing each other, depending on the
enunciation” of the discourse as object, namely peculiarity of the new context (C. Cucos, 1996: 133-
the identification of discursive segments, the 134 ). In the teaching activity and implicitly in
anticipation ... . hypothesis, forecasts, anticipations, the didactic communication the didactic
the verification (checking) of anticipations in order discourse is centered on the student as recipient
to validate or invalidate them . The operation of / beneficiary with certain knowledge needs. In
interpretation involves a continuous spiral this context V. Dospinescu considers that the
activity of construction and reconstruction of student as the subject to be invested with new
meaning until the discourse representation is knowledge,calling him subject of accomplishment,
clear to the interlocutors. who as a result of his being invested with new
The didactic discourse is a discourse of the knowledge, becomes competent subject or state
enunciative opening in/through which the subject. The didactic discourse focuses on a
knowledge is reformulated both from the point variety of illocutionary and persuasion acts
of view of the teacher /the enuntiator providing aimed at developing, by the teacher, of an ideal
the communication / the knowledge transfer, competence its object being the acquisition by
and the student / the enuntiatar receiving / student of a modal competence and a semantic
taking in the knowledge in the teaching – learning competence considered Gerimas as objects of
process. The knowledge transfer takes place in knowledge to be transferred and as objects of
different conditions concerning the awareness value, to be assigned (v. Dospinescu, 1998: p. 54).
degree, the enunciation (assertion) being specific The student’s semantic competence is achieved
to a certain type of communication and through due to the process of transmitting and acquiring
speech acts, typical to the didactic discourse. The knowledge and linguistic skills through semantic
didactic discourse analysis is firstly aimed at and cognitive activities selected by the didactic

International Journal of Communication Research 223


discourse. The objects of knowledge belonging subject - the student whose cognitive level should
to some established universes of meanings, are be considered as the explanation must achieve
redefined and integrated into other hierarchy the original / proposed goal, namely to be
relationships that enable the construction of the understood. The understanding directly involves
student’s competence. The information provided the interaction with the teacher, using specialty
by the teacher varies depending on the volume language, specific to each subject of teaching,
and depth of the students’ reactions, on the processes the explanation according to the needs
feedback. An effective didactic discourse favours of knowledge of the student.
the reception, the understanding of the message The Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian
sent by the teacher. Since the students as subjects Language retains the following definitions for the
of the didactic discourse do not own a constant verb to explain:
receptive competence (V. Dospinescu, 1998: p.56), Vb. explain, explain, vb. I. Tranz.To make it
for which the purpose, in order to acquire the easier to understand; to clarify. To exhibit, teach a
modal competence, the subjects are subjected to lesson, a theme etc. 2. Intranz. transit. (About
constant manipulation by various educational axioms, principles, scientific law) served as
activities involving various enunciation explanation, constitute a justification to represent
operations. Greimas opposes to the concept of reasoning of a phenomenon, a property etc. 3. Refl.
modal competence that of modal existence. In this To motivate actions, words, etc .; justify it. Refl.
regard he opposes to the idea of programming transit. To understand, to comprehend, to find or
the performances as with the modal competence, provide an explanation. Tranz. and refl. recipr.
the semio-didactic manipulations leading to free (About two or more persons) A (are) clear on an
adherence and acquisition of knowledge transmitted, issue (the dispute), to clarify the situation in order
of the values ​​offered by society. The didactic to remove a conflict. - FR. expliquer, lat. Explain.
communication, “a special genre of discourse where (Dictionary of the Romanian Language Edition II)
the argumentation and the demonstration, as acts of Vb. explain. I. 1. tr. to show, clarify, clarify
explanation and persuasion, gradually update, (some obscure). To discover, clarify the cause;
completing each other, depending on the specificity of show, show. (Fam.) To teach a lesson; to exhibit
the new context” (C. Cucos, 1996: p. 133- 134) ends knowledge in a lesson. 2. refl. To justify, to
once the proposed goal is reached, namely the explain (words, deeds, etc.) to understand, to
acquisition of competence and the ownership of comprehend. (about people) to give the mutual
the modal existence. clarification on an issue, to clarify the situation.
[P.i. explains var. ESPL vb. I. / cf fr. expliquer,
DISCURSIVE PROCEDURES lat.explicare]. (Dictionary of Neologisms)
Any explanation: because, given the fact
The Explanation that,taking in consideration, etc. contains a question,
why, how, <le pourquoi et comment phemenologiques>
The explanation generating meanings, ....that manifests itself, and is updated by and through
clarifying the significances or offering multiple the procedure of explanation(V. Dospinescu, 1998:
significances to the same notions or concepts, is 230).The logical, causal development of the
the essence of discourse in general and especially explanation ensures the consistency of the
the didactic discourse. The educational didactic discourse, a discourse of the explanation
explanation, contains, any act of communication, by excellence. The didactic competence of the
a transmitter/enunciator, the object of teacher, through the strategies and techniques
explanation (included in an enunciation) and the used, by resuming, reformulating the sequences
recipient of the explanation. In the scientific of the educational discourse, generates the
discourse, the triad: transmitter - object (field of meaning of the explanations which provide
explanation) - receiver is reduced to transmitter understanding. To teach somebody something is to
– field of explanation. The educational explanation make someone understand something, that is, to
is personalized, it addresses an individualized explain (V. Dospinescu, 1998: 234).

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Any utterance can become an explanation as ambiguity in receiving the enunciation/message.

long as the context provides the explanatory The reformulation, translation, definition, use of
nature of the information. “X plays tennis”, is the comparison, of synonyms / antonyms are
only a piece of information information / a methods and approaches which support the
statement. But placed in a context “X plays explanation. In English re-telling/re-writing a
tennis to keep fit” becomes an explanatory sequence while preserving the meaning with a
sequence. An explanatory discourse has no reality given word, ‘rephrase’, is an exercise often used
in isolation, i.e. taken out of its context of its in ‘use of English’ for developing the communicative
relations with other discourses, from the situation competence of the student. More than once in the
that determines it and which develops its significance common discourse, but also in the educational
effects. (Borel, 1980: 22). discourse, not only the student triggers the
explanatory sequence but also the teacher in the
The Explanatory Sequence context in which he ‘does not find the right
words’ in the situation of communication of
The explanatory sequence is a process of
knowledge in the classroom. In this case the
explanation where the participating interlocutors
locutor /the teacher, knowing what he means to
build the meaning of words through search and
say, requests the support of the interlocutor/the
successive approximation and is closed [....] to the
student in achieving the explanation. The
extent that the partners who triggered it find enough
educational discourse being essentially
the definitions given by the native speaker. (V.
explanatory the achievement of the educational
Dospinescu, 1998: 237). In the didactic discourse
explanatory sequence, its correct perception,
the explanatory sequence can be triggered by the
constitutes itself in the acquisition of knowledge,
student etero- triggered when he, in order to
therefore, in learning.
continue the dialogue and to understand, needs
an explanation and self-triggered, respectively, The Definition
when the locutor /the teacher, believes or
assumes that there is a lack of balance concerning Definition, definitions, S.F. Operation of
the interlocutor’s linguistic competence that determining the qualities proper of a thing, a
requires explanations. In the didactic discourse concept etc .; statement expressing this operation.
the most common explanatory sequence is the ◊ Expr. By definition = the very nature of an
self-triggered one because the locutor /the teacher object, resulting necessarily from all its
is the power agent, is the holder of knowledge characteristic elements. - From fr.définition, lat.
who ‘knows’ what the student knows and what definitio, -onis. (Dictionary of the Romanian
he does not know. The self-triggered explanation Language Edition II)
is a current strategy used by teachers in the Definition S.F. 1. logic operation which shows
educational discourse, that activates, invites the the contents of a concept, stating its essential
student to interact turning him into a partner in notes or often indicating the proximate genre
the explanatory approach: Let’s see how we can and the specific difference; sentence expressing
tackle ... ?; What do we mean by ... ?; and so on. The this determination. ◊ by definition = the very
explanation may be etero- triggered by what we nature of things. 2. Conceptual procedure serving
call the ‘body language’, mimics, which denotes to introduce a new symbol in a formalized
some tension generated by the misunderstanding language or specify the meaning of an expression.
of the message conveyed, the subject of [var. Definition S.F. / Cf fr. definition it.
explanation, asking the teacher, by the competent definizione, lat. definitio]. (Dictionary of
authority which he holds, to build a explanatory neologisms)
sequence, and so, the meaning of the object / Definition ~ i f. 1) logic operation that
word. The explanatory sequences demand the determines the content of a concept or a meaning,
locutor, in the educational discourse, to resort to listing their basic peculiarities. 2) Statement
various strategies, approaches to explain the expressing the result of such operations. ◊ By ~
concept in question in order to eliminate any the essence of things. [Art. definition; G.-D.

International Journal of Communication Research 225


definiţiei; Sil. Ti-e] / <fr. Definition (New enunciation to define its form and use (abstract
Definition (<fr.) Sf (LOG.) Sentence or group of definition), the definition can be materialized in
sentences determining the meaning of a term a scheme:
indicating the essential characteristics of an Present Perfect
object or of a class of objects. In a d. we distinguish: past tense present tense
the term or combination of new terms introduced future tense
(definition); term or combination of terms whose
meanings are already known (defining). Defining the present perfect, a specific tense
(Aristotle) determining
​​ the nature or the essence of English, both lexically and ostensibly generates
of a species by indicating the genre that it contains a correct understanding of its use, the visual
(proximate genre) and the specific difference representation supporting the lexical definition.
which defines it from other species. ◊ In approaching the literary text, the defining
definition = by the very nature of the object, of the expressive procedures used in a literary
resulting necessarily from all its characteristic work by an author highlights by force of
elements. (Encyclopedic Dictionary) argument, the value of the work /of the writer
The approaches of the concept of definition respectively. Whether it is a matter of language
from above refer both to the nominal definition (grammar) or literature that requests the
by assigning a name / signifier to a signified enuntiator to define a concept to provide the
known by the interlocutor; the semantic definition meaning for the enuntiatar, in the teaching
aimed at explaining the significance of a linguitic practice, the teacher makes use of a series of
sign whose signifier is familiar to the recipient, intertextual and interpersonal definition intoductory
both being lexical definitions, as well as the phrases, as Roventa Frumusani calls them (1995:
ostensive definition performed with images, 128-129), which are designed to engage the
diagrams, models, etc. students in the educational discourse reducing
We single out, from the above definitions, the distance between them and the teacher. “It is
some elements which make direct reference to known that ...” “We all know that ...” ;”They say ...”.
the educational discourse logical operation, etc. To define is to teach and to learn, respectively,
explanation, determination, retaining, clarification of new meanings and meanings in new contexts
the meaning of a word as specific discursive thus expanding the horizons of knowledge of the
elements of the teaching-learning activity. enuntiatar/the student.
Another important element in the activity of
defining is the context in which the word / the
The Exemplification and Illustration
concept appears, given the fact that different
meanings that can be attributed to the same sign Exemplifying as a discursive procedure is
in different contexts. This variety of meanings of brought to the forefront by the enuntiator to
the same signified is a source of semio-cognitive support the didactic discourse in order to confirm,
development of the competence of the recipient. to materialize the object of knowledge. The
The act of defining, involves a series of general is materialized, is brought to effect, by a
reformulations on behalf of the enuntiator /the particular fact used to explain, to demonstrate
teacher with the aim of maintaining the dialogue through facts the concept that was presented.
with the enutiatar /the student, ensuring The exemplification as reference to the concrete
understanding as a complex cognitive process in is used as argument that brings light upon the
the learning activity. understanding of the concept / object, motivating
Defining as a structure element of the didactic the enuntiatar to pay attention to the presented
discourse is used in different forms depending statement/enunciation. The introductory
on the material / topic approached. In teaching formula for example arises interest and captures
English we come up with an example – in the attention of the enuntiatar who becomes the
teaching a structure (grammar), the Present partner of the enuntiator in the cognitive
Perfect. Besides the lexical explanation, using an approach from general to particular and vice

226 Volume 5 • Issue 3, July / September 2015 •


versa: ”The meaning of new words and expressions pleasure, as I saw myself. Brehm says that the residents
can be presented through translation, in other words, of north Africa catch the wild paviani putting them
giving an equivalent word or expression in the where they gather pots full of beer, getting them
learner’s native language. But there are several drunk. He saw several monkeys in this state and gives
potential disadvantages to this technique. For us a very funny description about their behavior and
example, it may encourage learners to think in their their strange grimaces. The next day they were in a
own language…” (Paul Davies, Success in English very bad mood with a hang over, holding their heads
Teaching, 2002: 61). in pain and exhibiting a suspecious look. If they were
offered beer or wine, they would turn away in disgust,
 Some other time the exemplification may be but they liked a lot the lemon juice. An American
brought only by using the sign ‘ : ‘ (colon), the monkey, an Ateles, once, after getting drunk with
enuntiator retiring from the foereground, fading, brandy, never wanted to drink it again and was
leaving the stage free for the example: : ”Most therefore wiser than many people (Ch. Darwin,The
vocabulary items can be presented very clearly without Descent of Man and the Sexual Selections, I, 1).
translation. In fact, other techniques generally involve Titu Maiorescu, “Betia de cuvinte” in
the learners more and they remember better. Here are “Contemporanul” magazine, 1873.
some examples of different ways of presenting The exemplification and illustration are
vocabulary items: elements of the educational discourse
Teacher Mary bought a pair of shoes and a wallet. characteristic for the representation of reality,
A wallet, OK? No? Well, this is my wallet especially in the classroom, for the didactic
– look. Have you got a wallet Yuri? motivation, in order to focus the attention of the
Ah,yes. Is it full of money? enuntiatar on the object of knowledge. A drawing,
Learner No…it’s nearly empty! a picture, a gesture, etc. may constitute
Teacher Ah, like mine”. representations that can catch the student’s
(Paul Davies, Success in English Teaching, 2002: 61) attention on the subject matter.

Illustrating just like exemplifying is a The Analogy

discursive procedure that materializes linguistic Analogies are used in debates in everyday
symbols, clarifying through examples facts taken communication situations, in the didactic
from reality. The illustration in the didactic discourse as a rhetorical procedure with a
discourse supports understanding by the powerful argumentation effect. The analogy
strength of the concrete argument. The involves similarities comparable between the
illustration, as stated by V. Dospinescu “sticks to elements characterizing the two entities. As a
the theatricality of arguments [...], theatricality which principle, through analogy one is trying to find
consists in emphasising the enuntiator and focusing some common elements for at least two objects
on the object in the relation which it dramatically in order to join them in meaning or concept.
creates with the enuntiatar” (V. Dospinescu , 1998: Speaking about certain qualities belonging to a
257). Identifying the ways to streamline the number of objects it is supposed that if one of
didactic discourse that aims at knowledge those qualities belongs to a new object,
transfer, involves the use of those discursive automatically the other qualities belong to this
procedures - explanations, definitions, examples, one too. There are several types of analogies that
illustrations - to develop the enuntiator’s capacity take into consideration elements of intent, of
to build effective arguments in order to facilitate systemization, of cause-effect relation, etc. One
understanding for the enuntiatar, the abstract to distinguishes between the common analogy which
become concrete, the particular, general and vice is achieved only at first glance and without a
versa: thorough analysis of common elements and
Darwin tells us that many varieties of monkeys opposed to it the scientific analogy which is based
have an inclination to drink tea and coffee and on a thorough analysis of the elements of
spirts: They are able, he says, to smoke tabacco with comparison. The random analogy starts from the

International Journal of Communication Research 227


random observation of some elements with no The analogy, in addition to its the contribution
intention of finding similarities between them in support of the understanding of the educational
and the systematic one which involves a high discourse, it is an effective discursive form through
degree of intentionality. We also mention the the role it plays in the conversational interaction
analogy based on causal relationships where similar where the teacher’s creativity builds connections,
effects lead to similar causes and vice versa. links and similarities between objects which are
The analogy has an important role in the subject to knowledge. Analogies can be
educational discourse founding the cognitive summarized, paraphrased, rephrased, which
understanding by projecting the known, familiar from a didactic point of view could be a way to
characteristics, on new phenomena or situations. assess the degree of assimilation of knowledge.
The argument by analogy facilitates the
transmission of knowledge by putting into The Repetition
relationship two objects,” a problematic one in Whether we speak about the repetition of a
connection with which the locutor subject aims to word or phrase in different positions of the
build a certain knowledge, with a more familiar object, statement, the purpose is the same, namely to
or better known by the interlocutor.”( V. Dospinescu. strengthen an idea, to illustrate it better, to better
1998: p. 259). The analogy as a discursive express a feeling, a fact, a content. In the teaching
procedure calls for understanding of what is - learning activities, the knowledge is shaped like
unknown by calling upon the known, familiar - and a pyramid, for each year of study, the concepts
leads to a conclusion (often implicit), subordinating are repeated, the knew knowledge is set on the
the explanation to persuasion. (Rodica previously taught one thus raising the educational
Zafiu,2014,“Reasoning by Analogy: Evaluation scaffolding. The educational discourse aims at
Criteria and Rejection Strategies”.). Starting from transferring knowledge through discursive
the known truth one tries to bring it to the processes whose goal is their understanding and
proximity of the unknown truth but compared in taking by the recipient /the student. Resuming,
to the first one it becomes intelligible. repeating a notion, an idea, a concept, facilitates
A classic example of analogy that highlights the acquisition of knowledge, eliminates possible
the opposition between the superfluous thing ambiguities of the didactic discourse. Repetition
and the necessary one, by comparing the powers has a secure character, through which the teacher,
of a nation with a marble block, is found in the the owner of knowledge, makes sure the taught
preface of T. Maiorescu’s Critice. concepts were retained and understood. This
 The power of a nation, or moral or material, at any insurance is not unilateral, it comes as a
time has at a any moment, a limited amount. (...) You confirmation in the interaction with the receiver
can not play unpunished with this sum of power, with of the message, meaning to confirm the correct
the capital of the culture enterprise within a people. understanding by its reproduction, its repetition.
Time, wealth, moral strength and intellectual sharpness ”As an act of language, the repetition fosters and
we use for a superfluous work, let alone a wrong one, maintains the contact between the speaker/the locutor
are forever lost to the needful work and the true one. and the auditor”. (V. Dospinescu, 1998: p. 263) The
Both can not go together, precisely because the source repetition of a concept, sequence, by enuntiator
of a nation’s power is not inexhaustible but is by nature /the teacher is not identical, on the one hand, it
limited. (...).You have a single block of marble: if you is rephrased aiming at synthesizing, simplifying
use it for a caricature figure, from what could you carve it which would facilitate understanding, on the
a Minerva? (T. Maiorescu, pref. to the Vol. Critice, other hand, through its paraphrastic dimension,
1978: 4). The discursive break between the adds new elements to the previously reported
compared terms, where the term of comparison information.” Repeating a discursive sequence, a
is placed at the end, is subdued, reduced, settling <déjà vu>, includes a complementary goal, subject to
the ratio of similarity, the compared elements the pure and simple transmission of information,
involving their relationship. strengthening it.” (V. Dospinescu, 1998: p. 263)

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Through repetition the didactic discourse is the persuasion is an external action, meaning to
ordered, is re/structuring itself and is re / appropriate someone’s advice. For Kant the
structuring the information submitted, it becomes persuasion is a belief, a conviction that is not
persuasive just by repeating the same content. In given by the objectivity, while the conviction is
teaching, during a lesson, resuming the concepts objectively appropiated by a rational person.
presented, the teacher asking for the student’s Parelerman approaches the two notions from the
participation:” Let’s see, then, how do we define ....?; perspective of the relation audience-topic. The
What do we mean by ... ?; To resume who can ...?,” persuasive argumentation refers to a particular
etc. The act of involvement of the recipient /the audience, while the convincing argumentation to
student in the resumption of concepts transmitted a general audience. The educational discourse
is not limited to the activities in the classroom, it has as goal the shaping of knowledge and beliefs,
is extended to the activities at home, where the that is, accepting the transferred knowledge by
repetition occurs on a construction already the force of arguments used for the acquisition
achieved, the repetition representing the way of of the ‘advice’ to the end. The use of persuasion
acquiring, retaining and consolidating knowledge. techniques is based on a presentation scheme of
ideas in an orderly, logical structure ensuring a
The Argumentation rational order in transmitting concepts and their
meanings. The ability of ordering ideas, the
To argue vb.I. transits. (from fr.argumenter, presentation of arguments, is the source of
lat.argumentari) - to support, strengthen, conviction and the means of persuasion of the
establish, demonstrate some arguments (DEX listener. A model of organization and scheming
Universe Enciclopedic Gold). the argumentation can be the one called STEP (in
To argue - to inform, present and makeclear English: State, Translate, Exemplify Prove)
the possible alternatives→ the speaker serves as
-- State – to present, to state the idea in a
a guide, a teacher who explains, demonstrates,
simple and clear way;
describes, persuades, to induce the reader to
-- Translate - to expose the idea to be
choose one of these alternatives → the speaker is
understood by the audience; reducing ambiguity
becomes a leader of opinion, taking responsibility
by paraphrase, the use of comparisons.
for his allegations and appealing to emotions
and feelings to be persuasive. -- Exemplify – to illustrate, give examples that
The argumentation is the means by which it is illustrate the ideas, concepts introduced -
alleged or demonstrated a viewpoint on a topic it personal experiences generally known facts, can
is a logical justification activity of an opinion that support the statements made.
we intend to bring for discussions and support. -- Prove - to show, to demonstrate that the t
The argumentative approach is structured in a initial idea is correct using factual data, statistics.
logical scheme which involves a series of steps: (Rotariu et al., 2010)
statement of acts, their support, proof of issue found and From the point of view of the communicative
accordingly the strengthening, of the positive effect. approach the argumentation involves the
The purpose of argumentation is to convince transmission of a message to a receiver in order
(persuade) the communication partner to convince him/her of the validity /the truth of
(interlocutor or reader), regarding the validity of the thesis supported by the enuntiator. During
the opinion expressed to win his adherence and the lesson, the teacher, through the arguments
cooperation. I used the words to convince and to presented in conjunction with other forms of
persuade as synonyms (in French persuader = to discourse, ideas and concepts, demonstrates the
convince) in the argumentative discourse. cognitive character in a specific context.
However there are theorists who discern between Convincing, obtaining the student’s adhesion
conviction and persuasion. If we consider the agent from a logical approach in which the affectivity,
of the action then the convinction is an activity the emotional state, induce representations, fruit
that comes from within the interlocutor whereas of the imagination of the participants in the

International Journal of Communication Research 229


communication process, the classroom being the Social Fund,in the project “Interdisciplinary
scene where emotional relationships and Excellence in PhD Scientific Research in Romania –
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230 Volume 5 • Issue 3, July / September 2015 •

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