Feature Writing About Umtc

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The hero of our country’s future

“The youth the is hope of the nation.”
This is a famous quote from our National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, saying that the next generations of kids are
going to be responsible for the innovation of the future world. And as one of those children, I am always pressured
to be the best version of myself. Given this, I feel like there is a need for me to find the perfect school for senior
high school during my freshman years and as I was searching, I found the University of Mindanao.
I luckily entered the big gates of the UM Campus and its ambiance feels like a magnet that instantly
attracted me into enrolling in this school. Now that I am a grade 12 student here, not a little bit of regret came into
my mind Want to know why? Then close your eyes and open your minds as I take you on an arduous journey
inside the school premises.
The nervousness I felt the first time I stepped into the doors of the UM campus was truly unmatched. I was
intimidated by the pink enormous buildings I saw as it was very different from my previous school. But
surprisingly, instead of being scared, my dreams suddenly became as high as those buildings. And if you would also
come to see these giant structures, I am sure that you will also feel this sudden magic spell.
If you will stay longer in the hallways, you will immediately notice the moderate sounds of the chit-chats of
the students. And hey! I am one of them. They may look harmless, but once unleashed, a tiger suddenly comes out
of their body. Just by observing them, you can see the eagerness in their eyes to do their best and excel in every
field that they want to pursue. Not to brag, but in every competition ranging from quiz bees, sports, and arts, the
UMTC Campus doesn’t go home without achieving the trophy of triumph.
Inside every classroom, we have teachers who are always giving their best efforts in providing us, their
students, the quality education that we deserve. They may be strict occasionally, but it is their duty to be
professional and ban unethical behaviors in the class. They may also sometimes scold us for doing the bare
minimum, but it is their duty to improve the skills of their students. Just like Louis Berman stated, “A good teacher
masters improvement and defies simplism.” The preceptors here at our campus really uphold their duties
satisfactorily and I think that it is what sets our school apart from others.
After this wonderful tour around the campus, I was once again reminded of how lucky I am to be here. Not
only was I given the opportunity to express myself more, but I was also able to create strong bonds and rapport
with my classmates and schoolmates. In just a few months, I have seen how my skills blossomed from a small spark
to an absolute fire. And as a student, the hope of our nation, I will always be blissful that the prowess and intellect
that I am equipped with came from the light of the southern skies. Indeed, the University of Mindanao is the perfect
school for training the next generations of leaders.

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