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Secrets of

the ocean
Gul Bashra Askar 8-White
01 02 03
The garbage
Volcanoes of Creatures of
the deep patches of the
the deep
04 05 06
Water A perfect
The ocean color
underwater treasure hunt
This presentation has been made
after a lot of re-search. If you feel
that any fact is false, kindly contact
me on
Thank you!
Volcanoes of
the deep
We have probably heard of the Mount Vesuvius
explosion in Pompeii and what a disaster it was.
Whenever we think of Volcanoes, we only consider
it as a “destructive force”, however volcanoes can
be a “constructive force”, volcanic ash can provide
Mt. Vesuvius explosion recreation
nutrients to nearby soil and when lava cools down,
hardens into rock and creates new landforms.
Though, it may seem that volcanoes only exist on land,
they also exist underwater. Underwater volcanoes are
known as “Submarine volcanoes”. Submarine
volcanoes are located near the boundaries of two
adjacent tectonic plates, when the plates move away Submarine volcano explosion
lava that is present underground is thrown out in form
of an explosion.
It is estimated that there are over 10,000
volcanoes alone in the Pacific ocean. The
volcanic eruptions in shallow water can throw
underground material into the air and islands
like the Hawaiian Islands were formed like this.
Underwater magma cools and solidifies more
Ring of Fire
quickly due to the presence of water, it is also
often converted to “volcanic glass”.
Submarine volcanoes are found close together
like a chain and this chain of volcanoes is known
as “Ring of Fire”, this ring is located around the
edges of the Pacific Ocean. This ring is dotted
Volcanic glass; Obsidian
with 75% of all active volcanoes on Earth and
about 90% of volcanic explosions occur here.
Creatures of
02 the deep
In the past, the oceans were thought to be home for mythical creatures like mermaids,
sea-monsters, sea-serpents and krakens. Though, these may not exist and only exist in the world
of fantasy, there are many fascinating creatures living in the ocean.
● Tardigrades- These creatures are known as the water bears and can survive upto 3 decades
without water.
● Dumbo Octopus- The actual name of the Dumbo octopus is Grimpoteuthis. It is 8-inch tall
and just floats above the sea-floor.
● Fangtooth Fish- It has large sharp shiny teeth which grow about 6 inches tall.
● Goblin Shark- They live at the bottom of the ocean. Scientists do not have much information
about these creatures as they are rarely seen animals.

Goblin Shark
Tardigrade Fish Dumbo Octopus Fangtooth Fish
03 Garbage
Patches of
the oceans
Since the day plastic was invented, it created problems not only for mankind but
the nature as well. Our oceans are now filled with big garbage patches, only
because of us. Every person who visits the beach throws away plastic and other
waste, you might not know but this waste disturbs the complex ecosystem of the
ocean and forms great patches in the middle of the oceans. The world produces
enough plastic each year to build 50 pyramids of Giza, insane! Each year, 8
million tonnes of plastic ends in our oceans, where most of it finds its way into
the large garbage patches of the ocean. The biggest garbage patch is known as
the “The Great Pacific garbage patch”, that is located in the Pacific ocean. This
patch is twice the size of Texas (according to some estimates).
The Great Pacific garbage patch is not a
mountain of garbage but it is scattered out in
the ocean. It contains fishing material
because of the intense fishing activity in the
area. The garbage patch is constantly ebbing
and flowing with the ocean currents. The
plastic may take up to centuries to
decompose, once it decompose it turns into
micro-plastic that is too small to see but can
be eaten by the fish and then us humans.
What steps can we take to stop plastic
Lakes and rivers form when seawater seeps through thick layers of
salt, which are present beneath the sea-floor. As the water seeps up,
it dissolves the salt layer, causing it to collapse and form depressions.
The dissolved salt makes the water denser, and because it is denser
than the water around it, it will settle into the depression thus forming
underground lakes and rivers.
The Ocean colour
The ocean appears blue because because the water absorbs in the
red part of the light spectrum. Like a filter, this leaves behind blue part
of the light spectrum for us to see. The ocean may also sometimes
appear to be green, red or other colours as light bounces off floating
sediment particles in the water.
A perfect treasure hunt
Oceans and seas are filled with buckets of gold and historic
artifacts left by the ancient world. Infact, it is said that there are
more historic artefacts in the sea than in the museums. You
might have seen pictures of ships underwater or even found a
ship underwater while playing minecraft! You might have seen
letters within glass bottles floating on the sea. But how does it
end up in the ocean and seas? What are your thoughts?
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and learned bizarre and astonishing facts about the
ocean. Do share it with others and expand the boundaries of learning.

At the end of this presentation, I would add a little note.

Oceans are diamonds, would you ever like to waste a diamond? Absolutely, no! You would take
care of it and keep it in a safe place or sell it. Similarly, take care of the oceans. Spread
awareness about it. The Earth is nothing without oceans, do not take and spoil the beauty of
Earth but let it grow and grow.

Thank you!

Gul Bashra Askar

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