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in violation of the policy

2. in a timely manner

3. Would you be so kind as to V

4. be better off V-ing

5. weigh in (v)

6. get off a call

7. get/gain traction

8. takeaway (n)

9. my best guess for this would be

10. "preliminary (adj)

11. /prɪˈlɪm.ə.ner.i/"

12. correct me if I'm wrong

13. beg the question

14. in transit

15. Be subject to sth

16. have (no) interest in V-ing

17. make a note of

18. stay the course

19. delinquent (adj)

20. strike (n)

21. "verbiage (n)

22. /ˈvɝː.bi.ɪdʒ/"

23. "subpar (adj)

24. /ˌsʌbˈpɑːr/"

25. "extemporaneous (adj)

26. /ekˌstem.pəˈreɪ.ni.əs/"

27. "egregious (adj)

28. /ɪˈɡriː.dʒəs/"

29. hammer down

30. "embedded (adj)

31. /ɪmˈbed·ɪd/"

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