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Writing Extreme adjectives BD Youcan make your writing more lively by using extreme ectives, For example, instead of interesting, wo might eay fercinating. Match the adjectiver in box A wit ‘the more extreme adjectives in box B. “ana big brit pleasant sly stange suitable suing 5 absurd bizare brethiaking deghtul fuous ideal massive wid EX wien or mnese extreme adjectives mean very good; and which mean very bad? Complete the sentences with extreme adjectives from Exercises 1 and 2. In some cases more than one answer is possible. 1 Iwas when | saw my sister wearing my new aress. 2 He often wears ties with colours, whereas | wear plan ones. 3B find it quite ....-..nnothat two peppers cost les than one. 4 {realy enjoy neiping people cnoose clothes that make tnem tee! good, so working ina department store s Tifa Ob 5 We enjoyed our stay, particularly because ofthe view from our room. © IGon't go to that shop any more because OF NE... SECVICE, 7 Ther 158. nnnn- Weather warning this weekend. 8 There are some. clothes in that shop, but they are far too expensive. aes . Quick steps to Part | essay \ Look at the exam task instructions Pee cis 7 a ‘and answer these questions. fore pater aie Ei own ences] 1 Whats the situation? Peotone nie See 2 What doyou have todo? Seay area eI re 3 Which paints must you include? eee af 4 Do you agree with the statement? Hee erties In your English class you have been talking about the advantages and disadvantages of buying things online rather than getting them in the shops. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view. Write your essay in 140-190 words. You must use ‘grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and. punctuation in an appropriate style, IE Fecad the model cesay and anewer these questions. ' 1 Does the writer agree or disagree with the statement? In which paragraph? 2 Which paragraph discusses each of notes 1,2 and 3? What reason is given in each case? 3 Which of the following does the writer use? ' ‘a addition links b contrast links ¢ adverbs of opinion or manner d extremeadjectives e causative have Nowadays, more and more people are buying items online rather than in the high street, supermarket or shopping ‘mall. Increasingly, websites are replacing department stores as places to shop. Not everyone, however, welcomes this change Going to the shops with friends s fun, and you can always try on clothes before you buy. On the other hand, being able to select from a massive range of products white sitting comfortably at | home isan enormous advantage, asis having your purchases delivered. Some people worry their purchases may arrive late, or even not atall Also, any faulty items have to be retumed by post. But you can often track goods from the supplier to your home, and a growing number of stores offer free return shipping. ‘There are certainly many excellent discount stores, end wemendous reductions can be obtained during the sales or on Black Friday. Online, though, you can find outstanding bergains from all over the world, with the added advantage that the sellers are open 24/7, In conclusion, online shopping can be more convenient and less expensive, ‘offering afar wider choice than traditional shops. Tl Pron and write your essay. When you have finished, check your works in Unit 1 Writing Exercise 5 on page 13. @ Exam tip Use a wide range of vocabularyin your essay in order to improve your mark TEI Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 My fiends {usually et athome, but thie evening they (have) dinner in a restaurant. 2 Thiewintor,! (tay) at a shi resort and | (work) ina local restaurant. 2 Habs! (wait) tree the doctor now, but there (seem) tobe a delay. 4 The train every morning, but we. (always get to work ate! arrive) an time 5 Natalie (he) quite annoying. she. (always complain) about something. 6 Lest (have) a houice in the ‘mountains, but | (not stay) there very often, 7 Thicfar north. it (get) dark very early at this time of year, so (think) of spending the winter in Australia. Ei Add a prefix or suffix to these words and complete the sentences. artist caution energy greed honest optimism polite Luca always eatsall ofthe biscuits. He's really 2 Ws to take things from a shop without paying for them, 3 Alexiaisso her paintings are on display inthe local gallery. 4 Ifsomeone helps you it's ‘thank you 5 Paola is usually quite feel lke doing sports today. 6 You should be in crowded places; make sure your bag is fastened properly. 7 Vmfeeing really, jlim sure we'e going to win the game! not to say , but she doesn’t Cunyplete tne sentences with thre wr Bite 1 Janeis quite ‘hung for lunch every aay. 2 I thanked my friends for being so. (sympathy) when | had to go into hospital. ans. (reason) to expect people to do all your work for you, 4 The walk to the beach wasn't very (Challenge) because It was all downnil. 5 Itwas (thought) of you to forget to buy her abirthday present. © Tosucceed in business, you nave to be (decision) and not keep changing your mind. st for of te (predict) She has the same Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fi the gap in the same line. ‘As houser and flat in cities become ‘ever more expensive, even young eOple With (I) .n..n.eserne CAFES ‘are zometimes finding that the ony @) solution is tomove ‘back in with their parents. When they decide to do this, the co-called “boomerang generation’ are grateful forthe(3) of their parents but sometimes they don't fully appreciate the (4) -effect ‘of returning to the place where they ‘grow up. As adulte they may find ithard to accept comments on what they wear ‘or how they spend their free time, and their behaviourean become alittle 6) -..Theymay accuse CHILD their parents of being (6)... BOSS and ovontually this can comatimor load tosilly(7). -To.avoid this, both sides need to be (8). ‘ef tho athor. The paronts shouldn't forget that their children are now ‘grown-ups, that for instance itis no longer (0) ‘tall thom what time they haveto be home at night. The young adults, for their par, ‘ean groatly improve mattors hy heing (10)... ound thehouse, HELP by tidying, cooking and cleaning rather ‘moro often than perhane they did 3 teenagers. @® wry PRACTICE ARGUE RESPECT REASON TEI choose the correct ontions ta compete the text. Moree ics IRwosthree yeorsago, while (1 spent/ was spending a year abroad, that | first (2) got / was getting a jobin a restaurant. | (3) never worked / ‘d never workedas a waiter before end with ao ruch to earn about thejob (4) eure ‘used tofindit quite hard during the ist few weeks. | was on my fect all day and by the time my shift (5) irished/ had been fishing at 10.30 pm my arms (6)hadeched / were aching from carrying heavy plates all evening. There were sso one or two other waiters ‘who made my job even more difficult. One of them often (7) was arriving / used to arrive late and then, to make matters worse, he (8) would disappear / had disappeared somewhere every 15 minutes or 0 to check hs phone. But once I(8) was working ‘been working there fora while things gradually started to improve (10) realized Correct the mistakes in the fixed phrases. 1 Assoon as Lara and lim saw each other, twas love at first, F heart 2 Sadly, lost company with Lucas when he went to live in Australi, 3 Elisa is worried and she doesn't look at all on ease. 4 know you'te missing your family, so 'llstay and keep you companion, 5 It broke Josef's feelings when his girlfriend ended their relationship. © Ine boss depends on you, so don'tiet him leave you tor granted. 7 Carlis always making stupid jokes and it keeps on my nerves. & Idont wantto see anyone. Please go away and leave me only. Complete the sentences with these words, | amazement eventually long meantime moment once 1 We're very earty for our flight, so in the let's have 8 something which is easy and simple adink 9 partofa meal ora container fr serving food 2 ''d climbed over the hill, | could finally see the Down finish tine 1 newly prepared or obtained (especialy fut) 3 Hooked up atthe desert sky and, to my ssa 3 typeratyle of cooking snow starting to fall 4 orginal, not copied 4 the waiterbrought our coffees, after we'd been ‘Sean and sanitary waiting for over half an hour. 6 unhealthy, fast (food) 5 The first saw Carmen, knew we would get 7 food) i old or displayed in marted 6 The garden looked terrible, but before making good progres we were ymas realising thet needed more cash t could work ‘overtime, and liked the fact that — unlike in many ‘occupations -I could forget all about the job once | (11) used to ave / dlefermy place of work. aso had some: fantastic co-workers, who (12) would help / had helped ‘me out when Ineeded a break or if (13) didn'tuse to‘ee!/wasntfeeling well 501 have some good memories of my time working there. When my contract finally ended | was lad! (14) @had/ was having the chance ‘tomake some great new friends, and I knew that while (15) was working / would work there | acquired skills that in the future would enable _me to work in any town or city liked: anywhere there are restaurants. i complete the crossword with words from Unit2 Across 2 person who judges (food) 7 quantity of food for one D wor sero Practice ata Unit? VISION FEI Complete the sentences withthe correct form of {hemodals and verbs in brackets. 1 You (ust /hi your brothers compute or youl break it! 2 tmnt sure when Julia was going She (may eave) on Saturday 3 Weleft on our bikes at the same time, but Ethan arrived before me. He (must / ride) very fast. 4 You Ghould / spend) all your pocket money on sweets! Now you can't buy that dol 5 Lauraiis away in Switzerland all winter. You (can / see) herhere yesterday! 6 Janisn’tanswering the phone. He (might / take) his phone with him. 7 Imade a lovely three-course dinner for Steve, but he felt il so hardly ate anything. 1 (need / cook) somuch. ED Complete the second sentence so that it means Ure bani a ve fat aentenue, Use nmual verbs, 1 Itisn’t necessary to check in if you already have a boarding pass. lHyoualready havea boarding pass, you don't 2 There's a possibility of heavy snow later today. Later today it 3 Imsure that David went home early. David. 4 Itwasn't necessary to go to the meeting yesterday so I finished off some workat my desk. Ifinished off some work at my desk because | 5 twas compulsory for passengers to wear seatbelts on the coach. Passengers on the coach 6 Its apity you didn’t have breakfast before you setoff. Before you set off, you 7 Its possible that courier had the wrong address. The courier BX oewite wiih 1 I'm going on along bus rover (A, By Cur D) best fits each yop. from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur Atip — Biravel —C voyage journey 2 We went around the lake and then through the woods. ‘A biking B travelling € touring —_D hitchhiking 3 Although it's more expensive, the train isthe most effect of transport. ‘Away Bmeans — C method system 4 Lam certain that he knows the way to the museum. A-sightly B quite extremely D rather 5 Ihave had a very productive week, and | am now ahead of ‘A timetable B forecast. € schedule _D programme 6 Some tour. ‘can organise amazing holidays for ‘even the smallest budgets. A dealers B supervisors € operators D controllers El Fitin the gaps with suitable prepositions. This week I'm in south-west Spain, at the Jerez Fair, a festival popular (1) both local people and visitors from around the world. I was already familiar (2) .. the Seville April Fair, so this year I came to Jerez instead (3) going there again. Compared (4) Seville this is a much smaller city, but in terms (5) the fantastic. things to see and do it's very similar, and it has the same sort (6).. exciting atmosphere, too. Something that makes it really attractive (2) visitors is that you can go into just about any of the big tents here: youre not obliged ©) .-«dbelong to any particular family or club. So if you're capable (8). it you can spend the whole night dancing and eating until the sun comes up. After a long weokend here, I'm definitely in need (10) a good long sleep! Bl Complete the second sentence so that ithas a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 The last time Bruce sang here was 20 years ago. SUNG Bruce 20 years. 2 Marta took up football last summer. BEEN Marta last summer. 3 Nathan was determined to pay for dinner INSISTED. Nathan 4 | should have gone to that party. REGRET 1 to that party. 5 Unfortunately, the heating in that theatre regularly breaks down, KEEPS Unfortunately, the heating in that theatre 6 That mountain isso difficult to climb, only the most ‘experienced climbers can doit. Too That mountainis. except the very best. Put the words in the correct order to form questions. Then write yaur ancwors in full cantancee 1 have /the cinema/ you / how many times /to/been? 2 been / how long / you / English /earning / have? 3 the TV/ watching /the last hour / you / beer! / have / for? 4 spoken / you /to//just / your teacher / have? 5 lunch /yet/ your /Ihad / have / you? Fl Complete the questions with the to + infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets. Then answer these questions about yourself. 1 What kind offfilmsdo you enjoy (watch? 2 Is there anything you've tried (do) recently, but failed? 3 What mustr't you forget, English lesson next week? (take) to your 4 Is there anything you regret (not do) last yoar? 5 What have you managed. (do), even though it was difficult? 6 What da yous moet dicta (etudy) in your English lesson? 7 Which other language would you like to learn (speak)? 8 Which song do you first remember (heat) when you were a child? ‘Complete the crossword with words from Unit 4. Across 1 short part of a film 10 all the things which orplay happen ina story 2 played toan audience 12 photograph, or picture 4 painting, book, ina film music, et. 13 person who reviews 5 of veryhigh quality books films ate 7 marvellous 14 words ofa song 8 subject of a book 15. pop concert (informal) own 1 words of afilmorplay 9 causing strong feelings 3 place where musicis 11. of very low quality, performed 12 performed by one 6 holding yourattention person only. completely 13 allthe actorsin a film 7 place where a flm Is or play recorded D ww sorormaicesste Units REVISION SE Decide which answer (A,B, Cor D) best fits each gap. 1 The at this university are extremely interesting, A classes B lectures talks D speeches 2 My mother has a in physics from Cambridge University A title B degree € grade D mark 3 My. gave a talk at the economics seminar lattended. A tutor B trainer € coach D consultant 4 After | from university | took a gap year and went travelling, A qualified B graduated educated D succeeded 5 You must take a gondola ride to explore the city and. all the sights. A take on B take out € taken D taketo 6 mhaving troublefinding a job since finishing university, partly because firms aren't new graduates. A taking up B taking over € taking off D taking on 7 When was an 18-year-old. A postgraduate 8 After Carlos left. A higher B master B academic Complete the sentences with (a) few or (a) lttleand ‘the correct form of the nouns in brackets. 1 Joe's from the city, so he has! le, experience (experience) of working on a farm. 2 Welllhave very (homework) todo conce the examsare over. 3 It'sa dead-end iob with (opportunity). 4 Last week Idid (overtime); ‘might start doing it more reaularly to increase my earnings. 5 Thereare (profession) which are as, rewardina as medicine. 6 Wehave done. (research) into the problem and we think we have found a solution. ‘choose the correct option. 1 Here are your tickets for Wednesday. Your train ‘sleaving / leaves /willhave left at 9.30. 2 The train eft at 4 pmyit’s 6 pmand were still two hours away! wil ravel/ will have been travelling / willbe travelling for four hours by the time we arrive. 3 You-can sit in Tina’ chair while she's away. She won't ‘mind /isn’t going to mind / wouldn't have minded. 4 Iimheping / 1 help /'m going to help you make dinner if you lke. 5 Ican't come to the party because I'm seeing /Itlsee/ Jseea film atthe cinema tonight. 6 This time next week I hike /lbe hiking / Im hiking around Lake Tahoe. , |was excited about my first year in higher education. € bachelor D undergraduate school, he started workin a restaurant and nowhe is training to become a chef. Diectley iaween Us the word gvnincantalsat the endot some FE seein ete athe nese Choosing a future | ‘At 16 | had no idea what | wanted to do in life. | ‘was a good (1)........ ‘so naturally, like GUITAR ie eee | professional (2) senennann music that age reasd that was uni ever o happen. Dewy). ik eMpLoy | fim dit appeal to me, and nether i taking ‘out an enormous (4) LEND oe eon | 6) | would actually get a good GRADUATE jh Soin the end decided to setup my own onne biome at te | The work, whihofen keeps me busy seven daysa ‘week, Was very (6)... first, but DEMAND the business lrtng to became ate ....and I now feel it was the. PROFIT .to go it alone. DECIDE (D wow gotoPractie ta Units FEI complete the crossword with words from Unit 6 El complete the sentences with relative pronouns, adding commas where necessary. In which of your answers could you leave out the relative pronoun? 1 In 2006,..... ANN 2 This finger, 3 Markis the boy ‘A That's the library. 5 He's the footballer. 6 Theestate agent. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word students in each gap. Enting and drinking well for exercise ‘Anyone (1). ‘cimis to get fitter and ‘stronger needs to have a healthy, varied diet, ‘When you exercise, your body (2). ‘up more energy. (3) means you ‘need fo eat more food. in (4). to. ‘provide that extra energy. you should eat plenty of ‘ice, tread. pasta, ft and vegetables It's best, though, not fo have a large mea! less than three hours before exercising (6)... that you ‘oid rr stomach ache There may be times (6). YOu oe ‘exercising that you start to fee fred for no apparent ‘euson, ardil may be because yout becoming detiycrated, In (7)... words, you don't have enough wate in your body. So @. not sue fom this, ou should dink more water than usual before, during ‘ond otter exercise. Don't wait until you fee thirsty! Iwas born, very few people... saith is a funny shape, is the one father gave a lecture on climate change was injured in the accident | spoke to said the house has been sold... Across 1 place where football is played 12. dark area on skin caused by 3 place where people run injury 7 person who goes saling 14 place where tennisis played 9 pain over an area of the body 16 person being treated by a doctor 11 person who cares fori people 17. place where golf's played Down 2 object worn bya rider 10 injury, such as acut 4 person who does athletics 12 piece of equipment used by a 5 broken bone baseball player 6 injury caused by twisting 13 place where people go skiing 7 the ability tosee 8 person who ridesa bicycle 15 place where people do boxing lived n my vilage dd any sports Tractued was realy intersting, inde tnaten oid Conobuca nanan Iwasteling you about. ~tsdsappointng, Ed complete the second sentence so that ithasa similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word giv 1 I believe Grace and her boyfriend aren't together any more. up Grace and her boyfriend I believe 2 Erica spent her childhood in Rome, but lives in Milan now. GREW rica, in Rome, lives in Milan now. 3. Mike got the vaccine to avoid getting sick so Mike got the vaccine getsick, 4 Theboy refused to collect the rubbish lying on the ground. was The boy refused to pick. ground. lying on the 5 Some people say theyre busy so that they don't have to help, IN ‘Some people say theyte busy... tohelp. 6 Atourlocal hospital there isa heart specialist called Dr Valentine. WHOSE ‘At ourlocal hospital there is @ heart specialist DrValentine. © row otoractiatxrants REVISION yaa IH Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. UTR One of the main effects of global warming is that there will be more extreme weather events such as hurricanes, heatwaves and rainstorms (1) at present. In wetter parts of the world it will rain. ee ‘heavily than now, while in dry or desert areas there will be even (3) rain than there is now. Although the increase in ‘temperatures in regions such as the Caribbean or East Asia will probably not be (4) great (5) sesossennne @B8ewheTe, other places are likely. to heat up (6) more quickly. By 2050, London is expected to be (7) farm s-swe present-day Barcelona, while Madrid and Rome, with predicted summer temperature increases of 6.4 °C and 5.3 °C respectively, may well became (9) hot (10) North ‘Arican cities such as Fez are now. El vecide which word or phrase (A,B, Cor D) best ts ‘each gap. 1 Everyone inthis city iin reducing air pollution. A hope of B favourof € viewof D caseof 2 Scientists say the greatest threat tolife on our planet is warming. ‘A catbon B renewable € global D fossil 3 Creating a newlake here sounds a good idea but in 1 don't think tl work. A progress B all C particular D practice 4 The forest fires are stil burning, therain that has recently fallen. ‘A although B whereas € despite Dwhile 5 The results of the town couneil elections willbe ‘announced in , [A short B duecourse € thesedays D future 6 Weill greatly reduce air and water pollution if we introduce farming methods. ‘A sustainable B processed € intensive D refined 7 Prastic packaging is stilused, the ‘environmental harm it causes is well Known, ‘A nevertheless B inspiteof C incontrast D even though 8 Unless the sea evel stops rising, the future ofthese sill islands must be in ; ‘A doubt 6 short € brief trouble BI nen Eid Mate questions withthe given conditional form ofthe verbs. Then answer these questions. 11 What / happen /to the oceans /if/ we / not / protect/ them? (first conditional) 2 f/you/not /have / a car /you/ miss it? second conditional) 3 Do you think /you/ enjoy / yourlastheliday / more /if /you/ have / more time off? (third conditional) 4 Where / you /go / next winter /if/be / very cold? (first conditional] 5 What / you / most /like /to see /if/ you /go /1to ‘Australia? (econd conditional) 6 IF/it/ sunny /last week /you / go/to the seaside / then? (third conditional) 7 What /life/be /like / today /if/ we /not /invent / the nal) internet? (mixed cons Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar ‘meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 This city is rather less polluted than it used tobe. so. This city isn't itused tobe. 2 It's good thing we remembered to bring an umbrella or wed be very wet now. FORGOTTEN, Weld be very wet now it to.bring an umbrella 3 Many scientists predict that rising sea levels will eventually cause a lot of damage. TERM Many scientists predict that rising sea levels will cause alotof damage 4 1 was very cold because | forgot to take my coat with REMEMBERED i ‘my coat with me, woulde't have been so cald 5 In yoursituation Ben, id relocate to somewhere warmer you drelocate to somewhere warmer Ben. 6 coulda’ t have nished the project without their help, THEY Icoulda't have finished the project. ® Now go to Practice Extra Unit7 Complete the crossword with words from Unit 8. ‘Across Down 1 thesymbol# one 2 see information keyboard using computer 4 stop working suddenly 3. an online record of (computer) your thoughts 7 lookat informationon 5 smallest possible theinternet unit of an element 8 problemina computer 6 spend the winter rogram sleeping 9 smallestliving part ofan 7 extracopy snimel or plont of computer 11 change back(something _information on acomputer) 10 new information 14 use a computer program 12 information stored 15 putelecticity into inacomputer something 1B atagreater 16 post information on Twitter centre distance from the El Complete the sentences with there words to form collocations. ‘access charge exploration ‘outer times video 1 Spacecraft can fly over 20. faster then aeroplanes, 2 Ifidon't ‘my mobile phone, the battery wil be completely fat soon. 3 Scientists have discovered a planctin space that in some ways slike Earth, 4 Its usually impossible for aeroplane passengers to the intemet. 5 I'm abroad, but! can see and talk to my family in an internet café by conferencing 6 The first stage in space over 40 years ago, was when Sputnik 1 went into space. CAVES Toda] Fill in the gaps with a/an oF the, or leave the gap blankif no article can be used. J ean'timagine (1)..0...0».selife without my phone. luse ital «day Monday to Friday and at ‘weekend, whether Im (4)... classroom or out somewhere with friends. Apart from making (7). calls, texting and keeping (8)... 89 O7 my social ‘media pages ike to Keep up wit (9) home, latest news from around (10) ‘world, check out some of a nna Mostinteresting videos on (12) ‘YouTube and maybe play some computer games, Of course, (13) when I have (14) doing alot of (15) intemet is incredibly usetut homework to do. im currently research into my favourite subject, (16)... chemistry, and one day Ihope to work as(17) scientist. Without doubt, (18) ‘mobile phone is one of (19) greatest inventions ever - especially for (20). El complete the second sentence so that ithas asi meaning tothe fist sentence, using the word ven, Do not Change the word given. You mustuse between two and five words, nasa however 11s posible that hey were informed of the problem, might They informed of the probe 2. The company expect an increase in sales next year EXPECTED ‘Arrinsease sales ext year 3 Now scientists suggest that humans willand on Mars va our edie r Now humans wil land on Mars within our ifetime 4. Researchers belleve that learning a second language can bee good for your bain BELIEVED I. leaming @ second language can be good for your brain. 23 Mony peuple 207 that re at videu yore ws went the 19605. BEEN The fut video gome invented in the 19605. 6 They are making changes tothe network so thatit is faster. cHANGED The network faster so that itis @ Nowsoto Practiceextra Units revision OPT) El complete the second sentonce se that ithas a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. FEI Match the wordsin box A with the words in box 8 Complete the sentences with sic ofthe compound 1 llpass on your CV to my producer’ said Ela point PROMISED A alla my CV to her producer. comera current drama feke gossip. investigative remote set soap talent B atraits volun wwntiol desiyiner joumtelist news opera operator series show 1 Liam deserved to win the horauce he was the best performer. 2 That story about finding life on the moon sounds like tome, 3 I don't read serious news stories;|justlike the 4 Roood 5 Have you seen the new have you on the edge of your seat 6 The was very skilled she took briliant close-up shots of the runners crossing the finish ne can uncover the truth, ‘on TV? It will Read the dialogue. Then complete the reported 2 ‘Keep it clean or it will get infected the doctor told him. WARNED. The doctor prevent infection. Loop it clean to 3 ‘What's the height of the mountain?’ the reporter asked. The reporter wanted to know 4 ‘Ym sorry turned off the news, my brother said. APULUGISED My brother. the news. 5 ‘Have any good shows been added to the streaming service?’ said Amber. ASKED Amber. been added to the streaming service. ‘any good shows had 6 ‘Inever wanted to be famous; Taylor told the interviewer. HE speech vera ro Taylor told the interviewer Orla: You look sleepy, Rory. ous Rory: Yes, lam. Orla: Why's that? Rory: | didn’t get to sleep until very late lastnight. Orla: Did you stay up watching a TV series again? Rory: Yes, di. Orla: Why don't you switch off earlier? Rory: | can't. im really enjoying the historical one! Dd keadtne text below. use tne word given in capt isartne ‘end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line, ‘THE ROLE OF NEWSPAPERS ‘The most obvious role of newspapersis to inform. by providing (0) with READ Sold Sou abolition weet. ‘2 wide range offactsand figures supported Orta: Pethaps youcan watch justacouple of episodes By photos chartsand Q).. RLUSTRATE each evening? ‘They also aim to educate. by going into news Benen Neny tisk stories in far greater) cothanis DEEP Ota told Rory that (1). sleepy, and possible on television or social media, he said (2) ‘When she asked him ‘Aaood newspaner also provides why that (3). be explained that @ -withits political cartoons, ENTERTAIN Oy to sleep until very latethe ‘crossword puzzles and humorous columns, as ® night. Orla then asked him wells making (5) Lonitsreview RECOMMEND © Lup watching a TV series again aes entra teed art anaictan and he said (7) She asked him why Serna ind 0 of eva reer Fa ®) off earlier, but he replied that fesdsine et lav ioe powes| 2 eed (10) present-day society, but newspaper the historical one (19). about the ”. reply that the samewassaid EDIT venta cartiefien aved ‘manw vears ago when TV news firstbecame Justa couple of episodes eac evening. He said (14) that. opera fet nha pe || ens remained a vital source of news. ( Nowgoto Practice Extra Unita hia epee the commant Use shut how best cry detour cuzav haw or geo iv 1 ‘My printer's not working.’ EI choose the correct ontion. (ou should have Ht mondca. / Why 1 They've sold out ofthe top Iliked.! wish | bought /‘d mended? / How about having it mene you have a boughtitlast week. 2 ‘This isa lovely painting’ 2 I wish Lam / were better at sport. 3 ‘Ican‘tfinda suit Ilike for the wedding’ 3 Ifonly | waited /'d waited for the sale. could have got 4 ‘I dropped sauce on my coat that jacket forhalf the price. 5 ‘Myhairis getting toolong’ 4 wish Ididn't/ dont have to go to the supermarket, but 6 ‘My eyes feel sore after reading! they don't deliver to my area. 5 It’s quite busy where we lve in the city centre. Lwish ‘we wouldve / lived somewhere quieter. 6 You've lost my favourite hat | wish I didn't / hadn't lent itto you. 7 only someone will / would come to the shop with me. thate shopping alone. | wish my parents didn’t / wouldn't buy me clothes for imy birthday. They don't have very good taste, Complete the crossword with words from Unit 10, F ED Complete the second sentence so thatithas a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do {change the word yiven You mabt use betwee (wo and five words, including the word given. 1 Let’s order a pizza and ask them to deliver it here, er Let’s order pizza and here Across 2 snouta nave walked around in tnose trainers berore 1 vie his ot. uf eating buying them. 450% .. means it's half the usual price our 8 person who trades in something such as art wish. nose 9 the oppusite of tight trainers before buying them: 10 adesigner... isa make of expensive clothes 3 That horrible music they play here is really annoying, 13 something thats in... is available ina shop wish 16 clothes that ae... are not for formal wear tes play that 17 _beevactly the same colour or type as something else horrible rac here, 18 you can usea... card to buy things 4 The hairdresser at the shopping centre did my ha. Gown! HAD 2 large, covered shopping area for pedestrians dies ie 3 something on sale for less than is real value shopping centre. i aoteal 5 | really should have listened to your advice. 6 trendy ‘OnLy 7. you push this round a supermarket i toyour 8 money that you owe somebody adie 11 strong in colour 6 The store doesn't have any of those Fshirtsleft, which 12 make aproduct avaiable for the frst time isashame. 13 numberof things sold our 14 typeofproduct made by particular company ee 15. simple, opposite of patterned (GD New g0 to Practice Extra Unit 10 senson AT sua arenas Ae @ Exam task 2 Fit to heinht Present simple ‘The present simples used 1 for describing routine actions or habits Before breakfast, Igo online to check my emails. (i's my daily routine) In this business, we don’t take holidays in summer. {Refers to every summer, not just this one) 2. to show thata situation is permanent: Hisgiltiend teaches ata localprimary school. t's @ permanent job) ‘My grandparents live just oround the corner from here. (Ws their permanent home) 3 when something is always true, ora definite fact: ‘h autumn, the trees in my garden lose their aves. (This always happens) Water freezes at zero degrees Cebus. (W's a scientific fact) Present continuous ‘The present continuousis used 1 to describe an action whichis happening right at this moment: ‘me chugren are steeping, so we can't tak to0 loudly. (They are sleeping right now) Where are youcallng fiom? (We are on the phone night now. 2 fora situation which is temporary, and permanently 1m aoing a training course at work at tne moment. (ror a fixed period, not forever) We're staying with Jo while we look fora flat torent. (Wel leave Jo's home when we find a fat) 3 when taking about changes or developing situations: ‘Thenumber ofroad accidents is increasing year by year. (The situation is getting worse) Shopping online is becoming the most popular way to buy books. (t's developing) 4 with always, when we want to show that we are annoyed or surprised by an action: My brother is always borrowing my laptop without asking me, (This tates me!) That new studentis always asking the strongest questions in css (W's surprising.) 5 forfuture arrangements (see Grammar reference Unit 5} 11m having dinner with Amy tomorrow night. ill not last ferret tactic} ‘The present continuous connot normally be wsed with stative verbs, which describe a state (such as existing or feeling) as opposed to an action (uch as walking or eating) Some common stative verbs ae: agree, believe, belong, consider, consist, cos, disagree, exist, hate, have, know, Ike, love, matter, mean, need, own, prefer, realise, remain, remember, seer, suppose, think, understand, want. For example: Thiscar belongs to myuncle.v (state of possession) Fhiscarisbelonging tomyncl: That sound doesn’texist in my language. ¥ (state of existence) Sootcrciamitennting serene However, ome stative verbs can be used in the present continuous when they describe actions: John can‘tanswer the phone because he's having a shower. (action, not state) Comentario thenmanencransene has eshte Does Claire's new apartment have a shower? ¥ (state, not action) Ie Claretsnewepartmenthaving-e shower? Present simple in time clauses ‘When wo are talking about the future, the precant imple must be used after time expressions like when: Ilsend her an email when iget home. (time clause after wher) Hisendbeaenrhentyallget nome, Other expressions which ae fllowed by the present simple are: ater, as soon a, betore, by ne time, next te, ‘once, until. Ill choose the correct options to complete the tents Sometimes there may be more than one possible answer. Many people 1 take up / are taking up running these days. Running is great because it 2 helps /ishelping our general fitness. When we run, we 3 useup / are using up more ‘energy than when we 4 walk / are waiking.|§ go /am {going running regularly, and| lke to run after work to help merelax. At the moment, | 6 train /‘mtraining for arace, so 17 spend /'m spending alot of time out running. orannan erence IS Ed complete the sentences with ether the present simple prthe precent cantinunic frm ofthe vad in brackets T Loccssnensseef0ra long walk three times a week after work. (go) 21 ny fect Mon at ne Giver tonight (meet) 3 Itreally annoys me when people. tomy ext. (wut rep) 4 Gling ‘a more popular way to travel around cities. (become) 3 Con yuu call back later? Fred Iai dn the garden at the moment. (help) 6 Illorder a takeaway for dinner... you Inidion oud ur Chinese feud? (prefer) Past simple ‘The past simple is used for past events or actions: Neelosed the frontdoor locked it and set of t2 work. Inthe end, we decided not to move house, ‘The past simple is often used with a specific time: The previous director retired in November. ‘She wrote her first novel in 2001. Past continuous ‘The past continuous is used for a continued action which was happening when another action took place: We arrived at the theatre just as the show was starting. In many cases, the continued action is interrupted: when ne catled, 1 was watching my favour soap opera. (His call interrupted me) The past continuous is also often used to set the sceneat the beginning ofa story Itwas raining hardand an icy wind was blowing. Alex knew the journey would be impossible. The past continuous cannot normally be used with stative verbs: ‘my granaparents rarely atsagreea wit each otner. ‘My-grandparentswere rorelydisagreeing with-each-other: For alist of common stative verbs, see Grammar reference Unit 1: present tenses. [Ed choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 41 while | istenedt/ was istening to music, my brother was playing inthe garden. 2. My friends often phoned / were often phoning mein the evenings. 3 While Iwas baking a cake, | realised /was realising that the recipe was wrong. 4 twas a beautiful aay. Ihe sun shone / was smiming ana the birds sang / were singing. mone Biles won / was winning four gold medals for the Usa at the Kio Uiympics. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 While | (pack) for my holiday, | (find) some old sunglasses. 2 Ast (loave) the restaurant | (realise) that'd left my scarf behind. 3 While Mark. (practise) the piano, his sister (watch) TV, (hear) the protests, we all (stop) what we. (do) and (ook) out of the window (crash) white 4 When we 5 My computer (otite) my essay. Past perfect The past perfect is used to show that an action happened eatior than anather past action The police were unaware that the attacker had already escaped. (The attacker escaped before the police realised) Sometimes itis not necessary to use the past perfectifitis very clear which action happened first: Alter wetinished eating, we played cards. Past perfect continuous Ine past pertect continuous s used tora continued action which happened before another past action: Weld been working so hard that we decided to take a break. (We took a break attera continued period of work.) The past perfect continuous can be used to show how ong an action continued up to a certain point in the past: When the search began, the gi had already been missing fortwo days. (She was missing for two days before the search began.) Complete the sentences with the past perfect simple or Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 We were furious, because we (wait) for ‘over two hours before the train arived atthe station, 2 She (write) poetry for over three years before she finally decided to try to get some of her poems published. 3. Martha's children devoured the cake that she (baka) only an hour ago. 4 Imust havedropped the letter that she. (hand) to me. 5 When they gat home, they diccovered that their babysitter (already read) their toddler a bedtime story. 6 When! finally reached the front of the queue, I found ‘out that my sister (pick up) the tickets an hour earlier Complete the sentences with the past perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 The waiter, who was under lot of pressure, brought 9 starter that | (not order). 2 thad great dificult recaling the poem (try) to memorise the previous night. 3 The children excitedly collected the rut that (fall from the trees She (play) tennis all afternoon when we glimpsed her briefly as we walked past the park. 1 (read) a chapter of my book every ‘evening for over two weeks, so | was upset when | forgot to take my book with meon holiday. He (ive) in Parisallhislfe and was reluctant tomove, even when he got married FS used to / didn’t use to The structure used to + infinitive is used for repeated actions, habits or statesin the past: Before the intemet, people used to write letters alot more. ‘The negative form of this structure is didnt useto: We didn’t use to have a dishwasher in our old house. Used tois not normally used with time expressions which specify the duration of the action: | smoked forten years, butthen Igave up. 4 Hased-to-smokefortenyears-butthertgave tp: Would + infinitive can also be used for actions and habits in the past: When Iwas a child, my dad would always tell me a story at bedtime. However, would cannot be used to talk about past states: This collection of paintings used to belong to rich family. Fhiscollection-of paintings woukt belong torah farmiy- (Belong is a stative verb) ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verbs in brackets. 1 ‘eating spinach when Iwasa child, but now love it! (-/ enjoy) 2 Her friend judo, but now she trains twice a week. (-/ dol 3 They hours playing football in the park. (+/ spend) 4 My mother. a beautiful grand piano. (+ /own) Breas she Jn touch with her relatives before they emigrated to New Zealand? (keep) 61 the sound of fireworks when | was young. (~/ like) Tick the correct sentences. Correct the sentences with mistakes. 1 My dad would play in aband before hegot married. 2 I would work in a hotel for many years in my youth 3 When she was younger, she would enjoy playing the flute and would practise every day. | wouldlive in London near Hyde Park until left to go to university in Nottingham, When Iwasa kid would play in the park with my friends until twas quite darkand my mother called me to goin. I didn’t use to enjoy the taste of seafood, untill had the chance toeat some fresh mussels in Scotland last year. Cs ability To express ability in the present, we use can or be able to: ‘On aclear day, you can see the mountains from my balcony. Tm not able toread without my glasses. = o For general ability in the past, we use could or be able to: Thesea was warm, so we were able to swim all year round. In theold days you could buy everything at the local market However, when we are talking about ability on one specific occasion in the past, we only use be ableto, not could: Luckily we didn't get lost because Alice was able toget directions from someone. ¥ (specific occasion) cyettoneendiyt met met becouse cn could get tmectons | = cnannan seceence TTI = IH complete the sentences with a modal verb from the box. One of the modal verbs is used twice. can can't could couldn't wasable to 1 youride bike when youwere five? 2 He get to the party on time yesterday, because his car broke down. 3 He's absolutely amazing —he'sonly seven and he speak five languages, including Greek. 4 She was relieved, because she. find a taxi ‘and get tothe airport on time. 5 Ive searched everywhere for my glasses, but | find them anywhere. 61 liftthis box —it’s 50 heavy! Could you help me, please? Tick the correct sentences. Correct the sentences with mistakes. 1 Iwasn'table translate the text into German, because it contained too many unfamiliar expressions. 2 When the plumber showed me the bill or the repair, I didn't have enough money on me to pay for it, but fortunately I could use my creditcard this time. 3 Thank you for your offer to lend me some money, but amafraid | couldn't accept it. 4 When you finally move into your new house, you'llbe able to decorate it as you wish. 5 could taste and smell the onions for hours after the meal 6 She could run the marathon in less than three hours, although she had not been training regularly for ten days. possibility To say that something is possible, we use could, may oF sight: Without treatment, our health could be at sk, Let’s have dinner indoors because it might rain later. Imay be able to join you later, but! can't say for sure. We use could have, may have or might have t talk about possibilty in the past: She could have let us know about the change, but sheforgot. They may have missed the ferry becouse the traffic was bad. This place might have been important inancient times, but experts are not sure. impossibility To say that something is impossible in the present, we usecant: You can't cross the river here because the bridges closed. We use can‘thave or couldn'thave to talk about inpottibiity in the past Youcan't have seen Jamesin town today because he was at home allday. Sho cauldn’t have wan the rampetitian without her family’s support. certainty When we are certain about something, we use must: Youmust be exhausted after walking such along way. To talk about certainty in the past, weuse must have: They must have been terribly worried when their children didn’tcome home, obligation To say that something is obligatory in the present, we Often use must when the obligation is by the speaker: Everyone must report to me before they go home. When the obligation comes from outside, we often use have to: Thenewlaw means that we have to pay more fr public transport. For both kinds of obligation in the past, we use hadto: We had to come home by train because the airport ‘was closed. ne obligation / unnecessary When theres no obligation to do something, or when something is unnecessary, we use don'thave to, don't need to orneedn't: You don't have to bring your own towel because everything isprovided, Youdon’t need totell me what happened. Isawitallfor mysert We'e going to eat out tonight, so youneedn’t cook for us. We use didn't need to when something was unnecessary in the past, and did not happen: We didn’t need to pay because the concert was free. (We didn’t pay because this was unnecessary.) However, when we want to say that something unnecessary has happened, we use needn't have: We needn't have hurried because the train let late anyway. (We hurried, but this was unnecessary) permission To say that something is allowed, we use ca: Youcan park outsice the shop on weekdays. ‘May isalso used, but itis more format May | ask where you bought that beautiful dress? To talk about something that was allowed inthe past, we use could: When Iwasa child, we could play outside as much os we wanted. When something is not allowed, we use can'tor mustn't. 'm sorry, but you can't sit at this table because it's reserved, You mustn’t start writing until the teacher says so. For things that were not allowedin the past, we use couldnt: Inthe old days, people couldn’ travel abroad without visa, EF) Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1 Ifyou don't pay attention to your skiing instructor, you «ould /can have an accident. 2 Youcantt have / miaht have passed the maths test. because you didn't do any revision! 3 Dowe have to /must get upnow? 4 | must/ have try to araue less often with my vounger brother. 5 The police warned me that | can / must never drive without insurance aaain, 6 When was a child, people couldn't / mustn't access the internet with their mobile phones. 7 We didn't need to must queue to getinto the concert because we got to the venue really early. 8 Youcan/ mustbuy lunch in the canteen or sandwich if you prefer. the right thing to do When we want to say that somethinais the right or the wrong thing todo, we use should/shouldn® or ought/ought otto: You shouldn't eat too many sweets when you are on a diet. People ought to be more careful about soving energy in the home. ‘The pact forms are should have and ought tohave: You should have asked me before borrowing my bike. El Find and corroct the mistalain 1 She shouldn't have ate all those crisps. 2 They should arrived by now. 3 | should have isten tomy mena's aavice. 4 People ought waste less food. 5 Youshould toask your teacher for help f you don’t unerstand the question. .ch contance below. erro These adverbs can be used with verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. when we want w say a He we can use siyhuly oF aot {less formal) Im feeling a bit tied, som going to bed now. ‘When we want to say’ lot'or ‘very, we can use absolutely, completely extremely realy or totally: He drove extremely fast all the way home When we mean ‘more than alittle, but ess than a lot; we can use fay, pretty, rather or quite: We were quite surprsed when she told us thenews, even though we knew something was wrong. However, we normally only ne rather with negative or surprising ideas: must say was rather disappointed with your exam results. With adjectives such as right, sure and different, quite ‘means ‘completely ‘Ave you quite sure that you want me to tell Alex about this? With gradable adjectives and adverbs such as good, happy or hard, we use extremely, fay, quite, rather, realy slightly ervey She wasvery angry when she heard what he had done. Angryis a gradable adjective, which means that it can be ed to describe different levels of anger) She wosabsolutelyangry when-sheheardwhathehad done. With stronger (ungradable) adjectives and adverbs such as wonderful, impossible or delighted, we use absolutely, completely, realy or totally: She was absolutely furious when she heard what he had doned She wasvery forious when sheheard-what she had done: (Furious is an ungradable adjective, which means that it describes an extreme state of anger which cannot have diferent levels) Put the words in order to make sentences. 1a snack/ tim /aoina to have / before dinner. / quite hungry, / tm /so 2 extremely nervous/ the job./I was offered /was/ but /about /in theend / my interview. 3 was/ but / computer game /I bought it/ rather expensive, / for my niece / The / nonetheless. 4 was /when | realised / he had lied / absolutely furious / 1/ that /to me. 5 behaviour / the party// very /Her /angry./ at/ mdeme cnanvan sercesnce ATE ers ee ees ive or -ing ‘The following verbs are followed by to+ infintuve: agree, ‘appear, choose, decide, expect, hope, leam, manage, offer, ‘promise, refuse, seem, tend, threaten, want: Wye managed to finish te report by the ernd of Uvedluy. The following verbs ae followed by the ing form: admit, avoid, bother, deny, dislike, enjoy, ish, et round to, ‘imagine, insist on, keep (on), mind, miss suggest: | don't know anyone who enjoys doing housework. Some verbs can be followed by either o + infinitive or the ‘ng form, with no change in meaning. These verbs include begin, continue and start: You nay begin writing us soun as! say so. You may begin to write as soon as! sayso. (The meaning is the same in both examples) Other verbs can be followed by either to + infinitive or the -ing form, but wth a change in meaning. These verbs inchide forget, goon, regret, remember, stop and try: ‘forgot totalkto her about it (| dida't talk to her because Horgot) never forget talking to her aout talked to her and now |wor't forget) He went on to read a book. (He was doing something else cid then serted ready ¢ book} Hewent on reading a book. He continued to read the same book as before) | regret to tell you that nobody survived the fire. (lam sorty that | am giving you this bad news) regret telling you that nobody survived the fie. (\told you. and novr| wish | had not told you.) Please remember to switch the lights off (You shouldn't forget tou this) remember switching the lights oft. switched the lights off and I remember this fact) I stopped asking him about his son. (didn’t ask any more questions about his son) stopped to ask him about his son. (| stopped what |was doing because | wanted to ask him about his son) Have you tried changing your diet? (Have you lexperitnented with eating different foods?) Have you tried tochange your diet? (Have you made an effort to change what you eat?) El Tick the correct sentences. Correct the sentences with mistakes. 1 He decided buy the house even though itneeded to be renovated. 2 Thope te continue to improve my level of spoken English. 3 They promised visting me in Spain after| moved there. 4 She refused to help him with his homework. 5 She expected not getting the job because the interview hadn't gone well, But the next day she received an offer. 6 The lawyers spent all night working on the case and luckily managed finish just in time. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1 can't stop to chat / chatting. tm ina hurry. 2 Ididn't get round to do / doing the housework yesterday, so I'l have todo it today instead. 3 The teacher insisted on the students being / beon time for the school trip. 4 admit to lie / lying to my parents about the time the party finished last night. 5 Irearet not accepting / accent the offer ofa job in Berlin 6 Now that | work from home, miss taking talk to my colleagues in the office. 7 Ifyou foraet to ao / going to the supermarket, we won't have anything for dinner. When too is used before an adjective or adverbs it means ‘more than we want or need! {could tell by hersmilethat she was very happy. ‘ould tell by hersmmiethat she wos too happy: (This would ‘mean ‘happier than she wanted to be’) 1 ean'twalkinthese shoes because they retoo smal

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