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Botany – Introduction to Cell
12th June 2022

Question 1
Arrange the structures from inside to the outside as observed in a bacterial cell.
1. Glycocalyx 2. Cell membrane 3. Cell wall 4. Cytoplasm
 Glycocalyx, cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm
 Cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall, glycocalyx
 Cell wall, glycocalyx, cell membrane, cytoplasm
 Cytoplasm, cell membrane, glycocalyx, cell wall

Question 2
Which of the following is not a prokaryote?
 Cyanobacteria
 Mycoplasma
 Archaebacteria
 Protozoans

Question 3
Which of the following statements is correct?
 Eukaryotic cells multiply rapidly than prokaryotic cells
 The nucleolus is present in prokaryotic cells
 Membrane-bound organelles are absent in prokaryotic cells
 80S ribosomes are present in bacterial cells

Question 4
Which statement(s) regarding plasmids is/are incorrect?
1. Self-replicating
2. Single-stranded DNA
3. Double-stranded DNA
4. Confer antibiotic resistance
5. Part of genomic DNA
 1, 3, 4
 2, 5
 2, 5, 4
 3, 5

Question 5
Arrange these organisms in ascending order based on their size.
1. Organism causing AIDS
2. Organism causing Typhoid
4. Plant cell
 1-2-3-4
 1-3-2-4
 4-2-3-1
 1-3-2-4
Question 6
Match the following:

A-iii, B-ii, C-iv, D-i

A-iii, B-i, C-iv, D-ii
A-iii, B-ii, C-i, D-iv
A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv

Question 7
Which of the following is incapable of independent existence?
Both b and c

Question 8
Which of the following prokaryotic cells lacks a cell wall?
 Cyanobacteria
 Actinomycetes
 Mycoplasma
 Archaebacteria

Question 9
Match the following based on cell shapes.

 A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-5

 A-3, B-5, C-1, D-2, E-4
 A-3, B-4, C-5, D-2, E-1
 A-2, B-5, C-1, D-3, E-4

Question 10
A cell observed under a microscope has circular DNA, 70S ribosomes, and chromatophores. The observed cell
 plant cell
 protist cell
 cyanobacterial cell
 mycoplasma cell
Question 11
Polysome is
 ribosomes and rRNA
 ribosomes and mRNA
 several ribosomes
 ribosomes and tRNA

Question 12
Choose the non-membrane bound structure(s).
 Inclusion bodies
 Ribosomes
 ER
 Both a and b

Question 13
Who described a living cell for the very first time?
 Anton von Leeuwenhoek
 Robert Hooke
 Malthias Schleiden and Theodore Schwann
 Rudolf Virchow

Question 14
A well-defined nucleus is absent in
 Nostoc
 Paramoecium
 Slime moulds
 Yeast

Question 15
Robert Hooke observed
 living cells
 dead cells
 enucleated cells
 both b and c

Question 16
The postulate of cell theory given by Virchow is about ________ aspect of cell.
 structural
 functional
 both a and b
 none of these

Question 17
The region in the bacterial cell that has genomic DNA is called
 nucleus
 nucleoid
 nucleoplasm
 none of these
Question 18
PPLO means:
 Pleuro Pneumonia Like Organisms
 Poly Pneumonia Like Organisms
 Prokaryotic Pleural Like Organisms
 Pleural Pneumococcal Like Organisms

Question 19
Prokaryotic ribosomes are made of
 60S and 40S units
 50S and 30S units
 50S and 20S units
 40S and 30S units

Question 20
Phosphate granules, cyanophycean granules, and glycogen granules are examples of
 inclusion bodies
 chromatophores
 pigments
 mesosomes

Question 21
Active transport of the plasma membrane involves the movement of molecules
 along the concentration gradient
 against the concentration gradient
 both along and against the concentration gradient
 neither along nor against the concentration gradient

Question 22
In Gram staining technique, Gram-positive bacteria
 do not get stained by crystal violet
 appear violet even after the addition of counterstain
 take up the counterstain and appear orange-red
 lose crystal violet stain on washing with alcohol

Question 23
Passive transport of molecules across the cell membrane is by
 diffusion only
 osmosis only
 both diffusion and osmosis
 neither diffusion nor osmosis
Question 24
Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the cell membrane?
 The fluid mosaic model was proposed to explain the structure of the plasma
 Lipids are arranged in a bilayer with hydrophobic heads facing outside and
hydrophilic tails towards inside
 Proteins are embedded within the lipid layer
 The plasma membrane allows only certain molecules to pass through it

Question 25
Which of the following statements is correct regarding the genomic DNA of bacteria?
 DNA is circular, not associated with histone proteins, and organised into a single chromosome
 DNA is linear, not coiled around histone proteins, and organised into a single chromosome
 DNA is circular, associated with histone proteins, and organised into two chromosomes
 DNA is linear, associated with histone proteins, and organised in two chromosomes

Question 26
The only organelle apart from the primitive nucleus, that can be found in a prokaryote is the
 chloroplast
 lysosomes
 ribosomes
 mitochondria

Question 27
Which of the following is present in prokaryotic cells?
1. Nuclear envelope
2. ER
3. 80S ribosomes
4. DNA
5. Lysosomes
6. Cell wall
 1, 2, 3, 5
 4, 6
 3, 4, 6
 1, 2, 5

Question 28
The cell wall shows
 impermeability
 semipermeability
 differential permeability
 freely permeability
Question 29
Members of the eukaryotes are by nature
 unicellular
 multicellular
 acellular
 Both a and b

Question 30
A nucleus which lacks a nuclear membrane as found in the members of Kingdom Monera is called as a
 nucleoid
 karyon
 true nucleus
 none of the above

Question 31
Active transport is characterized by
 the requirement of special proteins
 being highly selective of the molecules transported
 the expenditure of ATP
 all of the above

Question 32
The function of respiration in a bacterial cell is taken up by a structure formed from
 cell wall
 plasma membrane
 cytoplasm
 capsule

Question 33
Which of the following are in the form of vesicles, tubules, and lamellae in bacteria?
 Flagella
 Inclusion bodies
 Mesosomes
 None of these

Question 34
The fluid mosaic model was proposed by Singer and Nicolson to explain the structure of
 cell wall
 cell membrane
 glycocalyx
 capsule
Question 35
The cell wall of bacteria is made up of
 chitin
 peptidoglycan
 cellulose
 pectin

Question 36
Plasma membrane is:
 permeable
 impermeable
 selectively permeable
 none of the above

Question 37
Slime layer in bacteria is a part of
 cell wall
 glycocalyx
 cell membrane
 both b and c

Question 38
The transport of molecules across the cell membrane without the expenditure of energy is an example of
 active transport
 absorption
 passive transport
 secretion

Question 39
Which among the following is absent in eukaryotes?
 Mesosomes
 Plasma membrane
 Cell wall
 Nucleus

Question 40
Animal cells are characterized by the presence of
 a true nucleus
 endomembrane system
 centrosomes and centrioles
 all of the above

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