Narnia New Story

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My addition to the Narnia stories.

The main character is Mizarelle (unless I can think of a better name

Mizarian?], the son the usurper Miraz, whose birth precipitated Caspian’s
flight from Miraz’s castle.

It is some ten years later, There is a Red Lady of the Western Pass who
turns out to be Pruniprismia widow of Miraz, her son lives fostered out
incognito with vague old seneschal, a behind-the-times Telmarine. Queen
P forbids talk with beasts, and wrongly believes Peter killed Miraz. Cedric
a sort of cousin, tries to set her straight. Lal, a student comes to Narnia via
Professor Kirk, Lal is corrupted by Green Lady or one of the White
Witches associates “the same crew’.
Country Telmarines remember M as a babby, are loyal to Caspian VIII
who was not a suppressor of Old Narnia. Lal founded Calormen but makes
the mistake of bringing too much family—wicked uncle was first Tisroc
Lal is progenitor of Aravis. Famine in Telmar: this was a rehearsal for the
100 year winter by W. Witch. Green Lady remembers this, was its agent.
Evil Old Narnians conjure Jadis, know about other witches. There is a
trade route in the west between Calormen Telmar and the North. The
Pass is on or near it.

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