Enphys30 - As1.1 1

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ENPHYS30 – Calculus-Based Physics for Engineers

National University Fairview

Engr. Cedie B. Macalisang
Assignment 1.1
1. At the instant traffic, light turns green, a car that has been waiting at an intersection starts ahead with a
constant acceleration of 3.20 m/s2. At the same instant a truck, traveling with a constant speed of 20.0 m/s,
overtakes and passes the car.

a. How far beyond its starting point does the car overtake the truck?
b. How fast is the car traveling when it overtakes the truck?
2. Derive the equation of the maximum height in projectile motion
3. Derive the equation of the range in projectile motion.
4. If a car passenger is moving at a speed of 11 m/s and observes that raindrops outside are falling at an angle
of approximately 60° from the vertical, how fast would you estimate the raindrops to be falling? It's worth
noting that the rain is moving at a constant velocity due to air resistance as it approaches the ground.
5. Salmons migrating upstream are recognized for their remarkable jumping ability. The most elevated jump
ever documented by these fish was 3.45 meters in an upward direction. If we presume that the fish initiated its
leap at a 45-degree angle relative to the horizontal, what was the speed of the fish as it departed from the
6. If a rifle bullet is shot at a velocity of 280 m/s up a surface that is angled at 30° above the horizontal, and it's
initially launched at an elevation angle of 45° above the horizontal, how far along the inclined surface does it
travel before landing?
7. In a reality TV show, three participants are taken to the middle of a vast and level field. They are provided
with a meter stick, a compass, a calculator, and a shovel, along with the following displacement instructions.

𝐴⃗: 72.4 𝑚, 32° 𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑡ℎ

𝐵⃗⃗: 57.3 𝑚, 36° 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓


𝐶⃗: 17.8 𝑚, 𝑑𝑢𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑡ℎ

The three given displacements guide the participants towards a specific point in the field, where the keys to a
brand-new Porsche are buried. While two of the players begin measuring right away, the winning player
decides to first calculate something before proceeding. What exactly does she calculate?

8. Vector 𝐴⃗ is 2.80 cm long and is 60° above the x-axis in the first quadrant. Vector 𝐵⃗⃗ is 1.90 cm long and is
60° below the x-axis in the fourth quadrant. Use components to find the magnitude and direction of (a) 𝐴⃗ +
𝐵⃗⃗ (b)
𝐴⃗ − 𝐵⃗⃗ and (c) 𝐵⃗⃗ − 𝐴⃗ . For every instance, draw a visual representation of vector addition or subtraction
and demonstrate that the final numerical results are consistent with the qualitative depiction.

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