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Chapter 1

Posted: 11/3/2007, 11:15:00 AM

Jenny Lin was perfect. She was beautiful, intelligent, great sense of humor, etc; very cliché, but
in her case, very true. We made a cute couple and I was the luckiest guy in the world to be dating
her throughout High School.

While they cautioned me against prematurely believing a High School romance would last
forever, even my parents approved of Jenny. She was at the top of her academic class and
wanted to go to Medical School. She was polite and deferential with her elders. And most
importantly, she came from a respectable Taiwanese-American family and spoke flawless

Of course, none of that really mattered to me. I saw her pretty face, bright eyes and sleek hair. I
saw her perfect breasts and silky smooth skin. And she happened to have a wonderful

Of course, like all perfect girls, she was studious and had her own strong sense of morals. She
didn't want to have sex before marriage. But we were a young couple in love. In many ways, we
were far more mature than our age, but teenage hormones are a powerful force.

Jenny and I would make out on a regular basis, and after a year she would let me move my hands
underneath her shirt. A year after that I got my fingers into her panties, and Jenny experienced
her first orgasm from another person. She still didn't want to have sex, but she decided that
maybe she would when she knew she was with "the one." She would wait until she got engaged.

Progress is progress. I kept pressing, and by our Senior year we would be getting fully naked,
rubbing our bodies against each other and toying with the line between sex and chastity. Jenny
learned to give me handjobs, and I delighted in giving her incredible orgasms with my tongue
and fingers. She even began to give me tentative blowjobs. But full intercourse was the line that
she would never cross.

I got a stretch limo for our Senior Prom, and after the dance ended and we were heading home,
Jenny and I found ourselves making out in the back seat, all alone on one of the most romantic
nights of our lives. Our tongues sparred with each other, mirroring the battle going on between
our legs: attack, defend, retreat, attack again.

Jenny had worn a thong to hide the panty-line in her dress, and I'd slipped my fingers past the
thin strip of cloth and was thrusting two fingers inside her velvet pussy. She moaned into my
mouth while her fingers opened up my tuxedo pants and wrapped around my throbbing erection.

Suddenly, she gripped my rod tightly and her body trembled as an orgasm swept through her.
She wailed out into our kiss and I felt my mind racing into overdrive. I maneuvered us until
Jenny's hips were at the edge of the seat, and she was reclining back into the plush cushions, still
in the throes of ecstasy.
I split her legs and lifted the hem of her dress up, and leaning over Jenny's unresisting body I
positioned my hips at her entrance, lining up my erection with her still spasming nether lips. This
was the moment. Grasping her narrow waist in my hands, I aimed and pushed forwards.

Dammit! At the last moment, Jenny's brain fought through her orgasm and caught up with what
we were doing. She'd turned her hips and my pecker butted into her thigh, and then she was
mumbling a desperate "no..." and pressing me away.

Dejected, I pulled up, extremely frustrated at having come so close to deflowering my beautiful
girlfriend. But she was immediately apologetic and her hands wrapped around my shaft, tugging
and caressing the object of her fear and desire.

I let Jenny turn us over until I was reclining back and now my butt was at the edge of the seat.
She knelt on the floor before me and pulled my pants down to my ankles, then leaned down and
sucked my rod into her mouth. Hopefully a blowjob would satisfy my burning lust.

I groaned happily feeling the sensations of her warm tongue and soft lips on my sensitive skin.
Jenny did not resist when I slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders, and she moved her
hands to help pull the dress below her bosom and let me stare at her tits while she continued
blowing me.

Then she brought both hands back to my shaft, stroking and gripping in time with her licks. She
brought as much determination and focus to her work on me as she would to any academic
project. It was a pure matter of pride for her to be the very best at pleasing me, and I was
enjoying the results of her handiwork (and mouth-work).

I felt the coiling pressure in my balls get more and more intense, pleasure shooting through me
until I reached the boiling point. Jenny's eyes would flicker up to me every now and again, and
when my face tightened into a grimace and I groaned out, she took me deeply into her mouth and
started jacking my shaft quickly.

I exploded into Jenny's mouth, and she was swallowing everything I had to give her. When my
hips started pumping with each jet of cum, she squeezed rhythmically with each pump and
coaxed every drop out of me.

I sighed, happily, and sank into the leather cushions. Jenny fixed her dress, and then joined me
on the seat, cuddling with me and kissing me tenderly. We rode the rest of the way in quiet bliss,
just enjoying each other's company.

We shared a long kiss at her front door when I dropped her off, and then it was time for me to
return home.

"FUCK!" I screamed out in frustration once I'd reached the relative safety of the limousine.

The entire house was quiet and dark when I finally returned. I went up to my room briefly,
undressing down to my undershirt and pants. Then, barefoot, I went back downstairs and padded
through the hallways until I came to a familiar door in the far corner of the house. I opened it
quietly and tiptoed to the bed in the corner of the room. The female figure stirred a little when I
lifted the covers and slid inside. I spooned in my body behind her, wrapping my arm around to
cup a full breast, wonderfully firm with youth, and I pressed my erection against her butt.

Pei-Hua awoke more fully when my hand slipped underneath her panties and I started rubbing at
her pussy. Soon, she was fully awake and turned onto her back. I paused to remove my clothes
and drop them next to the bed. She dragged off her panties and then I moved back under the
blanket, lying on top of her and settling my hips over her wet pussy.

Pei-Hua opened her legs, and as I stared into her eyes I positioned my hips at her entrance,
pressing the head of my erection into the folds of her nether lips. Grasping her narrow waist in
my hands, I pushed forwards, sinking myself into her welcoming wet tunnel.

I groaned in happy satisfaction, and leaned down to kiss Pei-Hua while my shaft drilled deeper
and deeper into her body, finally coming to rest when it nudged up against her womb. I reached
down to pull the hem of her shirt up to her neck, baring her round bosom to my gaze and my lips,
and we began the gentle rhythm of sex.

I pumped into Pei-Hua's body while she wrapped her legs around my lower back, her whimpers
urging me on. I watched her pretty face contorting in pleasure. Already, I was addicted to that
sight. It gave me such a rush of power to see a woman's face blossoming before me.

I lowered my hands to Pei-Hua's hips, pulling her hips tightly against me with each thrust while
she bucked back at me, and soon she threw her head back against the pillow, squeezing her eyes
shut as she cried out her climax.

I was only a few moments behind her, and then I was unleashing a torrent of sperm into Pei-
Hua's still shuddering pussy. We thrashed on the bed together, the blankets askew, until finally
our orgasms subsided and I collapsed onto her sweaty body.

We kissed tenderly, and then I pulled out and got off the bed. I collected my clothes while she
pulled the blanket over her naked body and watched me dress. I gave her a last smile before I
went through the door and headed back to my own room.

Pei-Hua and I never even said a word.

My dad owned a very successful Import/Export company. As an only child to wealthy

Taiwanese parents, I was raised in a rather privileged lifestyle, spoiled completely. We had a
large home in a wealthy Asian neighborhood. I never had to do chores or learn to take care of
myself; we had several servants to do that for us.

Our house was run by a woman called Mrs. Peng who had been working for my family for many
years. She barely spoke any English, but when her husband died, my mom brought her and her
daughter from Taiwan. From the time I was 5 years old, Ms. Peng was my surrogate mother, the
woman who raised me and disciplined me. My real mother was more concerned with social
gossip and interior decoration.

Mrs. Peng's daughter was three years older than me, the big sister I never had. She would always
look after me, but I never doubted that we were different. I would run around and play and waste
my time after school. She went to school as well and started to learn English, but afterwards she
had chores and other servant duties. My parents would spirit me away on exotic vacations to
other countries. Mrs. Peng and her daughter would stay and take care of the house. They lived to
serve us.

I enjoyed my privileged life, getting all the toys I wanted and forgetting them just as easily. This
was the way my world worked. By the time I was 15 I had begun to understand how the outside
world worked as well. I was a popular kid growing up in affluent private schools, and a top
tennis player. I was good looking and had my charm, and I threw the biggest parties. I also knew
how to sneak beers out from under Mrs. Peng's nose. Respect and honor were demanded for my
parents, elders, and teachers. But beyond that I could do whatever the hell I wanted.

I was 15 when I became a freshman in High School, and thus met Jenny Lin, she of the perfect
face and sweet disposition. I was in love already. She laughed at my jokes, and soon we were
eating lunch together every day. We dated in groups of friends, and for a while I was completely
satisfied with my existence. I had it all.

But that year was also the year I first really learned about sex. Sex was word, a physical behavior
academically understood from Human Growth classes and the Discovery Channel. But that was
the year my hormones kicked in and I realized how much a girl's physical body would set my
heart racing and a pang of desire in my gut. It was the year I discovered masturbation and the
relief, if not joy, it brought me.

It was also the year I found out how far servants would go for their masters.

Mrs. Peng's daughter, Pei-Hua, was 18 now, and a Senior at my High School. She had her
license and would shuttle me back and forth to school with her for that entire year.

One day, we drove home to find my father's BMW in the driveway. I was curious to see him, but
Mrs. Peng jabbered at me in Mandarin, calling me into the kitchen for an after school snack.

I wolfed down the noodles she provided, and then she ordered me into my room to do
homework. Like a good Taiwanese boy, I obeyed and headed for the stairs. But as I was passing
my father's study, I heard an odd grunt waft out from behind the door. I stopped briefly, and then
noticed that the door itself was slightly ajar.

My curiosity got the best of me, and I went to peer through the crack, kneeling on the floor. My
father was in his office chair, rotated sideways and staring at the side wall, eyes unseeing. The
heavy oak desk shielded me from seeing anything else. He grunted again and I felt the urge to go
in and see what was going on.
But he did not look like he wanted to be disturbed and looked perfectly healthy, so I stood up to
leave. But when I got up I was able to see over the top of the desk and now saw a black-haired
head bobbing up and down in my father's lap.

Wide-eyed, I pressed closer to the crack to see as much as possible. It was then that the head
suddenly rose up and I saw Pei-Hua's pretty face come into view. She didn't say a word but let
my father guide her until she was leaning over the desk, her chest flat on its surface with her butt
pointed back towards my father.

In the past few years, Pei-Hua had really grown up into that rarest of Asian beauties, the tall
Asian with big tits. At 5'10", she would be taller than me for two more years and she had curves
most Asian women could only dream of despite her slender frame. Her huge breasts (I'd later
find out they were firm D-cups) squished pleasantly against the wood desktop. A tiny waist
tapered out into a curvy hips and a drum-tight ass. And that gorgeous ass was something my
father was salivating over.

He slid her jeans and panties to the floor, and then I had only a brief glimpse of his erection
before he thrust his hips forwards and Pei-Hua let out a quiet shriek.

My own penis was harder than it had ever been in my life, and I stared, entranced as my father
pulled back and then settled into a comfortable stroking motion. My mind went completely blank
except for one thought: My father was actually having SEX with Pei-Hua.

Pei-Hua only made little moans as he fucked her, her eyes squeezing shut every now and again
before she would open them and stare at whatever happened to be in front of her as her upper
body slid back and forth a few inches with every push. But then her eyes flickered up for just a
brief moment, and after a moment they locked onto mine. I had been discovered.

She gasped, but did not say anything, merely watching me for a few seconds while I watched
her. The panic overtook me then and I fled to my room.

I sat on my bed, memory rewinding and replaying the scene before me. I had talked about sex
with my guy friends, knew the concept of a blowjob. However, the words were thoroughly
insufficient for the adrenaline rush of seeing it before me. My hands dipped inside of my shorts,
and thumbing the crown I was soon pumping my own shaft as I repeated the scene in my head.

When I was done, I lay back on my bed. I had to find out more.

That first year with Jenny was happy and innocent. I dreamt about sex, but warnings from my
parents and Mrs. Peng kept me grounded. I wasn't old enough to drive a car, let alone risk
making a girl pregnant.

Instead, Jenny and I learned to kiss and fondle outside each other's clothing. Sometimes I would
fantasize about her, but in general, I was a good kid, if a bit spoiled and demanding.
Pei-Hua and I had an unspoken agreement between us. We never mentioned it to each other or to
anyone else, but we both knew that I was aware of her sexual activities with my father. It almost
became a little game of sorts. Every so often, she would leave the door to my father's study or to
my father's bedroom cracked open, and I would watch them. She always positioned herself so
that my father could not tell. But sometimes she would even position herself so that I could see
everything, giving her audience the best possible view. I think it turned her on even more to
know that I was watching. But this was never said. Many things in our lives are never said.

For example, I quickly discovered that both my mother and all of the servants were aware of my
father's extra-curricular activities. Sometimes it would be Mrs. Peng cleaning up the mess after
my father was done as he had a thing for shooting off all over Pei-Hua's body. My mother and
father always had separate bedrooms, and my mother never commented when Pei-Hua and my
father would disappear into his bedroom for an hour at a time.

One time, before I was able to sneak a peek, my mother noticed the door was cracked open while
Pei-Hua and my father were audibly screwing inside, and she closed the door discreetly before
continuing along her way. Another time, when I was supposed to be asleep, my father came
home late with another woman's lipstick on his neck. And still another time I caught him fucking
one of the other maids of the house. This didn't even include his frequent trips to Taiwan on
business and whatever physical pleasures lay there.

All of this went unsaid. And I came to accept this as the normal existence of men and women. As
long as the family prospered, money and food were provided; this house and everyone in it
belonged to my father.

I was expected to grow up and take over the family business. This was how my life would be
when I became an adult.

It was my sixteenth birthday when Jenny first let me under her bra. The birthday party was in full
swing, supervised by various parents but still a great deal of fun. My mother, Mrs. Peng, and Pei-
Hua were scurrying about providing for all the guests along with nearly all of the other servant
staff. Jenny and I decided to slip into my bedroom for a discreet makeout session. We kissed
passionately and happily, and soon my erection was tenting in my pants. Jenny rubbed her hand
over my crotch, outlining its shape. I begged her to go inside, but she apologized and I didn't
want to push her.

My parents had already given me my new car: a lowered, chrome-rimmed, rice rocket of an
Acura Integra. But then Jenny offered me an even better birthday present. She locked my
bedroom door and then lifted her blouse over her head. I was already gasping in shock when she
reached behind her back and I heard the clasp come undone. She removed the bra quickly,
almost embarrassed, and looked down at the floor. I just reached my arms out to her and let her
come and hug me before we fell back onto my bed.
I reveled in feeling her hard nipples pressing against my chest before Jenny kissed me and
whispered in my ear. "You can touch them."

Eagerly, I rolled her onto her back where the soft, still undeveloped globes sank down until they
almost seemed flat against her chest. I touched the soft skin, and couldn't resist tasting them. She
giggled as my lips apparently were ticklish, but I sucked like a baby on her gentle swells and
tongued at her nipples.

I kissed Jenny on her lips and then we enjoyed the simple pleasures of kissing once again, my
fingers unwilling to leave her breasts. That was a nice birthday.

The next academic year, Pei-Hua started going to the local community college while still
working for us. Our unspoken voyeurism continued, and every now and again my fantasies
turned away from my girlfriend and to the beautiful servant girl living under my own roof.

On some level it was all surreal. One moment Pei-Hua was serving tea to Jenny and me while we
lounged by the backyard pool, or she'd be vacuuming my bedroom. The next moment I'd find her
aerobically shagging my father on the carpet.

For my seventeenth birthday, Jenny and I snuck away and were getting even further sexually, but
it was what happened after Jenny had left that stuck in my mind. I was fingering Jenny's pussy,
plunging fingers inside and tickling her clit. Jenny had a quiet orgasm, but she left me alone to
finish myself off. We had been upstairs for quite a while, and she wanted to get back downstairs
before our guests started gossiping about us.

She was going out the door when I groaned loudly in my frustration, and lay back on the bed.
She'd closed the door behind her, and I extracted my hardness from my pants, gripping and
tugging half in arousal and half in frustrated need.

My mind flashed to the pants of arousal and the expression on Jenny's face when she climaxed.
Nothing thrilled me more than seeing her completely at the mercy of my ministrations and the
sensations that I was responsible for. Sighing, I closed my eyes to enjoy the experience.
Unbidden, a different vision then came to mind. Only days before, just hours before his flight to
Taiwan, my father had fucked Pei-Hua doggy style on her bed. They were profiled to me
sideways, so I could see Pei-Hua's large breasts swinging back and forth, the grunts and moans
filling the room.

I sighed again, but not loud enough to cover the quiet bang coming from my doorway. I opened
my eyes in surprise, and saw Pei-Hua staring at me with a hungry expression. Her eyes seemed
to be glowing, staring down at my body and holding my attention such that I forgot my bare
hand was still gripping my equally bare cock.

"Don't stop," she breathed in Mandarin, then pulled my desk chair out and sat down in it, still
staring down at my erection.
I felt strangely embarrassed and a little nervous, and felt myself starting to deflate a bit. But Pei-
Hua's expression was so intense I still felt the heat of arousal simmering inside of me. When I
didn't move to continue, she slipped one hand into her skirt, and then her eyes went wide as she
must have begun to finger her own pussy.

Pei-Hua reached a hand under her shirt and caressed a full breast from inside, my eyes locked
onto the outline of her fingers denting the cloth. When she moaned in her own arousal, my
embarrassment was forgotten and automatically I took up my stroking action.

For several minutes, we continued to masturbate and watch each other, and then Pei-Hua
suddenly stopped and started stripping. My eyeballs bugged out as she began to do this, and I
sped up the pumping motion on my own rod. I had seen her naked on a few occasions, but never
so close up and never so blatant. Jeans hit the floor, the blouse flew into a corner, the underwear
next and then I had a naked 20-year old Taiwanese babe rubbing her clit and pushing fingers
inside of her own tunnel while sitting on my desk chair two feet away.

That just about did it for me, and as my forearm started to burn from the repetitions I moaned as
I neared my peak.

"Cum," Pei-Hua gasped in accented English. "Cum on me."

I stumbled off the bed and stood up, my waving erection just inches from her face. The next time
she whimpered, shaking her bosom, I hit the edge and fired a jet of cum right at her face, then
gravity took over and carried it down to splatter against her deep cleavage.

Pei-Hua's eyes flashed when I exploded on her, and then she was gasping out her own orgasm,
her mouth in a sexy "O" and a muffled wail ripping out of her throat. She coated her fingers with
honey while I pumped jet after jet out of me and all over Pei-Hua's breasts.

When I was drained, I collapsed backwards and sat heavily on my bed. Pei-Hua was just
humming happily and started to rub my cream into her porcelain skin.

We never talked about it.

I was midway through my Junior year when my father pulled me aside for a man to man talk.
Over my life, we had spoken rarely. He was a dominant force in the house, if an unseen one. He
was a disciplinarian, and commanded my respect. I loved and looked up to my father, wanting to
emulate him in many ways. So when he wanted to talk, I was ready and willing. Of all things, he
wanted to talk about Jenny.

The most important thing he wanted to know, had I nailed her yet?
"What?" I was in shock. But then he gave me a long winded speech. Jenny was an ideal young
person: driven, academic, ambitious, and on a good career track. The problem was, she was a

If he'd had a daughter, then that ideal kind of person would be exactly who he'd want his
daughter to marry: someone who could provide for her and give her a life of leisure.

But I was the man, and I needed a woman who would support me, not be the provider. A woman
who would put aside her personal ambitions to do what was best for her husband and for her
family. And a girl who wouldn't have sex with her boyfriend was not going to be that ideal wife
when we grew up.

My father didn't necessarily demand that I break up with Jenny. He just wanted me to consider
his words. He was also a little concerned that I was a virgin. It meant that I did not yet have the
courage and determination to TAKE what I desired. That was a quality I would have to learn
before I could truly earn his respect.

I wanted my father's respect very much.

I began pressing Jenny about our future and about sex. And in some ways, we went through the
worst few months of our relationship. But my heart still led me, and at heart I was still very
much attached to my first love. I didn't want to hurt her feelings. To much Western sense of
chivalry in me I guess.

I spent most of the year without getting any further physically with Jenny, and emotionally we
were actually in reverse. Our friends noticed the strain, and I found myself spending more and
more time away from Jenny and hanging out with my boys. We worked on our rice-rockets and
tinkered with our computers. And we flirted with the aZiaN HoTTieS that constantly surrounded

I had made friends with many of them, but only now with my public Jenny- problems did any of
them make any serious moves on me. My natural charm was warm and attractive, but the one
thing holding me back from even thinking about going further was my virgin status and
inexperience with any fully sexual matters.

Still, with my father's words ringing in my head and my other head trying to direct me as well, I
found myself wanting to get to know the other girls a little better.

Before the school year ended my annual birthday bash was rolling around, this time the big 18.
Jenny and I had a little tradition of sneaking away from the party and getting just a bit farther in
our sexual relationship. But when we got up to the room, Jenny backed out and we got into a
fight over the issue.
I really did love her, and my mind told me to respect her wishes. But she made me so damn
horny and I couldn't help myself.

Jenny left to go back down to the party, and I resigned myself to suffer a massive case of blue
balls or rub out a quick one. I settled for rubbing myself out, but then a new knock came at the

I stuffed myself into my pants then opened the door, hopeful that Jenny had come back to me.
But instead I saw Pei-Hua standing in the doorway, her eyes large and luminous. "Happy
birthday" she told me, then pressed a hand to my chest and moved me back into my room before
closing my door and locking it firmly.

Pei-Hua wore a simple button-down blouse and skirt, her hair up with diamond stud earrings and
a little bit of makeup. She pushed me back until I was sitting on the bed, and then very slowly,
she began to unbutton the blouse, revealing a red satin bra underneath, pushing up her nice
breasts and forming amazing cleavage.

The blouse came off, and then she turned around to slip the skirt off, bending over at the waist to
drag the material down to the floor, where I noticed she was wearing red three-inch heels.

My mouth started to water, and then she stood up and told me to take my clothes off. I was out of
my clothes so fast, and when I was fully naked Pei-Hua crawled onto the bed over me and
lowered her face to mine. I nearly hyperventilated before she kissed me, but then we were
pressed flesh to flesh flat on my bed as our tongues sparred and I was frenching my gorgeous
servant girl for the very first time. All the while she was grinding her panty-clad hips against my
erection, threatening to cause me to lose myself already.

All at once, the power of my position filled my veins. I was the master in this house, even though
she was older than me. I was the one in charge. And with that adrenaline burst, I suddenly
flipped us both over. My hormones were bursting out of me, and I unclipped Pei-Hua's bra and
literally yanked it off of her body.

My lips went to Pei-Hua's naked breasts, full and firm and round and oh, so delectable. She
moaned at my aggressiveness and arched her torso against my face, cramming as much of her
boob into my mouth. I dry humped her for only a few more moments before I whipped her
panties off, leaving Pei-Hua fully naked except for her earrings and red heels still on her feet.

Pei-Hua opened her legs, and as I stared into her eyes I positioned the head of my erection,
fumbling a bit in my eagerness to become a man. Grasping her narrow waist in my hands, I
pushed forwards, and after several hard and fast thrusts I was completely buried inside of my
first pussy.

I groaned and drilled deeper into her body, and then all at once I was pumping her with reckless
Pei-Hua wrapped her legs around my lower back, criss-crossing her heels behind me. I watched
her pretty face contorting in pleasure as I carved out her insides and I knew then that I had to see
this look in her face again.

All too soon, overwhelmed by the heavenly feelings of my first pussy, I thrust a few times and
then felt my rod expand and then burst, and I poured out a river of cum into Pei-Hua's trembling

She kissed me on the nose. It was fast, it was dirty, and neither of us said a word. I had become a

I wanted to do it again, but Pei-Hua told me I should go back down to my birthday party. She
would let me do it again later.

Pei-Hua and I had sex every single night. Shyly, she began to teach me the skills I would need to
know, and by the end of the week I was stimulating orgasms in her as well. I came in her pussy
more times than I could count, but she also swallowed my cum, had it spray in her hair, and over
every inch of her body as well. I even fucked Pei-Hua up her ass and got so turned on I did it
again ten minutes later.

Sometimes I would return home from school and we'd have a quick screw before I went to my
homework. Sometimes I would go out on a date with Jenny, then come back and take out my
sexual frustrations on Pei-Hua's willing and eager body. It was just sex, and while I did my best
to physically please her, I also understood that this was how my life was meant to proceed. If you
want it bad enough, just reach out and take it.
Chapter 2
Posted: 11/4/2007, 12:55:36 AM

Finally letting me fuck her put a brand new spark into the relationship between me and my long-
time girlfriend Jenny. I was unwilling to use condoms, so she went on the pill so we could fuck
enthusiastically without worrying about pregnancy. Our lovemaking sessions were still
infrequent because of school and our efforts to avoid her strict parents. Still, we were able to
remain a dating couple through the end of school as well as the summer before going off to
college in different directions.

Of course, just because I was getting regular pussy from my girlfriend didn't mean I couldn't fuck
the pretty maid I'd grown up with, Pei-Hua. Many a night I would talk with Jenny on the phone
and do my best to arrange a get-together between our two bodies. But she wasn't always
available, especially on a school night, so that meant I got to enjoy the wonderful world of sex
right in the comfort of my own home.

And it definitely didn't mean I couldn't keep up my clandestine trysts with the hot babe at school,
Tina. She was far less concerned with academics or community service. She could always be
counted on for a quickie in the backseat or a blowjob in some partially-hidden corner. And
besides, Tina would be attending the same school as me come September and we were simply
laying the groundwork for a more honest relationship then. At least that's what I kept telling her.
But Tina was a born gold digger and as long as I kept showering her with little gifts, she kept her
mouth shut and her legs open for me. I was amazed Jenny hadn't found out yet, and in the end
Jenny never did find out.

Quite often Tina would come by my house after school when we both knew Jenny was tied up
with some extra-curricular activity. Pei-Hua would often be the one to open up the door for her.
Like a good servant, Pei-Hua would keep her eyes down, greeting Tina in formal Mandarin.
Then she would come fetch me.

It was a strange role reversal on those occasions. Just as I used to watch my father banging Pei-
Hua through cracked-open doors, now Pei-Hua would often stay just outside my bedroom to
watch and listen as I fucked Tina's lights out.

Sometimes I would envision possessing them both at the same time, and more than once I would
find myself cumming as hard as I ever did in my life to the mental picture of the two beautiful
young women locking lips together.

Still, I had to put up with Jenny's lovey-dovey attitude. She was blissfully unaware of my extra-
marital style activities, believing her boyfriend to be the same caring, loyal little boy she grew up
with. I knew the illusion would shatter eventually, but I'd keep up the façade for as long as I
could keep tapping that perfect ass. But eventually, the summer did end, and Jenny went off to
her prestigious University. She had some funny idea that we would still be considered a long-
distance couple, and I chuckled at the thought of her trying to stay pure and chaste until she went
back to visit me, her boyfriend. Yeah, I'd grown up to be a bit of a cad, but my conscience didn't
bother me much.

So Tina and I were off to our own college together, ready to fuck each other's lights out without
even the threat of adult supervision. And in a twist that was a surprise even to me, so was Pei-

My father insisted that unlike the common college freshman, no son of his would be sharing a
room with a backwards American teenager. So over the summer my parents bought a small
house in the sleepy college town. It was close enough that I could ride my bike into school if I
didn't want to deal with finding a parking spot for my brand new Mercedes (a graduation gift; the
Acura I got for my 16th birthday was just out of fashion by now). But it was still a comfortable
3-bedroom cottage, detached, and with enough room between it and any nearby homes that I
could have a decent-sized party without too many noise complaints.

And of course, what the hell did I know about running a house? I'd never washed a dish or done
a load of laundry in my life. I hadn't really thought about it until a month before school started,
when my mother informed me that Pei-Hua would be joining me at school to take care of me.
One room for me, one room for study space, and the third bedroom for Pei-Hua.

So Pei-Hua and I delighted in gaining some independence from our respective parents, and we
christened the new home by having sex in all three bedrooms (my computer desk is quite sturdy),
and I also folded her over the back of the couch and drilled her from behind that way.

Two days later Tina arrived on campus. She got her things piled into her dorm room, but instead
of getting organized and unpacked, an hour later she showed up at my front door.

Tina's blonde-streaked hair was perfectly coiffed and her radiant smile was infectious. When Pei-
Hua led her into the TV room she giggled and jumped onto the couch, straddling my waist and
shoving her tongue down my throat.

Pei-Hua discreetly moved out of our sight (but I was certain she still could see us). So with our
virtual privacy and with my hands pawing at Tina's back, I managed to slip the catch to her bra
underneath the tank top, making my intentions clear.

Tina backed up just enough to smile at me and stood up, ripping her tank top over her head and
then dropping the bra into my lap. Her silicon-tits were just as perfect as I remembered them,
buoyant and round and set high on her chest over the tiny waist and short skirt. She went around
topless as she opened her purse, pulled out a burned DVD (they were brand new technology back
then), and went to my player.

She studied the equipment for a minute before figuring out how to properly get things working,
then came back to me as the video first came on.
My eyes were on the wide-screen so I didn't really notice as she stripped off her skirt and thong.
And then a soft electronica beat came over my surround speakers while the video revealed Tina's
bedroom, apparently from a tripod- mounted camera.

Tina started to undo my shorts, but again I wasn't paying attention as two very beautiful girls
walked into the frame and my attention was riveted to the screen. Tina I instantly recognized, but
it took me a minute to recognize Jessica, one of her equally hot friends from high school.

My dick had a vague sense of where this was going, and was already stiff when Tina's hot mouth
descended over it. I groaned happily at her warm touch, but also because at the exact moment
Tina starting blowing me, the Tina on the screen leaned in and plunged her tongue into Jessica's

My eyes bugged out watching the lesbian scene unfold before me while Tina bobbed her head in
my lap. The two girls quickly got undressed, and screen-Tina stepped behind Jessica's naked
body to profile Jessica to the camera, rubbing hands across round tits and flat stomachs to direct
my attention. The two girls looked so similar, with identically streaked hair, pretty faces, and
surgeon-perfect bodies. While they rolled around the bed, kissing and fingering each other, I lost
track of who was who on several occasions.

Eventually, the real Tina wanted to watch as well, and she stood up and turned around in my lap.
My shorts and underwear had long since been discarded, and facing away from me, she lowered
her hips down into my lap until she could sink me into her pussy.

Tina hit rock bottom, flat ass against my short and curlies, and then she leaned back against my
chest so I could palm her tits. At almost the same time screen- Tina leaned across the bed so
Jessica could shove her face into Tina's crotch and eat out her friend.

Together we fucked, both of our eyes glued to the television. The real Tina was just as aroused as
screen-Tina, and so was I. I felt my balls already coiling tightly, pure lust pouring through my
veins as screen-Tina raced toward orgasm. Her hips started bucking into Jessica's face, the round
globes of her tits wobbling upright as she threw her head side to side and started screaming.

I watched as screen-Tina crested into orgasm, shrieking ecstatically while her thighs clamped
tight over Jessica's head. That sight was enough to finish me, and with a firm grip on real-Tina's
hips I slammed her down and pinned her against me while my cock erupted inside of her.

Real-Tina was fingering her oversized and oversensitive clit, and a few seconds after my hot cum
splashed against her insides, she wriggled in my lap and called out her own climax, the Tina's
real-voice and her screen-voice reverberating in stereo, eventually collapsing back against my
chest to rest.

The video kept going, even though we were taking a break. Screen-Tina and Jessica switched
places to swap spit and eventually end up with Tina returning Jessica's oral favor.
Half-hard, I was still embedded inside real-Tina's tunnel when she began to rotate her hips
against me as we began our sexual activities anew.

Tina turned and fixed me with a giggle and a wink. Obviously she knew something new and
exciting was about to happen onscreen. When she turned back to the TV, I followed her gaze just
in time to see screen-Tina rotate Jessica's body, baring a beautifully formed ass right into the

Screen-Tina then lowered her face, her black and blonde head blocking the view, but from the
way she was moving my mind was able to picture Tina's tongue dipping down into Jessica's
asshole. She spent a good couple of minutes tonguing Jessica, while low moans filtered back to
the camera from Jessica's end of the tryst.

Screen-Tina finally pulled back and spread Jessica's asscheeks wide open, showing off a
puckered rosebud, shiny with saliva. And at the same time, real- Tina lifted up and pressed her
own wet fingers against her asshole, spreading her cheeks wide and verbally urged me to stick
my dick into her.

I heard a muffled sigh flutter into the room, definitely not from Tina or the TV, and with a smile
I positioned my erection upright, rubbing the wet tip around Tina's soggy cunt to build up
moisture and also to ensure that Pei-Hua had a good view.

I watched the television as screen-Tina sank a finger all the way into Jessica's ass even while her
head ducked to the other side to continue her tongue-lashing of Jessica's clit. And when real-Tina
felt my mushroom head pressing inside of her tight anal sphincter, she suddenly lunged her hips
down and my cock penetrated its way inside.

Real Tina moans mingled with Jessica and Tina moans coming from the TV, an aural delight of
pleasurable sounds while I reamed out Tina's asshole. I even saw Tina blow a kiss in Pei-Hua's
direction with an impish smile, then my eyes caught the slight movement as Pei-Hua ducked
back into her hiding place with a little embarrassment. And then when Tina moaned loudly and
clamped her ass- muscles around me, her entire body vibrating upon my shaft as she climaxed, I
could feel my body ready itself to explode. With my hands grasping Tina's firm tits and using
them to slam her light body down into my lap, I accelerated towards my own climax...

I already knew I was going to love college life.

Only twenty minutes after I blew my wad up her tight ass, Tina was walking a little gingerly but
scoping out my house in detail. I put up with her remarks regarding my interior decorating skills.
But then she made a few comments about moving some of her stuff into my house since she
planned on spending more time here than in her dorm room. I put my foot down and said she'd
be better off just having a travel bag. This was still my house, and we weren't married or
anything, and I didn't feel comfortable with the idea of Tina moving in with me.

Besides, once school started, there was a wide, new selection of gorgeous women to go after.
Why would I ever want to tie myself down with a steady girlfriend?
Still, over the next few weeks, Tina was at least happy that she could go around school with me
in public. I was careful not to refer to her as a "girlfriend", lest I scare some potential hottie
away. But Tina took what she could get from me.

And Jenny called me quite often. I wasn't very good at returning her calls, and I hoped that by
November she would begin to figure out that I'd moved on. In the end, after I completely avoided
her all through Christmas, Jenny finally gave up.

Classwork was classwork, something I excelled at by habit and I adjusted to academic life very
quickly. The social world was completely different, however. Now, my classmates lived only a
few blocks away from me. Now, group studying was possible simply by walking into a dorm
lounge. And there was no parental supervision in sight.

I caught myself staying on campus until the wee hours of the morning, getting drunk about half
the time. Pei-Hua would inevitably wait up for me, usually with a warm bowl of soup. Every
morning, she had taken Mrs. Peng's place in kicking me out of bed and ensuring that I made it to
class on time.

And of course, college women were physically better developed, more mature, and had far less
hang-ups about sex than High School girls. I was a kid in a candy store with too many options. I
swore to myself I would taste white pussy for the first time very soon.

Meanwhile, Tina and I hooked up with a crew of Taiwanese and Taiwanese- American students,
ranging from new freshmen to graduate students. Soon my after-school evenings were spent
drinking boba, smoking, and hanging out with the cool crowd. Tina, with her streaked hair,
smokin' body, and giggly demeanor fit right in amongst the rest of the aZiaN HooCHieS. And
with money to blow and a slacker confidence, I was quickly able to establish myself as one of
the Alpha males, despite still being a first year student.

It quickly became clear among our group that Tina and I were fucking. We didn't try to hide it.
But we both flirted so much with other people and spent enough time apart that neither of us was
a deterrent to the other in finding new prey.

One particular hottie I set my sights on was a gorgeous senior named Cindy Wu. For some
reason, I had a thing for older women at the time and she physically reminded me of Pei-Hua,
from the voluptuous T&A to the slender waist and limbs. In temperament, however, she was
much worldlier and decidedly more confident.

In a strange way, Cindy was the perfect blend of Pei-Hua and Tina. She had Pei- Hua's physical
height and natural curves that inflamed my imagination. But rather like Tina, Cindy wore stylish
clothing that showed off her physical assets without quite looking sluttish. She kept her hair
neatly blended with auburn red colors, and like Tina she would wear colored-contacts to lend an
even more exotic look, usually in green to Tina's blue. And most especially, Cindy carried
herself with a fluid grace and self-assuredness that mesmerized me.
Cindy had just broken up with her boyfriend and while she said she wanted a comfortable,
trusting relationship, she actually NEEDED some good no- strings-attached fun. As the quick-
witted, smooth, new guy with youthful vitality, I fit the bill. It just took a little while to get her to
realize that.

It started quietly, almost innocently. I would lightly hold the small of her back when escorting
her through a door I'd just opened for her. Or I'd take her hand when helping her out of a car.

Cindy would sit next to me on a couch and over the course of an hour we'd inch closer to each
other until our thighs were touching or I'd drape an arm around her while she rested a hand on
my thigh.

Everyone noticed, including Tina. One night she had a fit over the attention I was showering on
Cindy. But I explained that I just liked Cindy's body and wanted to bang her a few times. Tina,
on the other hand, was a comfortable part of my life, and I had no plans to push her out of it. I
promised Tina we would still be with each other years down the road. But for right now, I was
young, energetic, and I wanted some variety in my life. She accepted it and truly made love to
me that night, waxing romantically about our lives while I desperately pondered how much
longer I had to listen to her before I could roll over and go to sleep.

And then upperclassman Alan took an interest in the hottest freshman girl on campus (Tina), and
Tina's complaints disappeared in another week or so.

So I started to seriously pursue Cindy. At first she brushed me aside, but I figured she was just
testing my resolve. But for a few days straight, I persisted, and laughing at my jokes she started
to really enjoy my company. But still, she was an expert cocktease.

For a week my life fell into a strict routine. Wake up, go to class, finish my homework, and then
visit Cindy. We'd flirt and get aroused, and I'd fight my way through all her defenses before
going home horny and alone. Then I'd take out my sexual frustration on Pei-Hua, then pass out
and start again the next morning.

As always, Pei-Hua was there for me when I needed her most. Never complaining, always
caring. Not that I really noticed.

After far too long of my futile efforts, I decided to play my last trump card. I completely cut
myself off from Cindy. I stopped visiting her. I ignored her phone calls. I hung out with small
groups that didn't include her. The suddenness of my withdrawal was enough to get her attention.

Meanwhile, Tina had proved far easier to seduce, and after banging her, Alan dropped her
completely and moved on to fresh prey. This put her in a rather pouty mood, and she came
running straight into my arms.
Despite both our cultural inhibitions against PDA, during one Friday night party at a friend's
house, Tina and I started making out heavily on a couch in full view of everyone, Cindy
included. Everyone knew Tina and I had a thing, so no one really paid much attention... except
for Cindy of course.

I managed to flag down the host and he gave me permission to borrow one of his bedrooms for a
bit. So Tina and I slipped away for some nookie. I shoved my dick into the back of her throat for
a little while. And then with her tube top folded down to reveal her round tits and her thong
pulled to the side, I fucked us both to a quick and dirty climax.

When we were done, I promised Tina I'd take her back at my place after the party so we could
get a full-on sex romp going.

We returned to the social circling and dancing, and then Cindy finally cornered me. In her
imperious condescension she wanted to know what was going on. I told her frankly that I was
definitely interested, but she didn't seem to be so I counted my losses and folded my hand. There
were other girls who could occupy my time. So I spun on my heel and left her, a rather cold
gesture on my part.

That didn't go over to well as she caught up to me and yanked me around. Then, in full view of
the crowd, she muttered a harsh "Damn you" and then leaned up at me and shoved her tongue
into the back of my throat.

Automatically, I kissed her until I'd dipped her back, her body neatly forming a curving C as her
hair hung back and my arms burned from supporting her. Then standing her upright, I smiled and
muttered, "Sorry, but I already made plans for later tonight."

I strutted over to Tina, and we got out of there.

Brimming with confidence, I was completely dominant as I fucked Tina roughly and literally
attacked her body until she finally passed out from orgasmic overload. I left her limp and used
body on my bed and went naked to get some tea from Pei-Hua to recharge my batteries a bit.

Tina was still passed out when my final erection penetrated her saturated pussy, and she woke up
just enough to wrap her legs around my back while I palmed her tits, and she had one last orgasm
before I filled her cunt with an extra load of cream.

I ignored the phone the first two times Cindy called me on Saturday afternoon. The third time
she called, I finally picked up and agreed to see her.

We met at her apartment, a studio near campus she had all by herself so she could be a neat freak
and keep everything organized. We talked enough to make our intentions clear, everything was
casual and there was no pressure to have any serious romance.
Getting that out of the way, I still wanted to take her out to dinner. We cruised in my shiny new
Benz, and Cindy was seriously into my car, in awe at all the bells and whistles. Some girls are
not impressed by expensive toys; but then some girls ARE. Those were the ones I was looking

We went out to a fancy place downtown; Cindy dressed to the nines while I'd switched into a
dress shirt, blazer, and slacks.

Cindy actually was twenty-one, and I apparently dressed older than the typical college freshman
so they didn't check IDs, and we wound up having several cocktails to go along with our meals.
Our dinner conversation was playful, and we actually learned quite a bit about each other now
that we had the chance to be alone and talk for a good couple of hours.

Still, after several drinks we were both rather tipsy and ready to roll. I drove back towards
campus carefully, and Cindy seductively told me that she wanted to see what my house was like.

I arrived home to find the house in order, and Pei-Hua brought some tea to us in the living room
then exited quietly. I knew from past experience that she would still be nearby, if out of sight, in
case I needed anything else from her.

The tea did a lot to help bring back motor control, but did nothing to sate the lust in our bodies. I
finally decided to make the first move, leaning over her on the couch and pressing my lips to

She returned the kiss eagerly, and then I was tasting the strange mixture of tea and martini on her
tongue. The kiss deepened, and her hands snaked up around the back of my neck while my hand
massaged her thigh.

When we broke for air, I asked, "Want to see the bedroom?"

She nodded quickly and we collected ourselves to head up the stairs. I let Cindy walk in front of
me so I could check out her curvy ass, and I turned around only once to see Pei-Hua was clearing
away our teacups.

I led Cindy into the bedroom while she commented politely on the décor. I very deliberately left
the door opened a crack, enough for a hidden spy to witness everything that would be going on

Cindy was still looking around at the drapery and artwork on the walls when I walked up behind
her and wrapped my arms around her body. Very quickly, my lips were padding across the
sensitive skin on the back of her neck, one arm clutched her torso back against the erection
throbbing in my pants, and my other hand cupped a large breast through her dress.

Cindy moaned and turned in my arms so she could kiss me. And as our lips locked I shuffled us
back across the room until the back of her legs hit my bed.
The weeks of sexual tension between us came to a boil as she suddenly had to fuck me. She got
my shirt done quickly and helped me rip the undershirt over my head. My hands found the
catches to her dress and slipping the shoulder straps, I managed to strip it down onto the floor.

We kissed again as my hands circled her back to remove her bra, and then her huge tits spilled
out right in my face. She stood me up and started working at my pants, and once she got me
naked she knelt down to suck my tool into her mouth.

I let her blow me for a minute, her hand pumping along my shaft before I remembered that I
wanted to take charge of this encounter. I picked her up and literally carried Cindy onto the bed,
yanking her panties off and then sinking my tongue into her pussy.

Cindy was quickly racing to climax, clutching the back of my head against her crotch as I ate her
out. And when her hips began quaking against my face I knew that I had her. "Oh, FUCK!" she
cried out, and then her whole body joined in on the trembling as the rush blew through her head.
Chapter 3
Posted: 11/4/2007, 12:57:54 AM

The music at Shark's was pumping, a solid bass line that had every booty (or boo-tay for those
aZiaNS trying to speak Ebonics) shaking and sending ripples of flesh into luxurious belly-dancer
motions. Ever since I'd turned 21, this club had become my favorite hangout, and invariably I
would be found here on a Friday night. The music was good, the accommodations plush, and the
drinks always had a more than generous share of alcohol in them. But most importantly, Shark's
was an absolute Asian hottie MAGNET.

The cover charge was pretty high, and every drink cost some serious coin. The valet lot was full
of Benz's and Beemers and Lexi. The Aston Martin I'd picked up over the summer fit right in and
was usually given a prime spot up front. The club was a ground zero for the hottest and sluttiest
aZiaN hoochies looking to hookup with a rich boy, and the DJs spun a decent mix of hip-hop,
dance, and Asian Pop.

I was a regular by now, a VIP friend of the owners, and I casually lounged at my reserved table
with two gorgeous women who were wearing skimpy outfits and stroking my arms while we
worked up a good buzz. A waitress snaked her way through the crowd - guys in designer jeans
and expensive watches and hotties with miniskirts and streaked hair — dodging traffic and
balancing her tray to bring our latest bottles and glasses.

I tilted my tumbler and felt the social lubricant pouring down my throat, but kept my eyes on the
two babes beside me, and the wonderful exposed flesh they offered to my sight. Ji-yoon's tits
were nearly spilling out of her tiny top, and Ji- hyun was rubbing them softly while she pressed
her tongue between Ji-yoon's lips. At least I thought I had that order right. The names sounded
very similar to me and I knew I would get them confused on occasion. Their English was heavily
accented, and I didn't speak any Korean. But when it comes to getting laid, you can get pretty far
with your eyes and a few hand gestures, not to mention the ability to drop a few hundred on
expensive Korean soju. And names aren't really that important anyways.

Periodically, I would get up to dance with one or both of them. More often, I would sit back and
watch them dancing with each other and exchanging warm kisses.

I briefly glanced across the dance floor to see Tina grinding her crotch into a tall, muscular bad
boy. She'd hitched a ride with me on the way over here, but I knew she wasn't going to need me
to drive her home tonight.

A few hours later, Ji-yoon was pressed into the car's passenger seat beside me, and Ji-hyun was
in her lap while Ji-yoon massaged her friend's thighs and chest.

Thirty minutes after that, we were in the apartment the girls shared. Both of them were naked
and sixty-nining in one of the bedrooms. An open bottle of Cristal I brought from my car was on
the bedside table with a few half empty glasses nearby. The snow white skin of both girls was
now flushed red from the evening's alcohol and exertion.

I downed the last of my drink, and then got up to get my own action started. I was going to make
this fast and dirty, a true slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am (er, ma'ams, plural).

Stepping up behind Ji-hyun's tight ass, I lifted her hips up off of Ji-yoon's face and then leaned in
to sink my dick into her warm snatch. She grunted as I began to slowly pump in and out of her,
and I kept my pace slow so that Ji-yoon could still reach my swinging balls with her tongue.

Then after fucking her to one orgasm, I pulled out of Ji-hyun and shoved my meat into Ji-yoon's
open lips to empty my load, blasting the roof of her mouth with my hot white spunk.

I got it up for one more round, Ji-hyun now riding my face and rubbing at Ji- yoon's tits while Ji-
yoon rode my dick. This time Ji-yoon grinded herself to one orgasm, and then she dismounted
just in time for Ji-hyun to bend over and take my erection into her mouth with her crotch still in
my face. And when she managed to deep throat me I felt my balls let loose and I sent a surge of
semen deep down her throat and into her belly.

We cleaned up and I kissed the girls goodbye, explaining that I had to get an early start the next
morning. I didn't really, but I wanted to fall asleep with Pei- Hua tonight. So we exchanged
phone numbers and promised to do this again sometime, then I headed home.

Thirty minutes later, after a quick shower, I crawled into the bed of my beautiful servant girl; she
simply rolled over and spooned herself against me. And then we drifted off together into the bliss
of sleep.

Pei-Hua and I never even said a word.

The years of college life had cruised by on autopilot. The academics were a given. I took for
granted that I would pass and graduate with a decent GPA, then go to work for my father's
company. Soon I'd get an MBA and seriously look towards taking over the company and letting
my father retire.

Socially, on the other hand, I was maturing into the personality and temperament I would carry
for the rest of my life. Those transitional years of young adulthood did so much to test the
flexibility of my decision-making and life choices, until I really began to resemble the person I
would be for the rest of my life.

In other words, I played the field, having several hookups and a few short term affairs. To be
sure, I struck out quite often. But I also got laid frequently and had a few regular hotties to spend
time with. But nothing intimate, nothing close.
When it came to females, a steady girlfriend just cramped my style. Cindy had been the first and
only woman to even get close to that status while I was in college. On the bright side, once
Cindy was out of the picture, Tina began to work her way back into my life, and the sex had only
gotten better with experience.

I had several good friends, guys who were willing to hold my head while I puked into a toilet
bowl. These were the kind of guys on whom I could count on, who would bail me out of jail if it
ever came to that. I accepted them as a constant in my life, and took them for granted as easily as
my academic future.

And I had my harem of female "friends", girls I actually talked to in addition to fucking them.
Some graduated ahead of me and moved on with their lives. They were replaced by nubile,
innocent freshmen girls just waiting for me give them the ride of their lives. They varied on a
scale from purely platonic to drop- everything-and-fuck-whenever-the-urge-hit-me (Tina), but all
were happy to flirt with me. So even the girls I took for granted. I got laid whenever I wanted to,
with a pleasant variety of feminine treasures and open-minded girls who knew me and knew
exactly what to expect (and what not to expect) of me. It was sex without emotion, and it was

Pei-Hua provided my emotional stability. She was the first person I ever shared my daily life and
daily stress with. She was the first person I ever trusted enough to expose my fears to. And she
treated me with a love that made me feel like I was wrapped inside a warm, blissful hug. Pei-
Hua, more than anything else in my life, I took for granted.

I could not conceive of a life without her in it.

One time I awoke from a stress-induced nightmare. It took me a moment to realize where I was
and to understand that I was awake. And as the sweat trickled down my forehead and the
trembling in my body started to go away, Pei- Hua turned me until my head was pressed to the
bosom of her sleeping shirt, and she folded her arms around me, cooing softly until I was at

Over the years, I engaged in several one night stands where after we had finished, I would invent
a lame excuse, leaving the hot coed so that I could return home and sleep peacefully with Pei-

She held a lot inside, and although I urged her to make friends, she never found anyone else to
confide in. There were a few other young couples living nearby who we became acquainted with.
Except for one Asian family, none of them understood the real nature of our relationship. Rather
than try to explain, Pei-Hua simply referred to me as "her man", and they accepted the
explanation. We lived in an age where unmarried co-habitation was the norm, not the exception.

Pei-Hua would trade cooking recipes and decorating tips with the young wives and girlfriends.
But like a loyal servant, matters of the heart were protected by family honor as tightly held
secrets. For all that time, I never truly understood how much she loved me, or why. And she had
no one else she could talk to about it.
Pei-Hua spoke on the phone with her mom, and we had regular visits to my parents' home. But
even then, many details of our lives went unsaid, many of Pei-Hua's hopes and dreams

So she gave everything she had for me, and I reaped the benefits of her care and love.

My life had been pure heaven for almost three years straight. But if it had lasted forever, this
story would be over.

It was the winter break of my fourth and final year at school. Per the usual routine, Pei-Hua and I
packed up for nearly two weeks at my childhood home for the vacation. I was able to slip into
my old bedroom, enjoy Mrs. Peng's cooking, and catch up with a few high school buddies.

Sleeping in late, no schoolwork, and a house full of servants to wait on me hand and foot. I
always looked forward to Christmastime.

But for some reason, Pei-Hua was never enthusiastic about returning. I thought it was perhaps
because she'd gotten used to running her own home and practically answering to no one. By
returning, she went from top dog in our little home to lowly servant in a more sprawling estate.

I didn't actually understand until the real reason finally hit me in the face.

I had gone out for the day, meeting up with some high school friends to play football then get
some pizza and a few beers. I returned home, dirty and a little sore. I was heading for my room
to take a shower when I passed my father's study, and a familiar grunt wafted out from behind
the door.

It was the specific tone in the grunt that caught my attention. I knew the sound.

And in abject horror I froze in my tracks.

It took me a moment to gather myself, processing the sounds, before I backed up a few steps.
Then I placed myself just outside the door with my head cocked to the side, straining with my

Already my experienced hearing had discerned what was going on, but my mind didn't want to
believe the worst-case scenario flashing through my imagination.

Despite my fear, I had to know for certain. And the noises inside the study led me to believe they
wouldn't be paying attention anyways. I chanced the handle, finding it unlocked, and opened the
door just a crack.

The vision in my mind turned out to match the reality before my eyes. Pei-Hua's pretty face was
pointed downwards as her fully-dressed upper body was pressed flat atop my father's heavy oak
desk. But from my vantage point, I could see down the gap in her shirt to see the full flesh of her
tits squashed against the surface, forming a very tight cleavage. And her skirt had been flipped
up so that it rested against her lower back.

Pei-Hua was letting out quiet shrieks, keeping as muffled as she could while my father banged
away at her backside. His eyes were only on the naked ass before him while he plugged away,
grunting softly.

I could have started crying in that moment.

For a long time I stood there in silence, eyes unseeing the sex act going on just through the crack
in the door. And despite the heart-pangs stabbing me in the chest and the moisture forming in my
eyes, my brain understood; it wasn't like my father and Pei-Hua had never done this before.

But my heart rebelled for a reason I didn't quite understand. I'd never felt jealous before in my
life. Tina screwed around, and it never bothered me. I had fucked over a half-dozen girls in the
last year. And Pei-Hua had been my father's before I ever had her. So why the hell did this bother

Pei-Hua only made little moans as he fucked her, her eyes squeezing shut every now and again
before she would open them and stare at whatever happened to be in front of her as her upper
body slid back and forth a few inches with every push. But then her eyes flickered up for just a
brief moment, and after a moment they locked onto mine. I had been discovered.

She gasped, but did not say anything. And as the sad realization spread across her face, I felt my
heart melting away with the expression on her face. Pei-Hua looked more miserable than I'd ever
seen her before, and when the tears started dribbling down her cheeks I couldn't take it anymore.
I fled up to my room, desperate to scrub the sight out of my mind.

I took a long shower and changed, then stayed in my room for the next hour or so. I was lying on
my childhood bed, staring at the ceiling, when Pei-Hua came to me.

Silently, she crossed the room and lay beside me on the bed, molding herself against my body
and resting her head on my chest. Naturally, I responded to her warmth and began to wrap an
arm around her, greatly desiring the affection and comfortability with her I had come to depend

But I stopped myself. I could see in her eyes while my father fucked her that she was doing her
duty and regretting it. That was why she never wanted to come back to this house. I wanted to
believe that I was different from my father. He took what he wanted; he took what was his right
in our culture. But I guess I still had too many American morals in me. I felt like it was wrong
what my father was doing to her.

And yet, I was doing the same. Pei-Hua wasn't my girlfriend. She wasn't even a
"friend with benefits" like Tina. She was my servant, and I couldn't help but feel like I was
taking advantage of her.

I got off the bed, determinedly walking away. Pei-Hua reached out and snagged my hand,
stopping my progress.

I turned to look at her, seemingly so innocent and young even though she was 3 years older than
me, clutching my hand like her life depended on it.

I couldn't believe that Pei-Hua truly wanted me. I had blinded myself to the real situation, to my
own inner fantasy. I was just like my father, screwing Pei-Hua whenever I wanted, taking her for
granted, and never giving her what she really deserved in a man. I didn't deserve HER.

At that moment, my instinct told me to take out my aggression by fucking something into
submission, or getting drunk. And I really didn't want to "use" Pei- Hua again right now.

I shook myself free of her grasp and left the room.

Pei-Hua and I never even said a word.

I was two drinks down, staring into the bottom of my third glass when a familiar voice sounded
in my left ear.

"Oh, my god."

I turned my head, surprise evident on my worn face. My high school girlfriend, four-years of my
life and love, stood right in front of me. She looked hot and yet proper at the same time. Four
years of college life and physical maturity had been good to her. "Jenny?"

Jenny Lin stood back, her eyes glancing up and down my worn body, hunched over the bar like a
dozen other drunken losers. "Wow, you look like shit."

I knew I probably did. My eyeballs were bloodshot and stress-bags in black must have been
under my eye sockets. But Jenny... "And you, you look fantastic!"

Jenny simmered on that, and I noticed another girl just behind her. I vaguely remembered the
other girl as one of Jenny's best friends from high school. They must have been catching up
during the break from school.

I had just brought my gaze back to Jenny's face when suddenly her mouth hardened into a flat
line. Without warning, her open palm whizzed out and slapped me, hard, across my cheek.

My head rotated with the impact and I spilled the drink in my hand. There was a delayed reaction
as several seconds went by before I cradled my face in my hand and muttered, "Oww!"
"I gave you my virginity and then you just took off!" Jenny yelled loud enough for the entire bar
to hear. "You didn't return my phone calls, my emails, nothing!"

I just gaped at her, still in shock and unprepared to respond.

"Fuck off and die!" Jenny yelled one last time and then stomped out of the bar, muttering a curse
in Mandarin. Her quiet friend simply followed her and they were both gone.

I really was a complete jerk. I deserved that.

I sighed, then drained the last drops of liquid fire into the back of my throat.

Setting my morose thoughts aside, I signaled the bartender, holding up my glass.

"Another of these."

When it was time to return back to school, Pei-Hua and I made the trip in silence.

Despite her obvious desire to talk to me, perhaps discuss what was going on between us, it was
not her place to make the first move.

Things didn't change either once we got back to our own house. She cooked and cleaned while I
spent most of my time on the computer or in front of the TV.

When night came, she knew better than to come to me. But she did leave her door open as an

I didn't take her up on it, and continued to sleep alone.

Tina called me up two days after school started up again, but I wasn't in the mood. For some
reason, no-strings-attached sex didn't really appeal to me. I had enough hidden strings binding
me down as it was.

Of all places, I found myself in the library, studying. The tension in my own house was
smothering me and I couldn't think when Pei-Hua was near. The conflicting emotions inside of
me - desire to be with her and guilt at using her — roiled around my head until I was in agony
nearly every waking moment.

I was walking through the library stacks, hunting for a book that should have been on an upper
shelf when I literally walked into someone. I wasn't looking where I was going, and apparently
neither was she.

So we found ourselves sprawled on the carpet, and I was repeatedly apologizing while she
rubbed her head. She offered her own apologies and started crawling around to pick up her book.
I helped her collect everything back up and then we finally stood. I said sorry one more time, and
she looked up me with a smile. "It's alright."

She had a tiny voice, and with the immediate crisis out of the way my male brain automatically
sized her up. About 5'2", petite and Asian. Her black hair was in a long braid, librarian glasses
covering an innocent face with no makeup. Simple jeans, loose and casual, and a demure sweater
were fitting for a typical college girl, unusual to me after all the Azian hoochies I hung out with.
The girl was definitely cute, but under normal circumstances I wouldn't have given her a second

She gave me the once over, but with nothing left to discuss, she turned away and left.

Dammit, what book was I looking for again?

That same afternoon, I walked into my usual boba shop to get some milk tea. It was the same
place I went to almost every day. To my surprise, the library-girl was the one behind the counter.
I realized with certainty that I'd seen her many times before, but never really noticed her. But this
time, I smiled and offered a


"Hello," she replied. "Your usual?"

"Usual? Am I here that often?"

"Just about every day." She smiled at me then started puttering around behind the counter,
mixing up my milk tea.

"Well, there's got to be a few hundred regulars who are always here." I got out my wallet to pay.

She nodded, "True, but you're the only one who always pays with this." She held up my black
American Express card. More in her element, this girl carried a quiet grace and confidence as she
rung up my bill and gave me my drink. For some reason, I wanted to get to know this girl a little

"What's your name?"

She looked up at me for a moment, a quizzical expression on her face. "Karen," she finally

"Well Karen, what time do you get off work?"

Suddenly, Karen got really nervous. I got the impression that she didn't have a lot of experience
being asked out like this.
"I'm sorry. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, no. You just caught me off guard, that's all. Uh, we close at 10, but I probably can't leave
for at least fifteen minutes after that."

"10:15 then. Can I give you a ride home?"

She looked at the floor nervously. Her innocence captured me. And she hesitated before

I told her, "I promise I won't bite. Well, unless you're into that."

She giggled at that. "Sure, I'll see you then."

I actually pulled up at 10:05pm. The closed sign was up on the glass door, and Karen looked
surprised when I rapped my knuckles against the glass. Perhaps she didn't think I'd actually

There was another girl with her, closing up the store. She said something to Karen, I couldn't
hear through the door. And nodding her head, Karen removed her apron, grabbed her jacket, and
then came outside.

She looked like she didn't know what to say, so I offered an "All set?"

Karen said "yes" in her quiet voice, and I led her to my car. Karen's eyes bugged out when I
opened the passenger door to my Aston Martin. I held out my hand to help her in, and she
clutched my palm tightly as she sank into the plush cushions before I closed the door and then
circled around to my side.

I got in and flicked the switch to the seat warmers, and Karen couldn't help but run her hands
over the wood trim or gawk at all the bells and whistles inside.

I let her marvel for a minute before she looked at me and realized that we weren't moving. "Oh,
you need to know where we're going."

She gave me a quick set of directions, and then we were off. We made casual chit-chat about
how her day went, and after ten minutes of driving I wondered just how far away she lived, and
how the heck she got to work?

It turned out, Karen was just a first year student, living in the dorms. But her dorm was clear on
the other side of campus, and she normally took a University shuttle bus or perhaps rode her
I enjoyed the ten minutes we did have together, and stopped just outside her dorm. I asked if she
was busy Friday night, and with a radiant smile that lit up my car, she said she was free.

We made a date.

Ji-hyun called me on Thursday, wondering if I wanted to pick up a few bottles of soju and spend
my Friday night with the Korean babes. Rather coldly, I turned her down. I wanted my life to be
more than a hookup, and I had a sweet, innocent girl to take out on Friday night.

The dinner with Karen went smoothly, after a rough start. Karen was nervous as hell when I
picked her up, clearly interested but also clearly unsure of herself.

She wore what she thought was a nice outfit, although I reminded myself to introduce her to Tina
and order Tina to take Karen clothes shopping.

Karen had only a dabble of makeup, and her hair was in the standard ponytail. I suppose I
shouldn't have expected anymore from a young first year, fresh out of high school and not from
the social crowd on top of everything else.

She seemed to sense her attire didn't quite match up to what I was used to, which only made her
even more nervous about the situation. I saw her eyes searching mine in a panic that I was out of
her league.

Thinking fast, I decided to skip my reservations at the fancy restaurant. She would be too
overwhelmed by the formal setting. So we hit up a local Tex-mex sit-down chain, getting some
ribs and salads. And I kept up a non-stop casual chatter so she wouldn't feel pressured into
talking until she felt more comfortable.

And as the night went on, her answers to my questions went from one word to two, then five, and
then complete sentences. After an hour, she finally managed to relax and we could enjoy our

We went to a movie afterwards, typical Hollywood blockbuster stuff which I figured would be
safe. And after a pleasant evening, I took her home.

As the night progressed, I got the distinct impression that Karen was just an innocent virgin. She
told me about her life growing up: A late bloomer in school.

Never had a steady boyfriend. And more focused on her academics than meeting new people.

Karen had still grown up into a fresh, pretty girl, if only she knew how to dress and maximize
her assets. But I would have to be careful with her, and not put any pressure on her.
I sensed a chance to start my love life anew with her. A chance to rediscover the innocent love
I'd had with Jenny so long ago and then threw away to get frequently laid.

I walked her to the front of her dorm. And just outside the door, I touched her cheek gently then
leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. She gasped, and I could feel her heart racing through my
fingertips at her neck. But it was just a soft peck, and she kept her lips closed.

I backed away and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, at work," I told her.

She nodded agreeably, and then I opened the door so she could go inside.

I turned away and started down the sidewalk. But before the door fully closed, I heard a giggly
voice that definitely wasn't Karen's. "Ohmigod, is THAT his CAR?!"

Without turning I allowed myself a grin. Hey, I still had my ego.

Every day I picked up a milk tea or passion fruit slushie. Five times over the next week Karen
was there, and we always had a few minutes to chat before I let her take care of the next

We made a date for Friday night, a casual dinner and a trip to the local mini-golf course. We
laughed and giggled putting around, only taking the game semi- seriously. I felt like I was fifteen
again, in a very good way.

On the ride back to her dorm, Karen asked if I would like to come up with her.

Her roommate was out and she didn't want this night to end yet. Besides, it wasn't even 9 o'clock

I agreed, and soon we found ourselves on Karen's couch, listening to the radio, drinking sodas,
and immersing ourselves in the glow of puppy love.

She didn't resist when I leaned in to kiss her once again, and when our lip massages continued
beyond the first minute, I took a chance and parted her tongue with my own.

Karen sighed happily as she kissed me back with fervor, and a decent ability that probably meant
this wasn't her first French kiss. She wrapped her arms around the back of my head and pulled
me to her, and then I was kissing her the same way kissing used to be before sex ever got in the
way. Kissing was the ultimate, the joy, the pleasure.

But as my heart started pounding and the adrenaline rushed through my veins, old habits kicked
in. I seized Karen's arms and pinned them back while I attacked her mouth with my own.

She moaned into my mouth and let me spear her mouth with my tongue.
Automatically, I reached down and lifted the hem of her V-neck, whipping it over her head and
then kissing her again before Karen could really react to me. My hot hands went to her bare
arms, stroking them as I moved my lips along her jaw line until I was planting little pecks at her
neck while Karen held my head in her hands, gasping all the while.

The sensations and the thrill of what we were doing had Karen completely under my control, and
she didn't even realize what was going on before I managed to unsnap her bra, slip the cups
away, and then take a firm breast into my hand.

Her tits were bigger than I thought, solid B-cups. Her outfits hid her curves before, but her
breasts were perfectly formed, firmed up with youth and capped by cute pink nipples. I tasted
one nipple and she moaned as I suckled.

And then Karen was lying flat across the couch, me atop her with my erection grinding into her
leg. She gasped and whimpered as we kissed and I played with her tits; but when my hands went
to her jeans, in the middle of a moan, Karen mumbled a soft, "no..."

To my experienced ear, it sounded like a false 'no', a moan of pleasure when her body truly
wanted me. So I kept going, and when her jeans popped open and my hands dipped inside of her
panties, Karen moaned loudly while my palms rubbed at the firm globes of her ass.

But then a stronger 'no' came out of her mouth when I grabbed more firmly onto the waist of her
jeans. Lost to the sex-lust, I kept going, tugging both jeans and panties lower until her pubic hair
was just barely coming into view.

And then a blinding pain exploded in my temples, and I was physically moved against the
backrest. My body went still with shock.

Karen scrambled out from under me, shaking her hand out from the pain while using her other
arm to cover her naked bosom. "I said NO."

Collecting my wits, I looked up into a face that was more hurt than angry. "I'm sorry," I quickly
said. "I didn't mean-"

"I'm not that kind of girl," she told me. Then she moved to grab her shirt and held it in front of
her torso. "I thought you knew that."

"Karen, please."

"Just, just," she paused, still visibly shaken by the experience. "Get out."

All the weight of my guilt came flooding back to me. Pei-Hua, Jenny, and now Karen. I was a
jerk. That was simply who I was. I used people, ignored the signs, and just took my pleasure.

With my head held low, I pulled myself together and then quietly left the room.
Chapter 4
Posted: 11/4/2007, 1:00:33 AM

"Come back here and fuck me!"

"I just did!" I lay flat on my back, worn out for the moment.

"I don't CARE about DID. Fuck me MORE! NOW!"

I knew I was technically in charge. But when a woman's screaming at you like that, it's hard to
say no. And Tina had been an absolute nymphomaniac for our entire relationship.

At twenty-three, Tina's body was in its most perfect condition I'd ever seen. Her legs were long
and lean. Her petite torso was slender and tight in all the best places, with rippled abs to show off
how much she worked out. She'd redone her silicone tits to be bigger and even more fabulous.
And her face had bloomed into the gorgeous face of an adult woman, calling the attention of
everyone around her, male or female.

But right now, I was the only one around her, and she definitely had my attention. Tina shut her
legs back together and slipped off the couch to the rug, and crawled past the coffee table until
she was between my legs, still oozing my cum out of her box from the load I'd fired into her not
30 seconds ago. But despite having two orgasms of her own, she was far from done. And so,
with her talented mouth working my poor cock over, she began to coax new life into my balls.

I couldn't recharge quite as fast as when I was a teenager, so it took a bit more prodding and the
casual wrapping of her tits around my shaft before she was satisfied with its hardness. I settled
into the couch cushions to get myself more comfortable, and then Tina was straddling my weary
body, facing away and sinking herself back down onto me, my dick entering her with a squishing

Ten minutes later, with my hands gripping her boobs and Tina screaming her fifth orgasm at the
ceiling, I finally erupted up and into Tina's spasming pussy, coating her with a second helping of
my white lava.

When we were done, Tina started dragging me upstairs to take a shower. "Come on, lazybones.
Or we're going to be late."

I glanced over at the dress Tina was planning to wear to my family's annual Thanksgiving
dinner, hung up on my coat rack. My father was going to be ogling my girlfriend all night...
In the time since high school, Tina had always been a special friend. Now, many years after our
first fuck, and after many years of being "just friends", Tina had finally achieved "girlfriend"

Even after such a long time of fucking each other's lights out, we never tired of each other's
body. And also, she helped fill that emotional void in me, offering up her companionship and
energy every day. She was loving and affectionate out in public, places Pei-Hua couldn't go. She
was such a regular fixture in my life that I felt comfortable just hanging out with her in a non-
sexual way, and at last I even brought her home for family events.

My mom had been constantly pressing me about girlfriend prospects and had begun her
innuendoes regarding me getting married. Being an only child means you're the ONLY one a
mother can fuss over.

And while I did truly love Pei-Hua, there was no way my family could accept me having a
serious relationship with my servant girl.

Tina was a logical choice. She was smart, educated, and came from a well-to-do Taiwanese
family that had my parents' respect. We were quite happy together, and although I didn't feel like
I was in love, I very much cared about her. And understanding the customs, Tina managed to
tone down the physical affection when with my family. She got along well with my mother,
flirted with my father, and instinctively understood the culture and her role in it.

And more importantly for me, Tina was not a jealous lover. She fully understood my playboy
lifestyle and random hookups, as well as my intimate interludes with Pei-Hua.

Many a night would go by with one or the other woman masturbating while discreetly watching
me pleasure the other, and we all engaged in a few more threesomes, much to my delight.
However, both ladies seemed more interested in titillating me than having any true lust for each
other. Still, the two women had developed a comfortable friendship like the one between my
mother and Mrs. Peng.

Throw in my well-paying job for my father's company and the comfortable house, and I had the
perfect existence, well on track to following in my father's footsteps.

My father's company was rapidly approaching our fiscal year-end. And as expected from
previous experience, the final two weeks became a roller coaster of extreme highs matched by
extreme lows, with stress and paperwork and fun with my ladies sprinkled throughout.

The extreme lows were all work-related. Even though I already knew my job- security was set as
I was working for my father, I still had Asian expectations and pride to maximize profits and
give a good showing. Besides, my father repeatedly bitched about me learning nothing useful
and spending so much money on an MBA was a waste of time.

The extreme highs came from Pei-Hua, Tina... and Jessica.

Jessica was one of Tina's best friends from high school, although she went to a different school
than Tina and I. Jessica had been growing up into her own woman during her college years and
got into a big fight with her parents about independence and living in America instead of
Taiwan. So instead of moving back home after graduation, she got an apartment with Tina close
by to my new house back in our hometown.

Jessica also knew all about my relationship with Tina, and the two of them would talk endlessly
until Jessica was fully envious of Tina and her rich, charming, and sexually masterful boyfriend
(that's me).

The phone call from Tina woke me up on a Saturday morning... waaay too early on a Saturday
morning. I cursed her out for a minute, but she waited me out and then promised me she would
make it up to me. She gave me an hour to make myself presentable, and she ordered me to drink
a lot of water before she arrived.

I showered and cleaned up. Pei-Hua, as usual, was already up and got me fed. We shared a
tender kiss and looked at each other for a moment with that glowing look in each other's eyes,
the kind of look borne out of many years of unconditional love. I was comfortable with our
relationship, and wouldn't want to change a thing about it. She then returned to her household

So I nonchalantly settled into the sofa and started channel-surfing. Tina did not exactly have a
reputation for ever arriving on time.

A full 45 minutes after her so-called deadline, Tina finally arrived at my door with her friend in
tow. They greeted Pei-Hua, then came in to flirt with me while Pei- Hua brought us tea.

I was reminded again of how Tina and Jessica looked so similar. They both had identically
streaked hair, although with slightly different styling. Both had pretty faces and surgeon-perfect
bodies: full tits, slender waists and small, tight asses. If you weren't looking closely one might
even get the two of them confused. I still thought Tina was the more beautiful girl, but Jessica
wasn't outclassed by much.

We chatted and dropped sexual innuendoes for several minutes. After Tina's comment about
drinking water, I knew I was going to get laid. My only question was whether Jessica would be
watching or joining in. Then Tina finally made her intentions clear. "So, where's our DVD?"

I knew exactly which one Tina was talking about, and exactly where it was. Back when I'd first
gotten to college, Tina seduced me while we watched a video of her and her best friend Jessica
exploring the Sapphic side of their relationship. Pei- Hua and I had even fucked several times
watching that DVD together. But Tina had never asked for it before today. And I didn't know
whether Jessica knew I had a copy or not.

"It's up in my room," I informed her.

"So what are we waiting for?" Jessica interjected, smiling at me with a sparkle in her eye.
Our trio went upstairs, and the moment we entered in Jessica had me sitting on the bed while she
began to undo my shorts. Tina went around the entertainment center and I told her where to find
the disc.

Jessica got me undressed before the video started playing, and she paused to first scrutinize my
erection bobbing in her face. I watched her eyes examine me with lust flaming from her gaze,
and then I groaned happily when she extended a long tongue out and licked the shaft from base
all the way up to crown. There was really nothing better for a man than witnessing a brand new
woman become acquainted with your body. That thrill of the unknown female did wonders for
my brain.

And then Tina got the DVD working, and gestured to Jessica so they could stand beside the TV,
and my vision was doubled. The figures on the big-screen differed only slightly from the real-
thing before me. The two women were now more fully developed, with more defined curves that
truly displayed them as women instead of young girls.

But then the Tina on the screen leaned in and plunged her tongue into screen- Jessica's mouth,
and my heart nearly stopped when the real, live women mirrored the action in front of me.

I couldn't help but stroke myself idly while Tina and Jessica undressed each other along with the
video. Then Tina stepped behind Jessica's naked body to profile Jessica to me, rubbing hands
across round tits and a flat stomach to direct my attention. I nearly got whiplash looking back
and forth between screen- Jessica's naked bosom and the real thing, automatically noting the
heavier curvature and slight sag in real-Jessica's adult larger breasts.

The two girls then turned to each other and kissed with seductive familiarity, and as their hands
roamed freely, purposefully, I automatically noted how accustomed they were to each other's
body. Tina must have had a lot more experience doing this with Jessica than with Pei-Hua. The
end result was a show beyond my wildest dreams, and I merely got out of the way when the two
hot vixens began to roll around my bed, moaning up a storm until they were both sweaty and

Finally, after much stroking and fingering and suckling, we came to the point on the video where
screen-Jessica began to eat out her friend. Tina sat up next to me on the bed, leaning against the
headboard, her legs splayed out to the side while she rubbed her own swollen, large clit that was
packed full of pleasure nerves.

The real women followed the script on screen, and Jessica got into position between Tina's legs
to give her some girl-expert loving. With an active tongue and a few fingers, both Jessica's soon
had both Tina's squirming and moaning up a storm. And amidst the sexual pleasure, real-Tina
leaned against my body, her eyes pointed in my direction but unfocused while her roommate
tongue- lashed her pussy.

Tina reached out a hand and wrapped it around my erection, then tugged on it in Jessica's
direction. "Go take her."
I glanced down to see Jessica's sweaty body knelt on the bed, her ass at just the right height for
me to stand behind her. So getting off the bed and moving around, I took a moment to rub my
palms against Jessica's perky ass, so similar to Tina's toned musculature and yet different. I
savored the moment as my erection nudged beneath Jessica's hips.

She wiggled around, trying to capture me, until I finally placed the mushroom head against her
wet folds. And with a firm grip on Jessica's hips, I leaned in to sink myself into a brand new

With our positioning, only Tina could still see the TV from her vantage point, but even she
wasn't paying much attention while the three of us fucked in a line. But the audio worked fine,
and five ecstatic voices filled the room with the noises of our lovemaking.

Jessica's clasping tunnel was extremely tight, and I had been quite worked up from the lesbian-
loving show put on before me. Jessica and Tina had both had quick orgasms, and now with my
hips increasing in speed Jessica had begun to ram her ass back against my thighs in an effort to
get me off.

I heard screen-Tina build up towards a new orgasm, and real-Tina was following right behind
her. And at the moment I saw Tina's hips buck up into Jessica's face with her back arched, I
slammed myself forward all the way and pinned Jessica's light body to my crotch while my cock
erupted inside of her.

"Aw, fuuuuck!" Jet after jet flew out to be stopped against the inner walls of Jessica's honeypot,
splattering her insides with my messy cocktail.

When I chugged to a stop and finally pulled myself out, Jessica held her hand tightly over her
crotch and crawled across Tina's body until she was straddling Tina's face. And then I sighed and
watched happily as Tina began to munch our mixed cum from the wet pussy over her face.
Jessica, for her part, squeezed her round tits with her left hand while she licked up the spilled jizz
that coated her right hand.

At last, Jessica and Tina lay side by side across the bed, kissing and caressing each other's bodies
while I stood beside them, my eyes watching their lips while Jessica's coy hand tickled between
my legs. I knew this morning was far from over and there was a pleasure in particular I knew to
expect on the video.

As if on cue, Jessica got to all fours, showing me her perky asscheeks once again while Tina
oriented the two of them so I would have a perfect vantage point from my easy chair.

Then Tina leaned into her friend, her black and blonde head partially blocking the view, but I
was still able to see a long tongue dip down into Jessica's asshole. A moan on the TV signaled
that the same had happened on video as well.

Tina spent a good couple of minutes tonguing Jessica, and every so often I could see Jessica's
wet hole winking back at me as she clenched and moaned at the appendage rimming her out.
And right around the same time screen-Tina pulled away, real-Tina backed off and spread
Jessica's asscheeks wide open, showing off the puckered rosebud, shiny with saliva.

I was rock hard and more than ready. I took my place behind Jessica's prone body and eased my
erection back into her pussy, taking care to coat myself in her honey.

Screen-Tina was already fingering Jessica's ass, and I pulled back until I could place my cock at
Jessica's nether entrance. And when she felt my hard appendage pressing it's way inside of her
tight sphincter, Jessica pushed her hips back slowly to meet me while I stretched her wider than
she'd ever been in her life. And once I got fully seated, my thighs flush against Jessica's butt-
cheeks, I pulled slowly back and drawing a whimper out of Jessica. But then she was screaming
more as I thrust my way back and all the way inside of her anal chute.

A fresh set of moans sounded off in the room, mixing with those coming from the TV, an aural
delight of pleasurable sounds while I reamed out Jessica's asshole. She was repeatedly calling out
"Oh, god... oh, god..." I wasn't sure which god she was praying to, but I kept plugging away in
order to make her moan it again. The mantra was repeated on-screen and also by Tina, who had
three of Jessica's fingers embedded inside of her tunnel.

I finally pressed my chest against Jessica's sweaty back, my hands seizing Jessica's firm tits and
using them to slam her light body back into my hips.

And just when I felt myself speeding up along the final stretch to my orgasm, Jessica moaned
loudly and clamped her ass-muscles around me, her entire body vibrating upon my shaft as she
climaxed. At that sensation, I could feel my pecker ready itself to explode.

Tina got us started by shaking against the bed, shrieking her climax at the top of her lungs.
Jessica, mid-orgasm, lifted her head up and screamed out as well, and then I was yelling too as
the three of us joined in a chorus of ecstasy and blasted wads of cum in every direction. I felt the
wetness of Jessica's nectar splashing against my thighs while I plugged her ass fully of my own
sticky juices. And when Jessica flopped over to her side, her drenched face belied the fluids Tina
had blown out as well.

And when we were finally done, I collapsed across Tina's sweat-soaked body, kissing her
powerfully and enjoying the heaven my girlfriend had brought me.

When we finally broke for air, Tina flashed her radiant smile at me. Her eyes glittered, her teeth
shone, and she was an angel in my eyes. Here was my girlfriend, always caring and affectionate.
There was no jealousy, and in fact she brought me delectable treasures to devour. She pleased
my parents, she pleased me, and she even got along with Pei-Hua. Perhaps if I did marry Tina,
my life would be happy forever.

I would take care of her and provide her with the comfortable lifestyle she deserved. We would
share a house, where she would be pampered as the lady of the estate as well as being rather
convenient for our lovemaking. And in a few years we would pop out a kid or two, go to PTA
meetings and mingle with the other young families.
Things did eventually turn out great. But of course things weren't going to be that simple.

Tina was surprised, but elated when I actually uttered the "M" word. After I showed I was at
least willing to discuss marriage, our lives fell into a beautiful harmony. She began to open up to
me like never before, baring her soul and letting me really get to know the innocent girl beneath
her flashy exterior. She began spending more and more time with me, and Pei-Hua quickly
become one of her closest friends as well. Tina even stopping seeing other guys, even though I
would have let her. And she freely allowed me my own hookups when we went out to nightclubs
and such. Those were just sexual releases for variety's sake. She knew in the end I would still be
HER boyfriend. Emotionally, the two of us grew more in a year than we had in our entire lives

So one evening, as the sun set over the ocean at our favorite restaurant, I got down on one knee
and proposed. The playa was settling down (sort of). Tina was delighted and of course said

Pei-Hua was the first person we told when we returned back to my house, and she congratulated
us with warm hugs for the both of us. And like any girl, she immediately wanted to check out the
fat diamond I'd put on Tina's finger. For some reason, I wanted to watch Pei-Hua's reaction
carefully. After all, I still had a love for her, albeit a different love than what I felt for Tina. And
Pei-Hua would always be my first.

Pei-Hua's smile was genuine, her face betraying no shock. Perhaps she had been expecting it to
happen eventually, especially with how much time I'd been spending with Tina lately. But I
knew Pei-Hua deep down into her soul, more through observation than anything else. And I
could see a wistful longing in the back of Pei-Hua's eyes, no matter how hard she tried to cover

Tina took me upstairs that night and made love to me with as much passion and aggression as
she'd ever done before in our lives. I went to sleep a happy and fully satisfied man, and Tina
promised me she would do her best to make every night as blissful as that night had been.

In the morning, Tina left early, wanting to go to her place to call her parents, tell Jessica the
news, and generally jump up and down like a little girl all day in excitement. She had so much to
plan for her dream wedding.

I was still in bed, just sitting upright and reclining against the cushions while pondering the big
step I had made and how it might change the rest of my life. I wasn't worried about becoming
monogamous or anything. I had my father as an example to that. But this would mean I was
stuck with Tina as well. Before, she had been a fucktoy, and then a girlfriend. If I got bored or
things didn't go right, I could always break up with her like I did so many other flings scattered
across my past. Even now, Tina was a fiancé, and theoretically I could still break the
engagement. But once we were married, there was no such thing as divorce. That was how my
family and culture operated.
I also glanced over at the phone. I would have to call and tell my parents the news so they could
hear it from me before getting it from the gossips at the mahjong table.

I had just grabbed the receiver when a knock came at my door and Pei-Hua entered silently,
carrying a tray with my morning tea. She saw my hand on the phone and bowing her head, set
the tray down on the bedside table and then turned away.


To this day I'm not sure why I stopped her. She would have walked out the door and perhaps our
lives would have always gone on the way they had before. But it would turn out to be one of the
great turning points in our life together. Pei-Hua didn't turn back and look at me, and I watched
from behind as a shudder of pain passed through her body from head to toe.

I reached out and touched her hand, then slipped my fingers into her palm and reached out my
other hand to tug gently on her forearm. In my grasp Pei-Hua finally turned to me and sat down
on the bed beside me until I could reach up and brush the tears from her eyes with my fingers.

We just stared at each other for a few long moments. I wasn't big on words and we had always
shared an unspoken communication. Love, longing, heartbreak, and desire flashed through our
eyes, and I could feel the fear radiating out of this beautiful girl.

Finally, Pei-Hua spoke in soft Mandarin. "Will I lose you?"

I had always taken for granted the close but unspoken relationship between us. But now the
thought of not being with Pei-Hua, being separated in any way from her tore at my heart and
scared me more than anything else had ever done in my life.

I leaned in and kissed her firmly, pouring my love, true love, into the kiss and expressing it to her
as hard as my mind could work. I finally pulled away and looked into her eyes. "Never."

And then we were kissing again, firmly but gently, and I drew her body closer to mine. She
finally lay down beside me, one leg thrown across my body while we contentedly kissed for
what felt like forever.

I felt so happy in that moment, perhaps happier than I'd ever felt since that first night I'd slept
overnight with Pei-Hua in my arms after the fateful birthday party with the Frankie incident.
Here I was, only a few hours removed from getting engaged, and I was basking in the bliss of
cuddling with a woman who was not my fiancé. Some might find this strange. But this was how
I'd felt for most of my life.

We probably could have lay on the bed for hours, simply kissing and cuddling and never saying
a word to each other the whole time and our lives would have been perfect. But an innocently
affectionate relationship was not what either of us wanted for the rest of our lives. So almost to
prove the point to ourselves, Pei- Hua's hand slipped beneath my pajamas and while the blood
rushed down my body I pulled Pei-Hua's shirt over her head.
Very quickly, we got fully naked and when Pei-Hua straddled my hips, I found that she was
already soaking wet. With a practiced ease she held my cock and then mounted me in one
motion, and we both groaned in relief at the achievement of penetration.

I held us still at that moment, and more sure of myself than I'd ever been before in my life I
reached up to touch her cheek. "Pei-Hua, I love you."

Those were words I'd never before spoken to her, but I meant every syllable. She cried and
returned the expression, and then she was kissing me over and over again, pausing to moan "I
love you... I love you..." to me with every other breath, switching to English and Mandarin, and
any other way she could think of to express the emotion back to me.

Tears still in her eyes, Pei-Hua finally sat up. Rather casually, Pei-Hua lolled around my hips,
rocking slowly and carving her own insides with me. I reached a hand up, fingers tracing her
huge tits and teasing the nipples right in front of my face. And then she leaned down to kiss me
again while flexing her legs and beginning the up and down fucking motion we'd both become so
accustomed to.

After a few minutes, with my hands jacking her hips, Pei-Hua's pants became louder and
breathy, a thin layer of sweat starting to appear on both our bodies. And with a couple of well
aimed thrusts I sent her over the edge and she crested into a small orgasm, wailing her love for
me into my ear.

She was still trembling when I rolled us over and then sunk my cock back into Pei-Hua's quaking
pussy. She wrapped her arms around my back and hooked her feet inside my ankles, hugging me
close to her body and enjoying the intimacy of our lovemaking. I nibbled around her neckline as
I continued to make short thrusts into her willing body.

"You're so good," Pei-Hua moaned in Mandarin.

"I had a good teacher," I reminded her in English.

And then she wasn't able to speak any longer, her breaths coming in very shallow and faster than
before. I sped up my pumping motion, grinding my crotch down against hers until her clit was
trapped between our rubbing bodies.

And then Pei-Hua did something with her inner muscles that was indescribably overwhelming
for me, and all at once I sped up to ramming speed and I could feel the pressure in my balls
suddenly burst. Pei-Hua was moaning loudly right into my ears, and then her moan reached its
highest pitch and her entire body shook as a tremendous orgasm overtook her.

In that same moment, as Pei-Hua squeezed tightly around my invading rod, my balls went slack
as they relieved the pressure, and I was yelling to match her moaning as my sperm poured out of
me in a river of jizz that flooded Pei-Hua's grasping pussy. Together we cried out and thrashed
against the bed, always tightly pressed chest-to-chest and rolling together to ride the waves of
our ecstasy.
It was one of the most intimate and heartfelt lovemaking sessions of my life. And as we
collapsed together, we both mumbled words of affection, verbalizing and making fully real how
much we cared about each other while I began to go limp inside of her body, but never wishing
to exit it. Our love no longer had to be unspoken. And I spent the next hour reminding Pei-Hua
with every word I knew how much I loved her.

Despite everything, my world would come crashing down if I ever attempted to marry Pei-Hua. I
had tentatively brought up the subject when I was much younger, and my mother promptly told
me I was only infatuated because she was my first. And besides, my parents would disown me
for the shame that would be brought upon me if I ever married a servant girl. All my credit cards
gone, the family honor. I'd have to start over like a poor immigrant. And I'd become way too
accustomed to my comfortable life to not find another way.

Now perhaps I had found my way. I was in love with two very different women in two very
different ways. With Tina I could share the world. She would be my very public wife: going to
social events, family functions, business dinner parties, etc. She was an amazing lover and quite
adventurous, and I knew I would always be sexually satisfied.

With Pei-Hua I had a down-to-earth soulmate kind of love. I could be quiet with her, and
comfortable, yielding myself to her undemanding love and care for our home. She even got
along well with Tina.

I've said it before: I have the perfect life.

Our wedding was the usual over-a-thousand-guests extravaganza. Tina was a gorgeous bride, and
all four of her dresses each cost me a fortune. A ten-course lobster banquet for 1100 people is no
drop in the bucket either. My parents were exceedingly proud of the lavish event, my father
sparing no expense. Mrs. Peng couldn't be prouder. And Tina even made Pei-Hua a bridesmaid.

The lavish event got started at 9am and didn't finish until 2am the following morning. We
sweated out the interminable tea ceremony, and Pei-Hua had to massage my back muscles during
a break from all the bowing. But the sheer volume of red envelopes we collected made me feel
much better about the whole thing.

The banquet went on and on incessantly, and by the time my drunken relatives started singing
karaoke I signaled the emcee to get this thing over with. Finally at the end I popped the
champagne in an explosion that our guests would never forget.

Towards the end of the marathon wedding, my joints were locked stiff after standing for so long.
My muscles ached beyond belief. By the end of the night, Tina and I were barely able to stagger
into my bedroom. Pei-Hua kissed my cheek and whispered a Chinese proverb of hope and luck
for us, then she closed the door to give us our privacy.
I'd like to say that our wedding night was a whirl of passion, scaling the heights of pleasure. But
I could barely get erect. Tina was determined to consummate our marriage, and after she blew
me for ten minutes, I was able to turn over and thrust into Tina's willing body, finally spurting
after just a few more minutes of pumping.

The next morning, Pei-Hua was the first to congratulate us, bringing us a lavish breakfast to
rebuild our strength before we had to head to the airport for our honeymoon.

Two nights into the honeymoon, Tina seduced a gorgeous hula girl and brought her back to our
bungalow. That chick could do the most amazing things with her hips and proved extremely
flexible. And watching Tina suckling my semen out of the hula's girl's asshole was like a dream
come true.

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