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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division of Albay
Malabiga HighSchool
Libon, Albay



Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: _______________

Grade Level and Section: ______________________________________ Score: ______________

Direction: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. A rule defining correct behavior refers to ____.

A. guideline C. principle
B. law D. policy

2. It refers to a citizen of another country.

A. Alien C. Naturalized Citizen
B. Natural-born citizen D. Senior Citizen

3. What do you call a branch of the government which creates a law?

A. Legislative C. Judiciary
B. Executive D. Local

4. How many senators are there in the Philippines?

A. 24 C. 12
B. 11 D. 23

5. To whom the executive power is vested?

A. President and Vice-President C. President and Vice-President
B. President with the cabinet members D. President

6. The legislative power shall be vested in the ______ of the Philippines.

A. President
B. Vice-president
C. Senator
D. Congress

7. Which of the following is not a requirement for a person to be elected president?

A. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines
B. A registered voter
C. Able to read and write.
D. At least 50 years old of the day of the election

8. In case of death, permanent disability, removal from the office or resignation of the president, the ____
shall become the president to serve the unexpired term.
A. Senate-President
B. Chief Justice
C. House Speaker
D. Vice-President

9. Who shall nominate a Vice President whenever there is vacancy in the office of the Vice-President?
A. President
B. Chief Justice
C. Congress
D. Senators

10.In case of serious illness of the President, the ____ shall be informed of the state of his health.
A. public
B. senators
C. Congress
D. Justices

11.The President of the Philippines has the power to give ____, which are a means to streamline the policy
and programs of administration.
A. Executive issuances
B. Bills
C. Ordinances
D. Jurisprudence

12.The ______ determine when it is necessary or advantageous to exercise the power of eminent domain on
behalf of the national government.
A. President
B. Vice-President
C. Senators
D. Congressmen

13.Which of the following is the power of the court?

A. To preserve and enforce order.
B. To implement laws and policies
C. To create laws and policies
D. To enforce laws

14.Writs of execution issued by the inferior courts may be enforced _____.

A. In any part of the Philippines
B. Only in the province where the court is located.
C. In any part of the judicial region
D. Any place where all over the world

15.When can all auxiliary writs, processes, and other means necessary to carry it into effect may be such
court or officer?
A. When the law provides
B. When jurisprudence is conferred on a court or judicial is conferred on a court or judicial officer
C. When congress decides for it
D. When justices decide for it

16. “Men by nature are Political Animals”. What can we infer from the phrase?
A. Politics is only portrayed by animals.
B. Politicians are subject for corruption.
C. Everyone is subject to Politics.
D. Only Politicians exercise Politics.

17. Among are some importance of studying politics and governance, EXCEPT
A. Being able to understand the system we are living since we are involved as people.
B. Being able to escape from the burden of having a bad system.
C. Being able to participate in decision-making in the state.
D. Being able to critically analyze the system of Politics in the Philippines.

18. Analyze the two statements.

Statement A: Politics is necessary to create a just society.
Statement B: Politics is meant to resolve conflict.
A. Both statements are false.
B. Statement A is True while Statement B is False.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Statement A is false while Statement B is true.

19. Analyze the two statements.

Statement A: Politics is limited in the workplace.
Statement B: Politics is everywhere.
A. Both statements are true.
B. Statement A is false while Statement B is true.
C. Both statements are false.
D. Statement A is True while Statement B is False.

20. "Slow and gradual change should be adopted", what ideology is being described by the statement?
A. Socialism
B. Fascism
C. Conservatism
D. Liberalism
21. What constitution grants Judicial power to the Judicial branch of the Philippine Government?
A. 1987 Philippine Constitution, Art. VII
B. 1987 Philippine Constitution, Art. V
C. 1987 Philippine Constitution, Art.VI
D. 1987 Philippine Constitution, Art VIII

22. What kind of power is given to the courts under the Constitution?
A. Judicial Power
B. Legislative Power
C. Executive Power
D. Interpretation Power

23. Who appointed the Supreme Court Chief Justice?

A. President of the State
B. House Speaker
C. Senate President
D. Commission on Appointments

24. James is accused of rape by his neighbor Layla. Under the law, the accused have the right to have counsel to
provide legal services. What quasi-judicial branch would provide James legal services?
A. Office of the Government
B. National Bureau of Investigation
C. Public Attorney’s Office
D. Office of the Solicitor General

25. It refers to the exercise of control within society through the making and enforcement of collective decisions. 
A. Civil Society
B. Governance
C. Government
D. Politics

26. What type of power is manifested if the target person complies in order to avoid punishments does he or she
believe they are controlled by the agent? 
A. Referent Power
B. Coercive Power
C. Reward Power
D. Legitimate Power

27. One of the qualifications for election into the Office of the President is that he/she is ___________________. 
A. Natural-born Filipino, registered voter must be able to read and write, and must have resided in the
Philippines 10 years before the election was held.
B. Naturalized Filipino, registered voter must be able to read and write, and must have resided in the
Philippines 10 years before the election was held.
C. Natural-born citizen, a registered voter, must be able to read and write and must have resided in the
Philippines for 8 years before the election is held.
D. Natural-born Filipino, a registered voter, must be able to read and write, at least 45 years of age and
must have resided in the Philippines before the election is held.

28. A sectoral party dedicated to promoting the rights of Filipino women through participation in the country's
electoral system and organs of governance.
A. Women Empowerment
B. Feminism
D. Charities

29. The principle of citizenship is based on the “law of the soil” or “jus soli.” This signifies that citizenship is
based on which of the following?
A. Who a person is born to.
B. Citizen Obligations and responsibilities
C. Where a person is born to.
D. Naturalization

30. A law stating that an individual cannot be imprisoned or held in custody inside a prison cell unless he/she has
first been brought before a court of law.
A. Writ of Mandamus
B. Writ of Habeas Corpus
C. Writ of Certiorari
D. Writ of Quo-Warranto

31. Which of the following is the primary duty of a datu?

A. Promotes the well-being of the People.
B. Conducts wedding ceremonies
C. Promotes Agriculture
D. Promotes Peace and Order

32. Is a remedy available to any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened with
violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private individual or entity.
A. Writ of Habeas Corpus
B. Writ of Habeas Data
C. Writ of Amparo
D. Writ of Mandamus

33. It is the means by which a higher court orders a lower court to deliver to it a case record for review of the
lower court's decision.
A. Writ
B. Ruling
C. Command
D. Certiorari

34. A form of written command in the name of a court or other legal authority to act, or abstain from acting, in
some way.
A. Ruling
B. Command
C. Certiorari
D. Writ

35. Which of the following is part of the diplomatic powers of the president?
A. Signing of treaties
B. Suspending classes
C. Enforcing the laws
D. Granting Pardons

36. Is an order from a court to an inferior government official ordering the government official to properly fulfill
their official duties or correct an abuse of discretion.
A. Writ of order
B. Legal Documents
C. Writ of Court
D. Mandamus

37. It is a set of beliefs and ideas that define political activities, policies, and events. What political concept is
meant by the definition?
A. Political Dynamics
B. Political Science
C. Political Ideologies
D. Politics

38. The teacher asking the students to pass their assignment. What type of power best described the statement?
A. Legitimate Power
B. Coercive Power
C. Informational Power
D. Expert Power

39. A doctor telling his patient to take the medicine twice a day. What type of power best described the statement?
A. Legitimate Power
B. Informational Power
C. Coercive Power
D. Expert Power

40. Analyze the two statements.

Statement A: A nation can composed of many states.
Statement B: A state can composed of many nations.
A. Statement A is true while Statement B is False.
B. Both Statements are True.
C. Both Statements are False.
D. Statement A is False while Statement B is True.
41. The conflict among the most powerful countries gave way to the start of Japanese period which caused
damages to the Philippines. In your own opinion, how can you prevent conflicts with other people?
A. Respect individual differences
B. Avoid sensitive topics.
C. Impose your principles in life.
D. Believe that you are superior to others.

42. The American introduction of the democratic ideas made Filipinos aware of their rights as citizen of the
Philippines. Which of the following shows abuse of freedom?
A. Right to vote during election.
B. Right to be elected to office.
C. Right to express through demonstration even if traffic is disrupted.
D. Right to own properties anywhere in the Philippines.

43. Analyze the two statements.

Statement A: President Ferdinand Marcos was the President of the Philippines who declared Martial law
on September 21, 1972.
Statement B: Human rights violations and abuse of power were rampant during Martial Law period.
A. Statement A is False while Statement B is True.
B. Statement A is true while Statement B is False.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.

44. Analyze the two statements.

Statement A: President Emilio Aguinaldo was the President of the First Philippine Republic.
Statement B: President Jose P. Laurel was the president of the Second Philippine Republic.
A. Both statements are True.
B. Both statements are False.
C. Statement A is true while Statement b is false.
D. Statement A is false while statement b is true.

45. Vincent believes that all should have freedom of speech. What political ideology does he aim to have?
A. Conservatism
B. Liberalism
C. Fascism
D. Anarchism

46. The following are the functions of Executive branch of the government, EXCEPT:
A. To initiate revenue bills.
B. To give pardon to the accused.
C. To execute the laws.
D. To reject laws made by Congress.

47. The Philippines is a _______________ and _______________ state. Sovereignty resides in the people and all
government authority emanates from them.
A. Monarchy, Theocracy
B. Democratic, Republican
C. Democratic, Federal State
D. Autocracy, Monarchy

48. Mar wonder if the National Territory is included in the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Grace said that it is
included and is stipulated in the Article III, Jejomar rebutted and told them that it is not written in there, at all.
Rodrigo laughed at them, contending that it is stipulated under Article I. Who among them tells the truth?

A. Mar
B. Grace
C. Jejomar
D. Rodrigo

49. When the President dies, is permanently disabled, is impeached, or resigns, the Vice-President becomes the
President for the unexpired term. However, if both the President and the Vice-President die, permanently
disabled, are impeached, or resigned, the Senate President shall act as President until the President or VP shall
have been elected and qualified. If the Senate President becomes disabled, who will succeed?
A. There will be a special election specifically conducted for the filling up of the vacant offices.
B. The Senate President shall submit to the Congress a declaration of his disability, then the Senior
Senator will be the acting President.
C. The Speaker of the House shall become the President.
D. The Speaker of the House shall act as President until the President or VP shall have elected or

50. Which of the following is NOT true about the government?

A. Government is an element of the State, without it will not exist.
B. Government is the same as administration.
C. Government is an agency or instrumentality, through which the will of the state is formulated,
expressed, and realized.
D. Government will not change even if the people composing it will change through the vote of people.

51. Why is political ideology important?

A. Because it reflects how good or bad government officials possess while giving rules and regulations in
the country.
B. Because it provides a program or plan of action that will bring about a Political Change.
C. Because it illustrates the levels of government system should be in a particular country.
D. Because it orients those who subscribe to it to have a sense of identity and direction but limited to

52. Analyze the two statements.

Statement A: Liberalism emphasizes a tendency to favour change.
Statement B: Liberalism believes that people should be willing to use the government to improve their
A. Both statements are true.
B. Both statements are false.
C. Statement A is true while statement B is false.
D. Statement A is false while statement A is true.

53. Analyze the two statements.

Statement A: Politics is necessary to create a just society.
Statement B: Politics is meant to resolve conflict.
A. Both statements are False.
B. Both statements are True.
C. Statement A is True while Statement is False.
D. Statement A is False while Statement is True.

54. What is the compulsory retirement age of the Members of the Judiciary?
A. 70 yrs. old
B. 60 yrs. old
C. 75 yrs. old
D. 65 yrs. Old

55. What court should Tax cases be heard in?

A. Court of Tax Appeals     
B. Regional Trial Court
C. Supreme Court
D. Court of Appeals 

56. The president meets with the leaders of two countries that are currently involved in a conflict with one
another. He leads them to acceptable compromises to diffuse tensions. Which definition of politics is seen in
this example?
A. Politics is the escalation of conflict.
B. Politics is a gathering of voter support.
C. Politics is the interaction of citizens in the public sphere.
D. Politics is a process of conflict resolution.
E. Politics is a lack of corruption in the public sphere.

57. Is it possible for Congress to increase or decrease the composition of the Supreme Court?
A. No, the power is embedded in the constitution.
B. Yes, they can make a resolution.
C. No, the Judicial Bar and Council will be decided.
D. Yes, they can pass a bill.

58. Which of the following is NOT part of the barangay’s responsibility to provide?
A. Information and reading center.
B. Tourism facilities and other tourist attractions
C. Satellite or public market, where viable
D. Maintenance of Katarungang Pambarangay

59. Billie was caught shoplifting, a petty theft, in a 7/11 convenient store. What court has a jurisdiction over the

60. Which level of the local government must provide adequate communication and transportation facilities.
A. Province
B. Barangay
C. City
D. Municipality


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