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Reading and Use of English ce ao The bookshop and the tweet ‘Alocal bookshop, which failed to sella single bookin a day for the first ‘ume in ts 100-year history, has been ‘completely overwnelmed’ with ‘orders after its Twitter post went viral, Robert Sansom, who has worked at the Petersfield Bookshop in Hampshire for 13 years, posted a tweet about theirstow day, saying, Nota single book sold today. £0.00: The shop assistant shared a link to the store's website and begged its customers to take advantage of the bookshop's 25 percent discounts. ‘The message was retweeted by thousands of book lovers, Including science-fiction author Neil Gaiman, who shared the post with his 2.8 million followers. Following Neils tweet, messages came in from ‘around the world accompanied, in many cases, by an order request. The ‘bookshop’ social media account gained 1,100 new followers in just 15 hours, and attracted over £1,000 worth of online orders. Robert, who runs the shop's social media account, said: ‘Somebody we have a connection with atthe bookshop has a vague connection with Neil Gaiman, and sent 16 itto him, and then everything started. ‘Icouldn't believe it! said Robert. it's been a real ‘kindness of strangers! story. The numberof lkes and retweets started going up right before my lees it was as iit was animated. | had messages and one order request after another coming in from allover the world, and eventually |had to stop replying to messages at two o'clock this morning’ Ina further tweet the next day, he described how aman who'd spent his whole life in Botoecfild came intathe chor fr the first time ever after a fiend in California, USA suggested he do so right away. "None ofthe staff could remember a single day when they hadn't sold a book before. Robart said: We're urod to having clow days, ozpecially in January and February, which are always notoriously bad. But yesterday was very strange. It was very stormy, so most people were staying in. He went on: We had a few come in and browse. but nobody was really in the buying mood. it got to about an hour before closing time and we realised we hadnt taken a single penny all da. Even so, they weren't too concerned, Naturally, they would have preferred to make a sale, but essentially their attitude was these things happen. Figures released recently by the Booksellers Association indicate that the number of independent bookshops in the UK and Ireland has arown steadily over the ast three years, from 868 to 890. Ata time when so many famousnames are disappearing from the high street, it would seem that 48 bookshops are bucking the trend. Petersfield Managing Director John Westwood sai: believe inthis industry, but online ordering has hit us hard. I've had to sell my flat to keep the storein business, and most evenings sleep on a camp bed in the shop. We have lots of big plans for the future, on how to expand and ‘grow, we just need to get there first! Westwood added that the response has been ‘overwhelming, astonishing; very emotional experience. everyone has been so supportive, he said, ‘Books are special things {and nothing beats going into a bookstore. Seeing them, touching them, smelling them —itisa special place’ 1 Why did Sansom send the tweet about the bookshop? ‘A to tell customers how long ago the shop wos founded B tolet customers know that they are unable to take any more orders € to encourage people to purchace books at reduced prices toshow that nowadays most people buy books online 2 What does ‘inline 16 refer to? A anorder fora book B the bookshop's social media account © amessage froman author D atweet from Sansom 3. What does Sansom say about Gaiman retweeting his message? ‘A He had difficulty coping with the massive international response toit. B He wasamazed that a customer came all the way from the US after reading it. € He was surprised to see an online animation of what had happened on social medi D He noticed that it only created interestin the bookshop abroad, 4 What was the staff's reaction to the day without any sales? ‘A They were angry with people who treated the shop like a library. They were disappointed but they accepted the situation. € They weren't bothered because they had expected D They were surprised because sales, «generally had improved. 5. What does ‘bucking’ mean inline 38? ‘A working out B going against € keeping up with D turing down 6 How does Westwood describe his feelings in the final paragraph? A amazed to realise he’s just asmall part of a huge community B confident the bookshop's new owners will makeit successful again © worried that the number of book readers is declining so quickly D sad that the bookshop may soon have to, ee Science and technology vocabulary Il Test your knowledge of science and technology by ling in the gaps with these words. a Et Science and Technology Quiz of electricity, which led or tne tight bulb, vasa scientific knowledge. cheesey at sear et and how they react or combine with each other. RECENE greatly improved. screens, such as 3-D. .n FF have led to Steam is a ind copper is a... _is the smallest unit that can be divided into, and is the smallest unit ofa plant or animal. 7) Technology has many branches, for example, biotechnology... Physics is the study of matter and and their effect on one another. ED DDuisten to check your answers to the quiz. ED How important do you tinkit for young people to beinterested in scence and technology? Why? Quick steps to Port 2 + When the answers a number, take care with other numbers you may heer that dor enswer the question. + Use figures in your answers, for example 40 instead of forty. +For each question, the speaker will sy something that indicates the answer is coming soon. Ei tticoasiortaracngnice numbers you hear if you are familiar with their pronunciation. How are these numbers pronounced? El took at questions 1-10 in the exam task. Which focus on numbers? What kind of rumberisit in each case? Ti DD icten and do the exam task. You will heara film industry journalist called Ariana Torres tal about the use of computer technology in films. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. Aiana's first memory of CGlisof seeing| 7 ina film when she wasa child. Inearly| BI] Ariana was particularly impressed by the use of CGlin a film for the first time. ‘Ariana particulary likes the way CGIhas made 3 ]t0 the action more spectacular. Ariana wonders whether making actors look much 4 Jis really about saving money. Ariana supports the use of CG to| Blatiim without the original actor Ariana believes filmmakers should always get the G Jif they want to bring back actors using oo (One famous actor banned any commercial use of their image for 7 Jafter theirdeath. ‘To develop young actors’ careers, Ariana suggests creating B J for films. Ariana accuses come filmmakers of nat naying enough attentian to 9 ]decause of CGI Ariana praises CGI for bringing her favourite TO] w Ure sureen. ety bled IE Undertine the passive verbs in this extract Le asin recording in Listening, and complete the rule below. ‘Their every emotion and facial expression is generated by computer and this cannot be described as authentic. The passive uses a form of the ver o lowed by the @ Rewrite these sentences in the passive. Then match them with uses of the passive a 1. Someone has taken my laptop! 2 Finally, you add hot water. 3 You must wear a helmet on the construction site. 4 Avery young boy won this year’ literature competition. 5 People say that electricity is the most Important invention, a polite rules and requests b what people in general believe, expect,etc. ¢ when we don't know who did something d ifthe object is more important than the subject describing a process O Which ofthese sentences written by ‘kam candidates contain mistakes? Corect themistakes. 11 When was in primary school, lused tobe teaching Engh everyday 2 Theintemethasinventedin the 20th century. 3 Thework abe done right now to Improve thesystem, 4 Theirvsion i saidto have improved itl 5 Youwillbe ask to help with the new projec. 6 The room wasnt ready when we arived because it was being cleaning. 7 ‘tis thought tat smn improves your mood 8 Electricity had invented many years before then. Il Replace the undertined active verbs with passive forms. Use by only where necessary. When (0 you warm a meal pina microwave oven, (2) the food absorbs radio waves, and these are converted into heat. While (3) itis cooking the meal, only the food gets hot.So when (4) ithasheated the food up, the dish, glass cr plastic container wil still be relatively cool, as (5) these materials will not have absorbed the radio waves. This means that (6) we can describe microwavina as quite an efficient use of electricity. Although (7) we often think ofthe microwave asa fitly ‘modern appliance, in fact (8) someone invented it back in 1945. The first microwaves were huge, nearly two metreshigh, but (9) restaurants were already using them in the 1950s. Within 20 years ‘manufacturers were producing much smaller models, and by 1975 (10) they had sold over a milion in the USA alone. El Which of these do you thinks the most useful household appliance? Without saying which, use passive verbs to tell your partner about it and see if they can guess. Say where and when you think it was invented, how its used, and how you think its job will be done in the future. IZ) Use passive verbs to complete the second sentence so thatit means the same as the first sentence. There's no need to use by. 1 Scientists believe there is water on that distant planet. nig beleved thet ster on that distant planet, 2 We hope there will be an update soon. i 3 The students know the testis difficult The test 4 We think the company has made great progress in waste management. ‘The company 5 Nowadays, peonle expect cafés and restaurants to have wi-fi Nowadays, cafés and restaurants 6 There ae reports that the new network wile ten times faster than the old one. Ie EF Workin pairs. think about recent news stories and tll your partner about three things that are said to have happened. Give ‘more information, using Itis reported that. un «AO neo a Tl Complete the rules with the, no article and a/ an. 1 Weuse......with singular countable nouns ‘mentioned for the first time, with people's jobs and some expressions with numbers. 2 We use......when we mention something again or itis common knowledge, when there is only one of something. with superlatives, inventions, types of animal, ‘musical instruments, and certain groups of people, ¢.g. the young, the unemployed. 3 Weuse........when we talk in general and in the plural, with abstract nouns, or with sports, certain illnesses and some expressions following to, such as work, bed and school. Eh © correct the mistakes in these sentences written by exam candidates. 1 Some people think internet is the most important modern invention. 2 | still haven't recovered from alu. 3 enjoy reading about royal family. 4 think cycling is best way to get there. 5 There was ten per cent decreasein sales last year 6 I wanted to tell you, Ive found the really Useful new app. 7 am better at playing the violin than playing piano. 8 |amaccountant in Japan. [EI2 Fi in the gaps witha, an or the, or leave the gap blank if no article can be used. ‘Then listen to students Hannah and Anton to check your answers. Hannabi For me, by far (1).......most interesting subject when | wasat (2). school was (3)... Physics. | particularly remember a lesson about the invention of (4) oo 201 BACK IM (5) noe 18K century. | think that was when I decided wanted to be (6) Anton: remember (7) I really enjoyed Was ()....n.Music.l was quite 00d at (9)....plano and my ambition then was to become (10) professional ‘musician | certainly had plenty of (11) enthusiasm, but | also needed (12) patience, which at that age | didn't have at al By ote atl] Ey Quick steps to Pari 4 Think of atleast two points to make in reply to each of the ‘examiner'squestions. +f you don't know any facts about the topic, give your opinion. + Encourage the other candidate Lo say more, Ask questions ike What's your opinion? 1) SE) cistento Hannah and Anton practising Part 4. How man practising y points do they each make? Then listen again. Which of these expressions do they use to add more points? EI nppairs, ask and answer this Part 4 question: Many people believe everyone should study science at school. What do you think? Add some of these points to your own ideas, and introduce them with expressions from Exercise 4. In groups of three, choose four af these questions and think of as many ideas as you can for each. ‘+ How wellis science taught at school? + Do you think it true that anyone can be good at science ifthey study hard? Why? / Why not? ‘+ Which branches of science would you like to study? Why? + What kinds of ob in science sound interesting? Why? ‘+ What was the most important invention last century? + Do you think that time travel would be a good thing or a bad thing? Why? El Work as an ‘examiner’ and two candidates” The examiner asks the candidates the questions chosen in Exerese 6. The candidates discuss the answers together as fully as they can. The examiner then comments on how well they have done. Reading and Use of English Collocations [Match the verbs in box A with the nouns in box® to form colloeatione. ‘ ESSE ED choose the correct word (A, B, Cor D). Which word(s) in the sentence does each form a collocation with? 1 Sometimes Lana's voice is very... struggle to hearer. B faint R pale © dull andl 1 faded 2 Your computers very slow; you might need to close some of the A bookmarks & haraware © networks D applications 3 When everyone has finished, | will the answers on the screen, A display B extend C present D spread 4 myec yon an ustoll Ure wus hadn't saved. ‘A collapsed B crashed. C scratched D folded 5 Eleven twenty-four is two hundred and sixty-four. ‘A plus B for € times D from 6 Theproblem was caused by a of poor communication and human orror. ‘A connection B composition € combination D conjunction 7 1m going to ask the IT department to look at my ‘computer as Ithink there's a A insect B worm € pest D bug Quick steps to Port 1 = Prepare by noting collocation c.g. selentifie discovery, in your vocabulary notebook. + Look for collocations formed by words before or after the gap. Which animale hibernate in wintor? Quickly road the toxt.. How does it answer the question in the title? IE The example answer forms a collocation with sense. Underline words that may collocate with gaps 1-8. Then do the exam task. For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, Cor D) beet fit each gap. There ie an example at the beginning (0). Example:0A do B be € make D have Is human hibernation possible? ‘As winter's our least favourite season, maybe it would (0)......sense just to sleep through it? Many animal (oer including bears, bats and squirrels, doit, so why not humans? The problem is that human body temperature varies only a few degrees around 37 °C, for instance, when someone has (2)... Fever, and any bigger change can put thei life in serious (3)... However, cooling is increasingly being used in hospitals, especially when (4).......major injuries, and these techniques may eventually be extended to other uses. Itwould certainly make travel into (8).......-space more practical by (6).......feducing the amount of food astronauts would have to take with them. One crew (7). would stay awake while the others hibernated during much of the journey. Better (8)......., we might one day simply take apillon Earth and then wake up ona distant planet, but that day is probably along way off. TAbreeds —B species C tribes kinds 2 A deep strong C heavy high 3A risk Bodanger C threat = D harm 4 A treating — healing curing D mending 5 Alonger Bwider —€ outer D further 6 Ahighly —Bextremely € largely greatly 7 A member B agent Colleague employee 8 Aeven B stil 50 D than untr «a Reason and result links Tl complete the sentences with these words. Which expressions are quite formal? | account because consequently owing reason result since therefore view why. 1 Asa of theincreasing demand, several new factories were opened. 2 Electriccars produce fewer greenhouse gases, thatis they ae better for the environment. 3 Itwould take years to reach even the nearest stars, to their huge distance from Earth, 4 Itmay be difficult to access certain programs on. of a bug in the computer. 5 Nowadays, mobile phones have very sophisticated cameras. _ mast people do not conn a traditional camera 6 Many people have to travel for work. For this many companies provide their employees with laptops. 7 ‘the technology is so new, we don’t yet know how it will be used. 8 In of the fact that there are more forms of communication nowadays, you might expect it tobe easier, Unfortunately, this isnot always the case. 9 The cost of some electronic goods has gone up, ofincreases in taxes 10 Many people use their mobile device to navigate, very few people know how to readamap, aaa EE Read the model article and answer these questions. SIH 1 Is the stvle very formal or very informal - or somewherein between? Give some examples Look atthe exam task and answer these 2 Which paragraphs describe the good things? Which auestions. ‘mention problems and suaaest improvements? 1 Who wil ead your article? 3 How are readers encouraged to start and continue reading? 2 Why should you write it? What are they asked to think about at the end? 4 Find the following: reason or result links 3 lnc oxpesions a € pasiveverb forms You see this announcement in an international rooatne 3 What two things do you have to do? What is the most important piece of technology you have? Write us an article about it. saying why it {is so important to you and how it could be improved. The writer of the best article will win a prize, White your article in 140-190 words. Lost without my laptop | couldn't imagine a world without laptops. | use mine at home every day and it’s also my main link to the outside world. And since it's so smal it goes ‘everywhere with me, ‘As an engineering student | need to do lots of research. As a result, spend hours online searching for information, and later I key in my assignments, ‘Athough I stay in most evenings, I'm never lonely because of all the ways | can keep in touch with ‘ends: email, nstant messaging, Skype and FaceDook. ‘Without my taptop, my life would crash, ‘Wonderful thouoh laptons are. technology moves on ‘and that is why they could be even better. For instance, they can't always be connected to mains electricity, nd for that reason more powerful battorie are needed. Looking further ahead, perhaps one day we'll be interacting with our laptops just by thinking, rather than ‘through a keyboard, touchpad or mouse. Then we could store our thoughts, analyse them or even send them to ‘other people. Eid Think about these questions to get some ideas for your article. Dink staes to Port Zante 11 Which piece of technology do you know something about? «Write in an entertaining way that will hold 2. What wilinterest your readers about this topic? your readers’ interest, using some lively 3 Have you had any interesting experiences with this technology? expressions. 4 How might this technology change in the future? + Give reasons for your opinion, and possibly also examples. Y bxam tip + Use linking expressions, such as an account eadinvee se Prepare fortis taskby reading articles in Englishin magazines + Get readers to think about what you have one: written by making the ending interesting. ED write vour article. When vou have finished, check vour work as in Unit’ Writing Exercise 5 on page 13. Breaking news BB Discuss these questions. Gian 1 viatisa social mediinfuencer 2 Which famous ones have you heard of? How did they ‘You are going to read a magazine article about someone becofie popular How de they interact wih thelr ‘who used to be a social media influencer. For questions iecote nll ow ao ty ames Tie house om the secon AD) The ocho ny be chocen mora than ones. 3 What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous on social media? inihichisecciendeat che irks miemiod wishing she had made a change sooner. i fa feeling unable to resist the pressure to buy something, 2 ead the exam task instructions, ang took atthe atte Big bends longer titi ifiuencass, 3 and layout ofthe text. Answer these questions. people being able to identy with their 1 What isthe opie favourite infivencers. d 2 How many people are mere? the need tw evold betny (oo serstve > 3 Is there one long text or a number of shorter, the competition among influencers separate texts? becoming tougher é being delighted by a statistic 7 Quick steps to Part 7 the need to consider the possible effects of products on cancers a FTSGEIS We parle et xref merece SamiiiiiecFNiakiy becoming an es ie duets aot ne ae os influenceris an easy way to make money. 3 +Be careful wth auestions thatsay the same as he text hcl a atael eal latacaelcs butare about someone else in adifferent section. es by companies. 10 + As you go through the questions, cross out those you have already answered so that vou dont keen looking at allofthem, °% Exam tip Make sure vou have answered all the auestions, and Underuine me key words in questions |~10. Then do the exam task looking far parts ofthe text that that any alterations you have made are lear. Remember ‘express the same ideas as those words. thatin the exam you willneed to rub out any answers youwant to change. Fi tvs oad [A Eight years ago | became an infuencer, helping to shape people's attitudes via social media platforms including YouTube and the then relatively ‘new app Instagram. | gave honest reviews of products | felt people might be interested in buying and the number of my followere eteadily grew. When | realised I had my first 10,000 followers | was ‘over the moon. They shared the same thoughts and feelings | was having, and it led to people like ‘me building enormous, loyal followings as social ‘media boomed. We were ‘the new stars of web advertising’. Big business was quick to spot our ‘marketing potential, and soon we were receiving free samples and fees in return for promoting their products. That was not something I'd foreseen, but it was certainly welcome. Many people have since said they wish they'd got into influencing back in those early days. Find words or phrases in the text that mean the following: 1 very pleased about something (A) 2 quickly became successful (A) 3 notice (A) 4 expected to happen (A) 5 commonly believed but false idea ®) 6 able to make you believe that something is true orright (8) 7 helpful or useful (8) 8 nolonger trusting (C) 9 with good intentions (D) 0 10 make you feel unhappy or depressed (0) Reading and Use of English C with 2.4 billion users a month on Facebook, 1.8 billion (on YouTube and a billion on Instagram, the number of ‘consumers on social media is huge and the potential market {or influencers is, too. Even so, it gradually became smaller ‘as more and more people entered it, driving down the rates brande paid because many new influencers would work {for less money, or even nothing at all Eventually we found, ourselves working harder and harder for ever-decreasing returns. At around the same time, fake social media accounts started selling likes and followers, harming the reputation of influencers in general and uttimately leading to major organisations losing faith in us completely. At that point | ‘ought to have realised it was time to move on, but I stuck with it for another year before finally deciding I'd had enough. D bo miss it? Not realy. These days I'm working ful-time in marketing, eaing a decent salary in a large company. Followers sometimes get in touch to say they're missing me and | appreciate that, but | won't go back to influencing. However, ve jst seen aather worrying stats: apparent, atid of under-18s want to be YouTubers, compared to just over 10% wanting to be doctors or nurees. So, ft feahy dows spscll bi eos ot Leacire a lor infuencer with jst afew thousand folowers who you communicate with frequently about a particular brand, That's what interests the remaining companies most. Stay one step ahead of our compettors but don't spend too much on new clathes or designer furniture in an attempt to improve the look of your Fie secee eeeteree cement preat vam finally, report any abuse immediately but don't let negative but well-meaning comments get you down. El Lookt the reported speech below, then find the direct speechin thetext above, 1 She explained that eight years earier she'd become an Inuencer 2 She sai she'd given honest reviews of products. 3 She declared that at that time she was working full timein marketing, 4 She insted she wouldnt go backto influencing 5 She mentioned she'd just seen a rather worrying state TF) Would you lke tobe a social mediainfluencer? Say why orwhynot. Media vocabulary Which of these words and phrases do you associate wit! 2) television and radio, b) newspapers and magazines, ©) online media, d) all of ac? How many kinds of TV programme can you name? Which, ofthese do you often watch? Which do you never watch? Why? Examples: chs shows realty TV shows What do these TV people do? Which job would you most like to do? Why? Look at the exam task instructions. Answer these questions. 1 What kind of extract wl you hea? 2 Who willyou hea? 3 Whats the tkely topic? EI Look at the stem of questions 1-7 and for each one note down the kind of information you need to listen for, eg. opinion, activity. Then listen and do the exam task. Quick steps to Part 4 + Study the instructions, and thinkabout who and what you will hear. + Quickly read the stem of each question, underlining important words, and decide what kind of information you will need to listen for. You will hear radio interview with Max Davidson, an. expert on the role of social media in news reporting. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A,B or C). 1 Max works as A an author of books about the media, B aresearcher for politicians. € ajoumalist on a magazine. 2 Why did Max take an interest in the topic of fake news’? ‘A He had been the victim of a false report. B Somany people were talking about it. € Apolitician admitted to him that he had told Fes. 3. Max believes newspapers are less popular than they used to be because A reporters more often fil to tell the truth. B the press is now owned bya small number of individuals. € more people preferto seek the truth for themselves. ‘4 What, according to Max, causes the greatest anger online about TV news? A stories that may or may not be entirely true B the running order of the storiesin the programmes sstories that they choose to include or leave out 5. Max says tisa mistake to think that A almost everything that happens is now being recorded. B traditional media reporting is slower than that of social media. photos and video can be relied on to show reality. 6 Max is particularly critical of the techniques now used in AA filming news. B reporting comments. € news photography. 7 Max believes that in the future A twill be impossible to know which news is true and. which is false. B there will stil be a need for journalists. C all news information will be controlled by ‘governments. a Rewrite these sentences in the actual words used inthe recording n Listening. Then listen again to check your answers. 8 She said that morning she had with her there in the studio Max Davidson, who had taken a special interest in the role of social media. 'b He said he had done his undergraduate degree in journalism, « He said that as the mount of available data was increasing all the time, it wouldn't be easy. EB Lookat the verbs inthe sentencesin Exercise 1.How do these tenses change in reported speech? How have the words in bold in the reported speech changed in Exercise 1? Think of other words that change in the eame ways, Td Change the sentences to reported speech. In which sentence does the tense stay the same? 1 ‘Iwatched the match at my gitifriend’s house last. night, Joey said on Monday. 2 ‘don't want to play thie game now said Luigi 3 im leavingas soon as my sister gets here, Emma told meover the phone. 4 tue shuaye wanted te be on the chow, and next weak! will be said Paul 5 ‘Later this evening llbe meeting my favourite singer’ my sister said 6 ‘Id been working in entertainment ever since I left school, Julia told the presenter. El Change these questions from the recording in Listening into reported speech, Then answer the questions. Do you think the press are becoming less popular? What angers people most about it? 1 The interviewer asked Max. 2 He asked Max... How do we form reported questions? What do we add to reported yes/no questions? Check your answers in the Grammar reference on page 114. El complete the sentences with these reporting verbs. 1 Leena... SBE6515.... that we should watch TV. 2 Pete to lend me his copy of the DVD. 3 The mother. thelittle boy to say sorry. A acces for losing the tickets, BHO onnmnnnnnthat he was wrong. ut the reporting verbs from Exercise 6 into the correct ‘group, a,b, c,d or e. Some verbs can go into more than ‘one group. Then do the same with these verbs. Verbs followed by: Bos. HEF b object + 0: © “ing: d (that) + clause: © preposition + ing: Complete the second sentence so that it hasa similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Do hot change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 ‘Don't forget to do your homework, the teacher said tous. REMINDED The teacher 7 cour homework. "Would you like to come to the party, J?" said Rosa. INVITED. Rosa ‘come to the party. 3 ‘Iwon'thelp you if you are rude to me,’ my sister said tome. REFUSED. My sister if | wasrude to her. 4 ‘Idido’t eat the last cookie, James said when | ‘asked him. DENIED James. the last cookie. 5 ‘Let's take thebushome, said Martin as we left the office, SUGGESTED Martin home as we left the office, 6 ‘Idon’t think you should go there on your own, Lorna's mother said AGAINST Lorna's mother: there on her own. Keeping going HEE isten to student Carlota comparing photos Aand8 and saying EM EI) isten again. which how the people might feel. Which ot points 1-8 does she mention? expressions does Carlota use to add points? 1 what's happening 5 theirages 2 where it'shappening 6 their clothes 3 how the people feel 7 their hairstyles 4 why they feel lke that 8 people in the background ilarities and differences as you can. El Workin groups. Look at photos Cand D, and note down as many 3 Work in pairs. Take it in turns to discuss photos C and D. Compare the photos and say how the people might feel. When your partner has finished, tell them how long they were speaking. lil a Ea uick steps to Por 2 + Don't talk for less than a minute, El Look atthe instructions for exam taeks 1 and 2. What You can't get good marks ifyous does each candidate have to do? Make alist ofp don't say enough, youcan indude when you speak. + Remember thatin the exam you will see the question written above [Gd Inpairs, do the exam tasks. Add as many points as you ase Eee ‘can to make sure you keep talking for a full minute, G@ Exam task 1 In this part ofthe test, 'm going to give each of you two photographs. Id like youto talk about your photographs on your own for about aminute, and also to answer a question about your partner's photographs. Candidate A, i's your turn fist. Look at photographs 1 and 2. They show people protesting. '¢like you to compare the photographs, and say why you think the people have decided to do this. Candidate 8, which of these kinds of news story interest you? Why? G Exam task 2 Candidate B, look at photographs 3 and 4. They show people watching public events. 'd like you to ‘compare the photographs, and say how you think the people watching these events feel. Candidate A, do you ever watch public events like these? Why? / Why not? Ed change roles and repent exam tasks 1 and2. . W Exam ti Hl did you both talk for a full minute? Discuss this with your partner. Imagine you are describing the similarities and differences in the Photos to somebody who can't See them Reading and Use of English Th ont at the undertined nouncin these extracts from the recording in Speaking. Answer these questions. a another kind of entertainment another atference is the professional photographers are mostly middle-aged men € the explanation is that they are working @ they nave nappy expressions on their faces. € theirappearance is different 1 What ver ‘each noun formed from? 2 What suffix does each noun have? 3 Are there any other spelling changes? Form nouns from these verbs and write them in groups a-e, Which require extra spelling changes? Use suffixes to correct the mistakes in these sentences written by exam candidates. 11 He didn’t come to work for a week and didn't give ‘an explain 2 | saw the advertisefor the job online. 3 They ae just suggests, but Ithink they willhelp you. 4 Youcan do the course if you meet the requires. 5 Asan employee | was expecting to get a reduce in the price, 6 | think we need to work together on the solves. Complete the sentences with these nouns. Which verb or adjective each noun is formed from. 1 Viewers have a.....CiWIG¢.....between a variety of streaming services. (eb. l1282 a.) 2 Wiha he staal or the. makes airconditioning necessary. (adjective: ) 3 The files crew used @ drone tu fil fuxtt a (of 200 metres. (adjective: ) 4 Theducurnentary b ebuut peuple in prisun, but there is no that they did the crimes. (verb: ee) 5 They fkwed the fists ot a 166,000 metres. adjective’ c..cseenee) Quick steps to Port 3 + Note words with prefixes and/or suffixes you see when ‘you are reading in English. “When you look up a new word, note any prefixes and/or suffixes you can add and how these affect ts meaning, ED Quickly read the text. Decide how the writer answers the question in the title Then do the exam task. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in ‘pitalsat the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in ER Sencha hae aaa ena Example:0 APPEARANCE 1 as on mong TSI) “Has streaming replaced live 1V? Before the (0) oss Of Streaming, APPEAR ordinary (1)...... -ou there was little ‘VIEW alternative to whatever programmes the TV channele decided to chow, normally with breaks for (2) atregular — COMMERCE intervals, Nowadaye, wo have afar widor 8) Cf films and series, as CHOOSE Streaming gives Us the ().....0.00000t0 FLEXIBLE watch what we want, when we want. The streaming providers also make it easy for Lustofind movies and shows we may lke bby studying all our (6) and PREFER watching history, and then creating lists of personalised (6) ....0.m.-fOF Us. RECOMMEND. But live TV all ae ite advantager. For instance, you can usually ind a particular show on one channel or another, but it might not be (7) fon yaurcountrys ACCESS streaming service, orbe unavailable because ‘one of ts (8). ‘ownsthe rights. COMPETE ‘Se telovicion i Hhaly to be around for quite some time yet. Til complete the undestined expressions with these words and phrases. 1 This report makes the that local residents should receive free theatre 1ickers 2 Monn , Ibelieve that anew theatre will bring more advantages than disadvantages to the town, 3 Thenext vil be ro ask residents what thet preference would be. 4 To up itis clear that leisure facilities reed more invesunert. 5 Akey is the limited number of experienced employees. © Asurvey was. which showed that many people disapproved ofthe project. 7 The ofthis report isto describe the plans for developing wurtsi in uie town, EEA Lookat the exam taskand answer these questions. 1 Who is your report for? 2 Why do you need to write it? 3 What information should you give? 4 What question do you have to answer? ‘A aroun of Enalish-speakina people are plannina to visit yourtown next winter. You have been asked to write a report about the television and radio there, and say which kinds of programme you think the aroup might enjoy watching and listening to. Write your report in 140-190 words. ED Read the model report and answer these questions. 1. How many paragraphs does the writer use? 2 Do thettitle and the headings tell the reader what to expect? 2 le the roport written in formal, anoutral or an informal style? 4 What recommendation(s) does the writer make? 5 Find oxamplar of the following 2a expressions similar to those in Exercise 1 b inking expressions ¢ reported speech The media for visitors Introduction ‘The aim of thie roport ie to inform viitore about the modia hore, and to suggest which types of programme may appeal to them. What's on television There ae 24 varies, all of which show a varety of ‘programmes ranging ftom sports and soaps to quiz shows and chat shows. They can be streamed with wif. In addtion, channele euch ae CNN and the BBC are available via cablo TV, What's on the radio There isa wide range of radio stations offering music, drama, umediea, spurts wunnentares, ewe bulls arn weal forecasts. All are avalable on your phone via free apps. Programmes of interest ‘Many tourists nave said they enjoyed the sports, nature and ans programmes on TV, while most films and drama series can be Watched in English by changing the language in the television menu. Radio, to, has alot to offer, and strongly recommend the wonderful 24-hour music stations. Conclusion To Sum up, there Is plemy to enjoy on TV and radio nere, even if you do not understand our language. And listening to it isan excellent way tolearnit. Quick steps to Pari 2 report + Decide what your readers will want to know. + Make notes on any facts you know about the subject and ‘ony personal eperienee you may have. «Think of a good ttle that tells readers about the content. + Plan your report, including recommendations and suggestions at ornear the end. +In your frst paragraph, say what the aim of your reports. + Write in an appropriate style for your readers. EJ Get ideas for your report by thinking about these auestions. 11 What do you know about your national TV and radio? 2 Iswifiwidely available? ronnes dy you enjuy? i of programme might your visitors enjoy? ED Write your report. When you have finished, check your work sen Unit 1 Wrking Exorcica §on page 12. wo 10 Shopping around Clothing and shopping vocabulary I Find pairs of adjectives with opposite meanings used to describe clothes, Examples: v/s)? ~ dar El Which ofthe adjactivesin Fxorcse 1 form adverbs that can be used with dressedin phrases such as smarty dressed ora smartly dressed woman? 1 Describe the people and clothes in the photo. Ei) Make sure you understand the words in tales. Then discuss these questions, 1 Which celebrities do you think ear the most stylish outfits? 2 How fardo you think people's clothes reflect ther personales? 3 Do ou prefer comfortable Remsof.lothng, or fashionable ones? 4 How important to you sit that clothes have desgner bel? 5 What styles and colours clothes sut you best? 6 What do you lke to buy in the sales? EI For each sentence, explain the difference between the expressions in italics, Some are opposites, others are not. 1 Size 38 is currently out of stock, but we have a size 40 instock 2 Ifit's a bargain buy it, but it's poor value for money won't. 3 No, don't want to exchange the item. Please send me refund. 4 Aweekafter their new style of shirt was launched, it wos sold out. 5 Instead of buying brandnew clothes | now prefer pre-owned garments. 6 Customers are making fewer clathes purchases, sa the store must increase sales of other items. 7 Budget online stores offering low prices have made many high-street shops uncomperttive. 8 Consumers should take care if buying from dealers in second-hand goods. 9 The new line in jeans was so popular that shopkeepers soon ran out and asked their suppliers for more. 10 used to buy the latest fashions but now I like to wear vintage clothes from the 1990s. Quick steps to Part 6 + Look for ideas, opinions or events that develop through the main text. + Look forlanguage cues, such as reference words and plural and singular ‘nouns, before you decide on each answer. 1 uickty read the exam task instructions and the main text. In which order does the writer make these points about vintage clothes? a what Vintage’ bb famous brands reacting tothe trend € notalways high quality recently becoming popular € disadvantages of buying them linked to the rise of internet shopping [El Undertine the words and phrases in 8-G that may provide clues. A is done for you. Do the exam task, using the words you Be eer help you. [Ed Discuss the questions giving reasons. 1 Would you wear vintage clothes? 2 Which decade's fashions do you find most attractive? Reading and Use of English You are going to read an article about the rise in sales of fashionable second-hand clothes. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (1 sentence which you do not need to use. B83 YING WINTAGEICHOTHING HE} MOST EBOLUCIENL WAY YO SHUR by Bile Votkt Bramey ‘Asstudy shows that last year 64% of British women were willing to buy pre-owned pieces compared with 45% three years ago ~ and itis thought that bby 2028, 19% of the clothes in women's wardrobes are likely to be second-hand. Yet unti fairly recently, according to one: ‘online shop owner, people were still dismissive of used clothing. | 1 ‘And that, crucial, includes the massive shift to online buying that has rapidly brought it to a much wider audienot ‘Apart from an increased awareness of ssustainabilty, vintage fashion neatly fits into the wid of today's Instagram age. [So what better way to stand out from them than to wear clothes few others are likely to ow? Vintage sceptics who York has to offer’ says Gabriel Held, described by Vogue as ‘Instagram's ‘most celebrated vintage desler’. Pethaps unsurprisingly, however, ‘opening up the market with numerous ‘online shops has meant less quality ‘control. Held sees ‘a lot of very ordinary Used clothing being marketed as ‘vintage. Something doesn't have to be 20 years old to be considered vintage, but, for me, ifit’s not true vintage, then it should be something extraordinary.” 3__]For some, the latter means ‘any Fa Up 10 the early 60s, while others: ‘consider it to be clothing that is more ‘than 20 years old. Virginia Bates, whose Notting Hill vintage ctore attracted the likes of There ie one extra As consumers become increasingly aware of the environmental impact of fast fashion, they are looking for a ‘more sustainable way to shop. Could buying second-hand be the answer? ‘says: ‘With another generation coming Up, the 60s isthe equivalent of what | thought of as antique when | opened my shop.” Not content to sit back and watch ‘others profit from their vintage items, ‘some luxury labels are relaunching decades-old designs from their own past [5 |This was entirely due to the atteriionit was getting in the vintage fashion market. In February, Italian fashion house Fendi brought back its most famous one from the same era ~ luxury resale website Vestiaire Collective had seen @ 558% increase in its sales since January last year. Of course, for some, buying vintage wall never foe! quite right. “I's really not my may have been put off in the past by Naomi Campbell and Donatella Versace, thing, says Bates, There are obvious thoughts of searching through piles. _used to stock items from the end of the risks.[6 _] Also, sizing can vary from of oid clothes in bargain basements ‘18th century. Her definition of vintage country to country. ‘But at the end of ‘may be persuaded by the ability to buy runs ‘up to the 1920s, 90s, abit of 40s, the day it doesn't really matter: the most. conine. “The popularity of online vintage occasionally 50s.[ 4 _]I would never important thing is that is recycled ~it shops is great for those who don't have have sold anything made then because | encourages people not to go out and access to everything acity auch as New wasthere, |was wearing i’ But, as she buymore, ? [A This point about quality shows jut how diffcultitis to distinguish between second-hand and vintage. B For example, shoppers have to be careful look out forholes, moths and rips before buying an item. C I dor’t consider the decade which followed thatto be vintage. D Now, by contrast itis not just acceptable it’s cool and completely nie with current fashion ern ein [DD Find the aaverbs increasingly, crucial, rapidly, neaty and unsurprisingly in the first four paragraphs of the text. Notice their position in the sentence. Correct the mistakes with adverb position in these trends here Sentences mitten by exam candidates, me rack ts 1999 ae ee 1 Lenjoy the summer months mare because Ilike very F Other suchstores then announced that they, too, much doing sports outdoors. ‘would soon be stocking vintage items. G Thisis one where authenticity and originality — not being seen in the same outfit as anyone ‘else - are highly prized. I'm attending lessons because | want to speak well English Ihad read carefully the instructions will send very quickly an email to rearrange the meeting. I don’ like cars, so! have naturally bicycle. Hl EXE) complete the text with these words. Then listen to check your answers. Lalways try to get everything Ineed for the week down at the shops ‘and supermarket at the big shopping (1). ‘on the outskirts of town. At the supermarket, fill up my @) with my favourite tems of food, sometimes choosing a different (3) from the one! usually buy ifithappens to be (4). for instance, Buy 2 and get 1 free’ or'20% (5) “atthe (6) normally pay cash or by (7) ‘card rather than by credit card, as. | don’t want to get into (8). by spending more than I canatford, Sometimes | call in at one of the other shops to buy ‘something for the house, though for a big item | usually look it up in the online (9), first. | always checkit has @ good (10) noes Se anything goes wrong aftr ve bought Ed say what you think is happening in the Quick steps to Por! 3 photo, using words from Exercise 1. ‘Listen for ideas similar to those in sentences A-H, not fa just words or phrases. + Remember it isnt necessary to understand every word | thatall five speakers say. EW Look at the exam task. What will all the + Don't forget that three of sentences A-H aren’tneeded. people be talking about? TD EE) undertne the key words in sentences A-H and think of expressions with similar or ‘opposite meanings. Then listen and do the exam task. You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about shopping malls in their town. For questions 1-5 choose from thelist (A~H) what each speaker says about their local mall. Use the letters oniy once. There are three extraletters which you do not need touse. A | prefer to buy tems online at home and then cllact Speaker i themat the mall. otal 7 B I regret spending too much money while was there. € Lalwaysfindit eatyto park my car there Speaker3 3 D don't think there are enough places in public areas Speaker’ 4 to sit down, E ve noticed that the restaurants sometimes get too Speaker 5 crowded F like to have things! buy there sent to my house. 6 Ithinkit'sa good place for people who doit have © Exam tips much money to spend, H I think its popularity is declining because fewer people go out shopping these days. Tg See be [Ed Lookat these extracts from the recording in Listening and answer the questions. a |wish some people would park more sensibly. 'b I wish there were more benches. wish hadn't bought those luxury armchairs. 11 Which sentence expresses regret about the past? 2 Which sentence expresses a desire for change in the future, in this case something annoying that other people do? 3 Which sentence refers to a present situation we would like to be different? 4 In which sentence(s) could you use ifonly instead of wish? ED © correct the mistakes in these sentences written by exam candidates. 1 wish you were atthe party last Saturday. 2 We all wish scientists can finda vaccination. 3 | wish didn't buy white trainers; they're already dity. 4 Assoon as he started talking about politics, | wished | dida'tinvite him for dinner. 5 only! would have knowa you wereallergicto shelfish, | wouldn't have made ths dish, 6 I wish you came onthe trp; it won't be the same without you 7 wish you wil spend more time with me. 8 | wish have decided to wear a coat. Ed whet would you cay in theca eitustione? Write two sentences for each, using wish or ifonly. 1 You sawa shirt on offer on Friday, but when you went to buy ton Mendey Rhed gone, { wishI'd bought the shirt on Friday. Ifcnly I hadnt waited until Monday. 2 Youbought a jacket in shop, but then saw the some jacket onsale forlessin the market. 3 Yourein thesupermarket on a Saturday morning, but it's crowded and there are long queues. 4 The sales start tomorrow, but you don't feel very well won't be able to go. 5 Your brother keeps borrowing your things without asking you fist. . rey 0 x IZ Study these example sentences and answer the questions. a We're going to get the car cleaned. bb She had her dress made to measure. € Yesterday had my bike stolen. 1 When we use have or getlike this, do we do something ourselves? 2. Dowe use have or get when something unpleasant is doneto us? 3 What form ofthe verb do we use after have or get + noun (or pronoun’? ED complete the sentences with the correct form of have or getend these verbs, 1 Itwould have cost toomuch to. so we bought anew one. 2 Imtired of. my time ‘customers who don't really want to buy any! 31 my hair. iflcanget an appointment. 4 Iboughta vintage wedding dress. I must it before the wedding. 5 He has been complaining about hi his eyes: . 6 Sometimes | lke to order my dinner on the app and. it tomy house. , ion; he should, nhc laine, tate Bi vesiredncatee Example: /40ula have my se my assistant, edule managed ty UNIT 10 Ey Totals | Bh ED) complete the summary with these ‘expressions. Then listen to check your Tobring the conversation towards a conclusion, you can say (1), or). -»and to tryto reach a decision you can use expressions such as ° or (4) : Ifyou both decide on the same one or ones, say something like (5). or © , butf you can't reach a decision, just say to your partner ” or (8) Quick steps to Fart 3 + Tokeep the conversation going, say What about this one? or Let’s go.onto the next one to your partner. + Remember that you have a full minute to make a decicinn tngether Read the exam task instructions. How many things do you have to look ot? Whet two things do you have to do? ED Work in groups of three: one ‘examiner’ and two ‘candidates’. The examiner reads the instructions to the candidates, ‘then lets them talk for two minutes. ‘The candidates listen to the examiner's instructions, then have one minute to dothe task together. include some expressions from Exercise 1 at the end of your conversation. reas \'dlike you to talk about something together for about two minutes. Some people aay that online shopping is better than buying things in shopping centres and other people disagree. Here are some ideas and a {uestion for you to discuss. You now have some time to look at the task. Talk to each other about whether online shopping is better than buying things in shopping centres, how much choice there is Is online shopping better than buying things in shopping centres? how secure your how easy it isto paymentis return items Now youhave 2 minute to decide which two are the most important reasons for your decision. Quick steps to Port 4 + You can ask the examiner to repeat a question by saying, for example: ‘Sorry, Ididn’t catch that, or Could you repeat that, please? + Show interest in what the other candidate is saying, For example, nod, (or say Yes or Right. I stay in your groups for Speaking Part 4 and do the task. re. Ask buth conuidates Unvee ur four questions urn this is tes: Discuss the examiner's questions with your partner, thinking of as many ideas as you can for each and giving full answers. + Doyyou thinkit’s tue that online shopping has reduced shop sales? Why? / Why not? ‘+ Why is itimportant to compare prices before buying something? + Isitalwaysbetter to go shopping with someone else? Why? / Why not? + Do you think people too often buy things they don't really need? Why? / Why not? + Which are the most popular shops where you live? Why? + What do you most wish you could afford to buy? Why? + Some people say that we won't need shops any more because one day ‘welll buy everything online. What do you think? + Do you thinkit’s better to buy things in small shops than in big supermarkets and department stores? Why? / Why not? + Some people say it's never a good idea to borrow money in order to buy something, Do you agree? Why? / Why not? EF Change roles so thatthe examiner becomes acandidate, and repeat bxerdses 3-5. Reading and Use of English Phrasal verbs with out I Use the context to work out the meaning of each of the underlined phracal verbs. 1 Theyte my favourite jeans, even though they've got holes in | don’t want to throw them out! 2 Wellbe out ot petrot t we don't rind a garage soon. 3 I've been to three different supermarkets but they've all run out of pasta, 4 Uur catstays out at night, unless it's very cola 5 I don't want to ordera new phone online because | want to try it out first. 6 I don't often take out money from the bank because | use contactless. 7 Thesale is so popular that they will sell out of most Itemsin a few hours. 8 Very cheap clothes can often turn out to be poor quality oa Complete the sentences with the correct form of these. verbs + out. 1 When you're ill you ‘germs. 2 Isawa man fall off is bike outside my house, so! tohelp him, 3 If youmakea mistake, it and then writa the correct word, 4 | get realy angry when people. of agreements they have already made. 5 oft my koyin the house and new I'm 6 I'vejust been to the gym for the first time in weeks; now fm. Look at the exam task example and note down the ‘grammatical changes that have been made in the answer. Eh Look quick at questions 1-6 and decide what the Focus teach question Then dathe eam take Quick steps to Port 4 = Ifyou cant give the whole answer to 8 question, write as much as you can. You might get one mark. + Write only the missing words and the key word on your answer sheet, not the whole sentence. For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so thatit hasa similar meaning to the first sentence. using the word given. Bo not change the word given. Youmust use between two and five words, including the word given. Hereis an example (0): Example: 0 Ineed to get someone to take my photo today. HAVE Ineed to... HALE MY. PHOTO TAKEN 1 It’sa pity we don’t have any money left. RUN I wish we today. money, 2 I'mtired of that company sending me advertisements all the time, wish 1 send me advertisements all the time. 3 It'sa shame I didn't see that bargain in the sales. ‘ONLY i that bargain in the sales. 4 I shouldn't have put those vintage clothes in the bin, THROWN, wish | clothes. 5 It was areal shock when the bank blocked my credit card. HAD It was areal shock when | by the bank. 6 Ethan regrets not completing that financial deal BACKED Ethan wishes he. that financial deal. those vintage =

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