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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Hello Everyone ! Good Morning !

Introducing myself, my name is TIARA and I come from class XI SCIENCE 3, a superior
class that has many outstanding students.

The honorable headmaster of High School 8 Muaro Jambi,

The honorable my teachers and my beloved friends.

Before starting my speech, I would like to thanks the Jury for giving me a very special
opportunity to be able to stand here.

Here, I will deliver a speech with the theme ‘’Rise From The Pandemic With Literacy’’

As you all know, Indonesia has managed to rise from the COVID-19 that has hit Indonesia
for almost 3 years.

And with the time, what have I done ? I used that time to be literate. Reading books and
writing, yes I can write a little short stories.

Short story with a romance theme that refers to values and norms that must be applied to
everyday life.

By being literate, it helps me get rid of boredom during the pandemic. Besides reading
novels, I can also use literacy for school. Especially during the pandemic yesterday, I had a
lot of school assignments that I had to look for in other mass media other than printed books
from school.

From reading that I got a lot of information and words that I just read that even though those
words have been around for a long time.

Therefore, here I also want to invite my friends to be literate together, because with literacy
we can get a lot of broad knowledge that can make Indonesian young people move forward
and rise with achievements in literacy.

And for friends and teachers who are watching now, let’s continue to maintain health and
order. Even though we are in the new normal period, we must still maintain cleanliness in
doing many things. For example, avoiding crowds, diligently washing hands and wearing a
mask when leaving the house.

That was my speeech, if there is a wrong word I apologize, I will end Wassalamu’alaikum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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