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one ee aaa Ey Lookat these extracts from the text in Reading and Use ‘of English on page 39 and complete the rules with the ‘words countable nouns and uncountable nouns. i thad alittle luck local firm took me on asa trainee te already received a few promotions ‘may use intuition and charm instead they build ots of relationships outside it an only child gets lote of parental attention 1 We can use aor an with sinaular......o-enoes WE ‘an use (afew, many or alot of ots of with them in the plural. 2 We can’t use a oF an With......nmand thereis no plural. We can use (a) itl, much ora lot / lots of with them, ‘Correct the mistakes in these sentences written 8 Ooi i 1 Loften use public transports, instead of driving, 2 I gocmany information about his issue from the internet. 3 havea big room, ina good location, but Idon't like the old furnitures. 4 Itwasa short phone call because | didn'thave many news to tell her. 3 Onmy course Ihave tw dua lot of practical works. 6 He asked if| could give hima few money. 7 Computer memories are small these days, so there isn't space (WinoLall@ lot uf flares, 8 [like to read or go for long walks when Ihave a spare time. 2 Unemployment are inreasing, because of automation. 10 | would ike to get a better job, but have very few texperierice, su lat Juin @ course par etn: EF Are these nouns usually countable or uncountable? Wite phracec with sie of thom Example: 3 Iie inoaledse Speaking Ey Bh DD vou are going to hear two very strong students, Julie and Max, doing Part 1. The frst ime you listen, tide the topics thatthe examiner asks them about. a home d social media b music and cinema € family © education and work leisure activition a Listen again. How do Julie and Max use these words and phrases? Which are countable, and which uncountable? Quick steps to Port 1 + Be confident and speak lowly envi for Ue ‘examiners and your partner to hear you. + Listen to the examiner and your partner speaking to each other. This will help you get used to their vores. BB Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions. 1 How well do you think you'll do in your next exams? 2 What are you going to do when you've finished your studies? 3 Do you think you'll use English alot in your job? Why? / Why not? A Whot kind of studies or work do you think you'll be doing in three years’ time? 5 What are you going to do when you next have some free time? El Tall your partner how woll you think they ancworad the questionsin Exercise 6. Be polite and give helpful advice. wer Reading and Use of English El Complete the sentences withthe corractform of the words in brackets, Use suffixes, and plural forms where necessary. 1 I'm studying to become a | think its fascinating subject. 2 I've started a new job in management andi! have a lot (biology) of (responsible) 3 We have introduced a new system to increase (produce), 4 Wealways ask the her main strengths ae. 5 For many young people, finding well-paid (employ) is difficult (employ) give their staff more (interview) what his or 6 Some holidays than others. 7 She gave me some really good. ‘andnow | have my dream job. 8 Some people say thereis too much (advertise) on television, 9 My parents are both. Quick steps to Part 3 + Ifthe missing word isa noun, decide whether i's countable or uncountable. fits countable, dees it need tobe plural? + Make sure that the word you have written makes sense inthe sentence asa whole. (advise), (politics) Ey Look at the exam tsk. Quickly read the title and the text without ing in'eny gape fr now. Does the writer Fecommend working in an office? Look at the example (0). Answer these questions. Then do the exam task. 1. What kind of word (noun, adjective, etc) is know? 2 What kind of word is needed for the gap? 3 What do you need toadd toit? 4 Is knowledge countable or uncountable? Does itneed a final For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitalsat the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Thereis an example at the beginning (0) aN oba stele] in an office ‘Why work in an office? To begin with, because you get support from bosses and colleagues, and you can acquire Useful () RUG from them too. Whether you're working in a ‘government department ora Wo enes€ompary, you also lean howto interact positively with fellow (2 For many people, one of the most @. effects ofthat is building friendships that can last a lifetime. OF course, office work has its disadvantages. Among any group of people working closely together 0 sometimes arise, TENSE and frequent (5) INTERRUPT by colleagues can make ithard to concentrate on work Abo, there isn't the (6) ‘of working from home, where you are often free to choose your own working hours. Overall, though, you'e likely tobe quite a bit more (7). ‘when you're working closely with others, and being part ofa team has an (8). major ‘ADDITION advantage: there's always someone ‘you can have lunch with. ‘COMMERCE EMPLOY BENEFIT PRODUCE Perle ead tod [Di Look at the exam task and answer these questions. 1 Which organisation placed the advertisement? 2. What kind of Job is dverdsed? 3 What does the work involve? 4 What three requirements are there? 5 Who must you write to, andin what style? {6 What must you aim to doin yourletter? You have enon thie aderticamant in an Englich-language newspaper. Eh Ree these etter. International Student Fair req! staff The International Student Fair helps people choose the nght college or university, and we are looking for assistants for this year's Fair. Duties will include giving directions and offering advice. '* Do you like helping people? ‘* Do you have experience of choosing a place of study? '* Are you willing to work evenings? If s0, apply to the organiser, Ms Evie Ross, ‘saying why you think you are euitable for the job. Write your letter of application in 140-190 words in an. appropriate style, Quick steps to Part 2 formal leter of application + Say why you're writing and where you saw the advertisement. “Make sure you deal with all the points in the ‘advertisement. + Vary the expressions you use. For example, instead of sing [can all the time, say ! believe Lam capable of. + Write in complete sentences, where possible using passive verb forms, formal inkers and longer words. | Don'tuse conversational expressions, abbreviations or ‘contracted forms, and try to avoid using phrasal verbs. phases ond sentences does the writer use to do these things? 1 begin and end the letter formally Example: Deas Ms Ross, vous sti 2 givea reason for writing 3 say how he heard about the job 4 answer each of the questions in the advertisement 5 askabout pay and conditions 6 7 8 9 describe any relevant experience say what he has sent with the letter offer to give the reader more information state availabilty for interview Dear Ms Ross, | would ike to apply fr the post of assistant at this year’s Intomational Studont Fair, ao advortood in the nowopoper on 2 January. |1am aged 19 and in my second year of a mechanical engineering ‘cures. Before deciding on City College, I ooked atthe advantages and disadvantages of many academic institutions, ‘and therefore feel capable of offering advice to young people ‘who are at that stage now. ‘The work sounds extremely interesting. Could you please tell ‘me how much | would be paid, and whether traning would be necessary? | would be available to work evenings as all my lectures are in the afternoons and consequently, | can study inthe morrings. | have always enjoyed assisting others and las year | worked as volunteer at a book fai. Detais of ths, plus personal detaiss including qualifications, are ‘shown in my curriculum vitae, which | enclose. It you need any further information, please do not hesiats to ‘contact me. | would be able to attend an interview any morring, Yours sincerely, Jonas Meyer El Plan your oum latter to Me Ross. Make nates abut how YoU will answer the three questions and how you will aie exactly Une Serie a> with green space —with some added benefits,’ says Dr ‘Mathew White, a senior lecturer at the University of Exeter and an environmental psychologist with BlueHeatth, a programme researching the health and well-being benefits Of blue space across 18 mostly European) countries. An extensive study on happiness in natural environments ~ to White's mind, ‘one oF the best ever" ~asked 20,000 57, smartphone users to record their sense of well-being and their immediate environment at random intervals. Marine and coastal regions were Found by some distance to be the happiest locations, with responses approximately six points higher than in a continuous urban environment, The researchers said it was similar to ‘the difference between attending an art exhibition and doing housework. ‘though living within 1 km of the coast - and to a lesser extent, within 5 km — has been associated with better ‘general and mental health, it seems that making frequent. Visits is Key. ‘We ind people who vst the coast, for example, at least twice weekly tend to experience better general and ‘mental health, says Or Lewis Eliott, also of the University or txeter and tieHeaitn, “Some oF our researcn suggests around two hours week is probably beneficial, across many parts of society’ Even sea views have been associated with better mental tre People work with what they have,’ says Kelly. When she ved in London, she would head for the River Thames when she nad a spare ten mutes ‘and think things over. nen, tour times a year, she would go to Brighton ‘and the benefits would keep me going for the next few months ~50| didn't {Get Into a place of being overwnelimed or sessed. She adds: ‘To go to the coast means taking it easy. It could be lying on a beach or somebody handing you a cool drink. For somebody els, it could be a wild, empty shoreline. But Urere is this really human sense of: Oh, look, there's the sea" - and the shoulders drop: wer ME [Dd Look at the introductory sentence and question inthe ‘example below. Underline the key words and answer thoco questions. 1 What'sthefocus,eg. 3 Where? ‘opinion, topic, purpose? 4 Why? 2 wnostaiking townom: 5 wnen? Exampl ‘You leat Ue fends tathiny abwul a spurting event Which sporting activity have they just watched? Acycing Bruning Cswimming Match options A-C in the example with photos 1-3, which show the three stages of a triathlon race, FD IED cisten ond choose the bestanswer (A, Dor C). Quick etope te Part | + Quickly read the firstline of each question. Decide what the situation is and how many speakers you will hear. + Before the recordings played, think of words connected with those in the question. For example: Why ...?~ because, s0, as, reason, result. +*You may hear words from all three options, but bbe careful in two cases, the speaker is saying something else. Once the recording finishes and you have chosen your answer, forget about that question and focus on the hnextone. i SX listen again. why is your answer correct? Why are the other two options wrong? Bh Lecketquestion underline the key words. Quest foryou. Then answer as many of the questions from Exercise 1 as you can, 1h Snow listen and do the exam task. You wil hear people talking in six different situations For Questions 1-6, crioose the best answer (A, & Or. 1 You heara woman talking on the phone about a hospital What does she say about it? AA She received excellent medical treatment there. B She can vista relative there whenever she wants. She has enjoyed working therefrom the start. 2. You heara man talking about a marathon he has just run. How does he feel now? {A dizappointed that the dctance he ran took him zo long B relieved that he was able to complete the race € embarrassed that he had to stop running 3 You hear two people taking about colds What do they agree about? ‘A how to avoid catching a cold B how to treat acold how long acold normally lasts @ You heara waman leaving a maccage far adactor’s receptionist What does she want to do? A make an appointment fora child B cancel an appointment € postpone an appointment for herself ‘5. You near partora radio programme about sportspeople, What s the man’s attitude to professional footballers? ‘A They have to play too many matches. B They should reure at the age of 30. € They reall paid too much money, 6 You hear a man talking about his local rail service. What does he think of it? {A The trains aren't frequent enough. B The trains too often arrive late € The tickets are too expensive. Gk eee IED Look at these extract fram the recardin in Listening. What do the phrasal verbs mean? IF 14 had to give up then | wouldn't have been the only one, Stil im sureit'l clear up soon. I grew up round here. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. Then match the phrasal verbs you hove made with meanings @-} 1 Your dinner is getting cold, so up! 2 Ifwe don't change our way of life, we'll Lup all the Earth’s resources. 3 Ifwe havea party,can you help to i up afterwards? 4 The music is really loud, | can’thear you. Canyou Up, please? 5 Theathlete had to. ‘up to win the race. 6 My aunt and uncle up after 30 years together! 7 Although her injuries had Up quickly, she til felt nervous in the car. 8 I dropped my wallet, but luckily aman sawit and, up tohand it back to me. 9 When they started building thenew apartment block, they. Up someancient ruins and they had to suspend construction. 10 The Champions League Final ‘up next month. can't wait! separated completely b tak more loudly € oo faster finish your food quickly @ getting nearer in time brought to the surface {9 approached quickly h got completely better i putevervthina where it belonas J completely finish erry 2 yo Ey Lookat these pairs of sentences and answerthe questions. 1 a Forthe first time | attended a lecture which was interesting, fh Fae the firt time | attandad a lartira, which wae interacting Who had never attended a lecture before? Who had only attended boring lectures before? 2 @ My brother who is ateacher works there. (defining relative class) b My brother, who isa teacher, works there. (non-defining relative clause) Whe hes only one brother? Whe has more than ene brother? 3a The match which | saw was very close, b The match, which Isaw, was very close. In which sentence could we leave out wniche why? LB Look again at the sentences in Exercise 3 and answer these questions. 11 Which kind of relative clause, defining or non-defining, gives, essential information? 2. Which Lind giver axtra information? 3 Which kind uses commas? Where? Join these pairs of sentences with non-defining relative causes. Use wno, whic, wen, wnere ane whose, aaaing commes where necessary. 1 Emily’snovel was successful. It was setina school. Emilysnovel,.....aHidL was scl asdiUuk....was suceesstul, 2 Rafael Nadal has won many championships. He is very popular. Rafael Nadal, ‘championships. 3. The World Cup was held in Russia in 2018. France won, In 2018. won, 4. The wo cyusis were browers. They were In ant accident, The two cyclists an accident. 5. Kate won an Oscar, Her mother had also been a famous actor. kate. ‘an Oscar. 6 Everyone in the theatre was excited. The play was about to start. Inthe theatre excited, GO correct the mistakes in these sentences written by exam candidates by either replacing the relative pronoun or adding ‘commas where necessary. Then underline the word(s) in each sentence that the relative pronoun refers to, asin sentence 1. 1 Ive chosen to study two languages, whose are Portuguese and Italian You should visit in June, where the weather is usually nice. | don’t ike people which are unkind to their friends. We went ta Randi Reach which ica famous natin Sydney The wallet belonged to a man who name was Giacomo. There isa new gym which we can do spin classes. ‘Anna who ic keen an painting cau come hiilliant artwork the gallery. wn MZ Yousun Sports vocabulary [ll Match the sports in box A with the places in box. x“ athletics baseball basketball boxing ‘acing diving football golf gymnastics hockey ice skating motorcycling rugby sailing skiing ‘snowboarding squash surfing tennis B course court gym pitch ring tink sea slope track EX what do we call people who take part in these sports? Use do, play or go anda defining relative clause. Example ‘Semeane sho plays football isa footbal Aperson th Astier is someone who, mnastics is 6 gymnas EF) Say what sportspeople do with these objects. Wi ‘ones have you wom, used or kicked? ball bat board club gloves helmet racket skates skis Example: A i kicks a foofbal Agreeing and politely disagreeing Eh SE Listen to these extracts from the recording in Listening question 3, and practise saying them with the ‘same intonation. Yes, Iknow what you mean. fm not so sure. think it’s more likely El EE) complete expressions af with these words, Then listen to check your answers. agree feeling just know so what ‘Agreeing a I think too. b Yes)! with that € That's what was thinking. Politely disagreeing d Perhaps, but about ...? Well, my own 's f Idont about that, Ey Th BI) Look atthe exam task instructions andlisten tostudents Nico and Eva doing the task. Answer these questions. 11 Which sport do they agree is not very dangerous? 2. Which sportdo they agree i one of the most dangerous? 3 Which other sport does Nico suggest asthe most dangerous? 4 Which othereport docs Ev think i the most dangerous? EX SI) isten again. which expressions from Exercise 5 do Nico and Eva use? Number them in the order you hear them. @ Exam task Now''d lke you to talk about something together for about two minutes. Here are some sports that can be dangerous. ‘You now have some time to lookat the task Now talkto each other about what can happen to people ‘who do these sports if they aren't careful. mountain biking underwater diving What can happen to people doing |. these sport ifthey arenot careful? i Thank you. Now you have a minute to decide which two are the most dangerous sports. Quick steps to Port 3 + Begin the discussion by saying something like: Would youllike to start, or shall I? + Talk about each thing in turn, giving reasons for your opinions. + Don't try to get through all the things too quickly. TD impairs, do the same exam taskas Nin and Fva ti aypweccinne fm ‘Agreeing and politely disagreeing. [Compare your decision's) with other pairs. © Exam tip Remember you can agree or disagree with what your partner says, but you must always be polit. Reading and Use of English negine amajor sporting eventis going to be held in your country next summer. Discuss these questions. 1 What jobs might be available? 2. What could be the advantages and disadvantages of doing this kind of work? Without filing in any gaps, quickly read {A job at Wimbledon to find out how the text answers the questions in Exercise 1. Do the exam task, © Exam tip Pencilin your answers on the question paper, then check your answers to make sure the completed text makes sense, Remember to fil the answer sheet or youranswers won't count Quick steps to Pari 2 +Foreach question, look at the context and decide what kind of word, .g. phrasal verb, relative pronoun, is needed + Look closely at the words either side ofthe gap for more clues + Remember that gaps may have more than one possible answer, but you must only give one. @ Exam task For questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning 0) Example: 0 (HICH, A job at Wimbledon every July in London. It's a hugely popular event, so you cart just turn QQ). at the gates and buy tickets, even (2) you can afford them. So how can you get to £00 your favourite stare playing onthoso famous courts? One way is to join the thousands af people (3) manage to get a free view of matches by working there. Positions available include attendants, security officers, cleaners, admin staff and also caterers, (4) duties involve preparing or serving meals and drinks. Experience is normally required. Wimbledon, (0) ig the world’s oldest tennis tournament, is hald 3 For younger tenis fans, by (5) the most exciting opportunity is to become a ball boy or gil, known as BBGS. Tei ob ist collect loose tennis, balls and give them tothe players, (6) interfering wth play in any way. BBGS are aged 15 (7) Average and have to be available from February, (8) their highly intensive training begins. erent pied [Bd Look at Purpose links on page 108. Then choose the correct option in these sentences. Sometimes both may be possible. 1 We've extended the deadline in order that /o as tomore applications can be processed. 2. You should buy good-quality sinning thoae io ‘order not to /so that you don't damage your feat when you run the marathon. 3 Josh took his suitcase to the office in order to / so that he could leave for his holiday straight after work. 4 | joined a book club so that /to make new fiends 5 There'sa train strike tomorrow, so in order to/in ‘order that avoid delays, you should leave early. 6 Soas notto / Sothat didn't forget my appointment, Iset a reminder on my phone. 7 We moved closer to the city soasto /so that see ur grandchildren more often 8 | putthe medicine ona high shel o that /o as the children couldnt reach it. EX Inppairs, ask and answer these questions using purpose links. Why do some people: 1 buybig TVscreens? Example: fo /() order {0/90 3° cor so that /in order that t 2 gotothe gym? 3 go tothe supermarket? 4 want to learn anew language? 5 work part-time? 6 play team sports? towatch sports ‘can watch sports Ey Look at the exam task and answer these questions. 1 What kind of texthave you received? 2. wnowrote rt ana wnat are they planning to dor 3 What do they want you to do? 4 Do they mainly use formal or informal language? Give examples. ‘You have received a letter from an Irish penfriend, Linda. Read, this part ofthe letter and then write your letter to Linda, ''m realy looking forward to spending my summer holidays in your ‘country and to eecing you! Ae you kno, Lalweys try to hoep ite it. So can you give me some tips on the sports| could doin your town while fm there? Write back soon, Unde Write your letter in 140-190 words. Do not write any addresses. Quick steps to Part 2 lo +Put the opening (e.g. Dear Jenny), the closing (eg. Best regards) and your own name on separate lines. ‘Don’t use the same expression too often. For example, instead of repeating please tell me, say like to know or ‘can you let me know. Ei Read Sam's letter and answer the questions. 11 Which paragraph deals with: a) indoor sports b) sports they {ant du toyetle,«) vululuur spur i? 2. What examples can you find of: a) informal language, b) relative clauses, c} purpose links? Hitinda, ‘Thanks very much for your last letter 'm fine, and 'm glad to hear youre well, too. V'm sure you'l have a great time here. There are lots of sports you can dd inthe countryside, such as hil-walking or mountain-biking, as well ‘26 water porte lke rowing and caling onthe lake. twill be too cold for ‘swimming, though. It you'd rather o toa sports centre there's areally good one itch has {acilties for things lke squash and basketball, and an Olympic-size pool ‘here they play water-polo. Now that really is good exercise: | tried it ‘once and | was exhausted after about ten minutes! ‘Actual, itd be nice if we could both do the same sports so that we have more time together. | sometimes go ice skating - would you lke to try that? Or how about playing tennis? Ito, Il need to book ahead to make sure we get a cour. ‘Ausyeay, ele hooey wick you'd ie to yaa arrangements. Bye for row, Sam he one IE Pen your letter. Think about the topic and your reader, and the numberof paragraphs and writing style you will aced. Weite your letter. When you have finished, check your work Unit Writing Exerdise Son page 1 unr E ‘Answer these questions about the photos, giving reasons, Which kind of foo 1 isbetter for your health? 2 is better for the environment? 3 do you prefer to eat? Look at the exam task instructions and read quickly through the text, ignoring sentences A-G for now. Do the scientists believe they can change people's eating habits? Quick steps to Part 6 When you first skim through the main text, decide what ‘each paragraphis about. + Look for expressions that indicate examples, explanations, ‘comparisons, and adding or ordering of points. + Look for reference words such as this or they both in sentences A-G and in the main text. Look at sentences A-G. Reference words and linking ‘expressions in AandB have been underlined. Underline similar words in sentences C-6. Do the exam task, using the underlined words as clues. Look for similar words in the main text, as wall as vocabulary linkers. © Exam task You ace going to read an article about the benefits ta the environment of healthy eating, Six sentences have been removed from the article, Choose from the sentences 'A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There one extra sentence which you do not need to use. ‘A But thisis the fist study to consider both together in detail B Inview ofthis, the scientists hope more detailed information will help these consumers make better buying decisions. © These limitations on research make it dificutto study the direct effects on health of eating spec foods. D This sudden improvement in many of these people's health is also having a postive effect on the environment. E Incontrast, eating red and processed meat causes the mostill heath and pollution F twas also mary times worse than pulses such as peas, beans or lentils G But the researchers disagree, saying that replacing ll ofit ‘with plant-based food makes the biggest difference Y Exam tip Read the complete text, including the sentences you have chosen for gaps 1-6. Does it all make sense? Make sure you have chosen one letter for every question. Then check your answers. Reading and Use of English Eating healthy food is almost always also best forthe environment, according to the most sophisticated analysis to date, The researchers said poor dets, often Containing too much fatty food, sugar and salt, threaten snciety by seriously harming people and the planet, for instance through the greenhouse gases created by cattle farming. The analysis assessed the health and environmental Impacts of 15 foods common in western diets and found ‘rut, vegetables, beans and wolegrains were best for both avoiding disease and protecting the climate and water resourees.| 1 __| There wore a amall number of foods that went against this trend, Fish is generally a healthy choice but has a bigger environmental footprint ‘onaverage than plant-based diets. High-sugar foods, such as biscuits and fizzy drinks, have alow impact on the planet but are bad for health. ‘The effect of bad diets on health in rich nations fb woll Nomi a fo Ure Heed Wo Gul Wester Heat consumption in order to tackle climate breakdown and other environmental crises.| 2__|Michael Clark at the University of Oxon, who ine Tie manner, saict ‘Continuing to eat the way we do threatens societies, through serious il health and degradation of Earth's climate, ecosystems and water resources. Choosing Detter, more sustanable diets is one of the main ways People can improve theirhealth and help protect the environment. ‘Some farming groups argue that only intensively produced meat is seriously damaging to the environment. ['3__| How and where a food is. produced affects is environmental impact, but to a ‘much smaller extent than the type of food chosen,” Clark explained Marco Springmann, also part of the study team, said: "We now know that mainly plant-based diets are much healthier and more sustainable than meat-heavy diets. But sometimes there is still confusion among people ‘about what foods to choose."| 4 _] The researchers are currently working on new types of food labels to see if providing facts on health and environmental mpacts changes their selection of food. ‘The research assessed plant-based foods, refined grains ‘and wholegrain cereals, sugar-sweetened drinks, and ‘animal-based foods. Using data from other studies on the dicts and health outcomes of tens of millions of people, they calculated the health impact of eating one ‘extra portion of each food on heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer. The environmental harm for each ‘00d, from greenhouse gases to water use to pollution, ‘was calculated relative to a portion of vegetables. Producing unprocessed red meat had the highest. Impact for all hese erwionrmertal inuicators, ‘The researchers said food with medium environmental effects or not significantly associated with il health, such. as refined grain cenmals and dairy pendicts, ecvild hal improve health and reduce environmental harm if they replaced foods such as red meat. Professor Tim Benton at the Chatham House think tank ‘said that i reasonable guidelines defining healthy and sustainable diets were produced, and followed, the ‘world would be in a better place. According to Benton, ‘strictly controling people's di many years for scientific study is impractical. 6 _] Despite this, he ‘said, the weight of evidence was now significant. ‘Our existing agricultural economy is destroying our ability to deal with climate change and also destroying our public health, he said. Find words or phrases in the text that mean the following. The paragraph number isin brackets to help you. advanced. using the latest techniques (1) b effects on someone or something (2) the amount eaten (3) process of spoiling or destroying (3) causing litle or no environmental damage (3) not chemically treated to improve its taste (6) gases that make the Earth's atmosphere heat up (6) fh treated to make it pure (6) i group ofexperts (7) J. advice on how to do something (7) Do you think many people would change their eating habits if they knewmore about the environmental impact of their diet? Why? / Why not? Match the words in box A with the words in boxB to form expressions that describe environmental issues. Which of Uese ere youd for the erivinuntnent, and which are harmful? ‘A animal carbon climate fossil global industrial _melting oil renewable solar change conservation footprint fuels ice caps power resources spills warming waste Ey Match these words withthe photos, How do you think people in each place willbe affected by climate change? Use expressions from Exercise 1 Arctic coastal desert mountainous tropical El Look atthe exam task instructions, undedtning the key words, and options A-H. What wil he five people be talking about? ID Undertne the key words in each of options A-H.Note down some expressions with similar meanings £9 those words: Example: Look at this sentence spoken by Speaker 1, D the correct option? Why? /Why not? Ifthe flames had come any closer ourhhomes would've been destroyed. [El SED now listen and do the exam task. Quick steps to Part 3 *Underiine the key word(s) that say what you must do, ‘e.a. choose from thelist (A-H) what each speaker feels iscurrently their biggest problem. + Wait to hear everything the speaker has to say before youanswer a question. + Be careful if you hear words from an option, but with different grammar, eg. a conditional. @ Exam task You will hear five short extracts in which people from different parts of the world tak about how climate change is affecting their villages. For questions 1-5 choose from the it (A-H) what each speaker feels current their biggest problem. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use, {A Floods have damaged buildings inthe village. B Farmers have had to start rowing different crops, i € Peoplehave been left without electricity. speaker? Cl 3 as | 5 Speaker 1 D Houses have been burnt down by forest fires. spar E Some people have had to leave their homes. F Air pollution has increased to dangerous levels. Speaker 4 G Some houses have been covered in sand. H There has recently been too much rain Speakers ‘Y Exam tips + Each time you choose an answer, cross it out lightly in pencil and then focus on the other options. + Make sure you have chosen a letter for each of questions 1-5 ‘check your answers, Ey Lookat these extracts from the recording in Listening. In ‘each case, say which verb forms are used and answer the corresponding questions. a fwe don't take urgent action we'lllse it (the Great Barrier Reef) forever. b Ourvillage would be flooded ifthe sea level rose by ametre, ¢ The whole building would have burnt down if she hadn't been at home. ‘a Will they definitely lose it Is it ikely or unlikely that they will take urgent action? bb Is the sea level likely or unlikely to rise by a metre in the near future? Is their village likely to be flooded? € Was she at home? Did the whole house bum down? Match the contence halves. If the river had risen any higher, If the desert had a rainy season, It people stopped using single-use plas, Unless it stops raining, If the storm doesnt stop soon, 1 2 3 4 5 a the picnic willbe canceled b the oceans would be much cleaner ¢ there won't be any flights home. it would be possible to live there, @ it might have flooded the city. © correct the mistakes in these sentences written by Sham candidates. 1 fthad time, would have drive you tothe station. 2 ihiwereyou,1 wills doctor. 3 fi would lve near my work, I would preferto goby bicycle 4 tft would have known you were coming, I would have waited for you. 5 I theclimate keeps changing, we would have only two seasons. 6 Honestly. fad more money, | would have buy a new house Use the given conditional form to complete the questions. Then workin pairs and ask your partner the questions. vii (cin) this weekend, what {you do} rst conditional) 2 ifthe summers where you live (become) much hotter, what (you do}? (second conditional) 30 (yoube able) to lve in a different country, (you pref to live somewhere witha hotter or cooler climate? (second conditional) 4 what (you do) if bad weather (prevent) you going on holiday? (third conditional) etre ony > Y Poe Ed inthese extracts from the recording in Listening, second and third conditional forms are mixed. Answer the questions, ‘Ife hadn't planted so many trees, ourhomes would be buried under sand by now. b It(a power failure) wouldn't have happened if we had underground cables here. 1. Which part of aand b refers tothe present ortoa permanent situation? Which refers to the past? 2 Ina, did they plant trees? Are their homes now buried under sand? 3 Inb, did the power failurehappen? Do they have underground cables there? Uce mixed conditionale to complete the. sentence so that it means the same ast 1 The low temperatures in Finland didn’t bother me because! used to livein tceland The low temperatures in Finland might have bothered meif 2. You're not cold now because you brought your coat. lF youhadn't brought your coat 3 Istarted my new job last week, 50 couldn't go skiing with my friends, If hadn't started my new job last week, 4 We polluted the air for many years, sonow the climate is changing. The climate wouldn't be changing now if we 5 Your billis so high because you wasted so much. electricity. Your bill wouldn't be so high if 6 Idide't bring an umbrella because I didn't check the weather forecast. If had checked the weather forecast, Work in pairs. Imagine these situations and tell your partner about them, using mixed conditional 1. You were offered a job in another country, witha different culture and climate. What would you have had to get used to? 2. Yow'e a chant finm another country Haw viele your ifebe different? er a ee) IE] Stuy these example sentences and complete the summary with the words given. 19 The wew buses yu 69 faa 09 the vid wes they use fuel more efficiently than other types of transportin the city. b The hotelis more popular in June the less popular than in August. © The capital city isn't so polluted as in the 1990s, rough the ati other tow worse than it was then. When we make comparisons, we use (1) after the adjective or adverh, To cay twathingsare the same we put (2)... both before and after it. To say one thing is less than another we use notas or not a orwe can put (4) hefore the adjective or adverb, El complete the second sentence sothatit means the Seinfasthe fa sentonce May, but 1 Solar energy is much more environmentally friendly, than other energy sources. Other energy sources are much less en,ironmentaly friendly than solar energy 2. Thoce panple cao ta hehannier than thoes Those people seem tobe Inaividuats are no less responsible than big businesses for protecting our environment. Individuals are just as 4 Small towns have more success dealing with environmental issues than larae cities. Large cities deal with environmental issues 6 Travelling by train or bus is better for the environment than travelling by car. Travelling by car Speaking Ey Quick steps to Part 2 «Compare the econot by using adjectives and adverb with more/less... than and (not) as/so + Ifyou can‘ think ofthe word for something, explain it in English Say, for example: It’s the place where w+ + Speak at normal speed until the examiner tes you i's time to stop. Ed Look at photos 1 and 2 on page 97. Which of these features is in each photo? [Zi Look at the instructions for Exam tasks 1 and 2. What ips ‘each candidate have to do? EF Inpaes,do-exam tasks 1 and 2. Then change roles and repeatthe task. Candidate A: t’s your turn frst. Look at photographs 1 and 2 (on page 97. They show two ways of producing cleaner energy. ‘Compare the photographs, and say what you think the people are doing, Candidate B: Which source of energy is more widely used where you live? Candidate B:Look at photographs 3 and 4 on page 98. They show people who are traveling a long stance. Compare the photogr totravelin these ways. hs, and say why you think the people have decided Candidate A: Which of these ways of travelling do you think i, better for the environment? I] Dit both of youdo the two things you were asked todo during your long turn? Bo you think you di thom well? Why? / Why not? er A Reading and Use of English El Match the undertined nhracec with meanings ah 1 The pan toimprove the rail systemisin progress. 2 Inall, there were 20 volunteers on the project. 3A decision reyerding te propusel for ew Cyl lattes will be made in due course. 4 In practice, the new regul reduce maste 5 Rising temperatures will do damage in the long term, 6 Employees should play a part in reducing waste. 7 Neal month there will be @ meeting about how to ‘our school more eco-friendly. In the meantime, please ‘email any suggestions you have. © Sodly, the future of the project is ow in doubt. 1s have done little to he a overa period of time continuing far into the future b beinvolved in € ata suitable time in the future d happening or being done now € the total number £ uncertain g the real situation is that fi inthe time between two events Ed compete the text using phrases with i from Exercise 1. Aplan to set up a paper recycling scheme is . at our college, enabling everyone to Q) reducing the amount of paper thrown avray. (3) ,ittmeans that special bins will be placed at various points in the school, and the paper collected wil (4) , be sentfor recycling. The original pian was to have a bin outside every room, which would have meant over 90 (5). bythe end of ths term. That number, though, must now be (6) oon BECAUSE OF the Cost, and there are Unlikely to be that many until the end of next year. . twill require just a short walk to the nearest collection point. Perhaps the move towards paperless offices will one day reach colleges like mine, so that (8). -the bins may not be needed at al Fd Look at the exam task example. What kind of grammatical changer have boon made? Which words gat marks? EFI Look quickly at questions 1-6 and decide what main changes you should make. Then do the exam task. Quick steps to Part 4 + Decide whether you must change the grammar, the vocabulary, or both. “Include all the information from the frst sentence in ‘your answer, without anything added. For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so thatit has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between, au and five words including Ure word yivern. Heres at example (0 Example: 0 Weell played worse in the second half of the basketball match so we lost. we wouta ye won IC WE IAD (or WE'D) ALL TLA VED BETTER... im the second half of the basketball match. 1 Wholegrain rice is better for you than white rice. so White rice isnt wholegrain rice. 2 1 was late for my appointment because I went by car HAVE IFthadi't goneby cart time for my appointment. 3 The plan to prevent flooding has been delayed andit may not succeed now. Doust The plan to prevent flooding has been delayed andits 4 As plane tickets aren't so expensive as train tickets, people preferto fly. MORE People wouldn't prefer tofly if plane tickets train tickets. 5 | strongly agree that waste should be reduced. FAVOUR 1m erongly waste 6 Eating red meat s worse for the environment than eating chicken. Not Eating chicken for the environment as eating red meat. een ed Choose the correct option. 1 Bven though / Despite the storm had passed, many flights were cancelled or delaved 2 Some changes areeasy to make, nevertheless,/ whereas others need more time and effort. 3 Thenorth ofthe countrys very cold in winter. In contrast, / While the south is quite mild. 4 On theother hand, / Despite the heavy rin, the event went ahead as planned. Lookat the exam taskinstructions and answer these auestions. 1 What is thessituation? 2 Whowill read your essay? 3 Whet is the topic? 4 Do you agree with the statement? Your English lass has done a project on the subject of the environment. Now, your teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for yourpoint of view. Weare not doing enough to protect our world. Notes Write about: 1 the harm we are doing to the environment 2 what we are doing to save the environment 3 your own idea Write vour essay in 140-190 words. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in an appropriate style. EV Read the model essay and answer these questions. 1 Isthe answer about the right length, and in a suitable style? 2 Which paragraph contains the following? 1a the writer own onininn b arguments against the statement € areference back to pointsalready made 4. a general comment on the tonic €@ arguments forthe statement 3 Find examples of the following: a contrast inks addition links conditional forms comparative forms Nowadays, everybody is talking about the need to save the planet. Despite this, the problems are getting worse all the time, so maybe we should do more than just talk about them if we really want to make a difference. Firstly, we use more energy and create more waste tnan ever betore. For instance, we drive to the supermarket to buy imported goods wrapped in plastic, and fly halfway round the world for our holidaya. In addition, global warming ia deatroying rainforests, rivers and ice caps while we, in contrast, keep cool by using air conditioning. ‘On the ather hand, we are now trying to load a greener way of life. For example, we produce much of our energy from wind and solar power, we can ‘take fast trains instead of planes, and people now recycle rubbish and unwanted household items, Nevertheless, these measures alone are insufficient, I believe we should change our lifestyle completely, for instance, by becoming vegetarian, buying far fewer manufactured products, and traveling much less. And unless richer nations give up making constant economic growit their objective, our planet will in the long term face disaster. [Ei Think about the following to get some ideas for your essay. + environmental problems you have heard or read about ‘+ how countries are trying to protect the environment ‘+ what ordinary people are doing to try to help El Look at the Quick steps and plan your essay. Quick steps to Port | essay + Decide how many paragraphs you will need and put ‘yourideas under headings. Include one or two sentences about each ofthe notes you are given. Ina short introductory paragraph, comment generally on the topic. Connect your points with contrast links such as whereas. + Use a suitable expression such as in my view... to give your own opinion, Write your escay: When you have finished. check yourwork as in Unit 1 Writing Exercise 5 on page 13. er Communications vocabulary [By Answerthe questions about these forms of viegyi 1g filesharing instant messaging posting on social media texting tweeting video calling 11 Which of them are becoming more popular, and which less popular? 2. Which do you use? Why? FEI compound nouns are formed from two words that fonction together asa noun, eg. Bockup laptop, twebeam. Match the worden box Awith the weeds in box B to form compound nouns. Which compound ouns do you sssociate witha computer, which witha tmobile phone, and which with tht A book broad data desk hash hand key pass fing smart touch web band base board mark phone screen set site tag tones top word ED What changes has the internet made to people's lives? Do you thinkall of these changes have been positive? Why? / Why not? 1 Quickly read the text. Do you think the writer believes that bookshops have a future? Quick steps to Part 5 +Toanswer a question about the meaning of a word or phrase, ook foran explanation in the text, or for words With asimilar or apposite meaning +For questionslike What does ths’ referto? study everything before and after the reference word in that port ofthe txt. EF Look quickly t the questions. Which focus on aithe meaning of a particular phase, and ) areference word? Tl Dothe exam task on your own. & exom task You are going toread an article about a bookshop. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, Cor D) which you think fits best according to the text. ‘© Exam tips + Use only the information in the text to choose your: answers, not your own knowledge or opinions. + Remember to check that you have chosen one answer for every question, Ed Would you rather buy books online or go toa bookshop? Why?

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