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Concrete damaged plasticity model

Concrete damaged plasticity model is a material model for the analysis of concrete
structures mainly under dynamic loads such as earthquakes(only plates can be
analyzed under the dynamic loads like time history analysis,). This model is also
applicable to brittle materials such as rock, mortar and ceramics. Concrete is suitable
for reflecting the brittle characteristics in a low confining pressure and is not suitable
for the ductility behavior in the behavior under high confining pressure. Therefore, the
behavior of concrete under high hydrostatic pressure is not included in the analysis.
This constraint model reflects the irreversible damage effects associated with the
fracture mechanism of the concrete, which is relatively under low confining pressure.
These effects can reflect the following behavioral characteristics.
-. Different yield strengths in tension and compression
-. Reduction of different elastic strengths in tension and compression
-. Restoration effect of stiffness under cyclic loading

Concrete damaged plasticity models in Midas were developed based on the model
proposed by Lubliner (1989) and Lee&Fenves (1998).

Additive strain rate decomposition

   pl   el
 : Total Strain,  pl : Plastic stran,  el : Elastic Strain

Stress-Strain Relationship

  (1  d ) D0 :    pl   D :    pl 

D0 : The Elastic stiffness without damage

D  (1  d ) D0 : The decreased Elastic stiffness by damage
d : damage factor (from 0(no damage) to 1 (damage degree is 100%))

The damage associated with the fracture mechanism of the concrete is represented
Chapter 18 | Concrete damaged plasticity model

by a reduction in the elastic stiffness, which is denoted by the value of the damage
factor ( d ) in this model. The effective stress used Modulus of Elasticity and strain
rate in continuum mechanics concept is expressed as follows, and the relationship
between Cauchy stress (  ) and effective stress (  ) can be expressed using the
damage factor. Here, Cauchy stress refers to actual stress.

  D0 :    pl    1  d  

In Concrete Damaged Plasticity, the coefficient value ( 1  d ) of the arbitrary section

of the material can represent the effective bearing area for an applied force, and if

d  0 , the effective stress and the Cauchy stress can be regarded as the same. the
damage degree is calculated by the hardening parameter (  ) and the effective stress
as follows.

d  d  ,  

Hardening Variables
Damage state in tension and compression can be expressed independently using

equivalent plastic strain  tpl ,  cpl at tension and compression. Microcracking and

crushing in concrete can be reflected by increasing or decreasing the hardening

coefficient( h ). These coefficients adjust the change of yield surface and the decrease
of elastic stiffness.

 tpl 
   pl  ,   h  ,     pl
 c 
Yield Function

The yield function ( F ) is expressed as the effective stress area and determines the
yield or damage state. The yield function ( F ) is using the following equation
proposed by Lubliner (1989) and modified by Lee and Fenves (1998). In the yield
function,  and  are the non-dimensional material constants, and the values of

cc   and ct   are the tensile and compressive strengths by  .

F  ,   

 I1  3J 2     ˆ max   ˆ max   c    0
cc    b0   c0
    1     1    ,  
ct   2 b 0   c 0

Macauley bracket : x 
 x  x

 b0 
 c 0 of concrete is 1.10~1.16, is 0.08~0.12 (Lubliner 1989)

I1 : 1 st invariant of effective stress tensor

J2 : 2 nd invariant of effective deviatoric stress tensor

 max : Maximum principal stress of effective stresses

In Plane stress, one of the principal stresses of 3 axes is unconditionally 0, so the

value of ̂ max becomes zero and can be expressed more simply by the following


F  ,   

 I1  3J 2     ˆ max   c    0
Chapter 18 | Concrete damaged plasticity model

ˆ 2
 
 I1  3 J 2  ˆ 2   c 0 Uiaxial tension
 t0
Biaxial tension


Uniaxial compression

 
 I1  3J 2  ˆ1   c 0

  b0 
b 0,  c0

Biaxial compression
 
 I1  3J 2   c 0

Figure 1. Yield Fuction of Plane stress

Flow Rule
The flow potential function which defines the plastic deformation is consisted on the
basis of the Drucker-Prager and is expressed as effective stress. Asymmetric stiffness
occurs because it does not use the same function as the yield function. The flow
potential function used in the Concrete Damaged Plasticity model is shown below.

G  t 0 tan   3J 2  I1 tan

 : Dilatancy angle
 : Used to adjust the rate of change of asymptote by eccentricity
: Tensile failure stress in uniaxial
 t0
Deformation under Uniaxial behavior of Tension and Compression

The increase or decrease of the equivalent plastic strain (  t ,  cpl ) used as the

hardening coefficient is calculated by the integral equation of the following strain.

t t
 tpl    tpl dt ,  cpl    cpl dt
0 0

 tpl  11pl in uniaxial tension

 cpl  11pl in uniaxial compression

The elastic stiffness of the material for unloading in the strain softening zone of the
stress-strain curves shown in the below figure may be damaged and degraded. The
degree of stiffness degradation is quite different in tension and compression. And
The degree of stiffness degradation is changed as an independent according to plastic
deformation and is reflected as an independent variable.

The damage factor ( d t , dc ) for tensile and compression determined by plastic

deformation and has a value between 0 and 1 if there is no damage.

dt  dt  tpl   0  dt  1 , dc  dc  cpl   0  dc  1
Chapter 18 | Concrete damaged plasticity model


 t0


1dt E0

 tpl  tel t

Figure 2. (a) Response of concrete to uniaxial loading in tension


 cu

 c0


1dt EE0
c 0

 cpl  cel c

Figure 2. (b) Response of concrete to uniaxial loading in compression

Deformation under Uniaxial cyclic conditions

The mechanism of stiffness reduction under uniaxial cyclic loading is much more
complicated than the uniaxial loading, because it involves the opening and closing of
micro cracks created in the previous step. Under uniaxial cyclic loading, the elastic
stiffness is restored to some extent according to the change of load, which plays an
important role in the behavior of concrete under cyclic loading. When tension is
converted into compression, the stiffness in compression increases because the
tensile cracks is closed. The modulus of elasticity for a concrete damaged plasticity

model can be expressed using the damage factor d which is calculated by a function

of the stress and dt , dc (damage factor for tension and compression) for the

uniaxial, the function is as follows:

1  d   1  st dc 1  sc dt  0  st , sc  1

The coefficient, st , sc are used to express the restoration effect of stiffness by the

conversion of stress and are calculated according to the following equations.

st  1  wt r * ( 11 ) 0  wt  1
sc  1  wc 1  r * ( 11 )  0  wc  1
1 if  11  0
r * ( 11 )  H  11   
0 if  11  0

The material coefficient, wt , wc are a restoration factor that adjusts the degree of

restoration for the stiffness in tension and compression when a conversion of stress
Chapter 18 | Concrete damaged plasticity model

occurs. Midas progams assume wt = 0 and wc = 1. The below figure shows the

restored shape of compressive stiffness under the strain softening state.


 t0


1dt E0

wc  1 t

wc  0

Figure 3. Elastic stiffness by restoration factor( wc ) in compression


 t0


wt  1 1dt  E0
wt  0

(1  d t )(1  d c ) E0 wc  0
(1  d c ) E0 wc  1 


Figure 4. Restortatiion of stiffness according to Tension - Compression – Tension

load ( wt  0, wc  1 )

Multi-axial Stress State

Lee and Fenves (1998) can be summarized as follows so that various variables
defined in the uniaxial stress state can be applied in the multi-axis state.

 tpl  r ˆ  ˆmax


 cpl   1  r ˆ  ˆmin

 ˆ i

r ˆ   i 1
0  r ˆ  1 
 ˆ i
i 1

Macauley bracket : x 
 x  x
Chapter 18 | Concrete damaged plasticity model

, ˆmin
are maximum and minmum characteristic value of plastic strain tensor,

 pl

 tpl  ˆ

   pl   h ˆ ,  pl  ˆ pl

 c 
 r ˆ 0   0 
ˆ 
h ˆ ,  pl

 
 0
 0  1  r ˆ 
   
 ˆ1 
 
ˆ pl  ˆ2 
ˆ 
 3 

Viscoplastic regularization
The problems for convergence can occur in the case of Implicit analysis of material
models that exhibit softening behavior and stiffness reduction, and this difficulty can
be overcome through viscoplastic regularization. Concrete damaged plasticity models
can be regularizeded by using viscous and consequently, the calculateion of stresses
to be outside the yield surface are possible. The viscosity model for regularization is

based on the Duvaut-Lions (1976) model. The inelastic strain, t in this model is

expressed as the follows.  is the projection of  on the yielding surface, and

 is the relaxation as the viscosity coefficient in the viscous system. t is a value

for time increment.

1 1
t  D 1 :      D 1 :   1  d   
 

Relationship of Stress-strain:   D :    t  , D  (1  d v ) D0

t 
Inelastic strain :  n 1   np  
  t   t n
t 
Visco plasticity reduction factor : dv , n 1  dn 1  d
  t   t v, n

Stress :  n1  1  dn1  D0  n 1   n1 

Algorithmic Tangential Stiffness :

d n1 1  d n1  t d
d  n1

  t
 D0 
  t
1  dv ,n1  n1
d  n1

1. Lubliner J, Oliver J, Oller S, et al. A Plastic-Damage Model for Concrete. Int J
Solids Struct, 1989, 25:299-326
2. Lee J, Fenves G V. Plastic-damage model for cyclic loading of concrete
structures. J Eng Mech-ASCE, 1998, 124:892-900

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