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1. Write yes/no questions for the following answers.

ex. you from Mexico Are you from Mexico?

ex. Pablo / 18 years old Is Pablo 18 years old?

a. Kate and William / English kate and william are english?

b. Nelson Mandela / Kenyan Is Nelsol mandela keynan?

c. Leanne from Greece Is Leanne from greece?

d. Mozart / a musician Is mozart a musician?

e. Jeremy Li / Chinese Is Jeremy Li chinese?

f. Yue, Sirui and Zetang / Korean Are Yue, Sirui and Zetang Korean?

g. Ana / a police officer Is Ana is a police officer?

h. it / a hotel Is it a hotel?

i. Diego / a painter Is diego a painter?

j. you / a chef Are you a chef?
2. Answer the following questions. ( + = yes and - = no)

ex. Are you from Vancouver? (+) → Yes, I am.

ex. Is the dog big? (-) → No, it isn’t.

a. Are Jill and David from Korea? (+)→ Yes, they are
b. Is the boy 10 years old? (-)→ No, isn’t

c. Are they Ukrainian? (+)→ Yes they are

d. Is Barbara Australian? (+)→ Yes She’s

e. Are Rayan, Marwan and (-)→ No, they are not

Abdullah students?
f. Are you a doctor? (-)→ No, I’m not

g. Are you teachers? (-)→ No, they are not

h. Is Jenny a nurse? (+)→ No, she’s not

i. Is today June 5th? (-)→ It is not

j. Am I late? (+)→
3. Ask and answer questions about the following pictures.

Example: (seven years old) Example: (dentist)

Is she six years old? Is he a dentist?

No, she isn’t. She is seven years old. Yes, he is.

a. (Cuban) b. (police officers)

Are they Cubans? Are the police officers?

Yes they are Yes they are
c. (hospital) d. (young)

Is it a hospital? He’s a young?

No Isn’t No hes’nt

e. (grocery store) f. (from Cairo, Egypt)

4. Write questions for the following answers.

a. Where is Katia From? She is from Obregón.

b. How old is paul? Paul is 20 years old.

c. What’s your name My name is Amber.

d. When is Mario’s Birthday? His birthday is May 6th.

e. How are you? I’m fine.

f. How is his name? His name is David.

g. How old are you? I am 53 years old.

h. Where is Miguel from? He is from Empalme.

i. Where are from Ana? Ana is from China

j. When is your birthday? My birthday is April 1st.

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