#Complete Book

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LYN sO) ta OLS) Living day today Differing tastes Changing places Getting creative Making your way Setting the pace Feeling the Moving ahead Breaking news Shopping around y SO SSdHSde 9 Topics Dally life People Food and drink Restaurants Relationships ‘Travel and tourism ‘Transport Festivals and customs Entertainment (film, music arts) Leisure Education, study and. learning Careers and jobs Health and fitness Sport ‘The environment The weather Science Technology ‘The media Celebrities ‘Shopping and consumer goods Fashion GRAMMAR Present tenses Pracent cimple in time clauses Past tenses ‘Modal verbs ‘Adverbs of degree Verbs followed by 10+ infinitive or-ing Too and enough Present perfect Future forms Countable and uncountable nouns Relative clauses (ining and non- defining) Purpose links Conditionals 1 3 Mixed conditionals Comparative forms Contract links Passive forms Articles Reported speech Adverbs of manner and opinion Wish and ifonly Causative have and get Character adjectives Adjective prefixes and suffixes:-able, al, dis-, ul, “ie, mish, -tve, ive, -0us, un,-y Fixed phrases Dependent prepositions Phrasal verbs with on Phrasal verbs with take Noun suffixes: -ant,-er, sian, -ist-or Medical vocabulary Phencal wore with ip Sports vocabulary Phrozes with in Communications vocabulary Science and te vocabulary Collocations Media vocabulary Noun suffixes nology Clothing and shopping vocabulary Phrasal verbs with out Extreme adjectives Part 7: ‘multiple matching Parte. gapped text Part 5: multiple-choice ‘questions + long text Part 6: gapped text Part 7: ‘multiple matching Part s: multiple-choice questions + long text Port 6: gapped text Part 5: multiple-choice {questions + fong text Part 7: ‘multiple matching Part 6: gapped text USE OF ENGLISH Part3: word formation Port2: open cloze. Port: ‘muttiple-choice cloze Part 4: key word transformation Part3: word formation Part2: open claze: Port 4: key word transformation Port 1: muttiple-choice cloze Part3: word formation Part 4: key word transformation WRITING Part2 informal email getting ideas, informal language Part 1 essay: linking expressions, for and against Part2 review: descriptive adjectives, recommendations Part2 formal letter of application: formal expressions, achieving s Part2 letter: informal language, purpose links Part 1 essay: contrast links, for and against Part? article: reason and result links, wolving the reader Part2 report: recommending and suggesting Part 1 essay: extreme adjectives, for and against LISTENING Pact 1 multiple-choice questions + short texts Pact 2: sentence completion Part 3: ‘multiple matching Part 4: multiple-choice questions + long text Part 2: sentence completion Part 1: multiple-choice questions + short texts Port 3: multiple matching Part 2: sentence completion Part 4: ‘multiple-choice questions + long text Part 3: ‘multiple matching Part 1: talking about yourself Part2: giving opinions, ‘comparing, Part 3: ‘tum taking, suggesting, speculating Part: asking forand justifying opinions: Part 1: talking about future plans Part 3: agreeing and politely disagreeing Part 2: keeping going Parts3 and 4: decision-making Living day to day Il Look at photos 1-3. What do you think a typical day stixeror each persons Think about: ‘+ when they do things like having meals + where they go and how they travel + who they see + what they do to relax + how they feel at various times of the day Part 7 Eh Look at the exam task. Answer these questions. 1 How many people are there? 2 Isitone textin sections, orisit several short texts? 3 What's the topic? 4 What kind of information do youneed to find? (eg. Which place... ?) 5 How many questions are there? 6 Canyou use letters A, B, Cand D several times each? El Look quickly ot the text. What are decky’smain activilesin each section A-E? El Look at this Part 7 example question and the underlined words in the text. There are references to this in parts A, B and E. Why is A right? Why are B and E wrong? Example: In which section does she mention doing intensive physical exercise? A EB Dothe exam task Undetne the words or Sentences that tell you the ight ansuers, Quick steps to Port 7 + Look atthe instructions, tite and layout, then read quickly through the questions. + Remember that the information you need may not bein the same order a the questions, +e careful with words that only seem to say the sameas 2 particular question, but infact mean something quite different @ Exam task You are going ta raad an article abut a studant’s dally life. For {questions 1-10, choose from the sections (A-E). The sections may be chosen more than once, In which section does the writer talk about something she does only once a week? 1 refer toa time when her life was less complicated? Ai explain why she sometimes has to pay for her meals? 3 state she's sure of her ability to combine study and work? [4 suggest that some may be surprised at something she chose to study? a remark on something about her culture that makes her proud? 6 describe a habit she feels is good for her health ‘but unusual for a student? 7 indicate that she sometimes misses a meal? 8 express her admiration for thescenery atthe university? [9 ‘suggest that che had difficulty adapting to university life? [Ya Y Funm tip When you have finished, make sure you have answered all ten questions. Reading and Use of English ——_ EE) A day in the life of a Canadian student j, 2:1 3. | Pucentecednemuecieey ered ‘morning’, as isthe norm here rather than the head-down mutterings common in other countries at this early hour. Before becoming ‘a geography and psychology student at the University of British Columbia, | nad a set daily —which seemed to make everything simpler. My morning routine has changed drastically over the years at university Dut now, in my third year, Ilke to think that | have finally ‘mastered it After the 10-minute ride on the 99 bus, thank the driver - another wonderfully Canadian practice - and head to UBC's gym for a {alcly demanding workout before class. Breakfast varies, in terms of when, if and what eat. Dm first lecture is at 9.30 am, on globalisation. Ihave this course twice a week and love it. This lass finishes at 10.50 am, allowing plenty of. time to stroll orjog to the next lecture. UBC's Vancouver campusis located on the Point Grey peninsula, astunning sit sticking outinto the ‘ocean, so ths san enjoyable commute. After my class on environment and sustainability, | have my Spanish literature course at 1 pm. Youright be wondering why lam taking Spanish literature courseas a aeoaraphy and psycholoay maior. This s because, as an arts student at UBC, Ihave a literature requirement to full, and 've always been really interested in Spanish so decided to combinethe two. Adjectives ending a in -ed and -ing ee Read these words in the textand complete the sentences with -ed and -ing. 1 Weuse adjectives with to describe how somebody feels haut something 2 We use adiectives with to describe the thing or person which ‘causes the feeling. [hnow it’s 1.50 pm and 1am done with classes for theday --- except on Wednesdays, when havea three-hour sports psychology lecture in the evenings. Atunchtime Itry to save ‘money by bringing leftovers from dinner the night before. However, stil lke to be sociable at lunch sol normally meet a friend in our student union building caled the Nest. i's a nice enough day not raining), my friend and | will probably eat on the grassy mound just outside the Nest. II havelleft my lunch at home or was too busy (lazy) to prepare food, | will graba bite to eatat cone ofthe many eateries in the Nest. i Where study in the afternoon depends on whether lam studying in a group or not: ifstudying soo, lenjoy the Hogwarts- like atmosphere of our main library. However, my afternoons are not always dedicated to studying since | do have two campus jobs. ‘Asa UBC student ambassador, | ive campus tours to young people interestedin studying here. My other job is working at UBC's Alumni Centre asa secretary. Because UBC is my employer. itis flexible with my academic schedule and limits my number of hours per week. Many students don't have jobs, but | choose to workbecause Ifeel confident can balance the time commitment with my course. Th My evening schedule varies. Sometimes | go for along gentle ‘un in the beautiful park near my home, but most evenings involve ots of studying for my wourses. Ath oF course nse, len ny five housemates and | eat and talk together. t's achance forusto share the highs and lows of the day and feel relaxed spending time with eauh uther. My schedule is wurnistent wit an approxiiite bedtime of 11 pm, lam unlike most of my peersin going to bed this early, but sleep is crucial to my overall well-being and something | ‘must prioritise because it impacts my day significantly. Complete the sentences with -ing and -ed adjectives formed from the verbs in brackets, Then answer these questions about yourself. 1 Which day of the week do you feel most. (relax? 2 What's the most (amuse) film you've ever seen? 3 Doyou ever feela little (stress? 4 What's the most (depress) news item you've heard recently? 5 When do you feel most. (motivate) to study? 6 Are you (worry) about the environment? 7 Whatdo people find (surprise) about you? 8 What's the most (puzzle) thing about the English language? BD Compare a typical day in your life with that of Becky. What are the different times in your day lke, and how do you feel? Use words teria et Ei Look at the photos. What are the people doing? How much time each day do you spend: a) studying or working, b) travelling, and.) relaxing with friends? ED Look at question 1 in the exam task. Answer these questions. 1 Haw many sneakers wil you hea? What ic the

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