Module 2 - ED107

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ED 107:

WEEKS 2 and 3


Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies

1. Concept of cultural and multicultural literacy in the Philippines
2. Implications globalization on both the national and individual level
3. Skills and knowledge required to be multi-culturally literate
4. Assessment of one’s personal level of cultural and multicultural literacy


1. Develop a clear and practical understanding of globalization and its implications

on both the national and individual level
2. Explain the cultural and multicultural literacy in the Philippines
3. Determine the skills and knowledge required to be multi-culturally literate
4. To assess one’s personal level of cultural and multicultural literacy

Preliminary Activity

Have you interacted with people who have a different culture from yours, or different
nationality? How was your interaction with them? Was it clear? Was it productive?
Was it respectful? Describe?

What could you have done for a better interaction?


A. Globalization is the process of interaction and integration between people,
business entities, governments and cultures from other nations, driven by
international trade and investment and supported by information technology.

Read more about Globalization and Watch this video then answer the questions

Globalization explained (explainity® explainer video)

2.6M views7 years ago


What are the positive and negative effects of the following aspects of globalization?

1. Economic dependence/ interdependence


2. Technology dependence/ interdependence


3. Ecology dependence/ interdependence


4. Political dependence/ interdependence


5. Military dependence/ interdependence


6. Expressive culture dependence/ interdependence (language, music, arts)


7. Flow of people among societies/ nations (Overseas Filipino workers, migration,


B. Cultural Literacy

Cultural Literacy is the knowledge and understanding of the life of a culture to the
point where one can fluently participate in the activities of the said culture This
includes, but is not limited to, its languages, traditions, values, beliefs, forms of
entertainment and world views.

Research/ Describe Cultural Literacy in the Philippines.


What are the challenges for cultural literacy in the Philippines?


What is your attitude toward people who have a different culture from yours? Do you
celebrate how they are different from you or do you look down on them? (eg regional
discrimination in the Philippines)

C. Multicultural Literacy

Multicultural Literacy is the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that any
communication with a culture different from our own is clear, productive and
respectful such that their differences are celebrated and neither culture is demeaned
or treated as inferior.

The skills and knowledge required to be multiculturally literate are the following:
1. Selflessness
2. Knowledge that good and useful things can (and do) come from those different
from us
3. Willingness to compromise
4. Acceptance that there are limits
5. Idea that we cannot be friends with anyone

Explain why the above skills/ knowledge are important to be acquired by all.


Post Activity (to be done and submitted on week 3)

Project: A group of 3-5 members

Choose any aspect of globalization ……

1. Economic dependence/ interdependence

2. Technology dependence/ interdependence
3. Ecology dependence/ interdependence
4. Political dependence/ interdependence
5. Military dependence/ interdependence
6. Expressive culture dependence/ interdependence (language, music, arts)
7. Flow of people among societies/ nations (Overseas Filipino workers, migration,

In your group, assign the following:

Leader/ Director
Lay out in charge
Technology in charge
Recorder for voice recording

Rubrics for grading the presentation

Content accuracy/ Clarity of message 50 %

Originality/ Creativity/ Innovativeness 25 %
Technology connection, Multi- media design 25 %
TOTAL 100 %


Interview anyone who belongs to other culture. He or she could be a foreigner or fellow
Filipino who belongs to ethno- linguistic group. Ask him/her about his/her culture,
difficulties in adjusting to the mainstream culture and how you can help him or her.
Do online interview. Write the course of interview. Include pictures if possible.

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