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ORIGINAL ARTICLE MUHAMMAD AKRAM RIAZ’, SHAZIA KOUSAR', MUHAMMAD NAVEED RIAZ’, NAILA BATOOL,, & HUMAIRA YASMIN" ‘Leute, Oeparirent of Pycheloy,teratioal Mami Uskesty labo ‘Stuer, Deparment of Pychoiony, Royal ou of Colleges Guana ‘cur Deparent of aycloy, ies of Harpur Harr “Assan Profesor, Deparment of ology. Univers of Haru Haspur ‘Student, Deparment of Pychology, Univers of aripur, Hspur ‘CORRESPONDING AUTHOR harsmad vam Riaz! Departent of Pyehslgy Ineratina amc Untesty Wamabad, Ema: aeanviaz313@gnal com, Cel: +82-3339810877 ‘ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES ‘The research examines the relationship between seltesteem, personality traits and suicidal Ideatons among young adults. Additionally the study examined suicidal ideation with reference togender, DESIGN Ctosssectlonalstudy PLACE & DURATION OF STUDY ‘The study was completed in ferent coleges of Abbottabad, llamabad and Gujranwala from January 2013t0 February 2014, SUBJECTS AND METHODS Sample of 110 young adults was taken fom different government colleges of Abbottabad, Islamabad and Gujranwala wth equal number of ‘males and females Crelation and independent samplet-testwere applied analyze thedata, RESULTS Self-esteem was negatively correlated with Suicidal ideation. Extraversion, agree ableness, conscientiousness and openness were positively cortelated with Suicidal ideation whereas Neuroticism was negatively correlated with suicidal ideation, Suiidal ideation was higher among malesascompared wth females, CONCLUSION ‘The present research provides significant association of self-esteem and personaly tats with reference tosucidalideations among young adults, KEYWORDS, Se esteem personality tats, sucidalideations INTRODUCTION Suicide ideation involves a broad variety of language, from the deste to die to thoughts about ul svateay to entrust suicide! Suicide and suicidal performance has extended been regarded a a severe community dificult Interationall there isonefinished suicide in 40 seconds. Suicideis uncommon previoustotheage of 12, while teenage and young adulthood symbols the fstimportant go up inthe speed of suicide” Pakistan suicidal rate increased withthe passage of time duet social prejudice, unemployment, terorsm, poverty and many other reasons. Its one of thelessresearched aeasin the indigenous context School experiences arefunand ose significant positionindeterminingtheirdevelopmentaltajectories* Previous research found a postive meaningful relationship between neuroticism vith guitfeeting and sel-destrucion and @ negative meaningful relationship between conscientiousness with quit feeling, self'destucion, isolation and pression, Exraversion had a negative relationship with isolation, inertia, hopelessness and inferiority openness had a negative relationship with hopelessness and inferior, too. Furthermore, there was 2 negative significance relationship between exraversion and conscentiousness with totascore cf suicidal ‘ideations’ Decreased self-esteem snot considerably associated to suicidalideatio, ‘may be since iia danger sue more connected with suicidal performance. This consequence could start with depressive symptoms associated to Suicidalideatio, hich in turn could have an effect on sel-estoem, and later activate sucil performance’ Gender differences in self-esteem suggests that male young aduts have higherselfesteemthan female young adults Overhalfofthe women with low selfesteems have senior suicidal ideation and depressive symptomatology than ‘men ith major eferences only inthe middle of young adults’ On the bass of lteraturethehypothesesofthe study were 1. There is negative relationship between self-esteem and suicidal ideation ‘among youngaduls 2. There is negative relationship between extraversion, openness to experience, conscentiousness,agreeableness and suicidal ideation, and postive relationship between neuroticism and suicidal ideation among youngaduls. 3. _Selfesteem and suicidal ideation will be higher among males as compared vith females, METHOD PARTICIPANTS: “The sample of presen study was consisted of 110 young adults. Both male (n= 55) JUL DECMBER 2014 VOLUME 11 NUMBER? ‘and female (n=55) wereincludedinthe sample. Agerangecf young adults was 19-23year5. INSTRUMENTS: [1] Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale was used to measure setesteem'l ‘contains 10 tems answered on 2 4-point Like-type scale (strongly disogree, disogree, agree, strongly agree) 2] 8 five personality inventory was used to measure sef-esteem’ It contains 44 items _ansneredon a S-pont Liker-type scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral agre strongly agre). [3] The Modified Scale for Suicide Ideation isa revised version ofthe Scale for Suicide Ideation It ‘contains 18 items answered on 2 ‘point Liker-type scale (very Unsure, unsure of courage, quite sure, very sure). The scale assesses suicide symptoms over the past year. PROCEDURE ‘The participants were approached in their respective institutions to «ole the information efor collecting data the informed consent _were taken from the young adults. Tey ensured tobe confident 35 the information obtained willbe kept highly confidential on behalf of ‘the researcher that thelr personal identities will not be revealed. Booklets containing tools were handed over them tofilin. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (35S was use to analyze the data. Alpha reliably, corlation and statisti, were applied to evaluate the hypothesesofthe study. RESULTS The rolibilty of all scales and subscales rage from 6 (le, agreeableness) 10 86 (le, sefesteem) indicating satisfactory internal consistency and therefore all te scales and subscales were relsbiefor use seetable Selfesteem was pastveycorelated with extaversion (108) =-90, <.01,agreeableness+(108)=.18,p <.05,conscientiousness1{108) -82,p.<01,and openness to experience 108) = 82,p < 01 and was negatively correlated with neuroticism 108) = -19, p < 05 and ‘suleidal ideation (108) = -23, p< 01. Extraversion was postvely correlated with agreeableness (108) = 26 p< 01,conscientiousnes= *(108)=.20,p <.05, and openness to experience 108) = 82, <.05 ‘and was negatively corelated with neuroticism 108) =-26,p < 05 ‘and suicidal ideation (108) =-.19,p <.05. Agreeablenesspostively correlated with conscientousnessr(108)= 21, <.05 and openness toexperiencer{108)= 42,p.<.01 and wasnegativly correlated with neuroticism 108) =-36, p <.01 and suicidal deaton (108) =-28,p < 01. Conscientiousness was postely correlated with openness ‘experience 1108) =.18, p< 05 and was negatively created with neuroticism r 108) =-2,p<.01 and sucidalideation (108) =-42, << 01. Neuroticsm was negathely correlated with openness to ‘experience 1108) = -22, p-<.01 and was postvey created with 1(108) =-21,p <.05. Openness negatively correlated with suicidal ideations(108)=-52,p<.01(seetable2) Female were significant higher on neuroticism (108) =2.24,p<.05 ‘whereas male were higher on self-esteem (108) = 249, 9 < 01, ‘etroversin (108) = 253, p<.01, and suicidalideation (108) = 292, P< (seetable3) TABLE: 1 Alpha reliability forall study variables (N =110) Setedeem 0 gy Euaverion 76 Aerobie 7 6 Conaceniouness ® 75 Openness eipence 0 % Newoteem @ a Sua eaten e 75 —_— a ee eee Re) 3 iene ae © Ores oem = Note: "p<.05,"p <01 TABLE: 3 CGendee Differences forall study varia Setarieen sra9Q.en | 05509) [240° | 8 Eaarson pase) | 255907 [2a | _ae aeeate asa [zzsarzas)| 156 | — Conssensaueneas | 20006536) | 2070267) 8 Opemesstoesparence [v12e6) [szouaro)| vor | a Newsisen warogaa [aravarm [ae | 7 ‘Suit ss20r20%) | 736) | 292] 12 *p<.05,"p <01 DISCUSSION ‘The Isthypothesis There will benegative relationship between self- esteem and suicidal ideation among young adults was supported, Research evidences showed that important quantity of covariance between self-esteem and uncanstructve existence experiences in the forecast of suicidal ideation was establish; but self-esteem ‘explained beter quantity of inconsistency of suicidal ideation than did pressure."Unconstructive life actions also refered to as unpleasant or demanding life proceedings are key predictors of ‘suicidal deatonand performance.” Findings of study proved 2nd and 3rd hypotheses ofthe study Research optional that suicidal dation was completely redited by the neuroticism facets, annoyed friendliness and sadness, and Lnconstructvely predicted by the carefulnes facet of se-control UY CBE 204 VOLUME 11 NUMBER? se 20 results in suicidal ideation whereas ather personality factors lke ‘extroversion, openness to experience, conscentiousness and ‘2greeablenesshave negativeassocition wit suicidal deaton."Iis proved by esearch suggested that neuroticism signlfcant postive predictor of history attempted suicide were optimistic Iifetme the past of psychiatric esorder(pantculary depression diagnoses), letime the past of injection drug use, and a relations the past of suicideattempts* Ie 1s proved by many researches that suicidal behaviors occured ‘more frequently in females than males."Itwasfoundthatasan adult ‘rouse or she faces ferent sorts of changes that can bebodly or touching that havea great payment in teenage years sel esteem ‘The boys who have grown late they contrast themselves with the ‘other boy of ther similar age who fel more ft, male, and sue. On ‘the other hand, the gis fee ill at ease and become very much

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