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Module 7


Artistic and Creative Literacy

Value of Arts to education and practical life
Approaches to developing/ designing curriculum that cultivates the arts
and creativity among learners
Personal definition of creativity
Valuable lessons or benefits that education can learn from arts
Issues in teaching creativity
Creative and innovative classroom activities for specific topic and grade
level of students


1. Characterize artistic literacy

2. Determine the value of Arts to education and practical life
3. Identify approaches to developing/ designing curriculum that cultivates the arts
and creativity among learners
4. Formulate a personal definition of creativity
5. State valuable lessons or benefits that education can learn from arts
6. Determine the issues in teaching creativity
7. Design creative and innovative classroom activities for specific topic and grade
level of students

Preliminary Activity

Artistic and creative arts include music, dance, media, theater, visual arts like painting
sculpture etc, artistic literacy in literary and other print texts.
In what kind of art are you good at? Explain.


Artistic literacy is defined in the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards: A
Conceptual Framework for Arts Learning (2014) as follows: …artistic literacy is the
knowledge and understanding required to participate authentically in the arts. While
individuals can learn about dance, media, music, theatre, and visual arts through
reading print texts, artistic literacy requires that they engage in artistic creation
processes directly through the use of materials (such as charcoal or paint or clay,
musical instruments or scores...) and in specific spaces (concert halls, stages, dance
rehearsal spaces, arts studios and computer labs).

Common traits of an artistic person.

An artistic personality type uses their hands and mind to create new things. They
appreciate beauty, unstructured activities and variety. They enjoy interesting and
unusual people, sights, textures and sounds. These individuals prefer to work in
unstructured situations and use their creativity and imagination.

Furthermore, artistic students embody the following practices:

1. Use their minds in verbal and non-verbal ways

2. Communicate complex ideas in a variety of forms
3. Understand words, sounds and images
4. Imagine new possibilities
5. Persevere to reach goals and make them happen

Characterizing Artistically Literate individuals

1. Use a variety of artistic media, symbols and metaphors to communicate their own
ideas and respond to the artistic communications of others
2. Develop creative personal realization in at least one art form in which they
continue active involvement as an adult
3. Cultivate culture, history and other connections through diverse forms and
genres of artwork
4. Find joy, inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation and meaning when they
participate in the arts
5. Seek artistic experiences and support the arts in their communities

Watch this video and answer the questions below.

Creativity in Education (21st Century Education)

34K views8 years ago
Pear Tree Education Inc.

Paul Romani (M.Ed.) from Pear Tree Education talks about creativity in 21st century education. Also, Paul talks the difference

What is creativity?

What are the given examples of creativity?


What are the benefits of creativity?


What should schools do to poster creativity among students?


Post Activity

Examine yourself. How artistically literate are you? Do you possess any of the
characteristics mentioned in our discussion? Explain?

Individual Activity

Showcase yourself in any artistic skill that you have. (Music, Dance, Playing instrument,
Acting, Literary, Painting and others) Send the video or graphic of your artistic skill.

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