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Inglés Octavo Convocatoria 01-2020 Teacher R Serrano

1.Read the schedule carefully

2. Answer the questions below with the most appropriate option.

Karol’s schedule
Class Teacher Time
Science Mr. Andrews 8:00 – 8:50 a.m.
Math Mrs. Johnson 9:00 – 9:45 a.m.
Art Miss Reyes 9:55 – 10:40 a.m.
Physical Education Mr. Hernandez 10:50 – 11:45 a.m.
Lunch ------ 12:00 – 1:15 p.m.
History Ms. Larson 1:20 – 2:05 p.m.
English Mr. Samuels 2:15 – 3:00 p.m.
Geography Ms. Jackson 3:10 – 3:55 p.m.

1) What class does Karol have first?

a) Art c) Science
b) History d) Geography

2) What time does the art class finish? At ___________________.

a) 9:55 a.m. c) 10:40 a.m.
b) 9:00 a.m. d) 10:50 a.m.

3) What time is the lunch break? _________________________.

a) At noon c) In the morning
b) At 1: 15 p.m. d) In the afternoon

4) Who is Karol’s geography teacher?

a) Miss Reyes c) Mr. Samuels
b) Ms. Jackson d) Mr. Hernandez
Inglés Octavo Convocatoria 01-2020 Teacher R Serrano
1. Read the information posted on a blog.
2. Answer the questions below with the most appropriate option.
Hello, friends!

I am Linda and I’m 16 years old. Today I’m writing about the things that I like and things that don’t like.
It isn’t easy because there are a lot of things that I like and some things that I don’t like.
I really like listening to music. I like different types of music, but I am crazy about electronic music, my
favorite DJs are Robin Schulz and Calvin Harris. I also like watching TV and movies at home during the
week. I like drama movies and sitcoms such as Two and a half Men and the Big Bang Theory. On
weekends I like going out with my school friends. We go to the movie theater and the mall.
School Subjects:
I like Gym and Art, but I prefer Science because I’m crazy for animals. I really like Music, but my favorite
subject is English, of course! I am going to be honest, I don’t like History and Geography too much. I
love playing with my friends in the playground. We play soccer on Mondays after school. We have a
team called the winners.

5) What does Linda like doing during the week?

a) Going to the movies c) Going out with her friends
b) Watching TV and movies d) Visiting her school friends

6) What does Linda like doing on the weekends?

a) Studying English c) Studying at home
b) Practicing sports d) Going out with her friends

7) What is Linda’s favorite class?

a) Art c) Science
b) English d) Physical Education

8) What subjects doesn’t Linda like much?

a) English and History c) History and Geography
b) Science and Language d) Physical and Education and Art

9) How often does Linda play soccer with her friends?

a) Every day c) twice a week
b) Once a week d) On weekends
Inglés Octavo Convocatoria 01-2020 Teacher R Serrano
1. Read each mini-conversation about sports carefully.
2. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding word.

Jimmy: What sports do you like Jane?

Jane: I really like(10 ) __________________. I wake up very early every day, there’s a pool
close to my house. What about you?
Jimmy: I don’t practice any sports. I’d like to start a new sport.

a) soccer c) swimming
b) running d) skateboarding

Vanesa: Did you see my (11)_________________, Melvin? I want to go running.

Melvin: I think they are in the closet. Take a look in there.
Vanesa: Yes, they are here. Thank you!

a) rackets c) helmets
b) trainers d) googles

Jenny: I need to buy a pair of (12)________________. I started swimming yesterday.

Silvia: That’s really important. It’s part of the basic equipment.

a) gloves c) weights
b) skates d) googles

John: Do you think we need a (13)________________? We are just going cycling to the park.
Sally: We do of course. It’s part of staying safe.
John: Ok, can you lend me one?

a) stick c) board
b) glove d) helmet
Inglés Octavo Convocatoria 01-2020 Teacher R Serrano
1. Read the article carefully.
2. Complete each sentence below with the corresponding information.

At first, people played tennis on courts made of grass. That is why people used to call it lawn
tennis. Now, people play tennis on clay, concrete and synthetic surfaces.
As part of the equipment, each player uses a tennis racket to strike a rubber ball. To score, a
person has to hit the ball into the opponent’s court without the opponent being able to hit the ball
About clothing, some women wear shorts while others prefer tennis, skirts. On the other hand,
men choose shirts made from synthetic fabrics because the ones from cotton retain wet and can
stick to the body. When choosing footwear, the major considerations are durability, comfort,
support and ventilation because they are constantly moving, running, stopping quickly, and
sliding across the ground when serving.

14) At the beginning, people played tennis_________________________________.

a) on concrete courts c) on courts made of grass
b) without using rackets d) without using any footwear

15) Part of the equipment includes______________________________________.

a) a racket c) cotton clothing
b) long pants d) balls made of fabric

16) A player scores a point if the opponent_______________________________.

a) makes any quick stops c) does not wear proper clothing
b) is not able to hit the ball back d) hits the ball back successfully

17) Male players wear________________________ to avoid getting wet.

a) ventilated clothes c) shirts made of cotton
b) long pants and shirts d) shirts made from synthetic material

18) It is important for tennis players to__________________________.

a) wear shoes made of cotton c) avoid sliding across the ground
b) avoid running across the court d) wear comfortable and ventilated footwear
Inglés Octavo Convocatoria 01-2020 Teacher R Serrano
1. Read the information posted on Facebook
2. Complete each sentence below with the corresponding information.

Three kings Day

Mexican people traditionally celebrate Christmas for twelve days- from Christmas evening on
December 24th , to the Three kings Day on January 6th . The three Kings Day commemorates the
end of these celebrations. This holiday is so important for Mexicans that they often give additional
gifts on this day, even though it is shortly after Christmas. How did you celebrate it this year?

This year, we exchanged gifts, and we had a lot of fun. I got presents from
my siblings, and I gave presents to my mother and father, and my siblings of
course! My family was very happy to spend time together.
What I loved the most was the traditional food. My mom baked the traditional
Rosca de Reyes. It’s an oval-shaped bread adorned with dried and candied
fruits to symbolize the many jewels that a crown would have. My father and I
loved it.
I celebrated it with some friends and my partner. My family lives far away, so
it was impossible to spend this holiday with them. We had a great time. We
baked the traditional Rosca de Reyes, but it wasn’t as good as my mother’s.

19) The Christmas season in Mexico ends___________________.

a) on January 6th c) on Christmas Eve
b) on December 25th d) at the end of January

20) On Kings Day, Mexicans_____________________________.

a) start celebrating Christmas c) cook non- traditional Mexican dishes
b) give presents to each other d) commemorate the beginning of Christmas

21) Oscar got gifts from his_____________________________.

a) father c) mother
b) friends d) siblings

22) Lucy celebrated the holiday with her___________________.

a) friends c) parents
b) partner d) siblings
Inglés Octavo Convocatoria 01-2020 Teacher R Serrano
1. Read the email.
2. Answer the questions with the most appropriate option below.

Hello, Danny!
We really missed you a lot. For the rest of the guys and me, Thanksgiving wasn’t the same this year.
We hope to meet up next year. How was your day? Are you already at the hotel? I’m going to tell
you what we did. Well, yesterday we had the thanksgiving dinner as usual. First, Lucy and I went
grocery shopping and bought all the things we needed for dinner. Then, we went to my house and
started cooking dinner. You Know, Jason prepared the turkey. Lucy and I prepared the mashed
potatoes and the cranberry sauce. Once everything was ready, we waited for Mark. He couldn’t help
us prepare the dinner, because he worked until late. After dinner, we watched a movie. It was a
funny movie. We loved it. Finally, we cleaned up and washed everything.

Hope to see you soon!


23) Who couldn’t attend the celebration?

a) Mark c) Chris
b) Lucy d) Danny

24) Who went to buy the groceries to prepare the dinner?

a) Mark and Lucy c) Danny and Mark
b) Lucy and Chris d) Chris and Danny

25) Where did the guys have dinner? At _________________.

a) a hotel c) Chris’s house
b) a restaurant d) Danny’s house

26) Why didn’t Mark help prepare the dinner? Because he______________.
a) arrived late c) didn’t attend the dinner
b) was with Danny d) didn’t want to eat turkey

27) What did the guys do after having dinner? They __________________.
a) called Danny c) watched a movie
b) went to sleep d) went to the supermarket
Inglés Octavo Convocatoria 01-2020 Teacher R Serrano
1. Consider the map and the “You are here” start point to gives directions.
2. Answer each question with the most appropriate option.
Book Beauty
Bank University Store shop

First Avenue

Court House Restaurant


Park Police Gym
Second Avenue

Pharmacy Flower Bakery




Shop Videos Theater


City Coffee Gas

Hospital Shop Station
Third Avenue
Toy Doctor’s
Shop Supermarket Office Cafe

31) How can people get to the park?
28) Where is the flower shop?
a) Go straight one block and turn left.
a) Walk three blocks north.

b) Go straight two blocks and turn right. b) Turn left for one block and walk for one block north.

c) Turn right and walk down two blocks. c) Go straight one block and then turn right a half block.

d) turn right for 1 block and turn left for 1 block. d) Turn right for two blocks and turn right one block.

29) Where can people buy some pills? 32) Where can people borrow books?
a) Just walk one block north.
a) Walk for three blocks north.
b Turn left two blocks and go to the corner.
b) Turn right two blocks and turn right two blocks
c) Turn left one block and walk two blocks north.
c) Turn left one block and walk down one block north.
d) Go straight one block and then turn right a half block.
d) Go straight for one block and then cross second Avenue

30) Where is the coffee shop?

a) Turn left one block and walk one block north.
b) Turn left for two blocks and turn right for one more block.
c) walk two blocks east, it is across from the doctor’s office.
d) Turn right one block and a half, it is across from the drugstore.
Inglés Octavo Convocatoria 01-2020 Teacher R Serrano

1. Consider the ads.

2. Match the information with each ad. There are two extra ads.
2. Come and get 3. Discount Decorator
1. Local Market
Mondays from 6 to 12 Your daily dose Appliance and
The freshest Products Specialty blends Furniture store
in town Cappuccino HUGE SALE!
The freshest
products 5. Weekly Sales
4. Newinhorizons
town with Pants, shoes,
More than just bread
in Books
town Perfumes,
Open daily
Start the passion jewelry

33) You can drink a cup of coffee with your best friend here.
a) 1 c) 3
b) 2 d) 5

34) You can go to this place to buy vegetables and fruit.

a) 1 c) 4
b) 2 d) 5

35) You can go to this place to buy some pastry or bread.

a) 1 c) 4
b) 2 d) 6

36) You can go to this place to buy a table and chair.

a) 2 c) 4
b) 3 d) 6
Inglés Octavo Convocatoria 01-2020 Teacher R Serrano
1. Read the e-mail.
2. Choose the most appropriate option to answer each question.
Subject: A memorable vacation

Hello Ginnet,
Hope you are doing well.

I have just returned from my vacation in playa Panama in Guanacaste where I went with my family.
You know: my parents and two brothers. I’ll never forget this trip with my family. The beach is the
ideal place to spend one’s summer vacations. I used to get up early to go on short walks with my
father. The morning breeze and refreshing air were perfect to start the day. On the first day, we
took a tour around some beaches nearby. We also went to Tamarindo and Arenillas beach. They
were beautiful places to relax. I bought some souvenirs for my close friends. The next day, we did
some water sports. It was really exciting. If you go to Panama beach, you will see that there are
many activities to do. We were never at the hotel. Evenings were reserved for walks down the
beach. The third day, we met my father’s friends. We really had a good time. I wish you had
accompanied us, but I know you were busy.
Looking forward to seeing you soon, my friend.
Yours lovingly,

37) Who does Karen write to?

a) A friend c) Her father
b) A brother d) Her family

38) Who did Karen go with on her vacation?

a) Ginnet c) Some friends
b) Her family d) Her father’s friends

39) What did they do on the second day?

a) They took a tour c) They went out with some friends
b) They stayed at the hotel all day d) They practiced some water sports

40) Who did Karen meet one night?

a) Her family c) Her two brothers
b) Karen’s friends d) Her father’s friends
Inglés Octavo Convocatoria 01-2020 Teacher R Serrano
1. Read the e-mail carefully
2. Choose the most appropriate option to answer each question.
Situation: Andrew is sending an e-mail to his e-friend in England telling her about
his last birthday celebration.
Subject: MY BD Party

Hi Silvia
I hope you are well,

I’m going to share with you how I celebrated my last birthday. I’ll never forget it. I wanted to do
something really memorable. My parents also wanted to celebrate it in a different way. So, we
planned something different. We took the cake, food, and gifts to the children living in the
orphanage. I invited some workmates to go with me, but they couldn’t go. We had permission
from the authorities who run the orphanage provided a room for us to celebrate my birthday. The
children were waiting for us when we reached the orphanage. As I cut the cake, the children
clapped and sang “Happy Birthday to you”. My joy increased when I celebrated my birthday with
them. They were so happy, too. They made up cards for me. They made them by themselves
with paper of different colors. It was my best birthday celebration. Thanks for your wishes also.
That’s it for now!
Yours affectionately,

41) Who is Andrew writing to?

a) Silvia c) An orphanage
b) His parents d) His workmates

42) Who planned Andrew’s party?

a) His friend Silvia c) He and his parents
b) A group of children d) His workmates and family

43) Who did Andrew celebrate his birthday with?

a) Silvia c) His workmates
b) His friends d) Some children and his family

44) Where did Andrew have his birthday party?

a) At work c) In Silvia’s house
b) In his house d) In an orphanage

45 What did the children give Andrew for his birthday?

a) A cake c) Some food
b) Some gifts d) Birthday cards
Inglés Octavo Convocatoria 01-2020 Teacher R Serrano

Don’t miss this!

Want to see an active volcano, national park, tropical rainforest and volcano all in one day? Visit La
Fortuna! Or maybe you want to going hiking on hanging bridges, or horseback riding through a
cloud forest and spot several different bird species in Monteverde? The Monteverde Cloud forest is
perfect for you.
Do you want to see scarlets macaws, crocodiles, a river, and beautiful beaches in the Pacific? Go
to the Jacó area and experience endless tours, the nearby Playa Hermosa and Carara National
Park. Looking for Turtles, howler monkeys, tropical flora and fauna and boat tours? Visit Tortuguero!
Thinking about scuba diving off the Caribean coast, or exploring a tropical rainforest in search of
howler monkeys, sloths and iguanas? Cahuita National Park, located in the Caribbean region of
Costa Rica, is a perfect place for you to go scuba diving.
Visitors vacationing in Costa Rica can literally have it all! Whatever area, destination or attraction
you decide to visit on your next Costa Rica vacation.

46) The text above describes_______________________________.

a) tours and packages for tourists c) the flora and the fauna of the volcanoes
b) different places to visit in Costa Rica d) the extreme sports tourists like practicing in the country

47) There is a cloud forest in _______________________________.

a) Jacó c) Tortuguero
b) Carara d) Monteverde

48) If you visit Tortuguero, you can _________________________.

a) go hiking c) enjoy seeing wild animals
b) take a hiking tour d) walk across hanging bridges

49) A good spot for going scuba diving is_____________________.

a) Carara c) Playa Hermosa
b) Tortuguero d) Cahuita National Park

50) Tourists will __________________________, if they visit Costa Rica.

a) get bored easily c) find many activities to do
b) have nothing to do d) have problems finding activities to do
Inglés Octavo Convocatoria 01-2020 Teacher R Serrano
Subject: Amazing San Carlos

Hi Lucy,
I hope you are well!

I’m really excited about your trip to my country! I know this is your second time. I remember you
have already visited some beaches in the Pacific, Poás Volcano, and Puerto Viejo. Have you ever
been to San Carlos? I want to take you there. If we go to San Carlos, we will stay in La Fortuna, a
beautiful town just in front of Arenal Volcano. We can’t reach the top of the volcano like we did in
Poás, but the view is spectacular. I’m going to rent an apartment downtown. Actually, my uncle has
some cabins for rent. The location is really convenient and it’s easy to get around. There are many
different attractions in the area. The hot springs are one of them. They’re really relaxing. That’s my
first advice. Then, we can go hiking in the surrounding mountains. I’m going to call a friend who
lives on the area. I know he can give us some advice. We don’t need a travel agency or tourists

I’m looking forward to seeing you again,


51) Amanda wants to take Lucy to _____________________________.

a) the beach c) Puerto Viejo
b) San Carlos d) her friend’s house

52) In La Fortuna, the girls are going to stay in ___________________.

a) a hotel c) a friend’s house
b) an apartment d) Amanda’s house

53) One of the attractions in San Carlos is______________________.

a) the beach c) the hot springs
b) Puerto Viejo d) the Poás Volcano

54) In the area, the girls can ______________________________.

a) go hiking c) swim at the beach
b) climb a volcano d) reach the top of a volcano

55) Amanda is going to contact __________________ to get some information.

a) her uncle c) a tourist guide
b) her friend d) a travel agency

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