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Journal of Aging Studies 26 (2012) 273–284

老龄化研究杂志 26(2012)273-284

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Journal of Aging Studies

J o u r n a l h o m e p e: w w w.我正在经历。我有一个自己的世界

A conceptual framework for examining the promise of the NORC program and
Village models to promote aging in place☆
一个概念框架,用于审查 NORC 方案和 Village 模式促进就地老龄化的承诺
Emily A. Greenfield a, ,1, Andrew Scharlach b, Amanda J. Lehning c, Joan K. Davitt d
格林菲尔德 a,1,安德鲁 ·沙拉赫 b,阿曼达 ·j ·雷宁 c,琼 ·k ·达维特 d
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Social Work, 536 George St., New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA
罗格斯大学,新泽西州立大学,社会工作学院,536 乔治街,新布伦瑞克,NJ 08901,美国
b University of California, Berkeley, School of Social Welfare, 218 Haviland Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
加州大学伯克利分校,社会福利学院,218 哈维兰大厅,伯克利分校,加州 94720,美国
c University of Michigan, School of Social Work, 1080 S. University, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
密歇根大学,社会工作学院,1080 s。大学,安阿伯,密歇根州 48109,美国
d University of Pennsylvania, School of Social Policy & Practice, 3701 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
宾夕法尼亚大学社会政策与实践学院,宾夕法尼亚州费城蝗虫步道 3701 号,19104 年,美国

article info abstract

一个真实的世界 Abstract

Article history: A growing paradigm shift emphasizes efforts to promote aging in place not only by helping aging individuals
文章历史: and families, but also by addressing and engaging communities. This paper explores the idea of developing
Received 23 October 2011 community supports for aging in place by examining two models that incorporate this approach into practice:
收于 2011 年 10 月 23 日 Naturally Occurring Retirement Community Supportive Service Programs (NORC programs) and Villages.
Received in revised form 16 January 2012 Drawing on research regarding social–relational aspects of communities and later-life health and well-being,
Accepted 30 January 2012 we present an integrative conceptual framework positing three categories of activities and services (civic
修订表格于 2012 年 1 月 16 日收到,于 engagement and empowerment activities; social relationship building activities; services to enhance access to
2012 年 1 月 30 日收到 resources)–as well as the initial outcomes and intermediate outcomes–through which the NORC program
and Village models potentially achieve their long-term goal of promoting aging in place. Based on this
Keywords: framework, we conclude with directions for future research on community initiatives that support aging in
关键词: place.
Aging in place 越来越多的范式转变强调努力促进就地老龄化,不仅要帮助老龄化的个人和家庭,而且还要解决社
区问题并让社区参与进来。本文通过对自然发生退休社区支持服务项目(NORC 项目)和村庄两种模式
Community practice
社区实践 的研究,探讨了发展社区就地支持老龄化的思路。根据关于社区和晚年健康和福祉的社会关系方面
Aging services 的研究,我们提出了一个综合概念框架,其中提出了三类活动和服务(公民参与和赋权活动; 社会关
系建设活动; 增加获得资源机会的服务)以及初步成果和中间成果,通过这些成果,NORC 方案和
Civic engagement
公民参与 Village 模式有可能实现促进就地老龄化的长期目标。在这个框架的基础上,我们总结了未来研究支
Social support 持老龄化的社区倡议的方向。
Conceptual framework © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
概念框架 2012 Elsevier inc. 保留所有权利。

that strive to strength-en facilitators, and minimize impediments,

that allow indi-viduals to voluntarily remain in their current
The general ecological model of aging conceptualizes aging in residence in spite of potential changes in later life, such as declining
place as a person-environment process that results from the “fit” health. Researchers and practitioners alike have developed
between ever-changing individuals and their dynamic social and 老龄化的一般生态学模型将就地老化概念化为一个人-环境
physical environments (Lawton, 1990). Following from this insight, 过程,这个过程是由不断变化的个体与其动态的社会和物理环
efforts to promote aging in place can be framed broadly as actions
减少障碍的行动,使个人能够自愿留在目前的住所,尽管在以 and described a variety of efforts to promote aging in place, such as
better coordinated in-home personal assistance and health services
(Marek et al., 2005), services and support to family caregivers
业人员都已经开发 (Sorensen, Pinquart, & Duberstein, 2002), assistive devices to help
older adults function independently in their own homes (Agree &
Freedman, 2000), and technol-ogy within homes to monitor
individuals' changing needs (Mynatt, Rowan, Craighill, & Jacobs,
☆ Naturally Occurring Retirement Community Supportive Service Pro-grams
☆自然发生的退休社区支持服务计划(NORC) 并描述了促进就地老龄化的各种努力,例如更好地协调家庭个
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 732 391 4986; fax: + 1 732 932 8181. E-mail 人援助和保健服务(Marek 等,2005) ,对家庭照顾者的服务和
addresses: (E.A. Greenfield),
(A. Scharlach), (A.J. Lehning),
支持(Sorensen,Pinquart,& Duberstein,2002) ,帮助老年人在
通讯作者。电话: + 17323914986; 传真: + 17329328181。电子邮件地址: 自己家中独立运作的辅助设备(Agree & Freedman,2000) ,以 (e.a. Greenfield) , 及 家 中 监 测 个 人 不 断 变 化 的 需 求 的 技 术 (Mynatt , Rowan ,
(A.Scharlach) , (A.j. Lehning) ,
Craighill,& Jacobs,2001)。 (J.K. Davitt). (j.k. Recently, there have been a growing number of efforts to
1 promote aging in place not only by enhancing supports and services
As lead author, Dr. Greenfield was responsible for the overall coordina-tion of
manuscript development and submission. All authors have contribut-ed substantially for individual older adults and their families, but also by addressing
to the conceptualization, development and writing of this manuscript and are listed
and engaging communities (Greenfield, 2012; Lehning, Scharlach,
in reverse alphabetical order for that reason.
1 作为主要作者,格林菲尔德博士负责全面协调稿件的开发和提交。所有的作者都为这篇手稿的概念化、发展 & Price Wolf, in press). In theory, efforts to promote aging in place
和写作做出了巨大的贡献,并且由于这个原因被按字母顺序倒序列出。 in community serve to fos-ter interdependent relationships “to
enhance well-being and quality of life for older people at home and
0890-4065/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
as integral members of the community” (Thomas & Blanchard, 2009,
doi:10.1016/j.jaging.2012.01.003 p. 14). Beyond physical well-being, aging in place in community is
2012 Elsevier inc. 保留所有权利 doi: 10.1016/j.jaging. 2012.01.003 also concerned with relationships, positive growth, life purpose, and
communal well-being.
进就地老龄化(Greenfield,2012; Lehning,Scharlach,& Price
Wolf,in press)。理论上,促进社区老龄化的努力有助于建立相
的福祉和生活质量”(Thomas & Blanchard,2009,第 14 页)。除
274 E.A. Greenfield et al. / Journal of Aging Studies 26 (2012) 273–284
274 e.a. Greenfield 等人/《衰老研究杂志》26(2012)273-284
director to respond to members' individual requests for services,
This paper explores the idea of developing community supports develop agreements with external service providers willing to serve
for aging in place by examining two models that in-corporate this BHV members at a discount, coordinate a pool of volunteers to help
approach into practice: Naturally Occurring Retirement Community BHV members with basic shopping and transportation needs, and
Supportive Service Programs (NORC programs) and Villages. Both work with members to orga-nize social and educational events.
models explicitly seek to pro-mote aging in place by enhancing the NORC 计划和 Village 模式在美国都是相对较新的发展。
strengths of communi-ties—a term which is used here to refer to Village 是“自治的、基层的、以社区为基础的组织,其发展的唯
geographic areas whose residents are connected through “some 一目的是使人们能够随着年龄的增长而留在自己的家中和社
combination of shared beliefs, circumstances, priorities,
区”(Village to Village Net-work VtV,2011)。2001 年,一群居住
relationships or concerns” (Chaskin, 1997, p. 522). We first provide
a brief overview of the NORC program and Village models. Then,
we present an integrative conceptual framework positing the primary (BHV) ,他们寻求一种方法来帮助他人尽可能长久地生活在他
categories of activities and services–as well as the initial outcomes 们的社区里。现在,BHV 是一个独立的非营利组织,由成员自
and intermediate outcomes–through which the NORC program and 己管理,并得到成员会费和外部国家的支持,BHV 的目标是帮
Village models potentially achieve their long-term goal of 助其成员在适当的地方老化。建立 BHV 的社区居民雇用了一名
promoting aging in place. Next, we review the extant literature to
suggest ways in which these models' primary activities and services
respond to limitations within current supportive service delivery sys- BHV 成员提供服务的外部服务提供商达成协议,协调志愿者队
tems in the United States (U.S.) in light of existing knowledge on 伍,帮助 BHV 成员满足基本购物和交通需求,并与成员合作组
social–relational aspects of communities and later life health and 织社会和教育活动。
well-being. Within this review, we examine how these focal
activities are germane to the NORC program and Village models
while describing differences between the models. We conclude by Since the development of BHV in 2001, more than 60 sim-ilar
deriving from our conceptual framework five key directions for initiatives, known as “Villages,” have opened in the U.S. with at least
future research on NORC programs, Villages, and other community 120 more in development (VtV, 2011). This ex-pansion has been
aging initiatives. stimulated in large part by the publication of articles about BHV and
本文通过对自然退休社区支持服务项目(NORC 项目)和村庄 similar efforts in many major U.S. newspapers over the past several
两种模式的研究,探讨了发展社区就地支持老龄化的思路。这 years (Adler, 2009; Festa, 2007; Gleckman, 2010; Greene, 2008;
两种模式都明确寻求通过加强社区的力量来促进适当的老龄化 Gross, 2007). Also, BHV has worked collaboratively with NCB
Capital Impact, with funding from the Metlife Foundation and other
sources, to develop a Village to Village (VtV) Network; VtV offers
web-based assistance and periodic national and regional
1997,第 522 页)。我们首先简要概述 NORC 计划和 Village 模 自从 BHV 在 2001 年开发以来,超过 60 个类似的项目,被
型。然后,我们提出了一个综合概念框架,设定了活动和服务 称为“村庄”,已经在美国启动,至少还有 120 个项目正在开发
的主要类别——以及初始成果和中间成果——通过这个框架, 中(VtV,2011)。这种扩张在很大程度上是由于过去几年在美国
NORC 方案和 Village 模型有可能实现促进就地老龄化的长期目 许多主要报纸上发表了关于 BHV 的文章和类似的努力(Adler,
标。接下来,我们回顾现有文献,根据现有的社区社会关系方 2009; Festa , 2007; Gleckman , 2010; Greene , 2008; Gross ,
面的知识以及晚年生活健康和福祉,提出这些模式的主要活动 2007)。此外,BHV 还与 NCB Capital Impact 合作,利用大都会
和服务如何应对美国现有支持性服务提供系统的局限性。在这 人寿基金会和其他来源的资金,开发了一个村到村(VtV)网络;
次审查中,我们研究这些重点活动如何与 NORC 计划和 Village VtV 提供基于网络的援助,并定期在国家和地区提供援助
的概念框架中总结出未来 NORC 项目、村庄和其他社区老龄化

Brief overview of the NORC program and Village models

NORC 计划和 Village 模式简要概述

The NORC program and Village models both are relatively

recent developments in the U.S. Villages are “self-governing,
grassroots, community-based organizations developed with the sole
purpose of enabling people to remain in their homes and
communities as they age” (Village to Village Net-work VtV, 2011).
The Village concept emerged in 2001 with the founding of Beacon
Hill Village (BHV) by a group of se-niors living in the Beacon Hill
neighborhood of Boston, Mas-sachusetts, who sought a way to help
one another live as long as possible in their neighborhood. Now an
independent non-profit organization that is governed by the
members themselves and supported by member dues and external
do-nations, BHV aims to help its members to age in place. The
neighborhood residents who founded BHV hired an execu-tive
(Altman,2006; Bedney,Goldberg,& Josephson,2010; Vladeck,
meetings “to help communities establish and continuously improve 2004)。NORC 方案旨在建立不同利益攸关方之间的伙伴关系,
management of their own Villages” (VtV, 2011). Other individuals 包括居民、地方政府、住房管理者和业主以及当地服务提供者,
and philanthropic organizations (e.g., the SCAN Foundation, the
以协调为 NORC 社区内的居民提供的服务和方案(Vladeck,
Archstone Foundation) have invested heavily in developing and
2004 年)。北欧人指的是那些没有被规划为老年人住房的地方,
evaluating Villages in specific geo-graphic locations, such as
California. Information gathered from Villages nationwide suggests 但随着时间的推移,由于长期居住在家中的老年人以及老年人
that Villages vary rather markedly (Scharlach, Graham, & Lehning, 的迁徙,老年人的比例已经相当可观(Ormond,Black,Tilly,&
in press). Most are free-standing grassroots efforts, but at least one Thomas,2004)。例如,2006 年《美国老年人再授权法》将北
in six have been developed by or in collaboration with an existing 美老年人委员会定义为”不是机构照料或协助生活环境”的领域,
health or social service provider. Some are highly-professionalized,
其中”(1)40% 的户主是老年人[60 岁或 60 岁以上] ,或(2)根据当
while others rely almost entirely on volun-teers. Some serve fewer
than 10 members, while some have nearly 500 members. Despite 地因素,存在着足够数量的老年人,总体而言,这使得一个组
this variation, a review of the available evidence suggests that 织能够为生活在社区的老年人提供有效的保健和社会服务”(PL
existing Villages share the following five characteristics: they are (a) 109-365,409)。NORC 项目最初针对的是与指定的住房管理人员
self-governing, 一起居住在年龄综合公寓楼内的北欧人,而 NORC 项目已经扩
会议“帮助社区建立并持续改善自己村庄的管理”(VtV,2011)。 展到了居住着大量老年人的独户住宅社区(Bronstein,Gellis,&
其他个人和慈善组织(例如 SCAN 基金会、 Archstone 基金会)已 Kenaley,2011)。
的差异相当明显(Scharlach,Graham,& Lehning,in press)。大
多数是独立的基层努力,但至少有六分之一是由现有的健康或 NORC programs are typically administered by a lead agency as
opposed to being a free-standing entity. The lead agency, which
oftentimes is a community-based nonprofit social ser-vice provider
他几乎完全依赖志愿者。有些会员少于 10 人,有些会员接近
(e.g., Jewish Family Services), is responsible for developing
500 人。尽管存在这种差异,但对现有证据的回顾表明,现有 partnerships, managing finances, and coordinating the services that
村庄具有以下五个特征: (a)自治; are facilitated by the program (Vladeck; author citation). Common
services include social services, health care services, educational and
(b) geographically-defined, (c) membership organizations, that (d) recreational opportuni-ties, volunteer opportunities, and ancillary
provide or arrange services, (e) with the goal of help-ing their services (e.g., trans-portation and home repairs).
members to age in place (Scharlach et al., in press). NORC 项目通常由一个牵头机构管理,而不是一个独立的实
(c)成员组织,(d)提供或安排服务,(e)以帮助其成员在适当的地 体。领导机构通常是一个基于社区的非营利社会服务提供者(例
方安老为目标(Scharlach 等,新闻)。 如,犹太家庭服务) ,负责发展伙伴关系,管理财务,协调项目
NORC programs are community-level initiatives that bring 所促进的服务(Vladeck; 作者引用)。共同服务包括社会服务、医
together older adults and diverse stakeholders within a residential 疗保健服务、教育和娱乐机会、志愿服务和辅助服务(例如交通
area (e.g., an apartment building, neighborhood, town) with a
significantly large number of older adults to fa-cilitate and
coordinate a range of activities, relationships, and services to
promote aging in place (Altman, 2006; Bedney, Goldberg, & The NORC program concept began in 1986 at the Penn South
Josephson, 2010; Vladeck, 2004). NORC pro-grams aim to create House of New York City, a moderate-income cooperative
partnerships among diverse stake-holders–including residents, local NORC 项目的概念始于 1986 年,在纽约市的宾夕法尼亚南
government, housing managers and owners, and local service 大厦,一个中等收入的合作社
providers–to coordi-nate services and programs for residents within
communities designated as NORCs (Vladeck, 2004). NORCs refer
to loca-tions that were not planned as senior housing, yet over time
have developed a sizable proportion of older residents due to long-
time residents remaining in their homes throughout later life, as well
as in-migration of older adults (Ormond, Black, Tilly, & Thomas,
2004). For example, the 2006 Reauthorization of the Older
Americans Act defines a NORC as an area that is “not an
institutional care or assisted living setting” where “(1) 40% of the
household heads are older individuals [age 60 or over] or (2) a
critical mass of older individuals exists, based on local factors, that,
taken in total, allow an organization to achieve efficiencies in health
and social services to older individuals living in the communi-ty”
(PL 109–365, § 409). Whereas NORC programs originally targeted
NORCs within age-integrated apartment complexes with designated
housing managers, NORC programs have ex-panded to
neighborhoods of single-family homes where a critical mass of older
adults resides (Bronstein, Gellis, & Kenaley, 2011).
NORC 方案是社区一级的倡议,将老年人和住宅区(如公寓
E.A. Greenfield et al. / Journal of Aging Studies 26
(2012) 273–284
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284 275

of 2800 apartments in Manhattan (Altman, 2006). At that time, the A proposed conceptual framework of how the NORC program
cooperative's board recognized that many long-time resi-dents were and Village models promote aging in place
facing challenges such as declining health and diffi-culties 提出了 NORC 计划和 Village 模型如何促进老龄化的概念
navigating health and social services. The organization partnered 框架
with the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of New York–a
network of more than 100 human service, health-care, and education To work toward rigorous evaluation research, it is essen-tial to
organizations that serve the New York metropolitan area–to work develop a conceptual framework regarding the key processes
with community members to help older residents age in place. Since through which the NORC program and Village models might benefit
that time, NORC program advocates have secured both private older adults and to specify the ways in which these processes
philanthropic and local government funds to support the expansion correspond with prior research on factors that promote older adults'
of the model to other areas throughout New York (Altman, 2006). health, well-being, and aging in place. As Ormond et al. (2004)
Also, the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) en-gaged in observed: “Develop-ing good outcomes measures begins with
a federal advocacy campaign to implement NORC programs in other clearly stating the objectives that are expected to contribute to the
regions of the U.S. during the 2000s (Bedney et al., 2010; overarching goal of promoting successful aging in place” (p. 38).
Enguidanos, Pynoos, Denton, Alexman, & Diepenbrock, 2010). To 为了努力开展严格的评估研究,必须制定一个概念框架,说
date, there have been approximately 100 NORC programs
明 NORC 方案和 Village 模式可能通过哪些关键进程使老年人
developed throughout the country, with about half located in the
state of New York (the large majority of which is in New York City). 受益,并具体说明这些进程如何与先前关于促进老年人健康、
曼哈顿的 2800 套公寓(Altman,2006)。当时,该合作社的董事 幸福和就地老龄化因素的研究相一致。正如 Ormond 等人(2004
会认识到,许多长期居民面临着诸如健康状况下降以及在获得 年)所指出的:”制定良好成果措施首先要明确说明有助于实现促
保健和社会服务方面遇到困难等挑战。本组织与纽约犹太联合 进成功就地老龄化这一总体目标的各项目标”(第 38 页)。
的地方养老。 UJA 是一个由 100 多个服务于纽约都会区的人类 Based on extant research on the NORC programs and Villages,
as well as research on the importance of social– relational aspects of
服务、保健和教育组织组成的网络。从那时起,NORC 项目的
communities for older adults' health and well-being (see review
倡导者已经获得了私人慈善基金和地方政府的资金,以支持该 below), Fig. 1 presents an integra-tive conceptual framework of the
模式在纽约其他地区的扩展(Altman,2006)。此外,北美犹太 primary categories of activi-ties and services–as well as the initial
人联合会(JFNA)也参与了一项联邦宣传运动,以在 2000 年代期 and intermediate outcomes–through which the NORC program and
间 在 美 国 其 他 地 区 实 施 NORC 方 案 (Bedney 等 , 2010; Village models potentially achieve their long-term goal of
promoting aging in place. The framework hypothesizes that NORC
Enguidanos , Pynoos , Denton , Alexman , & Diepenbrock ,
pro-grams and Villages facilitate activities and services that lead to
2010)。迄今为止,全国已经制定了大约 100 个 NORC 方案,其
initial outcomes among older adults. These initial outcomes po-
中大约一半位于纽约州(其中绝大多数位于纽约市)。 tentially result in subsequent benefits for aging individuals, their
communities, and the organizations/programs themselves
Despite the growing prominence of Villages and NORC 基于现有的关于 NORC 方案和村庄的研究,以及关于社区
programs nationwide, as well as substantial media and pol-icymaker 的社会关系方面对老年人健康和福祉的重要性的研究(见下面的
attention to them as innovative models for the fu-ture of home- and
审查) ,图 1 提出了一个主要活动和服务类别的综合概念框架,
community-based service delivery (Gross, 2007; U.S. Congress,
2006), there has been relatively little empirical research on either of 以及初步和中期成果,通过这个框架,NORC 方案和村庄模式
these models. Re-searchers and practitioners alike have noted the 有可能实现促进老龄化的长期目标。该框架假设 NORC 计划和
critical need for rigorous outcome studies that examine the condi- 村庄促进导致老年人初步结果的活动和服务。这些最初的结果
tions under which these models are effective in improving older 可能会给老年人,他们的社区以及组织/项目本身带来后续的好
adults' health, well-being, and ability to age in place (Ormond et al., 处
2004; Vladeck, 2004). Advancing this evi-dence base is necessary
for informing future efforts to expand and improve the
implementation of such initiatives.
尽管 village 和 NORC 项目在全国范围内日益突出,媒体和
为基础的服务提供的创新模式(Gross,2007 年; 美国国会,2006
年) ,但对这两种模式的实证研究相对较少。研究人员和从业人
(Ormond 等,2004; Vladeck,2004)。推进这一证据基础对于通
(i.e., intermediate outcomes), thereby enhancing participants' Organization (WHO), 2007). Due to space limi-tations, we do not
capacity to age in place (i.e., long-term goal). address the community and programmatic/ organizational areas of
(即中期成果) ,从而提高参与者在适当地方安老的能力(即长期 intermediate outcomes in this manuscript.
目标)。 该模型表明,这些变化可能导致老年人参与者的其他个人层
More specifically, the framework specifies three catego-ries of 面的益处(中间结果) ,如改善身体健康(例如,与慢性病有关的
activities and services that NORC programs and Vil-lages aim to 症状的严重程度)和心理社会福祉(例如,生活目标感和生活满
facilitate. First, NORC programs and Villages emphasize activities 意度)。这些个人结果反过来被认为有助于老年人就地老化的能
and services to promote participants' civic engagement and 力(长期目标)。我们预计在社区和组织/计划层面还有其他中间
empowerment, such as by providing opportunities for older adults to
participate in governance boards and to exchange social support
among community members. Second, they emphasize social
relationship build-ing activities, such as group recreational, 动及其初步成果可能导致创造更容易进入的户外空间和建筑物,
educational, and health promotion activities. Third, Villages and 并使老年人参与社区一级的决策(世界卫生组织(世卫组织) ,
NORC pro-grams focus on services to enhance participants' access 2007 年)。由于空间有限,我们在本手稿中没有涉及中间成果的
to re-sources, such as by linking older adults with transportation 社区和规划/组织领域。
assistance or home repair services.
更具体地说,该框架规定了 NORC 项目和 Vil-lages 旨在促
进的三类活动和服务。首先,NORC 方案和 village 强调促进参
与者的公民参与和赋权的活动和服务,例如为老年人提供参与 An empirical review to identify primary activities and services
治理委员会和在社区成员之间交流社会支持的机会。第二,他 within the NORC program and Village models
们强调社会关系建设活动,如团体娱乐,教育和健康促进活动。 在 NORC 计划和 Village 模型中确定主要活动和服务的实证
第三,village 和 NORC 方案侧重于提供服务,以增加参与者获 审查
Our conceptual framework identifies three categories of
activities and services that the NORC program and Village models
emphasize: (a) civic engagement and empowerment activities, (b)
We propose that these three categories of activities and services
social relationship building activities, and (c) services to enhance
lead to initial outcomes among older adult partici-pants. First, the
participants' access to resources. In the sections below, we review
model theorizes that civic engagement and empowerment activities
prior research to more fully define each of these categories, to
potentially enhance participants' feelings of self and collective
identify limitations within exist-ing supportive service systems with
efficacy as well as their sense of community. Second, the model
respect to each category,
posits that because of Villages and NORC programs' social
我们的概念框架确定了 NORC 方案和 Village 模式强调的三
relationship building ac-tivities, such as recreational activities,
participants potential-ly develop greater social support, and social 类活动和服务: (a)公民参与和赋权活动,(b)社会关系建设活动,
isolation is reduced. Third, the model posits that NORC programs' 以及(c)增强参与者获得资源的机会的服务。在下面的章节中,
and Villages' activities to enhance access to resources potentially 我们回顾了先前的研究,以更全面地界定每个类别,以确定现
reduce the level of unmet need among participants and en-hance 有的支持性服务系统对每个类别的局限性,
participants' ability to access support efficiently, effec-tively,
appropriately, and adequately.
由于村庄和 NORC 项目的社会关系建设活动,如娱乐活动,参
型假定,NORC 方案和 village 旨在增加获得资源的活动可能会

The model suggests that these changes potentially lead to other

individual-level benefits among older adult partici-pants
(intermediate outcomes), such as improved physical health (e.g.,
severity of symptoms related to chronic condi-tions) and
psychosocial well-being (e.g., feelings of purpose in life and life
satisfaction). These individual outcomes, in turn, are posited to
contribute to older adults' ability to age in place (long-term goal).
We anticipate that there are other intermediate outcomes at the
community and organi-zational/programmatic levels. For example,
civic engagement and empowerment activities, which potentially
enhance par-ticipants' sense of community, might strengthen a
communi-ty's overall aging-friendliness. For example, these
activities and their initial outcomes might lead to the creation of
more accessible outdoor spaces and buildings, as well as in-cluding
older adults in community-level decision-making (World Health
276 E.A. Greenfield et al. / Journal of Aging Studies 26 (2012) 273–284
276 e.a. Greenfield 等人/《衰老研究杂志》26(2012)273-284

Fig. 1. Conceptual framework of processes through which the NORC program and Village models potentially influence aging in place.
图 1. NORC 计划和 Village 模型可能影响到位老化的过程的概念框架。
参与的例子(Burr,Caro,& Moorhead,2002; Greenfield,2010)。
and to summarize evidence indicating that the focal activities and
A growing body of research suggests that older adults' civic
services are likely associated with individual outcomes among older
engagement–specifically through formal volunteering– is associated
adults. We also examine the ways in which these activities and
with their better mental and physical health, in-cluding reduced risk
services are germane to the NORC pro-gram and Village models,
of mortality, better functional health, and fewer depressive
while also discussing differences between NORC programs and
symptoms (Morrow-Howell, 2010). Fitting with these findings,
Villages with respect to each category.
research also provides longitudi-nal evidence that psychological
states related to civic engage-ment, such as feelings of altruism and
关。我们还研究了这些活动和服务与 NORC 计划和 Village 模 being useful to others, are associated with better mental and physical
式密切相关的方式,同时也讨论了 NORC 计划和 Village 在每 health among
个类别方面的差异。 越来越多的研究表明,老年人的公民参与——特别是通过正
风险 、更好的功 能健康和 更少的抑 郁症状 (Morrow-Howell ,
Civic engagement and empowerment activities
公民参与和赋权活动 的心理状态的纵向证据,例如利他主义感觉和对他人有用的心
Researchers, practitioners, and policymakers alike have focused
increasing attention over the past decade on the con-cept of “civic
engagement” in later life (Cullinane, 2006). Civic engagement has
been defined as a type of productive and social activity, referring
specifically to individual or col-lective action that promotes the
common good. Organiza-tional volunteering, political participation,
and active membership in voluntary associations are examples of
civic engagement (Burr, Caro, & Moorhead, 2002; Greenfield,
older adults over time (e.g., Gruenewald, Karlamangla, Greendale,
Singer, & Seeman, 2007).
随 着 时 间 的 推 移 老 年 人 ( 例 如 , Gruenewald , Karlamangla ,
Greendale,Singer,& Seeman,2007)。
Classic community organizing theory further suggests that
collective interaction toward a common purpose can generate
enhanced critical awareness of a particular social condition. Such
critical consciousness leads to greater levels of identification with
the problem and willingness to partici-pate in the solution (Reed,
Newman, Suarez, & Lewise, 1997; Rothman, 1995; Weil, 2005).
For example, community in-volvement can foster feelings of
collective efficacy (i.e., be-liefs shared by community members that
they can create community change; Price & Behrens, 2003;
Sampson & Raudenbush, 1999) and personal feelings of
empowerment (Itzhaky & York, 2000a, 2000b; Zimmerman &
Rappaport, 1988). In addition, increasing levels of involvement in
com-munity organizations and engaging older adults in the plan-
ning of programs that involve them can also promote higher levels
of self-efficacy and personal autonomy (Ohmer, 2008; Tracy, Kemp,
& Whittaker, 1997).
致了对问题更高层次 的认同和 参与解决方案的意愿 (Reed,
Newman , Suarez, & Lewise, 1997; Rothman ,1995; Weil,
的信念,即他们可以创造社区变化 ; Price & Behrens,2003;
Sampson & Raudenbush,1999)和个人授权感(Itzhaky & York,
2000a,2000b; Zimmerman & Rappaport,1988)。此外,增加对
以 促 进 更 高 水平 的 自 我 效能 感和 个 人 自 主 性 (Ohmer , 2008;
Tracy,Kemp,& Whittaker,1997)。

Despite growing recognition of the potential benefits of civic

engagement in later life, as well as national surveys in-dicating that
Baby Boomers in particular are especially inter-ested in giving back
to their communities through volunteering and paid work in
retirement (Harvard School of Public Health & the MetLife
Foundation, 2006), there is on-going concern that contemporary
social institutions and ser-vice organizations in the U.S. are not
prepared to capitalize on older adults' skills to support their status as
productive and engaged members of society (Freedman, 1999).
Focus groups and interviews with Baby Boomers have highlighted
基金会,2006 年) ,但人们仍然担心,美国的当代社会机构和
和参与性成员的地位(Freedman,1999 年)。焦点小组和对婴儿
E.A. Greenfield et al. / Journal of Aging Studies 26
(2012) 273–284
E.a. Greenfield 等人/老龄化研究杂志 26(2012)273-
284 277

variety of ways in which local and national infrastructures could services or other enhancements to their physical or social
more effectively promote civic engagement in later life, such as by environment (McDonough & Davitt, 2011).
providing transportation to community activ-ities and creating ways NORC 方案和 Village 模式都侧重于促进参与者公民参与和
to contribute that can be done from home (Casner-Lotto, 2007; 赋权的活动,为老年人提供相互帮助的机会、倡议本身和更广
Lindblom, 2001). Research fur-ther suggests that barriers to civic 泛的社区(Bookman,2008)。Village 模式强调了一种强调参与、
engagement are especially acute among already disadvantaged
伙伴关系和教育的授权哲学(McDonough & Davitt,2011; Tracy
populations of older adults, such as older adults with health
problems (Li & Ferraro, 2006) and low levels of education (Choi &
Chou, 2010). Issues of inclusivity are especially important to con- 们看到了正规服务系统中的差距,并走到一起创建一个平行的
sider in light of research indicating that disadvantaged older adults 系统来填补这些差距(Bookman,2008)。例如,一些村民提到
potentially benefit more from civic engagement in contrast to more “政府的无能”,村民“不能信任政府... ... 决定我们如何度过余
privileged subgroups of older adults (e.g., Tan, Xue, Li, Carlson, & 生”(Metzger,2011,第 3 页)。通过这种方式,Village 模式似乎
Fried, 2006).
的方式(Casner-Lotto,2007; Lindblom,2001)。研究进一步表明,
例如有健康问题的老年人(Li & Ferraro,2006 年)和教育水平低
的老年人(Choi & Chou,2010 年)。考虑到研究表明,处境不利
87% 的村庄报告说,其成员高度参与监督或治理活动。此外,
62% 的人报告说,成员高度参与提供服务或互相支持(Lehning
老年人群体(如 Tan,Xue,Li,Carlson,& Fried,2006) ,包容
et al。 ,in press)。同样,许多村庄提供的社区活动有可能加强

Both the NORC program and Village models focus on ac-tivities Brown , Venkatesh , & Vidal , 2001; McDonough & Davitt ,
to promote participants' civic engagement and em-powerment by 2011)。一些村庄还鼓励成员参与倡导改善服务或其他改善其物
providing opportunities for older adults to help each other, the 质或社会环境的活动(McDonough & Davitt,2011)。
initiative itself, and the broader communi-ty (Bookman, 2008). The
Village model emphasizes an empow-erment philosophy focused on Practitioners and academic researchers alike similarly have
participation, partnerships, and education (McDonough & Davitt, situated NORC programs within frameworks that em-phasize older
2011; Tracy et al., 1997). Most Villages represent grassroots adults as agents of change within their own lives and their
initiatives organized by community residents who see the gaps in community as a whole (Ivery, Akstein-Kahan, & Murphy, 2010;
formal service sys-tems and come together to create a parallel Vladeck, 2006). Similar to descrip-tions of Villages (McDonough &
system to fill those gaps (Bookman, 2008). For example, some Davitt, 2011), some scholars explicitly have framed NORC
Village mem-bers have referred to “the incapability of government” programs within empowerment models (Anetzberger, 2010).
and that members “cannot trust government to … decide for us how Program leaders have identified older adults' contributions to the
we want to spend the rest of our lives” (Metzger, 2011, p. 3). In this programs themselves as a primary way in which NORC programs
way, the Village model appears to reflect a populist mistrust of facilitate older adults' civic engagement. Conceptualizing older
institutionalized social service systems, and an expectation that adults as primary
private citizens, acting together, can do a better job of meeting the 同样,从业人员和学术研究人员也将 NORC 方案置于强调
needs of community members. In many Villages, members 老年人作为自身生活和整个社区变革推动者的框架内(Ivery,
participate in the development as well as the ongoing manage-ment
Akstein-Kahan,& Murphy,2010; Vladeck,2006)。类似于对村
and implementation of the initiative, such as through board or
committee membership and opportunities to provide ongoing 庄的描述(McDonough & Davitt,2011) ,一些学者明确地将
feedback as to the mix of resources needed by mem-bers. A recent NORC 项目框定在授权模型中(Anetzberger,2010)。项目领导
study of Villages nationwide found that 87% of Villages reported 者已经确定了老年人对项目本身的贡献,作为 NORC 项目促进
that their members had been highly involved in developing the 老年人公民参与的主要方式。将老年人概念化为主要的
Village and its programs or policies, and 87% reported that members
were highly involved in oversight or governance activities.
Furthermore, 62% reported that mem-bers were highly involved in
providing services or support to one another (Lehning et al., in
press). Likewise, communal ac-tivities offered by many Villages
have the potential to reinforce members' commitment to the
community and, in theory, rein-force the practice of civic
engagement (Chaskin, Brown, Venkatesh, & Vidal, 2001;
McDonough & Davitt, 2011). Some Villages also encourage
members to become involved in advoca-cy for improvements in
partners (along with other stakeholders, such as housing managers community services, and health, only 48% agreed that the NORC
and healthcare providers), lead agencies that ad-minister NORC program resulted in their volunteering more (Bedney et al., 2007).
programs are responsible for calling upon older adults to design, 虽然 village 和 NORC 方案都将参与者对社区的贡献作为其
implement, and sustain the program (Vladeck, 2004). Older adults' 模式的一个明确组成部分,但有证据表明 Vil-lages 作为基层、
contributions to the programs include providing one-time input on 会员驱动的组织,通常由老年人自己领导-比 NORC 方案更能促
perceived community needs, facilitating community programs,
providing active and ongoing leadership on the programs'
人合作发起和领导(Lehning et al。在关于社区老龄化倡议的同一
governance boards, and engaging in advocacy on behalf of the
programs (Altman, 2006; Bedney, Goldberg, & Josephson, 2010; 项全国性调查中(Lehning et al。 ,In press) ,来自 NORC 方案
Vladeck, 2006). In addition to providing opportunities for older 的受访者中只有 62% 报告说,老年人高度参与提供投入,39%
adults to sup-port each other and the program itself, NORC 报告说老年人高度参与倡议的制定,31% 报告说老年人高度参
programs might organize community-wide events that facilitate 与监督。此外,23% 的 NORC 计划表明,老年人高度参与了互
older adults' contributions to the broader community as well, such as
相提供服务或支持。如前所述,这些参与率远低于 village 报道
by having older adults serve as volunteers within local high schools
(Vladeck, 2004). Furthermore, practitioners have identified the 的参与率(Lehning et al。 ,in press)。同样,以前对 NORC 项目
potential for NORC programs to help older adults articulate shared 的研究发现,让老年人参与公民参与和赋权活动是该模式实施
interests and advocate for collec-tive causes (Alexander, 2006). As 中 更 具 挑 战 性 的 方 面 之 一 (Anetzberger , 2010; Bedney ,
an example, a NORC pro-gram in New Jersey facilitated older Schimmel,Goldberg,Kotler-Berkowitz,& Bursztyn,2007)。
adults successfully petitioning government officials to add a bus 例如,对 NORC 方案参与者进行的全国性调查结果表明,虽然
stop near a community gathering place for older adults (Lehning et
70% 以上的受访者同意 NORC 方案增加了他们的社会接触、社
al., in press).
合作伙伴(以及其他利益相关者,如住房管理者和医疗保健提供 区服务意识和健康的说法,但只有 48% 的受访者同意 NORC 方
者) ,负责执行 NORC 项目的领导机构负责号召老年人设计、 案使他们的志愿服务更多(Bedney et al。 ,2007)。
传活动(Altman,2006; Bedney,Goldberg,& Josephson,2010; Social relationship building activities
Vladeck,2006)。除了为老年人提供相互支持的机会以及方案 社会关系建设活动
促进老年人对更广泛的社区作出贡献,例如让老年人在当地高 “Social relationships” has been used as an umbrella term for
constructs such as social integration, social networks, and social
中担任志愿者(Vladeck,2004 年)。此外,从业人员已经确定了
support (House, Umberson, & Landis, 1988; Krause, 2001). Social
NORC 项目的潜力,以帮助老年人阐明共同的兴趣和倡导集体 integration is the quantity and frequen-cy of social relationships
事业(Alexander,2006)。例如,新泽西的 NORC 项目帮助老年 (House et al., 1988). Social networks
人成功地请求政府官员在老年人社区聚会场所附近增加一个公 “社会关系”一直被用作一个总括性术语,如社会融合,社会
共汽车站(Lehning et al。 网 络 和 社 会 支 持 (House , Umberson , & Landis , 1988;
Krause,2001)。社会整合是社会关系的数量和频率(House et
al。 ,1988)。社交网络
While both Villages and NORC programs include partici-pants'
contributions to community as an explicit part of their models, there
is some evidence to suggest that Vil-lages–as grassroots,
membership-driven organizations that are more typically led by
older adults themselves–are better positioned to foster older adults'
civic contributions and em-powerment than NORC programs, which
are typically initiat-ed and led by service organizations in
partnership with older adults (Lehning et al., in press). In the same
national survey of community aging initiatives (Lehning et al., in
press), only 62% of respondents from NORC programs reported that
elders were highly involved in providing input, 39% that older
adults were highly involved in developing the initiative, and 31%
that elders were highly involved in oversight. In ad-dition, 23% of
NORC programs indicated that older adults had been highly
involved in providing services or supports to one another. As
previously cited, these participation rates are substantially lower
than for those reported by Villages (Lehning et al., in press).
Similarly, previous studies of NORC programs have found that
engaging older adults in civic engagement and empowerment
activities is among the more challenging aspects of the model to
implement (Anetzberger, 2010; Bedney, Schimmel, Goldberg,
Kotler-Berkowitz, & Bursztyn, 2007). For example, results from a
na-tional survey of NORC program participants indicated that while
over 70% of survey respondents agreed with statements that the
NORC program increased their social contact, aware-ness of
278 E.A. Greenfield et al. / Journal of Aging Studies 26 (2012) 273–284
278 e.a. Greenfield et al。/Journal of Aging Studies 26(2012)273-284
Both the structure and the function of an individual's so-cial
refer to the structure of social relationships, including charac- convoy impact elder health, well-being, and the ability to age in
teristics such as density, homogeneity, and dispersion (House et al., place (Fiori et al., 2007). Social isolation, for exam-ple, has been
1988). Social support, a function of social networks, is the assistance linked with depressive symptoms, feelings of hopelessness (Golden
provided by members of one's social network, including et al., 2009), and an increased risk for morbidity (Tomaka,
informational support, emotional support, and tan-gible assistance Thompson, & Palacios, 2006) and mor-tality (Patterson & Veenstra,
(Krause, 2001). A social convoy is comprised of friends and family 2010). Older adults who are so-cially integrated rather than socially
that form a protective base and can serve as resources when needed isolated experience a reduced risk of mortality, higher self-rated
(Fiori, Smith, & Antonucci, 2007). A social convoy has both health, fewer de-pressive symptoms (Antonucci, Fuhrer, & Dartigues,
objective, structural charac-teristics (e.g., size, frequency of contact, 1997; Uchino, 2004) and higher expectations of aging in place (Tang
proximity) and subjective, functional characteristics (e.g., emotional & Lee, 2011). Further, individuals with diverse social networks
sup-port exchanged among network members (Fiori et al., 2007)). comprised of both family and friends enjoy higher levels of well-
指社会关系的结构,包括密度、同质性和分散性等特征(House being than those with more restricted net-works made up primarily
等,1988)。社会支持是社会网络的一种功能,是社会网络成员 of family or friends and individuals who are socially isolated (Fiori
et al., 2007).
幸福感以及就地老化的能力(Fiori et al。例如,社会隔离与抑郁
在需要时可以充当资源(Fiori,Smith,& Antonucci,2007)。社
症状、绝望感(Golden et al。 ,2009)、发病风险增加(Tomaka,
交车队既有客观的结构特征(如大小、接触频率、接近程度) ,
Thompson & Palacios,2006)和死亡风险(Patterson & Veenstra,
也有主观的功能特征(如网络成员之间交换的情感支持)(Fiori 等,
Dartigues,1997; Uchino,2004) ,对老龄化的预期提高(Tang &
Research suggests that both objective and subjective as-pects of Lee,2011)。此外,拥有由家庭和朋友组成的不同社会网络的
social convoys change over time. The size and fre-quency of contact 个人比那些主要由家庭或朋友以及社会孤立的个人组成的更受
with social network members generally decreases with age (Barnes, 限制的社会网络的个人享有更高水平的福祉(Fiori 等,2007)。
Mendes de Leon, Bienias, & Evans, 2004; McPherson, Smith-Lovin,
& Brashears, 2006; Schnittker, 2007), particularly in regard to non- Increased access to resources and social support likely
kin network members (Shaw, Krause, Liang, & Bennett, 2007; van constitutes a primary process through which having a large, diverse
Tilburg, 1998). In some cases, social networks can shrink to the social network enhances older adults' physical health and
point that older adults become socially isolated. Social isolation psychosocial well-being (Antonucci & Akiyama, 1996). Older adults
reflects an objective separation from a social net-work (e.g., living who have friends and family members living nearby are more likely
in a rural area, living alone), which can lead to subjective feelings of to receive tangible assistance with er-rands and other activities of
loneliness (Golden et al., 2009). Among adults age 65 and older, the daily living (Fiori, Antonucci, & Cortina, 2006), while those without
prevalence of at least occasional feelings of loneliness is between 15% social support are at an increased risk for institutionalization when
and 45% (Golden et al., 2009; Lauder, Sharkey, & Mummery, 2004; they experience serious health problems (Gaugler, Duval, Anderson,
Prince, Harwood, Blizard, Thomas, & Mann, 1997), and & Kane, 2007; Litwak & Longino, 1987; McCann et al., 2005).
approximately 50% of those age 80 and over often feel lonely Other
(Pinquart, 2003). Elders who have lower socioeco-nomic status, 增加获得资源和社会支助的机会可能是一个主要进程,通过
mobility limitations, and difficulty performing activities of daily
living are more likely to report loneliness (Pinquart, 2003).
的身体健康和心理社会福祉(Antonucci & Akiyama,1996 年)。
常生活活动方面得到切实的帮助(Fiori,Antonucci,& Cortina,
增长而减少(Barnes,Mendes de Leon,Bienias,& Evans,2004;
2006) ,而没有社会支持的老年人在遇到严重健康问题时,被送
McPherson , Smith-Lovin , & Brashears , 2006; Schnittker ,
进收容所的风险增加(Gaugler,Duval,Anderson ,& Kane,
2007) , 特 别 是 非 亲 属 网 络 成 员 (Shaw , Krause , Liang , &
Bennett,2007; van Tilburg,1998)。在某些情况下,社交网络 2007; Litwak & Longino,1987; McCann 等,2005)。其他

的客观隔离(例如,生活在农村,独居) ,这会导致主观的孤独
感(Golden et al。在 65 岁及以上的成年人中,至少偶尔感到孤
独的比例在 15% 到 45% 之间(Golden et al。 ,2009; Lauder,
Sharkey , & Mummery , 2004; Prince , Harwood , lizard ,
Thomas,& Mann,1997) ,而在 80 岁及以上的人群中,大约
50% 的人经常感到孤独(Pinquart,2003)。社会经济地位低、行
& Farney,2006)。研究表明,这些友谊可以提高生活满意度,
positive effects of social support include improved mental health, 尤其是那些独居的人(Aday 等,2006)。此外,老年中心的参与
better quality of life, and reduced mortality risk (Andrew, 2006; 与 减 少 压 力 (Farone, Fitzpatrick , & Tran , 2005) 和 抑 郁 症 状
Borglin, Jakobsson, Edberg, & Hallberg, 2006; Krause, 1997). Even
(Choi & McDougall,2007)有关。然而,对老年人长期影响的经
social support that does not in-volve direct assistance has a positive
验支持是有限的,因为很少有纵向评估老年人中心(Dal Santo,
impact on older adults. Emotional support, for example, is related to
a lower risk of mortality (Lyyra & Heikkinen, 2006). Perceived 2009)。此外,老年中心利用率不足的问题仍然令人关切; 老年
support has been found to be more important for well-being than re- 人参与老年中心的常见障碍包括出勤的耻辱感、对老年中心提
ceived support (Patrick, Cottrell, & Barnes, 2001). Knowing that 供什么服务的误解以及缺乏吸引人的活动(Fitzpatrick & McCabe,
others are available to offer assistance if needed may lower stress, 2008; Hostetler,2011)。针对这些担忧,老年中心内部的战略变
while actually receiving assistance may reduce feelings of self-
efficacy, self-reliance, and self-esteem (Fiori et al., 2007). Beyond
social support, social networks, particu-larly those that are rooted 些中心提供的活动和服务,如健身班和咖啡馆式的灵活用餐时
within informal neighborhood networks, are also likely to benefit 间,旨在特别吸引更活跃和更多样化的老年人群体(纽约市,市
older adults by fostering a sense of interdependence, sociality, 长办公室,2011 年)。
meaning, and personal expression (Cheang, 2002; Gardner, 2011).
死 亡 风 险 (Andrew , 2006; Borglin , Jakobsson , Edberg , &
Hallberg,2006; Krause,1997)。即使没有直接援助的社会支持 In contrast with the majority of formal community-based
supportive services, Villages and NORC programs facilitate various
opportunities for participants to broaden their social networks and
关(Lyyra & Heikkinen,2006)。研究发现,感知支持对幸福感的
build social relationships. A core aspect of Vil-lages is their
重要性要高于再次获得支持(Patrick,Cottrell,& Barnes,2001)。 provision of group activities, such as interest groups, social
知道他人可以在需要的时候提供帮助可以减少压力,而实际上 gatherings, and cultural and educational pro-grams, which may help
接受帮助可以减少自我效能感、自我依赖感和自尊感(Fiori 等, to strengthen relationships among members while further enhancing
2007)。除了社会支持之外,社会网络,特别是那些植根于非正 their identification with the Village itself (Bookman, 2008;
McDonough & Davitt, 2011). Some Villages also offer group health
promotion activi-ties, such as exercise classes and health education
意义和个人表达的感觉而使老年人受益(Cheang,2002; Gardner,
workshops, which potentially serve the dual purposes of directly
2011)。 promot-ing older adults' health in addition to providing them with
op-portunities to connect with others (McDonough & Davitt,
与 大多 数以 社区 为基础 的正 规支 助服 务不 同, village 和
Formal community-based supportive services in the U.S. rarely NORC 方案为参与者扩大其社会网络和建立社会关系提供了各
focus on fostering informal social relationships, and hence access to
种机会。Vil-lages 的一个核心方面是它们提供团体活动,如兴
diverse sources of social support, for older adults. One exception,
however, are senior centers, which typically receive financial 趣小组、社交聚会、文化和教育方案,这可能有助于加强成员
support through local government funds and the U.S. Older 之间的关系,同时进一步提高他们对村庄本身的认同(Bookman,
Americans Act (Turner, 2004). Se-nior centers address loneliness 2008; McDonough & Davitt,2011)。一些村庄还提供团体健康促
and social isolation by provid-ing opportunities for social interaction 进活动,如健身班和健康教育讲习班,这些活动除了为老年人
and the development of new friendships (Aday, Kehoe, & Farney,
2006). Research indicates that these friendships can result in
健康的双重目的(McDonough & Davitt,
improved life satisfaction, particularly among those who live alone
(Aday et al., 2006). Further, senior center participation is associated
with a decrease in stress (Farone, Fitzpatrick, & Tran, 2005) and
depressive symptoms (Choi & McDougall, 2007). Howev-er,
empirical support for the long-term impact on older adults is limited,
as there are few longitudinal evaluations of senior centers (Dal Santo,
2009). Furthermore, there is on-going concern regarding the
underutilization of senior cen-ters; common barriers to older adults'
participation in senior centers include perceived stigma of
attendance, mis-understandings around what senior centers offer,
and lack of appealing activities (Fitzpatrick & McCabe, 2008;
Hostetler, 2011). Responding to these concerns, strategic changes
within senior centers have emerged within select geographic areas,
such as New York City's “innovative senior centers." These centers
offer activities and services such as fitness classes and café-style
flexible meal times that are intended to be especially attractive to
more active and diverse subgroups of older adults (City of New
York, Office of the Mayor, 2011).
E.A. Greenfield et al. / Journal of Aging Studies 26
(2012) 273–284
E.a. Greenfield 等人/老龄化研究杂志 26(2012)273-
284 279

2011). Villages also typically offer opportunities for social inter- well-being, and aging in place. Studies have found that timely use of
action through participation in governance councils, commit-tees, home- and community-based services is associated with more
and other group structures developed to oversee program operation desirable outcomes among older adults and caregivers alike,
and implementation. Finally, many Villages encourage and support including lower levels of nursing home utilization (Chen &
members' volunteering to support other members (McDonough & Thompson, 2010; Dale & Brown, 2006; Jette, Tennstedt, &
Davitt, 2011). All of these activ-ities have the potential to enhance Crawford, 1995; Tomita, Yoshimura, & Ikegami, 2010). Moreover,
social networks and reduce isolation. previous studies have found that older adults who report greater
2011 年)。村庄通常还通过参与治理委员会、委员会和其他监督 knowledge of community services anticipate being able to age in
place longer than older adults who report less knowledge (Tang
多村庄鼓励和支持成员志愿支持其他成员(McDonough & Davitt,
Similar to Villages, social relationship building activities are a 相关,包括养老院利用率较低(Chen & Thompson,2010; Dale &
major component of the NORC program model. Examples of group Brown,2006; Jette,Tennstedt,& Crawford,1995; Tomita,
activities include current events groups, men's groups, language Yoshimura,& Ikegami,2010)。此外,以往的研究发现,报告
classes, and resident councils (Vladeck, 2004). A statewide study of 对社区服务知识了解较多的老年人比报告知识较少的老年人预
NORC programs in New Jersey indicated that many NORC
programs also incorporate evidence-based health promotion and
chronic care self-management pro-grams, in addition to more
& Pickard, 2008). There is a growing body of evidence for the
general health education workshops and physical activity groups
utility of deliberate efforts to coordinate health and sup-portive
(Greenfield, 2011). Similar to Vil-lages, NORC programs also
services for older adults, thus preventing deteriora-tion in health and
engage in activities to facilitate older adults' exchanges of peer
functional status (Peikes, Chen, Schore, & Brown, 2009). Also,
support. For example, a case study of a NORC program in the
studies have found that older adults are more likely to report having
Northeast highlighted its “neighbors helping neighbors” component
their needs met and being satis-fied with care when they can
through which older adults volunteer to help each other with daily
exercise choice regarding the types of services they receive and from
living tasks, such as shopping and transportation to medical appoint-
whom (Brown et al., 2007).
ments (Bookman, 2008). Furthermore, qualitative interviews with
staff and residents of a NORC program in New York highlighted Pickard,2008).越来越多的证据表明,有意识地努力协调老年
how the program's broader community events, such as book clubs 人的健康和支持服务,从而防止健康和功能状态的恶化(Peikes,
and card games, provided occasions for more informal exchanges of Chen,Schore,& Brown,2009)。此外,研究发现,老年人更
support among older adults (Bronstein et al., 2011). At this time, 有可能报告说,他们的需要得到了满足,并对照顾感到满意,
there are no empirical data to explicitly compare and contrast NORC 因为他们可以选择他们接受的服务类型和从谁那里得到的服务
programs and Villages in terms of this category of services and
(Brown 等人,2007)。
与村庄类似,社会关系建设活动是 NORC 项目模型的主要
Aspects of service delivery systems and other social insti-tutions
in the U.S. create barriers that limit the ease by which community-
和居民委员会(Vladeck,2004)。对新泽西州 NORC 方案的一项 residing older adults can access long-term ser-vices and supports. In
全州性研究表明,除了更普遍的健康教育讲习班和体育活动小 the U.S., the majority of long-term ser-vices and supports is
组外,NORC 的许多方案还包括循证健康促进和慢性护理自我 provided in-kind by family, friends and
管理方案(Greenfield,2011 年)。与 Vil-lages 类似,NORC 计划 在美国,服务提供系统和其他社会机构的某些方面造成了障
也参与促进老年人交流同伴支持的活动。例如,一个案例研究 碍,限制了居住在社区的老年人获得长期服务和支持的便利性。
NORC 项目在东北部强调其“邻里互助”的组成部分,通过老年 在美国,大多数长期服务和支持是由家人、朋友和
(Bookman,2008 年)。此外,对纽约 NORC 方案的工作人员和
持提供了机会(Bronstein 等,2011)。目前,没有经验数据来明
确比较和对比 NORC 项目和村庄在这类服务和活动方面的情况。

Services to enhance participants' access to resources


Previous research indicates that enhancing access to coor-dinated,

community-based support services can promote older adults' health,
neighbors, and is valued at more than $375 billion a year (Houser & In addition, community-based support services are in many ways
Gibson, 2008). Given the historical lack of support for family fragmented, inefficient, difficult to access, and unresponsive to
caregivers in the U.S. (Elmore & Talley, 2009), neg-ative physical, individuals' changing needs and preferences over time (MetLife
psychological, and financial effects of caregiv-ing can undermine Mature Market Institute, 2010). Because home- and community-
family caregivers' long-term ability to assist older adult care based services in the U.S. are largely organized at the local level, are
recipients to continue to age in place (Gaugler, Kane, Kane, Clay, & funded by diverse sources (e.g., federal funds, state funds, county
Newcomer, 2003; Jette et al., 1995). Further, demographic changes, funds, municipal funds, user fees, philanthropic grants), are
including rising female participation in the workforce, increased delivered across a variety of settings and by a variety of service
longevity, and lower fertility rates, have reduced the ability of professionals (e.g., community-based nonprofit service providers,
informal care-givers to meet older adults' needs now and for the public social service agencies, acute care hospitals, home health
future (Spillman & Pezzin, 2000; Szinovacz & Davey, 2008). agencies) and have inconsistent eligibility criteria (e.g., by fi-nancial
它的价值每年超过 3750 亿美元(Houser & Gibson,2008)。鉴于 or medical need), locating, navigating, and managing potential
美国历史上缺乏对家庭照料者的支持(Elmore & Talley,2009) , sources for formal support can be challenging even for those older
adults who have sufficient financial resources to pay for services.
老年成人照料者继续就地老化的长期能力(Gaugler, Kane,
Kane,Clay,& Newcomer,2003; jetet al。 ,1995)。此外,人
(MetLife Mature Market Institute,2010)。由于美国以家庭和社
力(Spillman & Pezzin,2000; Szinovacz & Davey,2008)。
款) ,通过各种环境和各种服务专业人员(如社区非营利服务提
Formal systems of long term services and support in the U.S.
historically have been underfunded and inconsistently implemented, 格标准不一致(如财政或医疗需要) ,即使对于那些有足够财政
resulting in gaps in the overall system's ability to support older 资源支付服务费用的老年人来说,寻找、导航和管理正式支助
adults and caregivers in their homes or com-munities. The two major 的潜在来源也是一项挑战。
government health insurance pro-grams in the U.S., Medicare and
Medicaid, historically have focused on acute conditions and
institutional care, respec-tively (MetLife Mature Market Institute, Compounding these trends, the physical infrastructure
2010). Medicare ac-counts for only 20% of all long-term care characterizing many communities prevents persons with dis-abilities
spending through its coverage of home health and short-term nursing from accessing needed resources. First, much exist-ing housing
and re-habilitation facility care (Komisar & Thompson, 2007). Like- lacks accessibility features for those with mobility challenges, such
wise, Medicaid has begun only recently to shift its emphasis from as ramps, accessible bathrooms, wide doorways, and low
nursing home care to in-home care to meet the long-term needs of countertops (National Council on Disability, 2010; Pynoos, Nishita,
low-income, chronically ill older adults (Feder, Komisar, & Niefeld, Cicero, & Caraviello, 2008). Also, many communities suffer from a
2000; Shirk, 2006). Finally, ser-vices supported by the Older lack of or poorly
Americans Act–a federal policy that underlies many social services 综合这些趋势,许多社区的物质基础设施阻止身心障碍者获
for older adults–are con-strained by inadequate funding and are not
consistently available across communities (O'Shaughnessy, 2008).
Access to home- and community-based services remains especially 道、无障碍浴室、宽门道和低台面(国家残疾人委员会,2010 年;
challenging for a growing population of middle-income and near- Pynoos,Nishita,Cicero,& Caraviello,2008 年)。此外,许多
poor elders who typically do not qualify for government-funded 社区遭受缺乏或贫困
services, yet for whom the costs of sup-portive services render them
economically vulnerable (Sanders, Mutchler, Kuriansky, &
McMahon, 2008).
疗补助,历来分别侧重于急性病和机构护理(MetLife 成熟市场
研究所,2010 年)。通过覆盖家庭健康和短期护理及康复设施护
理,医疗保险账户仅占所有长期护理支出的 20% (Komisar &
的长期需求(Feder,Komisar,& Niefeld,2000; Shirk,2006)。
Kuriansky,& McMahon,2008)。
280 E.A. Greenfield et al. / Journal of Aging Studies 26 (2012) 273–284
280 e.a. Greenfield et al。/Journal of Aging Studies 26(2012)273-284
maintained sidewalks, inaccessible traffic patterns and per-ceived 基本资源的途径而可能导致的退化,例如为防止跌倒而进行的
safety issues, which further reduce mobility for people with 房屋改造。
functional limitations. Communities seldom are equipped to address
the transportation needs of those with physical challenges,
particularly in suburban and rural areas where transit systems are
often not extensive enough to allow for easy accessibility (Sullivan- Similarly, program leaders have identified helping older adults
Marx et al., 2009). Fur-thermore, with state and local budget cuts access a range of supports that span across social ser-vice and
increasing throughout the country, underfunded but high-demand healthcare delivery systems and that can meet older adults' diverse
paratransit services are likely to experience continued chal-lenges in and dynamic needs as a central element of the NORC program
providing services (Kausch, 2004). model (Vladeck, 2004). Utilization data from NORC programs in
保持人行道,无法进入的交通模式和每个认为的安全问题,这 New York indicate that they typically provide social services, such
进一步降低了功能受限的人的流动性。社区很少有能力满足那 as information and referral and case management, in addition to
些面临实际挑战的人的交通需求,特别是在郊区和农村地区, healthcare services, such as health management, care coordination,
因为这些地区的交通系统往往不够广泛,无法方便出入 and health promo-tion (MacLaren, Landsberg, & Schwartz, 2007).
Fitting with this range of services, most NORC programs in New
(Sullivan-Marx et al。此外,随着国家和地方预算削减在全国范
York have on staff both social workers and nurses (Vladeck, 2004).
NORC programs are designed to create new services when possible
供服务方面继续面临挑战(Kausch,2004 年)。 and as necessary and to offer ancillary services (such as home
modifications) that respond to unmet service needs within particular
NORC programs and Villages aim to address community-level communities. Nevertheless, the model places greater emphasis on
challenges, including the limitations of existing home-and engaging in activities that serve to coordinate and increase access to
community-based service delivery systems, by facilitat-ing existing services (Vladeck, 2004). Community outreach, linkage and
participants' access to a range of resources to prevent poor health brokerage, partnership building among diverse service providers, and
and functional decline. These services include di-rect service case advocacy have been identified as central activities within
provision by paid staff and informal and formal volunteers, as well NORC programs (Ivery & Akstein-Kahan, 2010).
as information, referral, brokerage, and linkage to outside services. 同样,方案领导人已经确定,帮助老年人获得一系列支持,
Our understanding of Villages in this sense is derived from initial 这些支持跨越社会服务和医疗保健提供系统,并且能够满足老
descriptive reports generat-ed by both practitioners and researchers
年人的多样化和动态需求,这是 NORC 方案模式的一个核心要
(Bookman, 2008; McDonough & Davitt, 2011; Scharlach et al., in
press). Al-though there are variations among Villages, typically 素(Vladeck,2004 年)。来自 NORC 在纽约的项目的利用数据表
Village members receive access to direct services (e.g., grocery 明,他们通常提供社会服务,如信息和转诊和病例管理,以及
shop-ping, transportation), which are provided by program staff 保 健 服 务 , 如 健 康 管 理 , 护 理 协 调 和 健 康 促 进 (MacLaren ,
and/or volunteers and are designed to be flexible in response to Landsberg,& Schwartz,2007)。与这一系列服务相适应,纽约
members' needs (Bookman, 2008). Villages might also designate
的大多数 NORC 项目都有社会工作者和护士(Vladeck,2004)。
people within their organization to help members access outside
NORC 方案旨在在可能和必要的情况下创建新的服务,并提供
service providers (e.g., home repair agencies), which are vetted and
frequently discounted (McDonough & Davitt, 2011). Depending on 辅助服务(如家庭装修) ,以满足特定社区内未满足的服务需求。
organizational capacity and members' needs, assistance with 尽管如此,该模式更加强调参与活动,服务于协调和增加对现
accessing services varies on a continuum from providing one-time 有服务的访问(Vladeck,2004)。社区外联、联系和经纪、不同
information and referral to engaging in intensive case management, 服务提供者之间的伙伴关 系建设以及案例宣传已被确定为
coordi-nation of services, and advocacy with external providers.
NORC 方案的核心活动(Ivery & Akstein-Kahan,2010)。
Overall, the focus is on facilitating services to prevent dete-rioration
that might result from the lack of access to essen-tial resources, such
as home modifications to help prevent falls.
NORC 方案和 Villages 旨在解决社区一级的挑战,包括现有
(Bookman,2008; McDonough & Davitt,2011; Scharlach et al。
通) ,这些服务旨在灵活应对成员的需求(Bookman,2008)。村
(例如,家庭维修机构) ,这些服务提供商经过审查并经常打折
(McDonough & Davitt,2011)。根据组织能力和成员的需要,在
have focused on a small number of programs in specific
A national study of 26 NORC programs and 35 Villages found metropolitan areas and have not exam-ined implementation and
that NORC programs and Villages are equally likely to identify outcomes across diverse sites (e.g., Bookman, 2008; Guengerich,
service provision as a focal part of their programs. However, they 2009). Using this conceptual framework as a guide, we propose five
differ somewhat in how they do so. Whereas NORC programs are critical directions to sys-tematically advance research that will
more likely than Villages to emphasize community education and inform theory, policy and practice on the NORC program and
inter-organizational collaboration as part of their service delivery Village models.
efforts, Villages are more like-ly than NORC programs to involve 本文提出的概念框架旨在推进 NORC 计划和 Village 模型的
older adults themselves as providers of services or support (Lehning 理论指导研究。该框架开始解决模型的相似性和差异性,以及
et al., in press). This difference reflects that NORC programs are 它们的优势、局限性和挑战,以促进老年人的健康、幸福、适
typically led by a formal service provider that aims to partner with
当的老龄化和最佳的成年人发展。我们预计,未来 NORC 项目
other pro-viders, stakeholders, and older adults, whereas Villages
are more typically grassroots organizations that develop outside of
the existing service delivery system and that are led by and for older 研究是特别重要的,因为总体上缺乏严格的,多站点的研究或
adults themselves. 其他村庄或 NORC 计划。迄今为止,大多数关于 NORC 方案的
一项针对 26 个 NORC 项目和 35 个村庄的全国性研究发现, 研究集中在开发和描述整个方案模型(例如 Vladeck,2006 年) ,
NORC 项目和村庄同样有可能将提供服务确定为其项目的重点 并确定在特定社区内实施该模型的问题(例如 Ivery & Akstein-
部分。然而,他们在如何做到这一点上有所不同。与 Villages Kahan,2010 年)。同样,对 village 的大多数探索都集中在特定
相比,NORC 方案更有可能强调社区教育和组织间合作,将其 大都市地区的少数项目上,而没有考察不同地点的实施情况和
作为提供服务工作的一部分,而 Villages 更有可能比 NORC 方 结果(例如 Bookman,2008; Guengerich,2009)。利用这个概念
案让老年人自己作为服务或支持的提供者参与(Lehning et al。这 框架作为指导,我们提出了五个关键方向,系统地推进研究,
种差异反映出,NORC 方案通常由一个正式的服务提供者领导, 这将为 NORC 计划和 Village 模型的理论、政策和实践提供信息。
旨在与其他提供者、利益相关者和老年人合作,而 village 则更
年人自己领导并为老年人服务。 1. How are the models actually implemented “on the ground”? With
the exception of preliminary findings from a national study of 26
NORC programs and 35 Villages (Lehning et al., in press), there
In summary, previous research indicates three categories of
has been scant national research that ex-amines the specific
services and activities that NORC program and Village models
activities and services offered by di-verse sites nationally as they
emphasize: (a) civic engagement and empowerment activities, (b)
implement the models in practice. This is an important gap to
social relationship building activities, and (c) services to enhance
address given that there is likely significant variation from
participants' access to resources. The above-reviewed research
NORC program
indicates ways in which these ser-vices and activities address
这些模型实际上是如何“在实地”实现的?除了对 26 个 NORC 方
existing limitations within tradi-tional service delivery systems, as
well as the significance of these services and activities for older 案 和 35 个 村 庄 进 行 的 全 国 性 研 究 的 初 步 调 查 结 果 之 外
adults' physical health and psychosocial well-being. (Lehning et al。 ,in press) ,很少有全国性的研究调查各种
总之,以往的研究表明,NORC 方案和 Village 模式强调三 不同地点在全国范围内实施模式时提供的具体活动和服务。
类服务和活动: (a)公民参与和赋权活动; (b)社会关系建设活动; 鉴于 NORC 计划可能存在重大差异,这是一个需要解决的重
(c)增加参与者获得资源的机会的服务。上述审查的研究表明, 要差距

Critical directions for research on community initiatives and aging

in place

The conceptual framework developed in this paper is pro-posed

with the intention to advance theoretically-guided re-search on the
NORC program and Village models. The framework begins to
address such issues as the models' sim-ilarities and differences, as
well as their strengths, limitations, and challenges for promoting
older adults' health, well-being, aging in place, and optimal adult
development. It is our ex-pectation that future empirical research on
NORC programs and Villages will suggest modifications to this
conceptual framework. Advancing this research is especially
important given the overall dearth of rigorous, multi-site research on
ei-ther Villages or NORC programs. To date, most research on
NORC programs has focused on developing and describing the
overall program model (e.g., Vladeck, 2006) and identify-ing issues
in implementing the model within specific com-munities (e.g., Ivery
& Akstein-Kahan, 2010). Similarly, most explorations of Villages
E.A. Greenfield et al. / Journal of Aging Studies 26
(2012) 273–284
E.a. Greenfield 等人/老龄化研究杂志 26(2012)273-
284 281

to NORC program, as well as from Village to Village. In-depth, that potentially influence the effectiveness and sustainability of
multi-site research regarding NORC programs' and Villages' NORC pro-grams and Villages. Additional scholarly
specific activities also would be useful to advance fuller development in this area would benefit from ongoing attention to
understanding of how the NORC program and Vil-lage models similar-ities, as well as differences, between the NORC program
are similar and different from each other. and Village models. For example, because NORC programs are
NORC 计划,以及从一个村庄到另一个村庄。对 NORC 方案 more typically developed as programs within lead agencies in
和村庄的具体活动进行深入、多点的研究,也将有助于促进 comparison to Villages, NORC programs theo-retically can draw
on the existing resources of the lead agency (e.g., staff expertise,
更充分地理解 NORC 方案和 Vil-lage 模型如何相似和彼此不
formal rules and procedures, and office space) in ways that
同。 freestanding organiza-tions–such as many Villages–cannot do.
2. To what extent do NORC programs and Villages achieve im- Similarly, because NORC programs are typically developed in
portant initial, intermediate, and long-term outcomes and goals? areas where a large enclave of older adults lives, it is possible
Despite the rapid expansion of and enthusiasm for NORC that NORC programs can leverage resources more efficiently
programs and Villages over the past decade, there have been no (see Golant, 2008, for a discussion), especially if offered in
national, longitudinal studies of the impact of participation in “vertical” multi-unit buildings as opposed to “horizon-tal”
NORC programs and Villages over time. Moreover, not all neighborhoods (see Bronstein & Kenaley, 2010, for a discussion).
NORC program and Village sites are likely to offer the full range In another example, Villages are largely funded by membership
of evidence-based compo-nents that have been shown to fees and donations, generally sources of unrestricted revenue,
contribute to the effective-ness of care coordination efforts, such which may enable Vil-lages to be more flexible in their response
as regular contact between providers and clients, interdisciplinary to members' expressed needs (Scharlach et al., in press). This
collabora-tion, and targeting services to older adults at particular compo-nent could impact sustainability if members feel their
risk for adverse health outcomes (Peikes et al., 2009). Lack of 什么内部和外部资源有助于 NORC 项目和村庄的有效性和可持
rigorous evidence regarding outcomes raises ques-tions among 续性?尽管不是本文的重点(由于空间限制) ,我们的概念框
policymakers, providers, and consumers alike whether investing
架确定资源作为过程的起点,通过 NORC 方案和 Village 模
in NORC programs and Villages to pro-mote aging in place is a
sound use of resources. Our con-ceptual framework indicates the 型可能实现其促进适当老龄化的长期目标。因此,有必要进
importance of assessing initial outcomes (e.g., reduced social 一步发展理论,以指导对内部资源(例如工作人员和志愿人员)
isolation), intermedi-ate outcomes (e.g., improved physical 和外部资源(例如部分侧重于老龄化的地方基金会)进行实证
health), and the long-term goal of aging in place, as well as 研究,这些资源可能影响 NORC 方案和村庄的有效性和可持
linkages among these constructs.
续性。这一领域的额外学术发展将受益于对 NORC 项目和
NORC 计划和村庄在多大程度上实现了重要的初始,中期和长
Village 模 型之间相似性和差异 性的持续关注。例如,与
期成果和目标?尽管 NORC 项目和村庄在过去的十年中迅速
village 相比,NORC 方案通常是作为牵头机构内部的方案开
发的,因此 NORC 方案在理论上可以利用牵头机构的现有资
参与 NORC 项目和村庄随着时间的推移而产生的影响。此外,
并非所有 NORC 方案和 Village 网站都可能提供已被证明有
间) ,而独立组织(例如许多 village)无法做到这一点。同样,
由于 NORC 项目通常是在老年人聚居的地区开发的,因此
NORC 项目有可能更有效地利用资源(参见 Golant,2008 年
特别风险的老年人的服务(Peikes 等,2009)。由于缺乏有关
的讨论) ,特别是在“垂直”多单元建筑而不是“水平”社区(参
见 Bronstein & Kenaley,2010 年的讨论)。在另一个例子中,
个问题,即投资于 NORC 项目和村庄以促进老龄化是否合理
village 的资金主要来自会员费和捐赠,通常是不受限制的收
入来源,这可能使 Vil-lages 能够更灵活地回应成员表达的需
求(Scharlach et al。这个组成部分可以影响可持续性,如果成

3. What internal and external resources contribute to NORC

programs' and Villages' effectiveness and sustainability? Al-
though not a focus of this manuscript (due to space con-straints),
our conceptual framework identifies resources as the starting
point for the processes through which the NORC program and
Village models potentially achieve their long-term goal of
promoting aging in place. Accord-ingly, additional theory
development is necessary to guide empirical research on the
internal resources (e.g., staff and volunteers) and external
resources (e.g., local foundations that focus, in part, on aging)
specific needs are more readily addressed via the Village. We
therefore recommend research to identify the re-sources
necessary not only for implementing primary ac-tivities and 5. To what extent are Villages and NORC programs cost-effective
services, but also for maintaining them and achieving Villages' for participants as well as other stakeholders? Em-pirical
and NORC programs' intended out-comes over time. evidence is needed to examine the extent to which the NORC
特定需求更容易通过村庄得到满足。因此,我们建议进行研 program and Village models are “good investments,” particularly
in light of evidence that some Villages and NORC programs have
closed altogether be-cause of insufficient resources to maintain
些活动和实现村庄和 NORC 方案随着时间的推移预期成果所
operations (e.g., Bronstein & Kenaley, 2010). At the individual
需的资源。 level, research is needed regarding whether the economic and
social value of services received (e.g., the retail cost of sim-ilar
4. Are NORC programs and Villages effective at meeting the needs services) exceeds participant fees and other out-of-pocket
of the diverse range of older adults who might benefit as expenditures. At the societal level, research is needed regarding
participants? In addition to examining the programmat-ic and whether reductions in public expendi-tures for expensive services
community contexts that promote NORC programs and Villages' (e.g., emergency rooms, acute hospitalizations, nursing homes)
effectiveness, it is also important to identify whether they are associated with participation in NORC programs and Villages
especially effective or ineffective for par-ticular subgroups of exceed finan-cial inputs from external sources (e.g., federal and
older adults. For example, concerns have been raised regarding state governments, local communities, private foundations).
replicating the fee structure for Villages in lower-income Research on input mix efficiency also is needed in order to assess
communities where it may be difficult for older adults to afford what is the right mix of public–private support and to enhance
the full membership fee (Bookman, 2008; McDonough & Davitt, flexibility and responsiveness while not devolving all long-term
2011). Others have questioned whether the Village model itself care to the community level (Ormond et al., 2004).
might be predicated on individualistic sociocultural expectations 村庄和 NORC 项目在多大程度上对参与者和其他利益相关者具
that might not be responsive to the needs of groups with stronger 有成本效益?需要有经验证据来检验 NORC 方案和 Village
familism values (e.g., Scharlach et al., in press). Moreover,
models that are based on active consumer en-gagement might
pose a challenge for older adults with physical or mental health 由于维持运营的资源不足,一些 Village 和 NORC 方案已经
limitations, who might also po-tentially have the most to gain 完全关闭(例如 Bronstein & Kenaley,2010)。在个人层面,
from participation. A recent national survey of Villages reported 需要研究所收到的服务的经济和社会价值(例如,类似服务的
that members tend to have fewer assistance needs compared to 零售成本)是否超过参与者费用和其他自付费用。在社会一级,
the general U.S. older adult population (Scharlach et al., in press); 需要进行研究,以确定与参与北朝鲜和北朝鲜方案和村庄有
in con-trast, data from NORC program participants in New York
in-dicated that participants were slightly more likely to rate their
health as fair or poor in contrast to the older adult pop-ulation in 少是否超过外部来源(如联邦和州政府、地方社区、私人基金
the U.S. as a whole (Vladeck, Segel, Oberlink, Gursen, & Rudin, 会)的财政投入。还需要对投入组合效率进行研究,以评估公
2010). Additional research is needed re-garding the ability of 私支助的正确组合,并提高灵活性和反应能力,同时不将所
NORC programs and Villages to ad-dress challenges to wider 有长期护理下放到社区一级(Ormond 等,2004 年)。
implementation and inclusion (Bookman, 2008) and to continue
to support aging in place over time as their own members become
frail or disabled.
NORC 方案和村庄是否有效地满足了可能作为参与者受益的各
种老年人的需求?除了审查促进 NORC 方案和村庄有效性的
难以支付全额会员费(Bookman,2008; McDonough & Davitt,
庭主义价值观的群体的需求(例如,Scharlach 等人在新闻界)。
村民的援助需求往往较少(Scharlach 等人在新闻中) ; 相比之
下,来自纽约 NORC 项目参与者的数据表明,与整个美国的
或差(Vladeck,Segel,Oberlink,Gursen,& Rudin,2010)。
需要进一步研究 NORC 方案和村庄是否有能力应对更广泛实
施和包容方面的挑战(Bookman,2008 年) ,并随着自己的成
282 E.A. Greenfield et al. / Journal of Aging Studies 26 (2012) 273–284
282 e.a. Greenfield et al。/Journal of Aging Studies 26(2012)273-284
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因此,本文开发的概念框架提出了未来理论指导研究的几个 (2007). Exploring the impact of NORC-SSPs on participants: The NORCs
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各种利益攸关方的努力至关重要。这些利益攸关方包括: 在自己
探索 NORC-SSPs 对参与者的影响: NORCs 国家评估倡议。检索自。
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