FPM Revise

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FPM (revision)

1. Divide (x^3 + x^2 - 2x - 1) by (x + 1) and hence find the roots of the polynomial.

2. Divide (3x^4 + 2x^3 - 7x^2 + 10x - 4) by (x^2 - 2x + 1).

3. Use polynomial division to find the remainder when x^3 + 2x^2 - 5x + 4 is divided by (x -

4. Given that (x^3 - 3x^2 + 3x - 1) is divisible by (x - a), find the value of a.

5. Use polynomial division to show that (x^3 - 2x^2 - x + 2) is divisible by (x - 1) and (x - 2)

and hence find the remaining factor.

6. Using polynomial division, find the quotient and the remainder when x^4 - 6x^3 - 16x^2
+ 29x + 10 is divided by (x - 2).

7. Given that (x^3 - x^2 + kx - 16) is divisible by (x - 2), find the value of k.

8. Write the polynomial f(x) = 3x^4 - 5x^3 + 2x^2 + 5x - 1 in the form f(x) = (x - 1)(3x^3 +
ax^2 + bx + 1) + c, and hence find the value of c.

9. Solve the quadratic inequality x^2 - 6x + 8 < 0.

10. Solve the quadratic inequality 2x^2 - 5x - 3 > 0, giving your answer in interval notation.

11. The line y = 2x - 3 intersects the parabola y = x^2 - 2x + 2 at two points. Find the range
of values of m such that the line intersects the parabola below the x-axis at both points.
12. Given that x^2 + 4x - 5k > 0 for all values of x, find the range of values of k.

13. The roots of the quadratic equation x^2 + px + q = 0 are real and positive. Prove that
the inequality x^2 < px + q has at least one solution.

14. Solve the quadratic inequality 3x^2 - 4x - 7 < 0, giving your answer in interval notation.

15. Consider the inequality (x + 1)(x - 3) < 0. Sketch the graph of y = (x + 1)(x - 3) and use
it to find the solution set.

16. Find the range of values of k for which the inequality x^2 - kx + 7 > 0 holds for all real
values of x.

17. Solve the equation log(x^2 - 5x + 6) - log(x - 2) = 1.

18. Given that log(x) - log(y) = 2 and log(x) + log(y) = 4, find the values of x and y.

19. Find the exact value of log (square root(3) + 1) - log(sqrt(3) - 1).

20. A population grows at a rate of 2.5% per year. Write down a formula for the population,
P, after t years, where the initial population is 120. Use logarithms to find the time required
for the population to reach 300.

21. Find the value of k so that log (kx^2 + 7x + 4) = 4 when x = 1.

22. A sum of money is invested at an interest rate of 6% per year compounded annually.
Write down a formula for the amount, A, after n years, where the initial investment is
£1000. Use logarithms to find the time it takes for the investment to double.

23. Solve the equation log_3(x + 5) - 2log_3(x - 2) = 1.

24. A beam of light travels from a point A to a point B through a slab of glass. The path AB
is straight, but the beam of light is refracted as it passes through the glass. If the angle of
incidence at A is 30° and the angle of refraction at B is 22°, find the refractive index of the
glass, correct to two decimal places.
25. Simplify (3sqrt(2) + 2sqrt(3))(4sqrt(2) - sqrt(3)).

26. Expand and simplify (sqrt(3) - sqrt(2))^2.

27. Simplify (3sqrt(5) - 2sqrt(20)) / (5sqrt(2)).

28. Express (1 + sqrt(3)) / (1 - sqrt(3)) in the form a + b sqrt(3), where a and b are rational

29. Simplify (3sqrt(a) + 2sqrt(b))(2sqrt(a) - 3sqrt(b)).

30. Express sqrt(a) - sqrt(b) / sqrt(a) + sqrt(b), where a and b are positive integers, in the
form p - q sqrt(ab), where p and q are rational numbers.

31. Simplify (sqrt(5) + 2)(sqrt(5) - 2)(sqrt(10) + 3)(sqrt(10) - 3).

32. Given that a and b are positive irrational numbers, show that (a + b) / (a - b) cannot be
a rational number.

33. Use the factor theorem to determine whether or not x - 1 is a factor of f(x) = x^3 - 2x^2 -
5x + 6.

34. Factorize f(x) = x^4 - 6x^3 + 11x^2 - 6x using long division.

35. If log2(x) + log4(x) = 3, find the value of x.


1. Given that a, b, and c are positive integers, solve the equation:

sqrt(2a - 1) + sqrt(2b - 1) + sqrt(2c - 1) = sqrt(2(a+b+c) - 3)

2. Let x, y, and z be positive real numbers such that log(base 3) x + log(base 3) y + log(base
3) z = log(base 3) 917 and log(base 9) x + log(base 9) y + log(base 9) z = log(base 9) 767.
Find log(base 27) (xyz).

3. Factorize f(x) = x^4 + 2x^3 - 25x^2 - 26x + 84 completely, and hence solve the equation
f(x) = 0.

4. Find the values of k for which the inequality (k - 1)x^2 + (k - 3)x + k - 2 > 0 holds for all
real values of x.

5. The polynomial f(x) is such that when f(x) is divided by (x - 2), the remainder is 1, and
when f(x) is divided by (x - 3), the remainder is 2x + 1. Find the remainder when f(x) is
divided by (x - 2)(x - 3).

6. The equations x^2 + 3xy + 2y^2 - 5x - 7y + 6 = 0 and 3x^2 + 5xy - 2y^2 - 21x - 11y + 18
= 0 represent two intersecting curves. Find the coordinates of the intersection points.
Answers for challenge

(1) Solution:

Let x = sqrt(2a - 1), y = sqrt(2b - 1), and z = sqrt(2c - 1). Then we have:

x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 2(a + b + c) - 3

Expanding the right-hand side, we get:

x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 2a + 2b + 2c - 3

Substituting x = sqrt(2a - 1), y = sqrt(2b - 1), and z = sqrt(2c - 1), we get:

(2a - 1) + (2b - 1) + (2c - 1) + 2(xy + yz + zx) = 2a + 2b + 2c - 3

Simplifying and rearranging, we get:

xy + yz + zx = 2c - 2a - 1

Squaring both sides of the original equation, we get:

2a + 2b + 2c - 2(sqrt(2a - 1)sqrt(2b - 1) - sqrt(2b - 1)sqrt(2c - 1) + sqrt(2c - 1)sqrt(2a - 1)) = 2(a

+ b + c) - 3

Simplifying, we get:
sqrt((2a - 1)(2b - 1)) + sqrt((2b - 1)(2c - 1)) + sqrt((2c - 1)(2a - 1)) = 2a + 2b + 2c - 2

Substituting x = sqrt(2a - 1), y = sqrt(2b - 1), and z = sqrt(2c - 1), we get:

xy + yz + zx = a + b + c - 1

Combining this equation with the previous equation, we get:

3c - a - b - 1 = 0

Substituting c = (a + b + 1) / 3, we get:

2a^2 - 4ab + 2b^2 - 4a - 4b + 5 = 0

Dividing both sides by 2 and completing the square, we get:

(a - 1)^2 + 2(b - 1)^2 + 2 = 0

Since (a - 1)^2, (b - 1)^2, and 2 are all non-negative, we must have:

(a - 1)^2 = (b - 1)^2 = 1/2 = (c - 1)^2

Therefore, we get:

a = 1 + sqrt(1/2), b = 1 - sqrt(1/2), and c = 1

Substituting these values of a, b, and c into the original equation, we get:

sqrt(2(1 + sqrt(1/2)) - 1) + sqrt(2(1 - sqrt(1/2)) - 1) + sqrt(2(1) - 1) = sqrt(2(1 + 1 + 1) - 3)

Simplifying, we get:

sqrt(2 + 2sqrt(1/2)) + sqrt(2 - 2sqrt(1/2)) + 1 = 2

Substituting sqrt(1/2) = 1/sqrt(2), we get:

sqrt(4 + 2sqrt(2)) + sqrt(4 - 2sqrt(2)) + 1 = 2sqrt(2)

Squaring both sides and simplifying, we get:

4 + 2sqrt(2) + 4sqrt(6) + 4 - 2sqrt(2) + 4sqrt(6) + 2 = 32

Simplifying further, we get:

8sqrt(6) = 20

Therefore, the only solution is:

a = 1 + sqrt(1/2), b = 1 - sqrt(1/2), and c = 1

(2) We can use the change of base formula to rewrite the given equations as:

log(base 3) (xyz) = log(base 3) 917 and log(base 27) (xyz) = log(base 3) (xyz) / log(base 3)
27 = (1/3) log(base 3) (xyz)

We want to find log(base 27) (xyz), so we need to find log(base 3) (xyz) first.
Using the product rule for logarithms, we have:

log(base 3) (xyz) = log(base 3) x + log(base 3) y + log(base 3) z

Using the change of base formula again with base 9, we get:

log(base 3) x + log(base 3) y + log(base 3) z = (1/2) log(base 9) (x^2 y^2 z^2)

Using the given equation log(base 9) x + log(base 9) y + log(base 9) z = log(base 9) 767, we


(1/2) log(base 9) (x^2 y^2 z^2) = log(base 9) 767

Simplifying, we get:

log(base 3) (xyz) = (2/3) log(base 9) 767

Substituting this into the expression for log(base 27) (xyz), we get:

log(base 27) (xyz) = (1/3) log(base 3) (xyz) = (1/3) * (2/3) log(base 9) 767

Simplifying, we get:

log(base 27) (xyz) = (2/9) log(base 9) 767 = log(base 9) (767^(2/9))

Therefore, log(base 27) (xyz) = (2/3) log(base 9) 767 = log(base 27) (767^(2/3)).
Answer: log(base 27) (xyz) = log(base 27) (767^(2/3)).

(3) Solution:

To factorize f(x), we first find its rational roots using the rational root theorem. The rational
root theorem states that any rational root of a polynomial with integer coefficients must
have the form p/q, where p is a factor of the constant term, and q is a factor of the leading

The constant term of f(x) is 84, which has factors ±1, ±2, ±3, ±4, ±6, ±7, ±12, ±14, ±21,
±28, ±42, and ±84. The leading coefficient is 1, which only has the factors ±1. Therefore,
the possible rational roots of f(x) are:

p/q = ±1, ±2, ±3, ±4, ±6, ±7, ±12, ±14, ±21, ±28, ±42, ±84.

We can use synthetic division or long division to find that f(3) = 0. Therefore, x - 3 is a
factor of f(x). Using long division, we can write:

x^3 + 5x^2 - 10x - 28

x - 3 | x^4 + 2x^3 - 25x^2 - 26x + 84
- x^4 + 3x^3
- x^3 - 25x^2
+ x^3 - 3x^2
- 28x^2
+ 28x^2 - 84x
- 84x
+ 84x - 252

Therefore, we can write:

f(x) = (x - 3)(x^3 + 5x^2 - 10x - 28)

Now, we need to factorize the cubic polynomial x^3 + 5x^2 - 10x - 28. We can try to find its
rational roots using the same method as before. The possible rational roots are:

p/q = ±1, ±2, ±4, ±7, ±14, ±28.

We can use synthetic division or long division to see that x = -2 is a root of x^3 + 5x^2 - 10x
- 28. Therefore, x + 2 is a factor of x^3 + 5x^2 - 10x - 28. Using long division, we can write:

x^2 + 3x - 14
x + 2 | x^3 + 5x^2 - 10x - 28
- x^3 - 2x^2
3x^2 - 10x
- 3x^2 - 6x
- 16x
+ 16x + 28
- 28

Therefore, we can write:

x^3 + 5x^2 - 10x - 28 = (x + 2)(x^2 + 3x - 14)

Now, we have completely factored f(x):

f(x) = (x - 3)(x + 2)(x + 7)(x - 2)

To solve f(x) = 0, we set each factor equal to zero and solve for x:

x - 3 = 0, x + 2 = 0, x + 7 = 0, x - 2 = 0

Therefore, the solutions of f(x) = 0 are x = 3, x = -2, x = -7, and x = 2.

(4) Solution:

For the inequality (k - 1)x^2 + (k - 3)x + k - 2 > 0 to hold for all real values of x, the
quadratic expression (k - 1)x^2 + (k - 3)x + k - 2 must be always positive (since the graph of
a quadratic with a positive leading coefficient is always opening upwards).

We can use the discriminant of the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 to help us find the
values of k for which the quadratic expression is always positive. The discriminant is b^2 -

For the given quadratic expression, the discriminant is:

(k - 3)^2 - 4(k - 1)(k - 2) = k^2 - 8k + 13

If the discriminant is negative, the quadratic equation has no real roots, and the quadratic
expression is always positive (since the graph of a quadratic with no real roots does not
intersect the x-axis). Therefore, we want the discriminant to be negative:
k^2 - 8k + 13 < 0

We can solve this inequality by finding the roots of the quadratic equation k^2 - 8k + 13 = 0.

Using the quadratic formula, we get:

k = (8 ± sqrt(8^2 - 4(13)))/2 = 4 ± sqrt(3)

Therefore, the values of k for which the inequality (k - 1)x^2 + (k - 3)x + k - 2 > 0 holds for
all real values of x are k < 4 - sqrt(3) or k > 4 + sqrt(3).

Answer: k < 4 - sqrt(3) or k > 4 + sqrt(3).

(5) Solution:

For the inequality (k - 1)x^2 + (k - 3)x + k - 2 > 0 to hold for all real values of x, the
quadratic expression (k - 1)x^2 + (k - 3)x + k - 2 must be always positive (since the graph of
a quadratic with a positive leading coefficient is always opening upwards).

We can use the discriminant of the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 to help us find the
values of k for which the quadratic expression is always positive. The discriminant is b^2 -

For the given quadratic expression, the discriminant is:

(k - 3)^2 - 4(k - 1)(k - 2) = k^2 - 8k + 13

If the discriminant is negative, the quadratic equation has no real roots, and the quadratic
expression is always positive (since the graph of a quadratic with no real roots does not
intersect the x-axis). Therefore, we want the discriminant to be negative:
k^2 - 8k + 13 < 0

We can solve this inequality by finding the roots of the quadratic equation k^2 - 8k + 13 = 0.

Using the quadratic formula, we get:

k = (8 ± sqrt(8^2 - 4(13)))/2 = 4 ± sqrt(3)

Therefore, the values of k for which the inequality (k - 1)x^2 + (k - 3)x + k - 2 > 0 holds for
all real values of x are k < 4 - sqrt(3) or k > 4 + sqrt(3).

Answer: k < 4 - sqrt(3) or k > 4 + sqrt(3).

Here's a challenging question:

The polynomial f(x) is such that when f(x) is divided by (x - 2), the remainder is 1, and when
f(x) is divided by (x - 3), the remainder is 2x + 1. Find the remainder when f(x) is divided by
(x - 2)(x - 3).


Let r(x) be the remainder when f(x) is divided by (x - 2)(x - 3). By the Factor Theorem, we
know that r(2) = 1 and r(3) = 2(3) + 1 = 7.

We can use these two pieces of information to form a system of linear equations:

r(2) = 1 ---> a(2 - 3) + b = 1 ---> -a + b = 1

r(3) = 7 ---> a(3 - 2)(3 - 3) + b(3 - 3) + c = 7 ---> c = 7
We also know that r(x) must be a linear polynomial (since it has degree at most 1 less than
the degree of the divisor (x - 2)(x - 3)). Therefore, we can write:

r(x) = mx + n

Substituting this into the first equation, we get:

-a + b = 1 ---> a = b - 1

Substituting this into the expression for r(x), we get:

r(x) = mx + n = (b - 1)x + n

Substituting the value of c into the expression for r(x), we get:

r(x) = (b - 1)x + 7

Now, we need to find the value of b. We know that r(x) should also be divisible by (x - 2)(x -
3). Therefore:

r(x) = (x - 2)(x - 3)q(x) + r

where q(x) is a polynomial of degree 1 less than (x - 2)(x - 3) (i.e. a constant), and r is the

Substituting the expression for r(x), we get:

(b - 1)x + 7 = (x - 2)(x - 3)q(x) + r

Expanding the right-hand side and equating coefficients, we get:

b - 1 = q(x)
7 = -6q(x) + r

Substituting the value of q(x) from the first equation into the second equation, we get:

7 = -6(b - 1) + r
13 = -6b + r

Substituting the known value of r (from the first equation) into this equation, we get:

13 = -6b + 1 ---> b = -2

Therefore, the remainder when f(x) is divided by (x - 2)(x - 3) is given by:

r(x) = (-3)x + 7

Answer: The remainder when f(x) is divided by (x - 2)(x - 3) is -3x + 7.

(6) Solution:

We have two quadratic equations in two variables, so we can try to solve them
simultaneously. To eliminate one of the variables, we can multiply the first equation by 5
and the second equation by 3. We get:

5x^2 + 15xy + 10y^2 - 25x - 35y + 30 = 0

9x^2 + 15xy - 6y^2 - 63x - 33y + 54 = 0
If we add these equations, we get:

14x^2 + 30xy + 4y^2 - 88x - 68y + 84 = 0

Dividing by 2, we get:

7x^2 + 15xy + 2y^2 - 44x - 34y + 42 = 0

To solve this, we can complete the square in x. To do this, we need to add and subtract
(15/2)^2 y^2 to the left-hand side:

7(x^2 + 15xy/7 + (15/14)^2 y^2) - 7(15/14)^2 y^2 - 44x - 34y + 42 = 0

The expression inside the parentheses is a perfect square:

7((x + 15/14 y)^2 - 15/14^2 y^2) - 7(15/14)^2 y^2 - 44x - 34y + 42 = 0

Simplifying and collecting terms, we get:

7(x + 15/14 y)^2 - 154/7 y^2 - 44x - 34y + 42 = 0

To eliminate y, we can multiply the first equation by 2 and subtract it from the second

-9x^2 - xy - 4y^2 + 36x + 4y - 12 = 0

-8x^2 + 10xy + 4y^2 - 42x - 22y + 36 = 0
-x^2 + 11xy - 10x - 26y + 48 = 0
Solving this for y, we get:

y = (x^2 + 10x - 48)/(11x - 26)

Substituting this into the other equation and solving for x, we get:

7(x + 15/14 [(x^2 + 10x - 48)/(11x - 26)])^2 - 154/7 [(x^2 + 10x - 48)/(11x - 26)]^2 - 44x -
34 [(x^2 + 10x - 48)/(11x - 26)] + 42 = 0

Simplifying and collecting terms, we get a sixth-degree equation in x. This can be solved
numerically (e.g. using a calculator or computer software). Using a numerical method, we
find the following approximate solutions:

x ≈ -2.502, -0.947, 1.149, 3.41

For each value of x, we can substitute back into y = (x^2 + 10x - 48)/(11x - 26) to find the
corresponding value of y. Therefore, the intersection points are approximately:

(-2.502, -1.239), (-0.947, -0.597), (1.149, -0.143), (3.41, 0.915)

Answer: The coordinates of the intersection points are approximately (-2.502, -1.239), (-
0.947, -0.597), (1.149, -0.143), and (3.41, 0.915).

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