Code Case Study Questions

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Case Study: Municipal Library

Question #1

What is the allowable buildable area on the site? square feet

Case Study: Municipal Library
Question #2

The municipality will be making designated Library spaces available in the 2nd Street Parking Deck.
Based on the net square footage in the program, what is the total number of designated off-site
parking spaces that are required?

required off-site parking spaces

Case Study: Municipal Library
Question #3

Based on the provided program, choose (1) primary Use/Occupancy designation and (2) accessory
Use/Occupancy designations for the Library from the lists provided.

Primary Use/Occupancy (choose 1)


Accessory Use/Occupancy (choose 2)

Case Study: Municipal Library
Question #4

The architect has determined that the building will be primarily Assembly use group A-3 and has
developed a preliminary design for a 2-story building, classified as construction Type IIB. Assume
that you may only utilize height/area/story increases due to inclusion of a sprinkler, and a maximum
allowable site building area of 47,600.

Does this construction type designation work for the two-story preliminary design scheme?

Case Study: Municipal Library
Question #5

Based on the following parameters, determine the total occupant load for the Library. Round partial
numbers up to the next largest whole number.

Occupancy Type Square Footage

Unconcentrated Assembly 11,500 SF net

Business Administration 7,000 SF gross
Accessory Storage Areas 7,000 SF gross
Stack Area 36,000 gross
Reading Rooms 11,500 net

total occupant load for the library

Case Study: Municipal Library
Question #6

Based on an occupancy of 1500 individuals and Assembly group A-3, fill out the table below regard-
ing plumbing fixture counts. Assume 50% male and 50% female and round fractions up to the next
largest whole number.

Required Male Water Closets

Required Male Lavatories

Required Female Water Closets

Required Female Lavatories

Case Study: Municipal Library
Question #7

The architect has determined that the Library will be classified as construction type IIA. Given this construction type and the overall
Assembly use, identify the minimum required fire-resistance ratings for the typical building element details shown below.

Typical Primary Structural Frame Enclosure Typical Floor/Ceiling Assembly

hour fire-resistance rating hour fire-resistance rating

Case Study: Municipal Library
Question #8

The architect’s design calls for separated occupancies between a 2,000 SF Group S-1 storage area
(Book Storage Room 102) and an A-3 Assembly Group study lounge, (room 103).

What rating is required for fire barrier between these two spaces, shown below as partition type 6B?

hour fire-resistance rating

Case Study: Municipal Library
Question #9

The architect has developed a Library design that calls for construction Type IIA with nonbearing exterior walls. Given the primary
Assembly use, and the fire separation distances noted below for the four facades, enter the required fire-resistance rating for each
exterior wall.

Required Fire-resistance
Fire Separation Rating for Exterior
Facade Distance (feet) Nonbearing Wall

North 4 HR

East 20 HR

South 8 HR

West 35 HR
Discrete Questions
Question #10

For each of the following, select the appropriate Construction Type(s):

Choose (2) Construction Types which are considered noncombustible,

allowing for bigger buildings but more restrictions on usage of materials:
Type I
Type II
Type III
Type IV
Type V

The Construction Type which consists of noncombustible exterior walls

and interior building elements of any material allowed by the code is:
Type I
Type II
Type III
Type IV
Type V
Discrete Questions
Question #11

Shown are two plan details for a typical column in the primary structural frame of an office building.
Click on the detail that would be appropriate for a building classified as Construction Type IIB.

(1) (2)


Discrete Questions
Question #12

Below is a floor plan for the 2nd floor of a multistory building. The occupant load for this floor is 425
and there are two fire-rated egress stairs. Click the stair which has the doors swinging in the correct
Discrete Questions
Question #13

Below is a list of typical regulatory instruments which control and influence the practice of architec-
ture and the construction of buildings. These regulations are typically adopted and administered at
either the national, state, or local level.

Drag each regulatory element from the list on the left to the appropriate governmental level. Use
each one time only.

Architectural Licensure

Americans with Disabilities Act

Zoning Ordinance

Building Code

Master Plan STATE

Historical Overlays

Fair Housing Act



Discrete Questions
Question #14

Below is a partial floor plan for an unsprinklered, Business Group B office building.
What is the maximum length of the dead end corridor indicated?

Discrete Questions
Question #15

Below is a partial floor plan for an unsprinklered, Business Group B building. Conference Room 200
is required to have (2) means of egress because the occupant load exceeds occupants.
Discrete Questions
Question #16

The diagram below illustrates the required clear floor space for an individual with a disability, per ICC
A117.1-2009. Fill in the minimum required length and width of the clear floor space where indicated.

inches, min.

inches, min.
Discrete Questions
Question #17

Click on the diagram below which represents the required clearances for a standard front approach
from the pull side of a swing door, per the accessibility code ICC A117.1.

(A) (B) (C)

Discrete Questions
Question #18

The stair shown in the diagram below currently serves an occupant load of 78 individuals in a non-sprinklered
office building. The owner is planning to renovate the building, adding more workstations. The owner would
like to avoid the cost of modifying the stair, and would like to know the maximum number of people that the
stair can serve in its current configuration.

Based on the existing clear width indicated, the maximum number of occupants that this stair can serve is:
Given the life safety questions, round any partial numbers down to the nearest whole number.
Discrete Questions
Question #19

Drag the labels to their appropriate locations on the floor plan. Use each label only once.

Exit Common Path of Travel

Exit Access Exit Access Travel Distance
Exit Discharge

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