JBR 1964-4 Lakhovsky Oscillation Circuits Experiences

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VOLUME Xx, No. 4 Round Robin JUNE 1964 The dournal of Borderland } ceseareh 4 SHOPPED UP" M¥O TS DANGEROUS "It is far too early to drav final conclusions regarding my exper- dences vith the higher povered Multi-Wave Oscillator, & word of warning is in order, I povered mine with a 250 VA, 10 XV cid burner transfor- mer. This is DYNAMITE and could, in ay opinion, by fatal 4f too much power is used and I didn't miss it by much. My equipment sparks the ‘antenna down to the 4th ring and the resonator to the second, with oc- easionally a weak spark to the third, 10 hours after the first high- power exposure I felt like ruaning instead of walking (age 72) and valked 211 around town and back, about six niles and no tiredness, where 4s two miles would tire me before, That first exposure was about ten minutes for me and four for the vife (age 75), Immediate reaction for Re Was vas a moderately strong sensation of tingling from head to foot for about three hours before I could get back to sleep. None of this for the wife, Thea, as aforementioned, I felt on top of the world, 24 hours after that, however, the wife and I developed the granddaddy of all colds and flu symptoma that we'd ever had, I hadn't had any real cold or flu in 15 years, This one dredged such an amount of aucus and Toxic waste as I'd never seen before in my life, Jt vac rough. Te lasted two days before it wore off. "This all had me guessing until your brochure arrived, with the ex- perience of your Engineer Physician Associate, He told that many of Eid patients developed fla symptoms after M¥O exposure. His increasing conservation wae well founded, 1 decided to find out if the doctor's hypothesis of tiril penetration vould hold up, If s0, a second bigh- ‘trength and duration should produce much having wound another coil, f used more power than the firet time, aparking antenna and resonator dova to. the Fourth and fifth ringt. desults: no ore flu, only a very slight ting- ling sensation, no feeling of exhilaration as before, Five days later I teok another exposure, of seven minutes, with a little leas powers This one did it. No tingle, no exhilaration, only a feeling of rapidly increasing depression, no sleep that might, a rather severe pain in the chest and heart region, extrenely weak pulse, hardly pep enough to life an arm, anda nervous shaking all over. For avhile I thought, this is, it, "It took five days for this to wear off and it isn't ail gone yer. tne night X lay avake until three ac. figuring out hov ee pep up the WWO still more, Out of the blue, a voice clear and distinct and very emphatic? "his 4s dangerous]? { shot back with the thoughts "What 1a, the more high-powered MO?! Again very emphatically, "Yes!" Noraally Tam mot th Least psychic, clairvoyant or clairauckent; #0 I choose to heed this as a varning fron a discarnate guide cr guardian,” Let this Associate's experience be a warning to you, if you feet the urge to build » hopped-up Oscillator, to transform yourself over~ aight! Bob Beck's original article cautions against this and his ori- ginal equipsent falls well wichis the safety tolerances set by the Air Force and the telephone companies for personnel working aroun) radar qnd micro-wave broadcasting and relay equipaent, Most of you taking part in this research program have built your equipment only in the Tose eve or three months. It vould be wise to stick closely to the original design for a year before altering it for further research.

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