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The Magnetrons–EMI Sources: Computer Modeling and Experimental


Article · January 2004


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5 authors, including:

Gennadiy I. Churyumov Tetyana Frolova

SAS Institute Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics


A.V. Gritsunov Oleksandr Nikitenko

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics


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G. I. Churyumov, T. I. Frolova, A. V. Gritsunov, O. M. Nikitenko, V. N. Zin’kovsky

Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics
14, Lenin Ave., Kharkov, 61166, The Ukraine

Abstract: In this paper, different spurious signals in output Besides these signals but smaller power together with
spectrum of continuous and pulsed magnetrons have been additional low-frequency f RF and high-frequency f HF
considered. By using both theoretical (computer modeling)
signals are radiated into external space (out of waveguide
and experimental methods for analysis of magnetrons output
radiation) from cathode junction that can be considered as
spectrum the levels and frequencies of given signals have
two coaxial lines. It is necessary to note the radiation of
been defined. It is shown (both theoretically and
these signals into free space influences upon the
experimentally) that the levels and frequencies of the
electromagnetic environment. Thus all these signals should
spurious signals depend on the operation modes and partial
consider as ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI) having the
pressure of residual gases in interaction space of the
levels which depend on operating mode of the magnetron.
magnetrons, parameters of an electron beam and delay line.
In order to study the excitation mechanism of the spurious
Also experimentally it was found correlation some spurious
signals and to understand its features as well as to determine
signals with the oscillations which influence on
the possible levels in different operating modes of the
electromagnetic environment.
magnetrons it is necessary to carry out the investigations
which would include both experimental exploration of the
spurious signals and computer modeling of non-linear
The analysis of electromagnetic environment relates to the electron-wave processes in the interaction space of the
electromagnetic compatibility problem of modern radar and magnetrons.
communication systems. In great part this problem connects
with imperfection of microwave tubes which are used in the III. EXPERIMENT
output stages of given systems as the electromagnetic
radiation sources. The presence of different signals (both For carrying out the experimental investigations there was
desired and unwanted) in radiation spectrum of the tubes created the vacuum plant that included the following
including the main (desired) signal and a great variety of the apparatus: spectrum analyzer, susceptor, standard-signal
spurious signals (unwanted) is a essential shortcoming of all generator, horn antenna and calibrated attenuators.
microwave tubes and, especially, the crossed-field tubes f,0 2f,0 3f,0 ...
(magnetrons) [1,2]. It is connected with higher levels of
noise and spurious oscillations which are available in
spectrum of the output signal of given tubes (in comparison
with other microwave tubes, for example, O-type tubes).
The investigation of excitation mechanisms of the noise and
spurious oscillations in interaction space of the magnetrons
was carried out previously and its results are dis cussed in [3-
This papers presents the theoretical and experimental
investigations of spectrum of the output signals in the
magnetrons. The consideration includes the systematization
of all spurious signals which are available in output
spectrum of the magnetrons, the analysis of reasons its
excitation as well as the definition of possible ways for fRF , fHF ,
decreasing the levels of these signals . f,0 2f,0 3f,0 ...


The typical magnetron is shown in Fig. 1. The main Fig.1 - Magnetron.

radiation elements in the magnetrons are antenna and
terminals (or cathode junction). The antenna is a RF output For measurement procedure we used substitution method
for microwave signals including the main signal f 0 [6]. According to this method for determining relative levels
of spurious signals and out-of-circuit radiation it is
(operating frequency) and its harmonics 2 f 0 , 3 f0 , 4 f 0 , necessary to compare its levels with transmitting signal
5 f 0 and so on (spurious signals). All these signals inject Fig. 2 shows the output spectrum of the magnetron for two
into waveguide that is usually matched with loading. cases : a - the signals are radiated by the antenna; b - the
signals are radiated by the cathode junction (out-of-circuit oscillations f RF . Its appearance in the interaction space of
radiation). From this figure we notice that the
the tube allows estimating the frequencies of the
harmonics 2 f 0 , 3 f 0 , 4 f 0 , and 5 f 0 radiated by antenna intermodulation interferences (high - frequency
and cathode junction have the different amplitudes relatively oscillations f HF ) in accordance with empirical relationship
the level of main signal f 0 = 2.45 GHz (generation
frequency). Of special note is the higher level of fifth f HF = mf i ± nf RF , (1)
harmonic (12.25 GHz) that should consider as the EMI for
telecommunication systems.
where i = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... – number of the harmonics, m and
The experimental results showing as the residual atmosphere
inside the X-band continuous magnetron affects to its output n are positive or negative integers. The frequencies of these
spectrum are presented in Fig. 3 and 4. signals are close by frequency of the main signal and its
Fig. 3 illustrates the output spectrum of the X-band harmonics.
continuous magnetron for different cases when the pressure
of the residual atmosphere inside magnetron is: a) - 0.133 IV. THEORY
10-7 Pa (standard pressure inside magnetron); b) - 1.3 10-2
Pa; c) - 4.1 10 -2 Pa. As may be seen from this figure, the For understanding the features of electron - wave processes
deterioration of vacuum in the interaction space of the which take place in interaction space of the magnetrons it is
magnetron (for example, due to leaking of different gases) very convenient to use its equivalent circuit. The elementary
gave birth to the additional components in the output equivalent circuit of the magnetrons on frequency
spectrum, raised its levels and decreased the power of main corresponding to π-mode is showed in Fig. 5. It has been
signal, simultaneously. known that in the microwave tubes an electron beam is by a
Fig. 4 shows the output spectrum and RF pulse envelopes of source of induced current. The action of an electron beam in
the S band pulsed magnetron in the case when the pressure the magnetrons may be presented in terms of complex
in the tube is equal to 0.133 10-7 Pa (standard pressure inside electronic admittance Ye = Ge + jBe . As result the
magnetron) (a) and 1.3 10-2 Pa (b). The worsening of
summarized high-frequency voltage having the complicated
vacuum in the pulsed magnetron gave birth to the
spectral distribution (including spurious output signals) is
bifurcation of the output spectrum, suppression of regular
induced on delay line by modulated electron beam (the
oscillations and excitation of noise oscillations. In particular,
in this case the leading edge of the RF pulse envelope is a resonant circuit with lumped LC , CC and GC constants in
fuzzy line and there are additional oscillations on its “flat Fig. 5). The amplitudes of given signals depend on not only
0 from the mechanism of electron-wave interaction but also
I from electrodynamic properties of a delay line. It is
RF Amplitude, dB

necessary to note that a delay line is a complicated
electrodynamic structure which possesses by the band-pass
IV Fig. 6 demonstrates the theoretical dispersion characteristics
* *
-50 of the X-band continuous magnetron in main and higher
-60 transmission bands. The angle between abscissa axis and
straight line determines the phase velocity of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 electromagnetic wave for π-mode on frequency 2.45 GHz
f, GHz (point A in Fig.6 ). As illustrated, the intersection of the
a) straight line with dispersion characteristic of second
transmission band corresponds to an excitation in interaction
0 space of the magnetron of π-mode but on frequency 12.65
I GHz (point B in Fig. 6 ). Taking into account that given
RF Amplitude, dB

frequency is close by frequencies of the systems of satellite

communication it can create interferences in operating of
-30 such systems. This shortcoming of existing delay lines of
-40 the X-band continuous magnetron is to be corrected. To do
IV V this it is necessary to increase frequency separation between
-50 * *
III these signals or to utilize special filters for decreasing the
level of spurious signals on frequency corresponding to the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 fifth harmonic.
f, GHz On the other hand, there is another group of spurious signals
(in addition to main signal and its harmonics this group has
b) still included the low-frequency signals and intermodulation
Fig.2 - Output spectrum of magnetron.
components) which are inducted in the cathode circuits of
the magnetrons. The cathode circuit can be presented by two
top”. The frequencies of these oscillations correspond to coaxial transmission lines (the resonant circuit with lumped
dozens megahertz, i.e. we have the low-frequency LC , CC and GC constants in Fig. 5). The radiation of these
signals into external space usually classifies as out of where δ = I a ( 2πelra rc ) ; I a - anode current; ra -
waveguide radiation from the cathode junction and is the
most dangerous from the point of view of electromagnetic anode radius; l - cathode height.
compatibility. To decrease the amplitudes of spurious The theoretical investigations have shown that the ion -
signals from the cathode junction it is necessary to use the relaxation oscillations exist when inner pressure in the
special filters which are structurally disposed inside cathode magnetron is less dozens of microtorr, the frequencies band
junction of the magnetrons. is in range from several hertz to dozens of kilohertz, and the
For investigating the generation mechanisms of amplitudes range is from several volts to s everal microvolts.
electromagnetic oscillation in interaction space of the
magnetrons we used the analytical calculations and dB
computer modeling of electron-wave interaction by the
particle-in-cell (PIC) method [7].
In the first case the low-frequency oscillations in interaction -10
space of the magnetrons have been analyzed. The process its
generation is connected with non-linear interaction of the re- -20
entrant electron beam and the molecules (or ions) of residual
gases [3]. There are several theoretical approaches which
describe interaction between the ions oscillations and the
main oscillation on operating frequency. The modulation
approach is preferred. Such approach proved to be -40
extremely helpful. The modulation approach separately
describes each of mechanisms of ion oscillation excitation -50
and their interactions. Mathematically this approach was
-4 -2 0 2 4 ∇
f, MHz
described by ordinary equations. As a result we considered
the following ion oscillation mechanisms: ion - relaxation, a)
ion-plasma, ion-hybrid, and their interaction with each dB
other. The theoretical investigations these mechanisms
permit to determine the correlation between by the
amplitudes (or frequencies) of oscillation process and by the
parameters of operating condition (geometric sizes, pressure,
kind and temperature of the residual gases, and values of -20
electric and magnetic fields).
Ion–relaxation oscillations. These low-frequency oscillations -30
are being excited due to the relaxation mechanism. Such
mechanism takes place in the case when the ions are in
potential minimum of interaction space and make fluctuating -40
motion near location of stable equilibrium. For calculating
the frequency of ion–relaxation oscillations we used the -50
results obtained in [2]: -4 -2 0 2 4 ∇
f, MHz
 b  x ωC p 
i− r 1 w
f RF = 16.85 ⋅ 10−18  2  src 1 − 2  ln (2) dB
 x  w kT  s  x,
where rc - cathode radius; s = r rc ; x - ionization
energy, eV; w - electron energy, eV; b - ionization -20
probability; p - gas pressure; k - Boltzmann constant;
ω C =ηB - cyclotron frequency; B - magnetic field; -30

η = e m ; T - gas temperature; e and m - charge and -40

mass of electron.
The amplitude of the ion–rela xation oscillations is solution
of the following equation [3]:
-4 -2 0 2 4 ∇
f, MHz
2 c)
m  δ kT    2eU min  
U min =    exp   − 1 , (3)
2e  p    kT   Fig. 3 - Output spectrum of the X - band continuous
These spurious low-frequency oscillations interact with components) can be generated in the output spectrum of the
main signal and its harmonics and in accordance with (1) tubes . Their frequencies are close by frequencies of main
several new spurious signals (or intermodulation signal and its harmonics. Thus appearance of the low-
frequency oscillations leads to the spectral lines widening of
dB main signal and its harmonics.
0 Ion-plasma and ion-hybrid oscillations. It is well known that
the frequency of ion–plasma oscillations is

i− p 1 n0 e 2
f = , (4)
2π mi ε 0

where n 0 - space charge density; mi - ions mass; ε 0 -
-50 dielectric constant.
-4 -2 0 2 4 ∇
f, MHz The ion–hybrid oscillations had excited due to presence of
crossed electric and magnetic fields. The frequencies of such
0 1. 0 2.0 oscillations is
t, µs

pe 2 e2
RF Amplitude

f RFi− h = + 2 B2 . (5)
ε 0 kTm i m i

The amplitude both ion–plasma and ion–hybrid oscillations

was obtained using self-consistent solving Poisson,
ponderomotive and continuity equations. As result the
amplitude of these oscillations can be described the
following expression
ep  s c2 − 1 
dB U i− p = rc  ln s − s 2 + 1  . (6)
0 4 ε 0 kT  ln s c 
Ion-plasma and ion-hybrid oscillations exist when inner
pressure in the magnetrons is in range from several dozens
of kilohertz to several dozens of megahertz and its
amplitudes are limited from several millivolts to several
hundred volts. These oscillations should consider as the
spurious signals because its frequencies are in radio and TV
cathode junction delay line
-4 -2 0 2 4 ∇
f, MHz

0 1. 0 2. 0
t, µs

RF Am plitude

Ya La Gc GD

electron beam load

Fig. 5 – Equivalent-circuit of the magnetron.

Taking into account that the electron-wave process in

b) interaction space of the magnetrons is strongly non-linear
one and all oscillations which are in interaction space
Fig. 4 - Output spectrum of the S - band pulsed magnetron. interact with each other, the oscillations’ interaction can be
characterized as modulation process that includes both
amplitude and frequency modulation [8]. If frequencies of The spectral windows cover the range from 2.3 to 4.6 GHz
interacting oscillations are close one to other it is took place where main intermodulation components are aggregated. By
excitement of intermodulation interferences (high-frequency varying the anode voltage of the magnetron we can operate
signals f HF ) in the output spectrum of the magnetrons. by levels and number of intermodulation components in its
output spectrum. Unfortunately it causes change of others
ƒ0, GHz parameters of the magnetron and is connected with
deterioration efficiency and decrease of output power.


Thus we have studied the physical mechanism of generation

15 of the spurious oscillations in the continuous and pulsed
magnetrons. It is shown (both theoretically and
experimentally) that the levels of these oscillations depend
on partial pressure of residual gases in interaction space of
the magnetrons, parameters of space charge, and its
5 N -1
N +1
operating modes. Also experimentally there was found
correlation with some oscillations which influence on
electromagnetic surroundings.
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Fig. 8 - Magnetron output signal spectrum for N 2 −1 -

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