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Lesson plan

Teacher’s name: Verejan Larisa

Grade: 2nd
Date: 10 february
Title of lesson: How many?
Type of lesson: mixt
Time: 45 min
Competences: Spoken interaction, reading.
Sub-Competences: 1.2; 1.5; 1.11 ; 1.14 ; 1.8 ; 1.18

Objectives of the lesson: Pupils will be able to:

O1: Pronouns correctly new vocabulary words.
O2:Count to 20.
O3: Say how old they are: ex 5 page 44.
O4:Asking and answering the questions : how many?.
O5:. Reading to get specific information.
O6:Writing plural forms.

Methods/Techniques: drills, explanation, exercise, translation, reading,.

Materials and aids: book, exercise book, pen, board, chalk,workbook.

Forms of organization: frontal work, individual work, group work.

Bibliography: - National Curriculum for Foreign Language, 2010.

- Magic English 2 nd form, Pupils book, 2018
Steps of the Objective Teacher’s and Pupil’s activity Evaluation Duration Methods/
lesson s Techniques

Evocation Greetings and organization of the class. 1 min

Checking up the homework. Orally 5 min

T writes the date and the subject on the

board:How many?. Written 1 min

O1 T asks P to look, listen and repeat the new

vocabulary from the exercise 1 page44. Orally 3 min Drills
Girl Translation
Boy Reading

Realization of T writes on the board list of cardinal

sense numbers from 13 to 20. Orally 2 min Explanation
O2 Thirteen

P write in their notebooks. Explanation

Orally 4min
Sing banana song page 96
Written 3 min

T explains that plurals is formed by adding

{-s}at the end. 3 min
For example: ex 9 page 45 Orally Exercise

P write in their notebooks. Written 3min

O3 T tells the P to look at the exercise 5page 44 and

- How old are they? Orally 5 min Exercise
P write in their notebooks. Written
O4 How many is used for countable noun,when we
want to know the QUANTITY OF SOMETHING.
it is only used with the plural countable nouns.
for ex:
How many days Orally 7min
How many books written
How many boys Explanation
How many girls Exercise
Ex 7 page45

Reflection T tells the P to read the sentences from the

O5 exercise 8 page 45 Orally 3 min
T reads and translates the sentences together
with the P.
Orally 4 min Translation
Extension T tells the P to write the homework :
count from thirteen to twenty. Written 1 min

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