2023 M5W8 - Mock Chemistry Practical Examination 2 (Part 2)

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Mock Chemistry Practical Examination 2 (Part 2)


Name: CT: 22S______

Score: ______ / 28

1 To investigate the reaction between substance X, iodine, and hydrogen ions.

You are to investigate the reaction between substance X, iodine, and hydrogen ions.

FA 1 is 1.00 mol dm–3 sulfuric acid

FA 2 is an aqueous solution of substance X
FA 3 is 0.00375 mol dm–3 iodine, I2.

You will be performing three experiments. The rate of the reaction can be studied by measuring
the time taken, t, for the yellow colour of iodine to disappear.

In each experiment, you will need to ensure that the total volume of reaction mixture used is
constant by adding deionised water as required.

volume of FA 3 used
You will then calculate values for , which is a measure of the rate of the

(a) For each experiment, you will need to record:

 volumes of FA 1, FA 2, FA 3 and deionised water used
 time taken for the yellow colour to disappear, t
volume of FA 3 used
 value of

Prepare a table in the space provided on pg 2 to record all the necessary values to an
appropriate level of precision.

Experiment 1
1. Use an appropriate measuring cylinder to transfer 20.0 cm3 of FA 1 and 20.0 cm3 of FA 2
into a conical flask. It is not necessary to rinse the measuring cylinder between solutions.

2. Use a burette to transfer 4.00 cm3 of FA 3 into a test-tube.

3. Tip FA 3 from the test-tube into the conical flask and simultaneously start the stopwatch

4. Swirl the contents of the flask and place the flask on a white tile.

5. Stop the stopwatch as soon as the yellow colour disappears. Record the time taken to the
nearest 0.1 s in your table.

Experiments 2 and 3
Repeat Experiment 1 using the different volumes of FA 1, FA 2 and FA 3 as given below.
 Experiment 2: 10.0 cm3 FA 1, 20.0 cm3 FA 2 and 4.00 cm3 FA 3
 Experiment 3: 20.0 cm3 FA 1, 10.0 cm3 FA 2 and 4.00 cm3 FA 3

You should also add the necessary volume of deionised water so that the total volume remains
at 44.0 cm3. The water should be added into the conical flask using an appropriate measuring
cylinder and before the addition of FA 3.

You should also alternate the use of the two conical flasks.

Record all required volumes, time taken and calculated values in your table.


Experiment 1 2 3
volume of FA 1 / cm3 20.0 10.0 20.0
volume of FA 2 / cm3  20.0 20.0 10.0
volume of water / cm3  00.0 10.0 10.0
volume of FA 3 / cm3  04.00 04.00 04.00
time for colour to disappear, t / s  18.0 37.3 36.1
volume of FA 3 used
 / cm3 s–1  0.222 0.107 0.110

[1m] Correct headings, units and tabulation

[1m] Complete set of data for all three experiments
[1m] Correct volume of deionised water added
[1m] 1 d.p. for volumes of FA1, FA2 and water; 2 d.p. for volume of FA 3, nearest
0.1 s for t
[1m] Correct calculation of (vol of FA 3 / time) to 3 s.f.

[1m] (time of expt 2 / time of expt 1) is within 1.9 to 2.1.
[1m] (time of expt 3 / time of expt 1) is within 1.9 to 2.1.

(b) (i) Deduce the order of reaction with respect to hydrogen ions. State the experiments you
use to arrive at your answer.

Comparing √experiments 1 and 2:

When concentration (OR volume) of H+ is halved, (volume of FA 3 / time) is
approximately halved as well (OR time taken is doubled).

Hence √order of reaction with respect to H+ is one. [mark ecf based on student’s

(ii) Deduce the order of reaction with respect to substance X. State the experiments you
use to arrive at your answer.

Comparing √experiments 1 and 3:

When concentration (OR volume) of X is halved, (volume of FA 3 / time) is
approximately halved as well (OR time taken is doubled).

Hence √order of reaction with respect to X is one. [mark ecf based on student’s

(c) A text book states that the reaction is zero order with respect to iodine.

A student carried out the experiment with 20.0 cm3 of FA 1, 20.0 cm3 of FA 2, 2.00 cm3
FA 3 and 2.0 cm3 of water.

Predict, with reasoning, how the time obtained by the student will compare with that in
Experiment 1.

Since reaction is zero order w.r.t. iodine, √rate is constant even though concentration
of iodine changes.

Since volume of FA 3 / time is a measure of rate, √√time will be halved as √volume of

FA 3 is halved.

(d) Considering the individual orders of all the reactants, what conclusion can be made about
the mechanism of the reaction?

√√ One H+ ion and one molecule [OR particle] of X are involved in the rate-determining
(OR slow) step of the mechanism whereas iodine is not.
[mark ecf based on student’s answers in (b)(i) and (ii)]

(e) A burette instead of a measuring cylinder was used to measure the volume of FA 3.

Suggest why this was done.

√√The volume of FA 3 is smaller than the volumes of the other solutions. Using a
more precise instrument like burette helps to reduce the percentage error.

[Total: 13]

2 To identify the ions present in a mixture of two solids

A is a mixture of two solids containing two cations and one anion. It also comprises four elements,
one of which is oxygen.

You are provided with FA 4, which is a solution prepared by dissolving A in deionised water.

In this question, you will carry out tests, make observations and come to conclusions about the
ions present in mixture A.

Unless otherwise stated, the volumes given below are approximate and should be estimated
rather than measured. Test and identify any gases evolved.

If there is no observable change, write no observable change.

(a) Carry out the following tests on FA 4. Observe carefully, recording any changes seen.

Table 2.1

Tests Observations
(i) To 1 cm depth of FA 4 solution in a  effervescence of
test-tube, add solid sodium  CO2 which forms white ppt. in
carbonate. limewater
[Al3+, Fe3+ or Cr3+ is present]

(ii) To 1 cm depth of FA 4 solution in a  no observable change

test-tube, add aqueous hydrochloric [NO2– is absent]

(iii) To 1 cm depth of FA 4 solution in a  Brown solution (with ppt present)

test-tube, add an equal volume of
aqueous potassium iodide.

Then add aqueous sodium thiosulfate  Brown solution decolourises and

white ppt. seen.
[Cu2+ is present]

(iv) To a 1 2 cm depth of FA 4 solution in  blue ppt. insoluble in excess

a test-tube, add aqueous sodium [white ppt. soluble in excess also
hydroxide dropwise until in excess 4 present but cannot be easily
cm depth of NaOH has been observed.]

Filter the mixture obtained and retain  blue residue, colourless filtrate
the filtrate.

(v) Carefully add hydrochloric acid,  white ppt.
dropwise with shaking, to 2 cm  soluble in excess
depth of the filtrate from (iv) until no
further change is seen.

No. of observations Marks

9 5
7 to 8 4
5 to 6 3
3 to 4 2
1 to 2 1

(b) When the solid mixture A is heated, a brown gas is evolved.

(i) Suggest the identity of the brown gas and hence deduce which non-metallic element,
other than oxygen, is present in A.

Identity of the brown gas √ NO2

Identity of the non–metallic element √ nitrogen


(ii) Describe a test that will confirm the presence of this element in A and carry out the test
using the solution of FA 4 provided. If the test involves heating, a boiling tube should
be used.

Record the test and the observation in the space below.

√ Add NaOH(aq) and a piece of Al foil, followed by √warming.

√ NH3 evolved, which √ turns damp red litmus paper blue.

(iii) Identify the two cations and one anions present in A.

Cations Cu2+ and Al3+

Anions NO3–
Three correctly identified [2m]; Two correctly identified [1m]

(c) (i) Write two ionic equations, including state symbols, for the reactions that occur in (a)(iii).

√√ 2Cu2+(aq) + 4I–(aq)  2CuI(s) + I2(aq)

√√ I2(aq) + 2S2O32–(aq)  2I–(aq) + S4O62–(aq) 


(ii) Describe the chemistry underlying the observations in (a)(v).

√ Al3+(aq) + 3OH–(aq) ⇌ Al(OH)3(s) --- (1)

√ Al3+(aq) + 4OH–(aq) ⇌ Al(OH)4–(s) --- (2)

When HCl(aq) is added to the filtrate containing Al(OH)4–, √excess OH– is

removed, causing equilibrium (2) to shift left. √[Al3+] increases, causing
equilibrium (1) to shift right, leading to the formation of the √Al(OH)3, which is
the white ppt observed.

When more HCl is added, equilibrium (1) shifts left and Al(OH)3 dissolves when
√ionic product [Al][OH–]3 < Ksp.

[Total: 15]


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